274 research outputs found

    Monitoring and Fault Location Sensor Network for Underground Distribution Lines

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    One of the fundamental tasks of electric distribution utilities is guaranteeing a continuous supply of electricity to their customers. The primary distribution network is a critical part of these facilities because a fault in it could affect thousands of customers. However, the complexity of this network has been increased with the irruption of distributed generation, typical in a Smart Grid and which has significantly complicated some of the analyses, making it impossible to apply traditional techniques. This problem is intensified in underground lines where access is limited. As a possible solution, this paper proposes to make a deployment of a distributed sensor network along the power lines. This network proposes taking advantage of its distributed character to support new approaches of these analyses. In this sense, this paper describes the aquiculture of the proposed network (adapted to the power grid) based on nodes that use power line communication and energy harvesting techniques. In this sense, it also describes the implementation of a real prototype that has been used in some experiments to validate this technological adaptation. Additionally, beyond a simple use for monitoring, this paper also proposes the use of this approach to solve two typical distribution system operator problems, such as: fault location and failure forecasting in power cables.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Government of Spain project Sistema Inteligente Inalámbrico para Análisis y Monitorización de Líneas de Tensión Subterráneas en Smart Grids (SIIAM) TEC2013-40767-RMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Government of Spain, for the funding of the scholarship Formación de Profesorado Universitario 2016 (FPU 2016

    Integrated impedance-matching coupler for smart building and other power-line communications applications

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    Abstract: Power-line communications is a promising technology to help automate buildings, as it utilizes the in-situ power cabling as a communications channel. However, couplers are required to inject and extract the communication signal from the power grid. Most power-line communications couplers make use of a small transformer to adapt impedance levels while also providing galvanic isolation. The cost and size of these transformers have been hindrances in the quest for compact, economic couplers. Previous attempts to eliminate this coupling transformer, while maintaining impedance adaptation, have not been successful in reducing component cost nor physical size. In this paper, a novel approach is followed: (1) a suitable dualfunction band-pass matching circuit is designed as for ordinary electronics, whereafter (2) the specifications of this band-pass matching circuit is upgraded to function safely in the power-grid environment as a coupler. Therefore a matching circuit is transformed into a compact power-line coupler, which further exhibits band-pass filtering and excellent impedance-adapting performance. Simulations as well as laboratory measurements are shown which confirm the accuracy of the design. Finally, practical 220-V measurements in an office block are presented, which prove the versatility of this novel coupler when power-grid conditions fluctuate

    Characterization of non-intentional emissions from distributed energy resources up to 500 kHz: A case study in Spain

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    Narrow Band Power Line Communications (NB-PLC) systems are currently used for smart metering and power quality monitoring as a part of the Smart Grid (SG) concept. However, non-intentional emissions generated by the devices connected to the grid may sometimes disturb the communications and isolate metering equipment. Though some research works have been recently developed to characterize these emissions, most of them have been limited to frequencies below 150 kHz and they are mainly focused on in-house electronic appliances and lightning devices. As NB-PLC can also be allocated in higher frequencies up to 500 kHz, there is still a lack of analysis in this frequency range, especially for emissions from Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The identification and characterization of the emissions is essential to develop solutions that avoid a negative impact on the proper performance of NB-PLC. In this work, the non-intentional emissions of different types of DERs composing a representative microgrid have been measured in the 35–500 kHz frequency range and analyzed both in time and frequency domains. Different working conditions and coupling and commutation procedures to mains are considered in the analysis. Results are then compared to the limits recommended by regulatory bodies for spurious emissions from communication systems in this frequency band, as no specific limits for DERs have been established. Field measurements show clear differences in the characteristics of non-intentional emissions for different devices, working conditions and coupling procedures and for frequencies below and above 150 kHz. Results of this study demonstrate that a further characterization of the potential emissions from the different types of DERs connected to the grid is required in order to guarantee current and future applications based on NB-PLC.This work has been financially supported in part by the Basque Government (Elkartek program)

    Broadband Power Line Communication in Railway Traction Lines: A Survey

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    Power line communication (PLC) is a technology that exploits existing electrical transmission and distribution networks as guiding structures for electromagnetic signal propagation. This facilitates low-rate data transmission for signaling and control operations. As the demand in terms of data rate has greatly increased in the last years, the attention paid to broadband PLC (BPLC) has also greatly increased. This concept also extended to railways as broadband traction power line communication (BTPLC), aiming to offer railway operators an alternative data network in areas where other technologies are lacking. However, BTPLC implementation faces challenges due to varying operating scenarios like urban, rural, and galleries. Hence, ensuring coverage and service continuity demands the suitable characterization of the communication channel. In this regard, the scientific literature, which is an indicator of the body of knowledge related to BTPLC systems, is definitely poor if compared to that addressed to BPLC systems installed on the electrical transmission and distribution network. The relative papers dealing with BTPLC systems and focusing on the characterization of the communication channel show some theoretical approaches and, rarely, measurements guidelines and experimental results. In addition, to the best of the author's knowledge, there are no surveys that comprehensively address these aspects. To compensate for this lack of information, a survey of the state of the art concerning BTPLC systems and the measurement methods that assist their installation, assessment, and maintenance is presented. The primary goal is to provide the interested readers with a thorough understanding of the matter and identify the current research gaps, in order to drive future research towards the most significant issues

    A new methodology for network scale simulation of emerging power line communication standards

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    This paper presents the development of a new methodology for the simulation of Power Line Communication (PLC) within the popular Electromagnetic Transients Programme-Alternative Transients Programme (EMTP-ATP). As a first application, the comparative performance of the emerging Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based Prime and G3-PLC narrowband standards is investigated. Models of both standards have been created within the EMTP-ATP and simulations performed using frequency dependent line models and realistic transformer models as terminations. It is observed that both standards are severely affected by the highly frequency selective nature of the MV power line channel and a more considered choice of OFDM parameters may be necessary for optimal performance on MV networks

    A Study on the Optimal Receiver Impedance for SNR Maximization in Broadband PLC

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    We consider the design of the front-end receiver for broadband power line communications. We focus on the design of the input impedance that maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver. We show that the amplitude, rather than the power, of the received signal is important for communication purposes. Furthermore, we show that the receiver impedance impacts the amplitude of the noise term. We focus on the background noise, and we propose a novel description of the noise experienced at the receiver port of a PLC network. We model the noise as the sum of four uncorrelated contributions, that is, the active, resistive, receiver, and coupled noise components. We study the optimal impedance design problem for real in-home grids that we assessed with experimental measurements. We describe the results of the measurement campaign, and we report the statistics of the optimal impedance. Hence, we study the best attainable performance when the optimal receiver impedance is deployed. We focus on the SNR and the maximum achievable rate, and we show that power matching is suboptimal with respect to the proposed impedance design approach


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    Power line communications (PLCs) have become a key technology in the telecommunication world, both in terms of stand-alone technology or a technology that can complement other systems, e.g., radio communications. Since PLCs exploit the existing power delivery grid to convey data signals, the application scenarios are multiple. Historically, PLCs have been deployed in outdoor low voltage (< 1 kV) power distribution networks for the automatic metering and the management of the loads. Today, the evolution of the electrical grid toward an intelligent and smart grid that dynamically manages the generation, the distribution and the consumption of the power makes this technology still relevant in this scenario. Therefore, PLCs have raised significant interest in recent years for the possibility of delivering broadband Internet access and high speed services to homes and within the home. The increase in demand for such services has inspired the research activity in the in-home scenario, both toward the direction of the development of independent or integrated solutions, with respect to already existing technologies. Another application scenario that has not been deeply investigated yet is the in-vehicle one, which includes the in-car, in-plane and in-ship scenario. Since the power grid has not been designed for data communications, the transmission medium is hostile and exhibits high attenuation, multipath propagation and frequency selectivity, due to the presence of branches, discontinuities and unmatched loads. For the proper design of a power line communication (PLC) system, good knowledge of the grid characteristics in terms of propagation channel and disturbances is required. In this respect, we have performed experimental measurement campaigns in all the aforementioned scenarios. We aimed to investigate the grid characteristics from a telecommunication point of view. In this thesis, we present the results of our experimental activity. Firstly, we analyze the outdoor low voltage and industrial scenario. We have carried out a measurement campaign in an artificial network that can resemble either an outdoor low voltage power distribution network or an industrial or marine power system. We have focused on the channel frequency response, the line impedance and the background PLC noise, within the narrow band and the broad band frequency ranges. Then, we focus on the in-home scenario. In this context, we have studied the impact of the electrical devices (loads) connected to the power grid on the PLC medium characteristics and on the quality of the data communication. Their behavior has been investigated both in the time and frequency domain, in terms of load impedance and impulsive noise components that they inject into the network. Finally, we consider in-vehicle PLC, in particular the in-ship and in-car environment. Firstly, we summarize the results of a channel measurement campaign that we have carried out in a large cruise ship focusing on the low voltage power distribution network in the band 0-50 MHz. Thus, we present the results of an entire PLC noise and channel measurement campaign that we have performed in a compact electrical car

    Power line communication impedance profiling and matching for broadband applications.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Power line communication(PLC) is a wired communication technology that has recently re- ceived a lot of attention due to its attractive prospects towards home and /or neighborhood network applications as well as smart grid technologies. It allows establishing digital com- munications without any additional wiring requirements. Effectively, one’s home and/or neighborhood wiring contributes into a smart grid to deploy various data services. It is well known that the power grid is one of the most pervasive infrastructure built to provide electricity to customers, therefore, utilizing this infrastructure for digital communications will only result in an ubiquitous telecommunications network. It is common practice to use wires to establish a physical connection in many telecommunications channels, but most electronic devices already have a pair of wires connected to the power lines. Therefore, these wires can be used to simultaneously establish digital communications. Thus, power line communications can be used as an alternative solution to more established technologies such as wireless, coaxial and optical communications. As a promising technology, PLC has attracted a lot of research and has become an active area of research which continues to evolve over time. Notwithstanding its advantages, PLC has issues, namely, severe noise at low frequencies and varying characteristic impedance. This is primarily because the power line channel was not originally designed to be used for communications, thus, it remains a harsh channel. Other challenges arise from the fact that there are different wiring practices around the world, unpredictable loading characteristics as well as differential- and common-mode characteristic impedance. As a result, there is a considerable amount of noise signal attenuation during data transmission. Loss of signal can be addressed by increasing the power at the transmitter, noise reduction and/or reducing channel attenuation to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. However, PLC modems are subject to legislation that impose a limit with regards to the signal levels in the lines. Power lines are good radiators at high frequencies which makes them behave like large antennas with the ability to intercept other radiations in the same frequency range. The radiated signal is proportional to the currents in the line, thus, increasing line currents will not solve the problem but would rather lead to violation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. In this work, an alternative solution is provided which seeks to address the issue of signal attenuation caused by the changing input impedance of a typical power line channel. The deleterious effects of noise are not considered since this work focuses on broadband PLC in the 1–30 MHz frequency range. The objective of this work was to design and build an impedance adaptive coupler to mitigate effects of channel attenuation caused by varying impedance. In this way, the propagating signal will “see” a uniform impedance and as a result the data output will be improved. The work was facilitated by measuring several impedance profiles of PLC channels in the band of interest. Typically, the network topology of PLC networks is not known and the building architectural blueprints are not always readily available. To overcome this issue,this work was performed on power line test-beds designed to mimic varied typical PLC network topologies. Moreover, there is an additional benefit in that it is possible to relate the output impedance profile to the network topology. The channel input impedance characteristics were determined in a deterministic manner by considering a power line network as a cascade of parallel resonant circuits and applying transmission line theory to develop the model. The model was validated by measurements with good agreement over the frequency range was considered. Several measurements were then used to determine the minimum, average and maximum input impedance that a signal will experience as it traverses the channel. It was found that, regardless of the network size (in terms of number of branches), the average input impedance is 354 ± 1.1 % Ω in the 1-30 MHz frequency band. Due to the unpredictable nature of the input impedance of the power line network, an impedance adaptive bidirectional coupler for broadband power line communications was designed. The impedance matching is achieved by using typical L-section matching networks in the 1–30 MHz band. The matching section of the coupler has the characteristics of a lowpass filter while the coupling section is a highpass filter, effectively forming a bandpass network. The simulated transfer characteristics of the designed coupler performs very well for impedances starting around 150 Ω and the performance improves a great deal as the impedance increases. The coupler can still be improved to accommodate much lower input impedances (as low as 50 Ω). However, based on the measured results of input impedance, it was observed that the power line channel impedance is statistically higher than 200 Ω most of the time which makes the presented design acceptable