806 research outputs found

    Toward an Operational Bare Soil Moisture Mapping Using TerraSAR-X Data Acquired Over Agricultural Areas

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    International audienceTerraSAR-X data are processed for an "operational" mapping of bare soils moisture in agricultural areas. Empirical relationships between TerraSAR-X signal and soil moisture were established and validated over different North European agricultural study sites. The results show that the mean error on the soil moisture estimation is less than 4% regardless of the TerraSAR-X configuration (incidence angle, polarization) and the soil surface characteristics (soil surface roughness, soil composition). Furthermore, the potential of TerraSAR-X data (signal, texture features) to discriminate bare soils from other land cover classes in an agricultural watershed was evaluated. The mean signal backscattered from bare soils can be easily differentiated from signals from other land cover classes when the neighboring plots are covered by fully developed crops. This was observed regardless of the TerraSAR-X configuration and the soil moisture conditions. When neighboring plots are covered by early growth crops, a TerraSAR-X image acquired under wet conditions can be useful for discriminating bare soils. Bare soil masks were calculated by object-oriented classifications ofmono-configuration TerraSAR-Xdata. The overall accuracies of the bare soils mapping were higher than 84% for validation based on object and pixel. The bare soils mapping method and the soil moisture relationships were applied to TerraSAR-X images to generate soil moisture maps. The results show that TerraSAR-X sensors provide useful data for monitoring the spatial variations of soil moisture at the within-plot scale. The methods of bare soils moisture mapping developed in this paper can be used in operational applications in agriculture, and hydrology

    Effects of soil and canopy characteristics on microwave backscattering of vegetation

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    A frequency modulated continuous wave C-band (4.8 GHz) scatterometer was mounted on an aerial lift truck and backscatter coefficients of corn were acquired as functions of polarizations, view angles, and row directions. As phytomass and green leaf area index increased, the backscatter also increased. Near anthesis when the canopies were fully developed, the major scattering elements were located in the upper 1 m of the 2.8 m tall canopy and little backscatter was measured below that level. C-band backscatter data could provide information to monitor vegetation at large view zenith angles

    A newsoil roughness parameter for themodelling of radar backscattering over bare soil

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    International audienceThe characterisation of soil surface roughness is a key requirement for the correct analysis of radar backscattering behaviour. It is noteworthy that an increase in the number of surface roughness parameters in a model also increases the difficulty with which data can be inverted for the purposes of estimating soil parameters. In this paper, a new description of soil surface roughness is proposed for microwave applications. This is based on an original roughness parameter, Zg, which combines the three most commonly used soil parameters: root mean surface height, correlation length, and correlation function shape, into just one parameter. Numerical modelling, based on the moment method and integral equations, is used to evaluate the relevance of this approach. It is applied over a broad dataset of numerically generated surfaces characterised by a large range of surface roughness parameters. A strong correlation is observed between this new parameter and the radar backscattering simulations, for the HH and VV polarisations in the C and X bands. It is proposed to validate this approach using data acquired in the C and X bands, at several agricultural sites in France. It was found that the parameter Zg has a high potential for the analysis of surface roughness using radar measurements. An empirical model is proposed for the simulation of backscattered radar signals over bare soil

    Analysis of TerraSAR-X data sensitivity to bare soil moisture, roughness, composition and soil crust

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    Le comportement du signal radar TerraSAR-X en fonction des paramètres du sol (rugosité, humidité, structure) a été analysé sur des données 2009 et 2010. Les résultats montrent que la sensibilité du signal radar à l'humidité est plus importante pour des faibles incidences (25° en comparaison à 50°). Pour des fortes valeurs d'humidité, le signal TerraSAR-X est plus sensible à la rugosité du sol à forte incidence (50°). La forte résolution spatiale des données TerraSAR-X (1 m) permet de détecter la croûte de battance à l'échelle intra parcellaire. / Soils play a key role in shaping the environment and in risk assessment. We characterized the soils of bare agricultural plots using TerraSAR-X (9.5 GHz) data acquired in 2009 and 2010. We analyzed the behavior of the TerraSAR-X signal for two configurations, HH-25° and HH-50°, with regard to several soil conditions: moisture content, surface roughness, soil composition and soil-surface structure (slaking crust).The TerraSAR-X signal was more sensitive to soil moisture at a low (25°) incidence angle than at a high incidence angle (50°). For high soil moisture (N25%), the TerraSAR-X signal was more sensitive to soil roughness at a high incidence angle (50°) than at a low incidence angle (25°). The high spatial resolution of the TerraSAR-X data (1 m) enabled the soil composition and slaking crust to be analyzed at the within-plot scale based on the radar signal. The two loamy-soil categories that composed our training plots did not differ sufficiently in their percentages of sand and clay to be discriminated by the X-band radar signal.However, the spatial distribution of slaking crust could be detected when soil moisture variation is observed between soil crusted and soil without crust. Indeed, areas covered by slaking crust could have greater soil moisture and consequently a greater backscattering signal than soils without crust

    Bare soil moisture retrieval from multi-temporal X-band TerraSAR-X SAR images

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    IGARSS 2015, Milan, ITA, 26-/07/2015 - 31/07/2015International audienceThe aim of the present study is to analyze the sensitivity of X-band SAR (TerraSAR-X) signals as a function of different physical bare soil parameters (soil moisture, soil roughness), and to evaluate the accuracy of change detection approach proposed for soil moisture estimation. Firstly, we presented a brief description of our ground and satellite database. Secondly, we considered the main results of our statistical analysis of the relationships between radar and soil parameters: soil moisture and different roughness parameters (the rms height, Zs parameter, and a new roughness parameter Zg. Finally, we proposed an algorithm combing multi-temporal X-band SAR images (TerraSAR-X) with different continuous thetaprobe measurements for the retrieval of surface soil moisture at a high spatial resolution

    Irrigated grassland monitoring using a time series of terraSAR-X and COSMO-skyMed X-Band SAR Data

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]SYNERGIE [Axe_IRSTEA]TETIS-ATTOSInternational audienceThe objective of this study was to analyze the sensitivity of radar signals in the X-band in irrigated grassland conditions. The backscattered radar signals were analyzed according to soil moisture and vegetation parameters using linear regression models. A time series of radar (TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed) and optical (SPOT and LANDSAT) images was acquired at a high temporal frequency in 2013 over a small agricultural region in southeastern France. Ground measurements were conducted simultaneously with the satellite data acquisitions during several grassland growing cycles to monitor the evolution of the soil and vegetation characteristics. The comparison between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) computed from optical images and the in situ Leaf Area Index (LAI) showed a logarithmic relationship with a greater scattering for the dates corresponding to vegetation well developed before the harvest. The correlation between the NDVI and the vegetation parameters (LAI, vegetation height, biomass, and vegetation water content) was high at the beginning of the growth cycle. This correlation became insensitive at a certain threshold corresponding to high vegetation (LAI ~2.5 m2/m2). Results showed that the radar signal depends on variations in soil moisture, with a higher sensitivity to soil moisture for biomass lower than 1 kg/m². HH and HV polarizations had approximately similar sensitivities to soil moisture. The penetration depth of the radar wave in the X-band was high, even for dense and high vegetation; flooded areas were visible in the images with higher detection potential in HH polarization than in HV polarization, even for vegetation heights reaching 1 m. Lower sensitivity was observed at the X-band between the radar signal and the vegetation parameters with very limited potential of the X-band to monitor grassland growth. These results showed that it is possible to track gravity irrigation and soil moisture variations from SAR X-band images acquired at high spatial resolution (an incidence angle near 30°)

    Effects of roughness on the radar response to soil moisture of bare ground

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    The radar response to soil moisture content was experimentally determined for three different bare fields with considerably different surface roughnesses at eight frequencies in the 2 to 8 GHz band and for Horizontal transmit-Horizontal receive (HH) and Vertical transmit-Vertical receive (VV) polarizations. Analysis of the data indicated that the effect of roughness on the radar backscattering coefficient can be minimized by proper choice of the radar parameters. If, in addition, sensitivity to soil moisture variations and system design constraints are considered, the following radar parameters for an operational soil moisture mapper are recommended: frequency= 4 GHz, angle of incidence range= 7 deg to 15 deg and either HH or VV polarization. The corresponding sensitivity is about 0.25 db/ 0.01 gram/cubic cm

    Estimation of Soil Moisture for Different Crops Using SAR Polarimetric Data

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    Soil moisture is an essential factor that influences agricultural productivity and hydrological processes. Soil moisture estimation using field detection methods takes time and is challenging. However, using Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, soil moisture parameters become easier to detect. In microwave remote sensing, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data helps to retrieve soil moisture from more considerable depths because of its high penetration capability and the illumination power of its light source. This study aims to process the SAR Sentinel-1A data and estimate soil moisture using the Water Cloud Model (WCM). Many physical and empirical models have been developed to determine soil moisture from microwave remote sensing platforms. However, the Water Cloud Model gives more accurate results. In this study, the WCM model is used for mixed crop types. The experimental soil moisture was determined from in-situ soil samples collected from various agricultural areas. The soil backscattering values corresponding to the different soil sampling locations were derived from Sentinel SAR data. Using linear regression analysis, the laboratory's soil moisture results and soil backscattering values were correlated to arrive at a model. The model was validated using a secondary set of in-situ moisture content values taken during the same period. The R2 and RMSE of the model were observed to be 0.825 and 0.0274, respectively, proving a strong correlation between the experimental soil moisture and satellite-derived soil moisture for mixed crop field types. This paper explains the methodology for arriving at a model for soil moisture estimation. This model helps to recommend suitable crop types in large, complex areas based on predicted moisture content. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-06-08 Full Text: PD

    Soil surface moisture estimation over a semi-arid region using ENVISAT ASAR radar data for soil evaporation evaluation

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    The present paper proposes a method for the evaluation of soil evaporation, using soil moisture estimations based on radar satellite measurements. We present firstly an approach for the estimation and monitoring of soil moisture in a semi-arid region in North Africa, using ENVISAT ASAR images, over two types of vegetation covers. The first mapping process is dedicated solely to the monitoring of moisture variability related to rainfall events, over areas in the "non-irrigated olive tree" class of land use. The developed approach is based on a simple linear relationship between soil moisture and the backscattered radar signal normalised at a reference incidence angle. The second process is proposed over wheat fields, using an analysis of moisture variability due to both rainfall and irrigation. A semi-empirical model, based on the water-cloud model for vegetation correction, is used to retrieve soil moisture from the radar signal. Moisture mapping is carried out over wheat fields, showing high variability between irrigated and non-irrigated wheat covers. This analysis is based on a large database, including both ENVISAT ASAR and simultaneously acquired ground-truth measurements (moisture, vegetation, roughness), during the 2008–2009 vegetation cycle. Finally, a semi-empirical approach is proposed in order to relate surface moisture to the difference between soil evaporation and the climate demand, as defined by the potential evaporation. Mapping of the soil evaporation is proposed

    Influence of Radar Frequency on the Relationship Between Bare Surface Soil Moisture Vertical Profile and Radar Backscatter

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    International audienceThe aim of this letter is to discuss the influence of radar frequency on the relationship between surface soil moisture and the nature of radar backscatter over bare soils. In an attempt to address this issue, the advanced integral equation model was used to simulate backscatter from soil surfaces with various moisture vertical profiles, for three frequency bands, namely, L, C, and X. In these computations, we investigated the influence of the vertical heterogeneity of soil moisture on the characteristics of the backscattered signals. The influence of radar frequency is clearly demonstrated. A database produced from Envisat ASAR and TerraSAR-X data, which was acquired over bare soils with in situ measurements of moisture content and ground surface roughness, was used to validate the utility of taking the soil moisture heterogeneity into account in the backscatter model
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