257 research outputs found

    Effect of the numerical scheme resolution on quasi-2D simulation of an automotive radial turbine under highly pulsating flow

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    Automotive turbocharger turbines usually work under pulsating flow because of the sequential nature of engine breathing. However, existing turbine models are typically based on quasi-steady assumptions. In this paper a model where the volute is calculated in a quasi-2D scheme is presented. The objective of this work is to quantify and analyse the effect of the numerical resolution scheme used in the volute model. The conditions imposed upstream are isentropic pressure pulsations with different amplitude and frequency. The volute is computed using a finite volume approach considering the tangential and radial velocity components. The stator and rotor are assumed to be quasi-steady. In this paper, different integration and spatial reconstruction schemes are explored. The spatial reconstruction is based on the MUSCL method with different slope limiters fulfilling the TVD criterion. The model results are assessed against 3D U-RANS calculations. The results show that under low frequency pressure pulses all the schemes lead to similar solutions. But, for high frequency pulsation the results can be very different depending upon the selected scheme. This may have an impact in noise emission predictions.The authors are indebted to the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through Project TRA 2012-36954. The authors also wish to thank Mr. Roberto Navarro for his invaluable work during CFD simulations.Galindo, J.; Climent, H.; Tiseira Izaguirre, AO.; García-Cuevas González, LM. (2016). Effect of the numerical scheme resolution on quasi-2D simulation of an automotive radial turbine under highly pulsating flow. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 291:112-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2015.02.025S11212629

    Simulation and modelling of the performance of radial turbochargers under unsteady flow

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    [ES] Está fuera de toda duda que la industria del automóvil está viviendo una profunda transformación que, durante los últimos años, ha progresado a un ritmo acelerado. Debido a la crecientemente estricta regulación sobre emisiones contaminantes y la necesidad de satisfacer la siempre creciente demanda de movilidad sostenible, es necesario que los motores de combustión modernos reduzcan su consumo y emisiones manteniendo el rendimiento del motor. Para enfrentarse a este desafío, los ingenieros de investigación y desarrollo han redoblado sus esfuerzos a la hora de diseñar y mejorar los modelos unidimensionales, hasta el punto en el que el desarrollo de modelos 1D así como la simulación juegan un papel fundamental en los primeras etapas de diseño de nuevos motores y tecnologías. Al mismo tiempo, la tecnología de turbosobrealimentación se ha consolidado como una de las más efectivas a la hora de construir motores de alta eficiencia, lo que ha hecho evidente la importancia de comprender y modelar correctamente los efectos asociados a los turbogrupos. Particularmente, los fenómenos que ocurren en la turbina en condiciones de flujo fuertemente pulsante han demostrado ser complicadas de modelar y sin embargo decisivas, ya que los códigos de simulación son especialmente útiles cuando son diseñados para trabajar en condiciones realistas. Este trabajo se centra en mejorar los modelos unidimensionales actuales así como en desarrollar nuevas soluciones con el objetivo de contribuir a una mejor predicción del comportamiento de la turbina sometida a condiciones de flujo pulsante. Tanto los esfuerzos realizados en los trabajos experimentales como en los de modelado se han producido para poder proporcionar métodos que sean fáciles de adaptar a las diferentes configuraciones de turbogrupo usadas en la industria, por ello, pueden ser aplicados por ejemplo en turbinas de entrada simple y también en las cada vez más usadas turbinas de entrada doble. En cuanto al trabajo de modelado en la parte de turbina de entrada simple, el foco se ha puesto en presentar una versión mejorada de un código quasi-2D. La validación del modelo se basa en los datos experimentales que están disponibles de trabajos enteriores de la literatura, proporcionando una comparación completa entre los modelos quasi-2D y el clásico modelo 1D. La presión a la entrada y salida de la turbina se ha descompuesto en ondas que viajan hacia delante y hacia atrás por medio de la descomposición de presiones, empleando la componente reflejada y transmitida para verificar la bondad del modelo. El trabajo experimental de esta tesis se centra en desarrollar un nuevo método para ensayar cualquier turbina de doble entrada sometida a condiciones de flujo fuertemente pulsante. La configuración del banco de gas se ha diseñado para ser suficientemente flexible como para realizar pulsos en las dos ramas de entrada por separado, así como para usar condiciones de flujo caliente o condiciones ambiente con mínimos cambios en la instalación. La campaña experimental se usa para validar un modelo integrado unidimensional de turbina tipo twin scroll con especial foco en las componentes reflejada y transmitida para analizar el desempeño del modelo su capacidad de predicción de la acústica no lineal. Finalmente, después de desarrollar el trabajo experimental y de modelado, se presenta un procedimiento para caracterizar el sonido y ruido de la turbina por medio de matrices de transferencia acústica que es comparado con el código unidimensional completo. En este sentido, el método proporciona una herramienta útil y fácil de implementar para simulaciones en tiempo real que aplica de una manera práctica el trabajo de modelado expuesto a lo largo de esta tesis.[CA] Està fora de tot dubte que la indústria de l'automòbil està vivint una profunda transformació que, durant els últims anys, ha progressat a un ritme accelerat. A causa de la creixentment estricta regulació sobre emissions contaminants i la necessitat de satisfer la sempre creixent demanda de mobilitat sostenible, és necessari que els motors de combustió moderns reduïsquen el seu consum i emissions mantenint el rendiment del motor. Per a enfrontar-se a aquest desafiament, els enginyers de recerca i desenvolupament han redoblat els seus esforços a l'hora de dissenyar i millorar els models unidimensionals, fins al punt en el qual el desenvolupament de models 1D així com la simulació juguen un paper fonamental en les primeres etapes de disseny de nous motors i tecnologies. Al mateix temps, la tecnologia de turbosobrealimentación s'ha consolidat com una de les més efectives a l'hora de construir motors d'alta eficiència, la qual cosa ha fet evident la importància de comprendre i modelar correctament els efectes associats als turbogrupos. Particularment, els fenòmens que ocorren en la turbina en condicions de flux fortament polsant han demostrat ser complicades de modelar i no obstant això decisives, ja que els codis de simulació són especialment útils quan són dissenyats per a treballar en condicions realistes. Aquest treball se centra en millorar els models unidimensionals actuals així com a desenvolupar noves solucions amb l'objectiu de contribuir a una millor predicció del comportament de la turbina sotmesa a condicions de flux polsant. Tant els esforços realitzats en els treballs experimentals com en els de modelatge s'han produït per a poder proporcionar mètodes que siguen fàcils d'adaptar a les diferents configuracions de turbogrupo usades en l'indústria, per això, poden ser aplicats per exemple en turbines d'entrada simple i també en les cada vegada més usades turbines d'entrada doble. Pel que fa al treball de modelatge en la part de turbina d'entrada simple, el focus s'ha posat a presentar una versió millorada d'un codi quasi-2D. La validació del model es basa en les dades experimentals que estan disponibles de treballs anteriors de la literatura, proporcionant una comparació completa entre els models quasi-2D i el clàssic model 1D. La pressió a l'entrada i eixida de la turbina s'ha descompost en ones que viatgen cap avant i cap enrere per mitjà de la descomposició de pressions, emprant la component reflectida i transmesa per a verificar la bondat del model. El treball experimental d'aquesta tesi se centra en desenvolupar un nou mètode per a assajar qualsevol turbina de doble entrada sotmesa a condicions de flux fortament pulsante. La configuració del banc de gas s'ha dissenyat per a ser prou flexible com per a realitzar polsos en les dues branques d'entrada per separat, així com per a usar condicions de flux calent o condicions ambient amb mínims canvis en la instal·lació. La campanya experimental s'usa per a validar un model integrat unidimensional de turbina tipus twin-scroll amb especial focus en les components reflectida i transmesa per a analitzar l'acompliment del model la seua capacitat de predicció de l'acústica no lineal. Finalment, després de desenvolupar el treball experimental i de modelatge, es presenta un procediment per a caracteritzar el so i soroll de la turbina per mitjà de matrius de transferència acústica que és comparat amb el codi unidimensional complet. En aquest sentit, el mètode proporciona una eina útil i fàcil d'implementar per a simulacions en temps real que aplica d'una manera pràctica el treball de modelatge exposat al llarg d'aquesta tesi.[EN] It is beyond all doubt that the automotive industry is living a deep transformation that, during the last years, has progressed at an ever accelerating rate. Due to the increasingly stringent pollutant emission regulations and the necessity to fulfil an ever growing demand for sustainable mobility, the modern internal combustion engines are required to strongly reduce the fuel consumption and emissions, while keeping the engine performance. In order to confront this challenge, engine research and development engineers have redoubled their efforts in designing and improving one-dimensional codes, to the point that the development of 1D models and simulation campaigns play a major role in the early steps of designing new engines or technologies. At the same time as the turbocharging technology has arisen as one of the most effective and extended solutions for building high efficient engines, the importance of understanding and modelling correctly the turbocharger effects has become evident. In particular, the phenomena that occurs in the turbine under highly pulsating conditions have proven to be challenging to model and yet decisive, as simulation codes are especially useful when they are designed to work under realistic conditions. This work focusses on the improvement of current one-dimensional models as well as in the development of new solutions with the aim of contributing to a better prediction of the turbine performance under pulsating conditions. Both experimental and modelling efforts have been made in order to provide methods that are easily adaptable to different turbocharger configurations used in the industry, so they can be applied for example in single turbines and also in the increasingly used two-scroll turbine technology. Regarding the modelling work of the single entry turbine part, the work has been focused in presenting an improved version of a quasi-2D code. The validation of the model is based on the experimental data available from previous works of the literature, providing a complete comparison between the quasi-2D and a classic 1D model. By means of a pressure decomposition, the pressure at the turbine inlet and outlet has been split into forward and backward travelling waves, employing the reflected and transmitted components to verify the goodness of the model. The experimental work of the thesis is centred in developing a new method in order to test any two-scroll turbine under highly pulsating flow conditions. The gas stand setup has been designed to be flexible enough to perform pulses in both inlet branches separately as well as to use hot or ambient conditions with minimal changes in the installation. The experimental campaign is used to fully validate an integrated 1D twin-scroll turbine model with special focus in the reflected and transmitted components for analysing the performance of the model and its non-linear acoustics prediction capabilities. Finally, after the experiment and modelling work is developed, a procedure to characterise the turbine sound and noise by means of acoustic transfer matrices is presented and tested against the fully one-dimensional code. In this sense, this method provides a useful and easily-implementable tool for fast and real time simulations that applies in a practical way the modelling work exposed along this thesis.Soler Blanco, P. (2020). Simulation and modelling of the performance of radial turbochargers under unsteady flow [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/141609TESI

    Experiments and Modelling of Automotive Turbochargers under Unsteady Conditions

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    The current global scenario, in which an ever increasing population with an ever growing transportation needs is coupled with a reduction in the fossil fuel production and increasing human-made pollution derived problems, leads automotive engine manufacturers to constant struggles for fuel consumption and emission reductions while keeping engine performance. One-dimensional simulation codes have become a key tool towards these objectives, but require continued accuracy refinements. Phenomena that were previously thought of a limited importance and could be extremely easily modelled now require the development of new methods to be accounted for. Among these phenomena are the turbocharger mechanical losses and the turbine behaviour under highly pulsating boundary conditions. This work is focused on the improvement of current one-dimensional models, for both mechanical losses prediction and high frequency pulsating flow turbine performance. After reviewing the state-of-the-art in experimental measurement and fast simulation of automotive turbochargers, this work presents first a experimental study of several turbochargers working under both steady-state and unsteady operating conditions, focusing on the general performance of the turbine and the losses in the power transmission between it and the compressor, even including internal pressure measurements in one of the tested units. All the measurements are corrected due to heat transfer, getting the purely adiabatic behaviour. Furthermore, a CFD simulation campaign of a radial turbine has been performed, thus obtaining a detailed description of its internal behaviour under highly pulsating flow. In the light of both the experimental and CFD-simulated results, a quasi-steady mechanical losses and a quasi-bidimensional turbine model have been developed. Both models have been validated using all the experimental and simulated data, proving a prediction accuracy improvements from the results of previous methods. The mechanical losses model offers a clear advantage over the usual practice of using a constant mechanical efficiency value for correcting the manufacturer’s turbocharger map, whereas the turbine model has demonstrated potential for turbine map extrapolation and has improved the instantaneous results over classic onedimensional turbine volute models for frequencies higher than 1000 Hz. Both models have been developed trying to keep a reduced computational cost, ensuring to exploit the specific characteristics of the processors where they are going to be run.García-Cuevas González, LM. (2014). Experiments and Modelling of Automotive Turbochargers under Unsteady Conditions [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48458TESI

    Radial turbine sound and noise characterisation with acoustic transfer matrices by means of fast one-dimensional models

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    This is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Engine Research. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published as https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419889429.[EN] Estimating correctly the turbine acoustics can be valuable during the engine design stage; in fact, it can lead to a more optimised design of the silencer and aftertreatment, as well as to better prediction of the scavenging effects. However, obtaining the sound and noise emissions of radial turbocharger turbines with low computational costs can be challenging. To consider these effects in a time-efficient manner, the acoustic response of single-entry radial turbines can be characterised by means of acoustic transfer matrices that change with the operating conditions. Exploiting the different time-scales of the acoustic phenomena and the change in the operating point of the turbine, lookup tables of acoustic transfer matrices can be computed. Then, the obtained characterisation can be used in mean-value engine models. This article presents a method for generating these lookup tables by means of fast one-dimensional simulations of thoroughly validated fidelity, in terms of both acoustics and extrapolation capabilities. Due to the inherent behaviour of radial turbines, the number of computations needed to fill the lookup tables is relatively small, so the method can be used as a simple preprocessing phase before mean-value simulation campaigns.Torregrosa, AJ.; García-Cuevas González, LM.; Inhestern, LB.; Soler-Blanco, P. (2021). Radial turbine sound and noise characterisation with acoustic transfer matrices by means of fast one-dimensional models. International Journal of Engine Research. 22(4):1312-1328. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419889429S13121328224Broatch, A., Galindo, J., Navarro, R., & García-Tíscar, J. (2014). Methodology for experimental validation of a CFD model for predicting noise generation in centrifugal compressors. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 50, 134-144. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.06.006Galindo, J., Tiseira, A., Navarro, R., Tarí, D., & Meano, C. M. (2017). Effect of the inlet geometry on performance, surge margin and noise emission of an automotive turbocharger compressor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 110, 875-882. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.08.099Peat, K. S., Torregrosa, A. J., Broatch, A., & Fernández, T. (2006). An investigation into the passive acoustic effect of the turbine in an automotive turbocharger. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 295(1-2), 60-75. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2005.11.033Torregrosa, A., Galindo, J., Serrano, J. R., & Tiseira, A. (2009). A Procedure for the Unsteady Characterization of Turbochargers in Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines. Fluid Machinery and Fluid Mechanics, 72-79. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-89749-1_10Torregrosa, A. J., Broatch, A., Navarro, R., & García-Tíscar, J. (2014). Acoustic characterization of automotive turbocompressors. International Journal of Engine Research, 16(1), 31-37. doi:10.1177/1468087414562866Broatch, A., Galindo, J., Navarro, R., García-Tíscar, J., Daglish, A., & Sharma, R. K. (2015). Simulations and measurements of automotive turbocharger compressor whoosh noise. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 9(1), 12-20. doi:10.1080/19942060.2015.1004788Broatch, A., Galindo, J., Navarro, R., & García-Tíscar, J. (2016). Numerical and experimental analysis of automotive turbocharger compressor aeroacoustics at different operating conditions. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 61, 245-255. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2016.04.003Wallace, F. J., & Adgey, J. (1967). Paper 1: Theoretical Assessment of the Non-Steady Flow Performance of Inward Radial Flow Turbines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Conference Proceedings, 182(8), 22-36. doi:10.1243/pime_conf_1967_182_211_02Piscaglia, F., Onorati, A., Marelli, S., & Capobianco, M. (2018). A detailed one-dimensional model to predict the unsteady behavior of turbocharger turbines for internal combustion engine applications. International Journal of Engine Research, 20(3), 327-349. doi:10.1177/1468087417752525Galindo, J., Fajardo, P., Navarro, R., & García-Cuevas, L. M. (2013). Characterization of a radial turbocharger turbine in pulsating flow by means of CFD and its application to engine modeling. Applied Energy, 103, 116-127. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.09.013Galindo, J., Tiseira, A., Fajardo, P., & García-Cuevas, L. M. (2014). Development and validation of a radial variable geometry turbine model for transient pulsating flow applications. Energy Conversion and Management, 85, 190-203. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2014.05.072Avola, C., Copeland, C., Romagnoli, A., Burke, R., & Dimitriou, P. (2017). Attempt to correlate simulations and measurements of turbine performance under pulsating flows for automotive turbochargers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(2), 174-187. doi:10.1177/0954407017739123Galindo, J., Climent, H., Tiseira, A., & García-Cuevas, L. M. (2016). Effect of the numerical scheme resolution on quasi-2D simulation of an automotive radial turbine under highly pulsating flow. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 291, 112-126. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2015.02.025Serrano, J. R., Arnau, F. 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    Numerical Prediction of a Radial Turbine Performance designed for Automotive Engines Turbocharger

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    في الوقت الحاضر تقنية الشاحن التوربيني يلعب دوراً أساسيا في تحسين أداء محركات السيارات، وتخفيض استهلاك الوقود وانبعاثات العادم، في  محركات الكازولين والديزل. أداء التوربين الشعاعي لجهاز الشاحن التوربيني يتأثر بشدة بديناميكية الجريان في المكرة القطرية.  علاوة على ذلك، تعديل وتحسين مكرة التوربين القطري مهمة صعبة لمهندسين المكائن التوربينية. ولهذا الهدف من هذه الدراسة لزيادة تحليل ديناميكية الجريان الحسابية على اداء طور التوربين القطري.  خصائص التصميم لطور التوربين القطري، استخدمت لمحاكاة الجريان باستخدام مجموعات مستقلة من ANSYS CFX. الدراسة المقارنة لمحاكاة التدفق الثلاثي الأبعاد سوف تعطي نتائج أكثر واقعية لسلوك الجريان داخل طور التوربين ومحاكاة CFD يمكن أن تعطي نتائج أكثر تفصيلاً وتكشف عن سلوك الجريان غير متوقعة مثل انفصال الجريان والدوامات. أظهرت النتائج أن ديناميكية جريان المائع داخل طور التوربين بينت بشكل ملحوظ خصائص الاداء. ومن الواضح أن نسبة الانضغاط ومعدل حجم التدفق والكفاءة تم تنبؤها عددياً. بشكل عام النتائج العددية التي تم الحصول عليها من محاكاة ديناميكية الجريان الحسابية يمكن ان تقدم درجة عالية من الدقة لتخمين اداء التوربين القطري للشاحن التوربيني.These days the turbocharging system is assuming an essential part in enhancing car engines performance and diminishing fuel utilization and the fumes emanations, in spark-ignition and compression ignition engines. The performance of a radial turbine for the turbocharger device is heavily affected by the flow dynamics in a radial impeller. Furthermore, modification and improvement of a radial turbine impeller is a challenging task for turbomachinery engineers. Hence, this study aimed to further computational fluid dynamic analyses of a radial turbine stage performance .The design characteristics of a radial turbine stage,  was used to simulate the flow by using independent packages of ANSYS CFX. The comparative study of a three dimensional flow simulation will give a more reasonable results of the turbine stage flow behavior and computational fluid dynamic simulation can give a more detailed result and reveal unexpected flow behavior like separation and vortexes.The results showed that the fluid flow dynamics within a turbine stage has indicated a noticeable performance characteristics. Obviously, it was observed that the pressure ratio and volume flow rate and efficiency were predicted numerically. Overall  numerical results obtained from computational fluid dynamic simulations could produce a highly reliable for estimation on the performance a radial turbine of turbocharger

    Aerodynamic design and performance investigation of an axial turbocharger turbine for automotive application

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    In recent years, developments of vehicle downsizing promote the developers to improve the performance of current turbocharging technology. Due to drawbacks transient response of conventional radial turbine used in turbocharging techniques, preliminary design of axial turbine was proposed, in order to achieve highest performance of turbocharger axial turbine. In this study, the optimal design methodology, based NACA profile blade of a single stage axial turbine for turbocharger system. Therefore, simulation analysis of steady state three dimensional flow carried out by highly reliable for calculation, computational fluid dynamic (CFD), using ANSYS CFX, to be evaluated the stage overall aerodynamic performance of the axial turbine stage. Analysis results, gave a more details of flow behaviour such as, flow separation, vortexes and performance characteristics. Moreover, it is found the pressure load for less blades, it's too low on each blade, and a reasonable pressure blade load on a single blade was therefore seen to be too high for more blades, resulting in loss of Boundary layer of the blade, flow of tip leakage and Secondary flow. Hence, noticeably, it was observed that the aerodynamic performance of turbocharger axial turbine model were predicted numerically such as, total-total Polytropic efficiency (84.64) % and shaft output power (187) kW at (80k) rpm

    Radial turbine performance measurement under extreme off-design Conditions

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    [EN] During automotive urban driving conditions and future homologation cycles, automotive radial turbines experience transient conditions, whereby the same operate at very high blade speed ratios and, thus, at very low power outputs. Under those conditions, the turbine power output might not be enough to feed the mechanical power needs of the compressor. Typical fast one-dimensional full engine simulations rely on steady-state performance maps to characterize the turbocharger. Due to the restricting compressor braking power, extreme off-design measurements cannot be obtained in standard gas stands without using an external brake instead of the compressor or without using a motor attached to the turbocharger shaft. Such turbocharger assemblies cause shaft balancing issues inherent to the connection to a brake operating at high rotational speeds or need basic changes of the turbocharger geometry. This paper presents a novel approach for turbine performance map measurements at very low expansion ratio and very low mass flow without the aforementioned issues. The method uses the turbocharger compressor as a centrifugal turbine, providing mechanical power to the shaft and enabling turbine performance measurements from points of very high expansion ratio up to very low pressure ratio. It is even possible to measure at almost zero flow rate in the turbine when it consumes shaft power instead of producing it. This experimental procedure that can be applied to whatever turbocharger produces valuable information for the development and validation of turbine performance models aiming to extrapolate its behaviour at off-design conditions.The authors of this paper wish to thank M.A. Ortiz for his invaluable help during the experimental setup. The work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant number TRA2013-40853-R.Serrano, J.; Tiseira, AO.; García-Cuevas González, LM.; Inhestern, LB.; Tartoussi, H. (2017). Radial turbine performance measurement under extreme off-design Conditions. Energy. 125:72-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2017.02.118S728412

    14th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging

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    14th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging addresses current and novel turbocharging system choices and components with a renewed emphasis to address the challenges posed by emission regulations and market trends. The contributions focus on the development of air management solutions and waste heat recovery ideas to support thermal propulsion systems leading to high thermal efficiency and low exhaust emissions. These can be in the form of internal combustion engines or other propulsion technologies (eg. Fuel cell) in both direct drive and hybridised configuration. 14th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging also provides a particular focus on turbochargers, superchargers, waste heat recovery turbines and related air managements components in both electrical and mechanical forms

    Flow Capacity and Efficiency Modelling of Twin-Entry Radial Turbines under Unequal Admission Conditions through CFD Analysis and Experiments

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    [ES] Este trabajo está centrado en analizar el flujo y la eficiencia de turbinas de doble entrada, así como desarrollar modelos de capacidad de flujo y eficiencia que sean capaces de predecir su comportamiento en condiciones de admisión desiguales. Dichas condiciones son las más comunes en funcionamiento real, por lo que deben ser evaluadas adecuadamente. Se ha realizado un análisis profundo de los patrones de flujo y las principales fuentes de pérdidas mediante simulaciones CFD y campañas experimentales, identificando y cuantificando los fenómenos más importantes en distintas condiciones de admisión. El análisis CFD y la campaña experimental con la técnica LDA han mostrado que el flujo de cada rama no se mezcla completamente con el otro dentro del rotor. Esto significa que las turbinas de doble entrada podrían estudiarse como dos turbinas de entrada simple trabajando en paralelo en modelos unidimensionales. Además, las áreas de entrada y salida del rotor correspondientes a cada rama dependen linealmente de la relación de gastos másicos (MFR). Los principales fenómenos de pérdidas han sido identificados. Fenómenos ya conocidos como las pérdidas por fricción en las volutas, interespacio y rotor, las pérdidas por incidencia o las pérdidas en punta de álabe se han cuantificado. Sin embargo, se han encontrado fuentes de pérdidas adicionales que ayudan a explicar el comportamiento en condiciones de admisión desiguales. Se ha encontrado una expansión brusca aguas abajo de la unión de las volutas que produce pérdidas en la rama con más presión. Aunque el flujo de cada rama no se mezcla completamente dentro del rotor, hay un intercambio de momento entre ramas producido en la región de contacto entre ramas. La rama con mayor momento transmite parte de este a la rama con menor momento. Este fenómeno produce pérdidas en la rama con mayor momento en el interespacio y el rotor, pero también produce ganancias en la rama con menor momento. Este intercambio de momento es un fenómeno esencial para entender correctamente el funcionamiento de las turbinas de doble entrada en condiciones de admisión desiguales. Finalmente, como la mezcla completa de los flujos de cada rama se produce en la región de salida, es aquí donde se computan las pérdidas por mezcla. Toda esta información se ha usado para desarrollar modelos de área efectiva y eficiencia. El modelo de área efectiva se utiliza para extrapolar en el mapa de capacidad flujo. Este modelo se ha validado con medidas experimentales. Su capacidad de extrapolación hacia otros MFR se ha demostrado fidedigna, obteniendo un error menor del 3% en cada rama cuando solo se proporcionan al modelo los mapas de condiciones de admisión completa y parcial. El modelo de eficiencia se utiliza para extrapolar en el mapa de eficiencia. Este modelo también se ha validado con medidas experimentales. Su capacidad de extrapolación hacia otros valores de MFR también se ha demostrado fidedigna, obteniendo un error combinado de las dos ramas menor del 7%. Además, las predicciones que ofrece se han comparado con modelos empíricos y comerciales, obteniendo predicciones más precisas en condiciones de admisión desiguales. Como estas condiciones son las más comunes en funcionamiento real, el comportamiento estará mejor predicho la mayor parte del tiempo de operación. Esta mejora en las predicciones de las prestaciones puede ayudar a trabajar en condiciones de operación óptimas, lo que puede significar una eficiencia del motor de combustión interna mayor y su correspondiente reducción en consumo de combustible y emisión de gases contaminantes. Adicionalmente, otra turbina de doble entrada con una geometría distinta se ha analizado, encontrado un comportamiento muy similar. Los modelos desarrollados se han aplicado a esta geometría con buenos resultados, corroborando que dichos modelos proporcionan una descripción física razonable del comportamiento de las turbinas de doble entrada bajo condiciones de admisión desiguales.[CA] El present treball està centrat en analitzar el flux i l'eficiència de turbines de doble entrada, així com desenvolupar models de capacitat de flux i eficiència que siguen capaços de predir el seu comportament en condicions d'admissió desiguals. Aquestes condicions són les més comunes en funcionament real, per la qual cosa s'han d'avaluar adequadament. S'ha realitzat una anàlisi profunda dels patrons de flux i de les principals fonts de pèrdues mitjançant simulacions CFD i campanyes experimentals, identificant i quantificant els fenòmens més importants en distintes condicions d'admissió. L'ànalisi CFD i la campanya experimental amb la tècnica LDA han mostrat que el flux de cada rama no es mescla completament amb l'altre dins del rotor. Açò significa que les turbines de doble entrada podrien estudiar-se com dues turbines d'entrada simple treballant en paral·lel en models unidimensionals. A més, les àrees d'entrada i eixida del rotor corresponents a cada rama depenen linealment de la relació de gastos màssics (MFR). Els principals fenòmens de pèrdues han estat identificats. Fenòmens ja coneguts com les pèrdues per fricció en les volutes, interespai i rotor, les pèrdues per incidència o les pèrdues en punta de pala s'han quantificat. Tanmateix, s'han trobat fonts de pèrdues addicionals que ajuden a explicar el comportament en condicions d'admissió desiguals. S'ha trobat una expansió brusca aigües avall de la unió de les volutes que produeixen pèrdues en la rama amb més pressió. Encara que el flux de cada rama no es mescla completament dins del rotor, hi ha un intercanvi de moment entre rames produit en la regió de contacte entre rames. La rama amb més moment transmet part d'aquest a la rama amb menor moment. Aquest fenomen produeix pèrdues en la rama amb major moment en l'interespai i el rotor, però també produeix guanys en la rama amb menor moment. Aquest intercanvi de moment entre rames es un fenomen essencial per a entendre correctament el funcionament de les turbines radials de doble entrada en condicions d'admissió desiguals. Finalment, com la mescla completa dels fluxos de cada rama es produeix en la regió d'eixida, és en aquesta regió on es computen les pèrdues per mescla. Tota aquesta informació s'ha utilitzat per desenvolupar models d'àrea efectiva i eficiencia. El model d'àrea efectiva s'utilitza per a extrapolar en el mapa de capacitat de flux. Aquest model s'ha validat amb mesures experimentals. La seua capacitat d'extrapolació cap a altres condicions d'admissió s'ha demostrat fidedigna, obtenint un error menor del 3% en cada rama quan sols es proporciona al model els mapes de condicions d'admissió completa i parcial. El model d'eficiència s'utilitza per a extrapolar en el mapa d'eficiència. Aquest model també s'ha validat amb mesures experimentals. La seua capacitat d'extrapolació cap a altres valors d'MFR també s'ha demostrat fidedigna, obtenint un error combinat de les dues rames menor del 7%. A més, les prediccions que ofereixen els nous models basats en pèrdues han estat comparades amb models empírics i comercials, aconseguint prediccions més precises en condicions d'admissió desiguals. Com les condicions d'admissió desiguals són les més comunes en funcionament real, el comportament de les turbines de doble entrada estaran millor predites la major part del temps d'operació. Aquesta millora en les prediccions de les prestacions pot ajudar a treballar en condicions d'operació òptimes la major part del temps, el qual pot significar una major eficiència del motor de combustió interna i la seua corresponent reducció en consum de combustible i emissió de gasos contaminants. Addicionalment, una altra turbina de doble entrada amb una geometria considerablement diferent s'ha analitzat, trobant un comportament molt similar. Els models proporcionen una descripció física raonable del comportament de les turbines de doble entrada baix condicions d'admissió desiguals.[EN] The current work focuses on the flow capacity and efficiency analysis and modelling of twin-entry radial turbines under unequal admission conditions. These conditions are the most common in real operation, so they must be properly assessed. A thorough analysis of the flow patterns within twin-entry turbines and the main sources of losses have been carried out by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and experimental campaigns, identifying and quantifying the most important phenomena under different admission conditions. The CFD analysis and the laser Doppler anemometry experimental campaign have shown that the flow from each branch does not fully mix within the rotor. It means that twin-entry turbines could be studied as two single-entry turbines working in parallel in one-dimensional models. Moreover, the rotor inlet and outlet areas corresponding to each branch depend linearly on the mass flow ratio (MFR). The main phenomena producing losses in twin-entry turbines have been identified. Well-known sources of losses have been quantified, such as passage losses in volutes, interspace and rotor, incidence losses or tip leakage losses. However, additional sources of losses have been found that explain the behaviour of twin-entry turbines under unequal admission conditions. There is a sudden expansion downstream of the junction of the volutes that produces losses in the branch with higher pressure. Although the flow from each branch does not fully mix within the rotor, there is a momentum exchange between branches produced in the contact region between branches. The branch with higher momentum transmits some of it to the branch with lower momentum. This phenomenon produces losses in the branch with higher momentum within the interspace and the rotor, but it also produces gains in the branch with lower momentum. This momentum exchange between branches is an essential phenomenon to properly understand the behaviour of twin-entry turbines under unequal admission conditions. Finally, since the full mixing of both flows is produced in the outlet region, the mixing losses are only computed in the outlet region. The flow behaviour information extracted from the CFD simulations and experimental campaigns has been used to develop effective area and efficiency models. The effective area model is used to extrapolate the flow capacity map. The model has been validated with experimental data. Its capability of extrapolating towards other MFR values has been proven, obtaining an error lower than 3% in each branch when only partial and full admission maps are provided to feed the model. The efficiency model is used to extrapolate the efficiency map. This model has also been validated with experimental data. Its capability of extrapolating towards other MFR values is also reliable, obtaining a combined error between both branches lower than 7%. Moreover, the predictions of this loss-based efficiency model have been compared to empirical and commercial models, obtaining more accurate predictions under unequal admission conditions. Since unequal admission conditions are the most common in real operation, the performance of twin-entry turbines could be better predicted most of the time. This improvement in the performance prediction could help to work in optimum operational points most of the time, which could lead to higher internal combustion engine efficiency and a reduction in fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Additionally, a twin-entry turbine with a considerably different geometry has been analysed, finding the same flow behaviour. The models developed have been applied to this geometry, giving good results. These results corroborate that these models provide a reasonable physical description of the behaviour of the twin-entry turbines under unequal admission conditions.The author would like to acknowledge the financial support received through contract FPU17/02803 of the Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario of Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.Medina Tomás, N. (2022). Flow Capacity and Efficiency Modelling of Twin-Entry Radial Turbines under Unequal Admission Conditions through CFD Analysis and Experiments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185820TESI