1,271 research outputs found

    Small-Signal Modelling and Analysis of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators in Wind Power Applications

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    The worldwide demand for more diverse and greener energy supply has had a significant impact on the development of wind energy in the last decades. From 2 GW in 1990, the global installed capacity has now reached about 100 GW and is estimated to grow to 1000 GW by 2025. As wind power penetration increases, it is important to investigate its effect on the power system. Among the various technologies available for wind energy conversion, the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is one of the preferred solutions because it offers the advantages of reduced mechanical stress and optimised power capture thanks to variable speed operation. This work presents the small-signal modelling and analysis of the DFIG for power system stability studies. This thesis starts by reviewing the mathematical models of wind turbines with DFIG convenient for power system studies. Different approaches proposed in the literature for the modelling of the turbine, drive-train, generator, rotor converter and external power system are discussed. It is shown that the flexibility of the drive train should be represented by a two-mass model in the presence of a gearbox. In the analysis part, the steady-state behaviour of the DFIG is examined. Comparison is made with the conventional synchronous generators (SG) and squirrel-cage induction generators to highlight the differences between the machines. The initialisation of the DFIG dynamic variables and other operating quantities is then discussed. Various methods are briefly reviewed and a step-by-step procedure is suggested to avoid the iterative computations in initial condition mentioned in the literature. The dynamical behaviour of the DFIG is studied with eigenvalue analysis. Modal analysis is performed for both open-loop and closed-loop situations. The effect of parameters and operating point variations on small signal stability is observed. For the open-loop DFIG, conditions on machine parameters are obtained to ensure stability of the system. For the closed-loop DFIG, it is shown that the generator electrical transients may be neglected once the converter controls are properly tuned. A tuning procedure is proposed and conditions on proportional gains are obtained for stable electrical dynamics. Finally, small-signal analysis of a multi-machine system with both SG and DFIG is performed. It is shown that there is no common mode to the two types of generators. The result confirms that the DFIG does not introduce negative damping to the system, however it is also shown that the overall effect of the DFIG on the power system stability depends on several structural factors and a general statement as to whether it improves or detriorates the oscillatory stability of a system can not be made

    The impact of wind generators on a Powe system's transient stability

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    This thesis discusses the investigations carried out on the different types of wind generators and how these would affect the transient stability of a hypothetical power network as presented in this report. Focus was on the transient responses of the conventional synchronous generator’s rotor angle and terminal voltage when connected to different types of wind generators. The three different wind generator technologies explored were the squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG), doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) and the converter driven synchronous generator (CDSG)

    Influence of pole-pair combinations on the characteristics of the brushless doubly fed induction generator

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    The brushless doubly fed induction generator (BDFIG) is an alternative to the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), widely used in wind turbines which avoids the need for brush gear and slip rings. The choice of pole numbers for the two stator windings present in the BDFIG sets the operating speed, typically in the medium speed range to eliminate a gearbox stage. This paper focuses on how both the total number of poles and the assignment of poles between the windings affect machine performance. Analytical expressions have been developed for parameters including pull-out torque, magnetizing current and back-iron depth. The results show that the pole count can be increased without unduly compromising pull-out torque and that in cases where more than one combination of pole number is acceptable only the back iron depth is significantly affected. In addition an output factor has been introduced to enable a direct comparison to be made with conventional DFIGs. The torque density of a brushless DFIG is compromised to a degree relative to a comparable DFIG as a consequence of the presence of two magnetic fields and finite element analysis is needed to achieve an optimized design. Finally, predictions of the performance of multi-MW machines are made based on data from an existing 250 kW machine which show that suitable efficiencies can be obtained and excessive control winding excitation can be avoided

    Utilizing reactive capability of doubly fed induction generators to enhance system voltage performance and withstand wind variability

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    The fluctuating global fuel prices, concerns with the depleting fossil fuel reserves and concerns relating to climate change has resulted in an increasing focus on renewable sources to satisfy rising global energy requirements. Wind power is in the fore front of renewable power generation technologies. Within the realm of wind generators, the Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is the preferred choice of installation worldwide. Large scale penetration of wind energy in the system raises significant concerns regarding the reliability implications of the inherent variability of wind. The work presented in this thesis provides a methodology to utilize the capability curve of the DFIG machine to enhance the voltage performance of the system and make the system more resilient to wind variations. The utilization of wind parks as reactive sources during low wind periods can help maintain balanced system voltages. Any wind park that has direct access to load centers or is on a transmission path carrying large amounts of power will provide a substantial system performance improvement. The offshore wind farms that are very close to the coastal load pockets can act as a reactive source and help increase the capability of the load pocket to import power from remote inland generation. A novel voltage security assessment technique is also developed which incorporates variable sources of power. With large scale integration of renewable energy, which is variable in nature, the traditional techniques of power system security assessment are not sufficient. This work details a new methodology to determine a Voltage Secure Region of Operation (VSROP), which given the forecasted uncertainty in wind power output, provides a secure region of operation with respect to the system load and the power reserves available

    Integrated electromechanical wind turbine control for power system operation and load reduction

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    With the penetration level of wind power in electric power networks increasing rapidly all over the world, modern wind turbines are challenged to provide the same grid services as conventional synchronous power plants. The dynamic interaction between wind turbines and grid has to be assessed first before replacing large amount of conventional power plants by wind power. Over the last few years many power system operators have revised their grid codes and established more demanding requirements for wind power connection. In the past, when wind turbines were small, they were allowed to simply disconnect during a grid fault/disturbance. However, as wind turbine size has increased considerably, their fault ride-through capability has to be improved if the penetration of wind power is to be further increased. Wind turbine design and control need to be improved to optimize the compatibility of wind power and the grid. Among the various requirements that wind turbines have to meet, fault ride-through is of great importance and a very challenging one. Grid faults cause transients not only in the electrical system, but also in the wind turbine mechanical system. The dynamic performance of wind turbines is determined by both mechanical and electrical systems. From the mechanical point of view, the grid disturbance adds extra loads on wind turbine components. Severe grid faults may even lead to wind turbine emergency shut-down. From the electrical point of view, wind farms may lose power generation during a grid fault, which deteriorates the fault impact and slows down the fault recovery. Advanced control and active damping is required to improve wind turbine operation and assist it to remain connected during a grid fault. The novelty of this research is the study of the interaction between mechanical and electrical systems of the wind turbine. The detailed modelling of both the wind turbine mechanical and electrical dynamics not only helps to identify possible problems that wind turbines encounter during grid faults, but also allows adopting a combined approach to design the wind turbine controller. This thesis aims at improving the wind turbine fault ride-through capability and the ability of wind turbine to provide network support during grid disturbances. The main contents are as follows: The detailed model of wind turbine and grid including wind turbine mechanical model, wind turbine controller, synchronous and induction generator model, doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) controller and a generic network model are presented; A wind turbine fault ride-through strategy considering structural loads alleviation is proposed; A controller for asymmetrical fault ride-through of DFIG wind turbines is presented; The effect of having Power System Stabilizer (PSS) on wind turbine is investigated. A multi-band PSS controller for DFIG wind turbine is demonstrated.With the penetration level of wind power in electric power networks increasing rapidly all over the world, modern wind turbines are challenged to provide the same grid services as conventional synchronous power plants. The dynamic interaction between wind turbines and grid has to be assessed first before replacing large amount of conventional power plants by wind power. Over the last few years many power system operators have revised their grid codes and established more demanding requirements for wind power connection. In the past, when wind turbines were small, they were allowed to simply disconnect during a grid fault/disturbance. However, as wind turbine size has increased considerably, their fault ride-through capability has to be improved if the penetration of wind power is to be further increased. Wind turbine design and control need to be improved to optimize the compatibility of wind power and the grid. Among the various requirements that wind turbines have to meet, fault ride-through is of great importance and a very challenging one. Grid faults cause transients not only in the electrical system, but also in the wind turbine mechanical system. The dynamic performance of wind turbines is determined by both mechanical and electrical systems. From the mechanical point of view, the grid disturbance adds extra loads on wind turbine components. Severe grid faults may even lead to wind turbine emergency shut-down. From the electrical point of view, wind farms may lose power generation during a grid fault, which deteriorates the fault impact and slows down the fault recovery. Advanced control and active damping is required to improve wind turbine operation and assist it to remain connected during a grid fault. The novelty of this research is the study of the interaction between mechanical and electrical systems of the wind turbine. The detailed modelling of both the wind turbine mechanical and electrical dynamics not only helps to identify possible problems that wind turbines encounter during grid faults, but also allows adopting a combined approach to design the wind turbine controller. This thesis aims at improving the wind turbine fault ride-through capability and the ability of wind turbine to provide network support during grid disturbances. The main contents are as follows: The detailed model of wind turbine and grid including wind turbine mechanical model, wind turbine controller, synchronous and induction generator model, doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) controller and a generic network model are presented; A wind turbine fault ride-through strategy considering structural loads alleviation is proposed; A controller for asymmetrical fault ride-through of DFIG wind turbines is presented; The effect of having Power System Stabilizer (PSS) on wind turbine is investigated. A multi-band PSS controller for DFIG wind turbine is demonstrated

    Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT

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    Study Of Wind Energy Conversion System Connected To Grid Using Doubly Fed Induction Generator

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    From past few years, wind mills has become one of the most significant and valuable sources of renewable energy, in which better transmission capability and improved system reliability is needed. Also there has been a significant growth in the wind energy scenario. The World Wind Energy Association has told in World Wind Energy Report that, “The around the world [wind] capacity reached 318,137 MW, out of which 35,467 MW were added more”. The wind system here is a variable speed wind generation system working principle based on Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG).The Doubly fed induction generator brings the additional feature of utilizing the turns ratio of the machine, so the power converter need not to be rated for the machine’s full rated power. The rotor side converter (RSC) generally provides active power and reactive power control of the machine while the grid-side converter (GSC) retains the voltage of the DC-link constant. The added feature of generation of the reactive power by the grid-side converter is generally not used because of the fact that it is more desirable to generate reactive power by using the Rotor side convertor. Though, within the usable current capacity the grid side converter can be controlled to participate in generation of reactive power in steady state and during low voltage durations as well. The Grid side convertor can contribute the necessary reactive current very quickly while the RSC passes the current through the machine appearing in a difficulty. The pair of converters can be overburdened for a short time, so the DFIG is able to give an ample contribution to grid voltage support at the time of short circuits. This abstract deals with the introduction of wind turbines, DFIG, power converter control and for study of Grid Connected Wind Energy system with DFIG and corresponding results. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15066

    Grid fault ride through for wind turbine doubly-fed induction generators

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    EngD ThesisWind farms must contribute to the stability and reliability of the transmission grid, if they are to form a robust component of the electrical network. This includes providing grid support during grid faults, or voltage dips. Transmission system grid codes require wind farms to remain connected during specified voltage dips, and to supply active and reactive power into the network. Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) technology is presently dominant in the growing global market for wind power generation, due to the combination of variable-speed operation and a cost-effective partially-rated power converter. However, the DFIG is sensitive to dips in supply voltage. Without specific protection to 'ride through' grid faults a DFIG risks damage to its power converter due to over-current and/or overvoltage. Conventional converter protection via a sustained period of rotor-crowbar closed-circuit leads to poor power output and sustained suppression of the stator voltages. This thesis presents a detailed understanding of wind turbine DFIG grid fault response, including flux linkage behaviour and magnetic drag effects. A flexible 7.5kW test facility is used to validate the description of fault response and evaluate techniques for improving fault ride-through performance. A minimum threshold rotor crowbar method is presented, successfully diverting transient over-currents and restoring good power control within 45ms of both fault initiation and clearance. Crowbar application periods were reduced to 11-16ms. A study of the maximum crowbar resistance suggests that this method can be used with high-power DFIG turbines. Alternatively, a DC-link brake method is shown to protect the power converter and quench the transient rotor currents, allowing control to be resumed; albeit requiring 100ms to restore good control. A VAr-support control scheme reveals a 14% stator voltage increase in fault tests: reducing the step-voltage impact at fault clearance and potentially assisting the fault response of other local equipment.EPSR

    Effects of POD control on a DFIG wind turbine structural system

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    This paper investigates the effects power oscillation damping (POD) controller could have on a wind turbine structural system. Most of the published work in this area has been done using relatively simple aerodynamic and structural models of a wind turbine which cannot be used to investigate the detailed interactions between electrical and mechanical components of the wind turbine. Therefore, a detailed model that combines electrical, structural and aerodynamic characteristics of a grid-connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind turbine has been developed by adapting the NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 5MW wind turbine model within FAST (Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence) code. This detailed model is used to evaluate the effects of POD controller on the wind turbine system. The results appear to indicate that the effects of POD control on the WT structural system are comparable or less significant as those caused by wind speed variations. Furthermore, the results also reveal that the effects of a transient three-phase short circuit fault on the WT structural system are much larger than those caused by the POD controller
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