6,798 research outputs found

    Can ubiquity moderate m-banking resource-related negative effects?

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    El objetivo de este estudio es explorar la influencia de los inconvenientes de la banca móvil relacionados con la falta de recursos en la satisfacción de los clientes, su disposición a recibir marketing móvil de permiso y la emisión de boca-oreja. Analizando una muestra de 1429 usuarios de banca móvil, determinamos que la satisfacción de los clientes influye en su disposición a recibir marketing móvil de permiso y emitir boca-oreja, mientras que la disposición a recibir marketing móvil de permiso tiene un efecto positivo sobre la emisión de boca-oreja. Siendo la ubicuidad un atributo distintivo de la banca móvil, observamos su papel moderador, identificando que hay clientes que consideran la ubicuidad como una característica importante de la banca móvil, mientras que otros no la consideran relevante. Este estudio propone recomendaciones para mejorar el uso de los servicios de la banca móvil, evitando o disminuyendo los efectos negativos de sus inconvenientes.The objective of this study is to explore the influence of m-banking resource-related inadequacies on clients’ satisfaction with the banking services, their permission-based mobile marketing tendencies and word-of-mouth emission actions. Analysing a sample of 1429 users of mobile banking services, we determined that clients’ satisfaction influences their willingness to receive permission-based mobile marketing and to emit word-of-mouth, while the willingness to receive permission-based mobile marketing has a positive effect on the word-of-mouth emission. In order not to overlook the ubiquity as a distinguishing attribute of m-banking services, we observe its moderating role, identifying clients who consider ubiquity as an important m-banking characteristic and others who do not consider it relevant. Hence, attending the opinion of actual m-banking clients, this study proposes suggestions for improving the use of m-banking services by avoiding or lessening the negative effects of m-banking resource-related inadequacies

    The determinants of customer internet banking resistance and the role of mediating variables in Yemeni Universities

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    Although internet banking has been widely adopted in developed countries, there is still a low percentage of internet banking adoption in Yemen, indicating a probable high resistance to internet banking. Hence, the objective of this research was to determine the direct predictors (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control (PBC), credibility, trust, compatibility, self-efficacy and government support) of customer resistance, attitude, subjective norm, PBC and credibility towards internet banking. Additionally, this study examined the mediating effects of attitude, subjective norm, PBC, and credibility on the relationship between predictors and customer resistance to internet-banking behavior using Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB). A quantitative research survey was used whereby 900 questionnaires were distributed randomly to University employees. 451questionnaires were returned, representing a 50% response rate. After screening, 372 useable data sets were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study found five significant predictors of customer resistance (attitude, credibility, compatibility, selfefficacy, and government support); three significant factors predicting attitude (government support, subjective norm and PBC); two significant predictors of SN (government support and self-efficacy); two significant predictors of PBC (compatibility and self-efficacy); and three predictors of credibility (trust, government support and PBC). It was also found that attitude fully mediated the relationship between subjective norm and customer resistance as well as between PBC and customer resistance. Contrastingly, attitude was a partial mediator between the relationship of government support and customer resistance. Likewise, credibility is a full mediator on the relationship between trust and customer resistance; PBC and customer resistance. Credibility also partially mediated the relationship between government support and customer resistance. Finally, the study contributes empirically by validating DTBP as an effective underpinning theory in explaining the internet banking resistance and that government should enact more stringent laws and policies to control the internet banking in Yemen

    Integrating Mobile Technology Quality Service, Trust and Cultural Factors Into Technology Acceptance of Mobile Learning: A Case of the Jordan Higher Education Institution

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    The success of mobile learning system in higher education depends a lot on the students‟ acceptance of the technology. From an early investigation, students at Jordanian higher educational institutions however are still unwilling to use mobile learning applications and services. The students‟ acceptance should be a key concern for the management of a university in considering the implementation of mobile learning system. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence the acceptance of mobile learning system based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed to five universities in Jordan, out of which 398 question-naires were returned, representing 79% response rate. Statistical techniques including bivariate correlation analyses, multiple linear and stepwise regression analyses, T-tests, and One-Way ANOVA were used. The results showed three core determinants: Culture, Trust, and Technology Service Quality as significantly influenced Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use moreover have significantly determined Attitude, while Perceived Usefulness and Attitude, have significantly determined users‟ Behavioral Intention. Among the five variables of culture, the study found Power Distance to be the most contributive variable, and Trust in University as the most contributive variable under the Trust factor. Meanwhile, the most contributive variable in Technology Service Quality factor is Accessibility. For the Demographic factors, the study proved that gender, mobile learning experience, and mobile internet experience have significantly influenced students‟ acceptance. Based on the results obtained, the study proposes a model of mobile learning acceptance based on TAM. A comprehensive understanding of this model will assist decision makers to enhance the acceptance of the mobile learning system among students in Jordanian higher educational institutions in the future

    Consumer Adoption of Self-Service Technologies in the Context of the Jordanian Banking Industry: Examining the Moderating Role of Channel Types

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    YesThis study aimed to examine the key factors predicting Jordanian consumers’ intentions and usage of three types of self-service banking technologies. This study also sought to test if the impacts of these main predictors could be moderated by channel type. This study proposed a conceptual model by integrating factors from the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), along with perceived risk. The required data were collected from a convenience sample of Jordanian banking customers using a survey questionnaire. The statistical results strongly support the significant influence of performance expectancy, social influence, and perceived risk on customer intentions for the three types of SSTs examined. The results of the X2 differences test also indicate that there are significant differences in the influence of the main predictors due to the moderating effect of channel type. One of the key contributions of this study is that three types of SSTs were tested in a single study, which had not been done before, leading to the identification of the factors common to all three types, as well as the salient factors unique to each type

    Consumer self-service technology adoption in multiple service industries in Saudi Arabia

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    The current convergence of information and communication technology (ICT) is found to be creating new opportunities. Business organizations are leveraging this technology in response to the need for greater business integration, flexibility, and agility. One of the technologies that have been utilized quite aggressively by firms is the Self-Service Technologies (SST). Although the proclaimed benefits of SSTs are enormous, few institutions which have adopted the SST have achieved its intended objectives. Even thought the use of the SSTs in the service settings within the developed economies has attained an increasing level of acceptance by consumers, little is known about the consumer‟s adoption in the Arab world, particularly in Saudi Arabia which is still lack of research in this area. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis is to explore the SST adoption in multiple sectors in Saudi Arabia as well as the usage of all types of SST. The main focus of this thesis, is to explore the consumers‟ adoption of the SSTs through the users‟ seek values. The users‟ seek values construct is a new construct proposed in this study to complement the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework. The research model composes of four variables: the antecedents of users‟ seek values; the users‟ seek values; the customers‟ intention to use the SST; and the customers‟ adoption of the SST. Using a mall-intercept technique, a sample of 400 respondents was collected in three major cities in Saudi Arabia. The hypothesis was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that, for the antecedent factors, demographic profiles and personality traits were found to influence the users‟ seek values. In addition, users‟ seek values were found to mediate the relationship between the consumers‟ characteristics and their intention to use the SST. In addition, the intention to use the SST also mediates the relationship between users‟ seek values and the SST adoption. Finally, the direct positive relationship between customers‟ intention and adoption was also confirmed. The research concluded with a discussion on the management implications as well as the recommendations and the future research that need to be carried out

    The Impact Of Technology Trust On The Acceptance Of Mobile Banking Technology Within Nigeria

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    With advancement in the use of information technology seen as a key factor in economic development, developed countries are increasingly reviewing traditional systems, in various sectors such as education, health, transport and finance, and identifying how they may be improved or replaced with automated systems. In this study, the authors examine the role of technology trust in the acceptance of mobile banking in Nigeria as the country attempts to transition into a cashless economy. For Nigeria, like many other countries, its economic growth is linked, at least in part, to its improvement in information technology infrastructure, as well as establishing secure, convenient and reliable payments systems. Utilising the Technology Acceptance Model, this study investigates causal relationships between technology trust and other factors influencing user’s intention to adopt technology; focusing on the impact of seven factors contributing to technology trust. Data from 1725 respondents was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis and the results showed that confidentiality, integrity, authentication, access control, best business practices and non-repudiation significantly influenced technology trust. Technology trust showed a direct significant influence on perceived ease of use and usefulness, a direct influence on intention to use as well as an indirect influence on intention to use through its impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness showed significant influence on consumer’s intention to adopt the technology. With mobile banking being a key driver of Nigeria’s cashless economy goals, this study provides quantitative knowledge regarding technology trust and adoption behaviour in Nigeria as well as significant insight on areas where policy makers and mobile banking vendors can focus strategies engineered to improve trust in mobile banking and increase user adoption of their technology

    The influences of e-satisfaction, e-trust and hedonic motivation on the relationship between e-banking adoption and its determinants in Nigeria

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate factors that can predict adoption of ebanking in Nigeria. Specifically, it aims at investigating mediating influences of esatisfaction, e-trust and hedonic motivation on the relationship between e-banking adoption and its other determinants. The motivation of this study is driven by the inconsistent findings in the literature with respect to the relationships between e-banking adoption and its determinants: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and facilitating condition. In line with the inconsistencies, various suggestions have emerged pointing to the need to investigate the possible mediating variables that could explain the inconsistencies. For that purpose, this study employed theories of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Universal Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Social Exchange theory to synchronize the possible relationships among the variables in the conceptual framework. Survey questionnaire was advocated and the questionnaires were distributed randomly to 382 customers of four major banks in Nigeria. Out of 291 returned questionnaires, 266 were useable for analysis. PLS-SEM was used to analyze both direct and indirect relationships among the variables of the study. The results reveal that perceived usefulness, perceived security, perceived ease of use, facilitating condition, and awareness are positive determinants of e-banking adoption, e-satisfaction, hedonic motivation and e-trust accordingly with an exception of perceived usefulness that does not determine e-trust. The study also found that e-satisfaction; e-trust and hedonic motivation mediate the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and facilitating conditions and e-banking adoption. Finally, managerial, policy and theoretical implications as well as directions for future research are discussed in this paper