32,821 research outputs found

    Controllability of networks: influence of structure and memory

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    openIn this work we borrow some ideas from the the theory of lifted Markov chains, which can accelerate convergence of random walks algorithms thanks to the introduced memory effects, and apply them to the control of networks of dynamical systems arranged on a line and on a grid. We lift the dynamics by enlarging each node state and discuss how to compare the effect of a control input on the lifted network and on the original one. We compute some metrics for energy-related controllability, showing that the lifted network has better controllability properties than the non-lifted one. This proves an advantage induced by the extra internal dynamics that allows for memory effects. The potential of lifts is then explored via numerical simulations for some paradigmatic examples

    Classes of random walks on temporal networks with competing timescales

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    Random walks find applications in many areas of science and are the heart of essential network analytic tools. When defined on temporal networks, even basic random walk models may exhibit a rich spectrum of behaviours, due to the co-existence of different timescales in the system. Here, we introduce random walks on general stochastic temporal networks allowing for lasting interactions, with up to three competing timescales. We then compare the mean resting time and stationary state of different models. We also discuss the accuracy of the mathematical analysis depending on the random walk model and the structure of the underlying network, and pay particular attention to the emergence of non-Markovian behaviour, even when all dynamical entities are governed by memoryless distributions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Random walk on temporal networks with lasting edges

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    We consider random walks on dynamical networks where edges appear and disappear during finite time intervals. The process is grounded on three independent stochastic processes determining the walker's waiting-time, the up-time and down-time of edges activation. We first propose a comprehensive analytical and numerical treatment on directed acyclic graphs. Once cycles are allowed in the network, non-Markovian trajectories may emerge, remarkably even if the walker and the evolution of the network edges are governed by memoryless Poisson processes. We then introduce a general analytical framework to characterize such non-Markovian walks and validate our findings with numerical simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Complex network classification using partially self-avoiding deterministic walks

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    Complex networks have attracted increasing interest from various fields of science. It has been demonstrated that each complex network model presents specific topological structures which characterize its connectivity and dynamics. Complex network classification rely on the use of representative measurements that model topological structures. Although there are a large number of measurements, most of them are correlated. To overcome this limitation, this paper presents a new measurement for complex network classification based on partially self-avoiding walks. We validate the measurement on a data set composed by 40.000 complex networks of four well-known models. Our results indicate that the proposed measurement improves correct classification of networks compared to the traditional ones

    Walking across Wikipedia: a scale-free network model of semantic memory retrieval.

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    Semantic knowledge has been investigated using both online and offline methods. One common online method is category recall, in which members of a semantic category like "animals" are retrieved in a given period of time. The order, timing, and number of retrievals are used as assays of semantic memory processes. One common offline method is corpus analysis, in which the structure of semantic knowledge is extracted from texts using co-occurrence or encyclopedic methods. Online measures of semantic processing, as well as offline measures of semantic structure, have yielded data resembling inverse power law distributions. The aim of the present study is to investigate whether these patterns in data might be related. A semantic network model of animal knowledge is formulated on the basis of Wikipedia pages and their overlap in word probability distributions. The network is scale-free, in that node degree is related to node frequency as an inverse power law. A random walk over this network is shown to simulate a number of results from a category recall experiment, including power law-like distributions of inter-response intervals. Results are discussed in terms of theories of semantic structure and processing

    Fractals in the Nervous System: conceptual Implications for Theoretical Neuroscience

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    This essay is presented with two principal objectives in mind: first, to document the prevalence of fractals at all levels of the nervous system, giving credence to the notion of their functional relevance; and second, to draw attention to the as yet still unresolved issues of the detailed relationships among power law scaling, self-similarity, and self-organized criticality. As regards criticality, I will document that it has become a pivotal reference point in Neurodynamics. Furthermore, I will emphasize the not yet fully appreciated significance of allometric control processes. For dynamic fractals, I will assemble reasons for attributing to them the capacity to adapt task execution to contextual changes across a range of scales. The final Section consists of general reflections on the implications of the reviewed data, and identifies what appear to be issues of fundamental importance for future research in the rapidly evolving topic of this review
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