4 research outputs found

    Management capability in a structural modelling of the quality of economics and accounting education in Indonesia

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    The research reported on in this article was motivated by the absence of modifications to A model for the study of classroom teaching proposed by Dunkin and Biddle in 1974. In this paper we aim to provide revision input to A model for the study of classroom teaching by adding management capability to the group of school community context. The research examined the suitability of structural equation modelling between managerial capability and the quality of economic and accounting education based on the data, as well as the effect of managerial capability on the quality of economic and accounting education. The research instrument consisted of two inventory sets that were valid and reliable. The validity and reliability of items were tested using Cronbach’s Alpha (Alpha Cronbach’s = .89 and .87; R = .78 and R = .82). Data was collected from 150 principals and 150 economics and accounting teachers. Based on the analysis using the linear structural relations (LISREL) 8.80 version, the results of the study show that: 1) the structural equation model of managerial capability, including managing schools and performing management functions, managing human resources and educational personnel, and managing the learning process, can be used to estimate, predict, or explain the quality of economic and accounting education; 2) managerial capability has a significant effect on the quality of economic and accounting education in schools. Based on these findings, management capability can be included as a revision of A model for the study of classroom teaching. Keywords: managerial capability; quality of economic and accounting educatio


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    ABSTRAK Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi memegang peranan yang penting terutama dalam bidang pendidikan. Salah satu penerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam bidang pendidikan antara lain pemanfaatan sarana multimedia dan media Internet dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satu penerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam bidang pendidikan antara lain pemanfaatan sarana multimedia dan media Internet dalam proses pembelajaran. Sebagai salah satu terobosan guna mengimplementasikan pemanfaatan teknologi saat ini di bidang pendidikan, penulis berusaha membantu membangun sebuah aplikasi berbasis android yang mana didalamnya terdapat layanan informasi mencakup perilaku prososial dalam pencegahan perundungan yang di kemas dalam sebuah aplikasi berbasis android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah media mobile learning application berbasis android yang di buat menggunakan aplikasi Canva, iSpring dan Website APK Builder, menguji kelayakan oleh ahli materi, ahli Bahasa dan ahli media serta melihat respon pendidik dan peserta didik terhadap media mobile learning application yang sudah dikembangkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R & D) yang mengacu model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari sepuluh tahapan kemudian disederhanakan menjadi tujuh tahapan yaitu studi pendahuluan, perencanaan desain, pengembangan desain, uji coba terbatas, revisi hasil uji coba terbatas, uji coba produk secara luas, dan revisi hasil uji coba secara luas. Produk media mobile learning application berbasis android ini mencakup materi tentang perilaku prososial dan perundungan yang dimuat dalam bentuk media aplikasi, yang dimanfaatkan untuk memberikan layanan informasi kepada peserta didik. Uji kelayakan media mobile learning application berbasis android menggunakan angket validasi ahli materi, ahli bahasa dan ahli media, serta angket respon pendidik dan peserta didik. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik pada uji coba skala terbatas dan peserta didik pada uji coba skala luas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif yang memaparkan hasil pengembangan produk media mobile learning application berbasis android. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa pengembangan media mobile learning application berbasis android tentang perilaku iv prososial dan perundungan dari segi materi sudah urut, jelas dan lengkap. Dari segi bahasa media mobile learning application menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana, jelas dan mudah dipahami. Selanjutnya dari segi desain keseluruhan tampilan dan warna sudah menarik. Persentase ahli materi sebesar , ahli bahasa dan ahli media sehingga media mobile learning application berbasis android memiliki kategori sangat layak. Sementara hasil angket respon pendidik sebesar dan peserta didik . Respon pendidik terhadap media mobile learning application diperoleh persentase sebesar dengan kriteria sangat menarik. Selanjutnya respon peserta didik terhadap media mobile learning application sangat menarik dan diperolah persentase saat uji coba pendahuluan atau terbatas dan diperoleh persentase sebesar saat uji coba secara luas. Dengan demikian media mobile learning application berbasis android layak digunakan dan disebar luaskan. Kata Kunci: Mobile Learning Application, Perilaku Prososial, Perundungan v ABSTRACT Information and communication technology play an important role, especially in the field of education. One application of information and communication technology in the field of education includes the use of multimedia facilities and Internet media in the learning process. One application of information and communication technology in the field of education includes the use of multimedia facilities and Internet media in the learning process. As one of the breakthroughs to implement the use of current technology in the field of education, the authors try to help build an Android-based application in which there are information services, including prosocial behavior in preventing bullying, packaged in an Android-based application. This study aims to develop an Android-based mobile learning application using media created using the Canva, iSpring, and Website APK Builder applications, test the feasibility of material experts, language experts, and media experts, and see the response of educators and students to mobile media. This type of research is called "Research and Development (R & D), which refers to the Borg and Gall development model, which consists of ten stages that are then simplified into seven: preliminary study, design planning, design development, limited trials, revision of limited trial results, testing test products extensively, and revising trial results extensively. This Android�based mobile learning application media product includes material on prosocial behavior and bullying that is contained in the form of media applications that are used to provide information services to students. The feasibility test of Android-based mobile learning applications uses a validation questionnaire for material experts, linguists, and media experts, as well as a response questionnaire for educators and students. The sample for this research is students in the limited-scale trial and students in the large-scale trial. The data analysis technique uses a descriptive technique that describes the results of the development of an Android-based mobile learning application media product. The results of the research show that the development of Android-based mobile learning application media regarding prosocial behavior and bullying in terms of material is in order, clear, and complete. In terms of language, the mobile learning application media uses language that is simple, clear, and easy to vi understand. Furthermore, in terms of design, the overall appearance and color are attractive. The percentage of material experts is , linguists are , and media experts are , so the Android-based mobile learning application media has a very decent category. While the results of the questionnaire showed the response of educators at and that of students at , Educators' response to the mobile learning application media obtained a percentage of with very attractive criteria. Furthermore, the response of students to the mobile learning application media was very interesting and obtained a percentage of during preliminary or limited trials and a percentage of during extensive trials. Thus, the Android-based mobile learning application medium is feasible to use and disseminate. Keywords: Mobile learning application, prosocial behavior, bullyin

    Effects of Using a Neuroeducational Intervention to Enhance Perseverance for Online EdD and EdS Students

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    Developing and maintaining a completion mindset is a necessary mental condition for online educational doctorate (EdD) and educational specialist (EdS) students to obtain their advanced degrees. The purpose of this research study was to examine the effect of a neuroeducational intervention on a volunteer convenience sample of EdD and EdS students enrolled in online research and analysis courses at a private central Virginia university to determine if the intervention would have a positive effect on the level of perseverance through the stages of practical inquiry when compared to a control group. The independent variable was a web-based instructional method consisting of seven weekly multi-media modules, a creativity survey to enhance intrapersonal knowledge, and a weekly self-report instrument to foster relatedness and to protect for treatment fidelity. The four dependent variables were end-of-course grades, a self-determination survey, and two persistence instruments. An experimental posttest, control-group only research design was used to measure the magnitude of the effect for this intervention. The problem addressed by this study was the high attrition rate for online doctoral students, and the potential for using a neuroeducational intervention to positively affect perseverance. Due to the short-term nature of this intervention (seven weeks), perseverance was defined as completion of the practical inquiry cycle; therefore, additional research will be required to explore the longitudinal impact on perseverance related to attrition rates. The null hypotheses were not rejected; however, the means of the treatment group were higher than the control group for all measures except autonomy

    Effect of Teaching using Whole Brain Instruction on Accounting Learning

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