6,360 research outputs found

    Efficient parallel mining of association rules on shared-memory multiple-processor machine

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    In this paper we consider the problem of parallel mining of association rules on a shared-memory multiprocessor system. Two efficient algorithms PSM and HSM have been proposed. PSM adopted two powerful candidate set pruning techniques distributed pruning and global pruning to reduce the size of candidates. HSM further utilized an I/O reduction strategy to enhance its performance. We have implemented PSM and HSM on a SGI Power Challenge parallel machine. The performance studies show that PSM and HSM out perform CD-SM, which is a shared-memory parallel version of the popular Apriori algorithm.published_or_final_versio

    dRAP-Independent: A Data Distribution Algorithm for Mining First-Order Frequent Patterns

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    In this paper we present dRAP-Independent, an algorithm for independent distributed mining of first-order frequent patterns. This system is based on RAP, an algorithm for finding maximal frequent patterns in first-order logic. dRAP-Independent utilizes a modified data partitioning schema introduced by Savasere et al. and offers good performance and low communication overhead. We analyze the performance of the algorithm on four different tasks: Mutagenicity prediction -- a standard ILP benchmark, information extraction from biological texts, context-sensitive spelling correction, and morphological disambiguation of Czech. The results of the analysis show that the algorithm can generate more patterns than the serial algorithm RAP in the same overall time

    Sentiment Lexicon Adaptation with Context and Semantics for the Social Web

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    Sentiment analysis over social streams offers governments and organisations a fast and effective way to monitor the publics' feelings towards policies, brands, business, etc. General purpose sentiment lexicons have been used to compute sentiment from social streams, since they are simple and effective. They calculate the overall sentiment of texts by using a general collection of words, with predetermined sentiment orientation and strength. However, words' sentiment often vary with the contexts in which they appear, and new words might be encountered that are not covered by the lexicon, particularly in social media environments where content emerges and changes rapidly and constantly. In this paper, we propose a lexicon adaptation approach that uses contextual as well as semantic information extracted from DBPedia to update the words' weighted sentiment orientations and to add new words to the lexicon. We evaluate our approach on three different Twitter datasets, and show that enriching the lexicon with contextual and semantic information improves sentiment computation by 3.4% in average accuracy, and by 2.8% in average F1 measure

    Adaptive algorithms for real-world transactional data mining.

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    The accurate identification of the right customer to target with the right product at the right time, through the right channel, to satisfy the customer’s evolving needs, is a key performance driver and enhancer for businesses. Data mining is an analytic process designed to explore usually large amounts of data (typically business or market related) in search of consistent patterns and/or systematic relationships between variables for the purpose of generating explanatory/predictive data models from the detected patterns. It provides an effective and established mechanism for accurate identification and classification of customers. Data models derived from the data mining process can aid in effectively recognizing the status and preference of customers - individually and as a group. Such data models can be incorporated into the business market segmentation, customer targeting and channelling decisions with the goal of maximizing the total customer lifetime profit. However, due to costs, privacy and/or data protection reasons, the customer data available for data mining is often restricted to verified and validated data,(in most cases,only the business owned transactional data is available). Transactional data is a valuable resource for generating such data models. Transactional data can be electronically collected and readily made available for data mining in large quantity at minimum extra cost. Transactional data is however, inherently sparse and skewed. These inherent characteristics of transactional data give rise to the poor performance of data models built using customer data based on transactional data. Data models for identifying, describing, and classifying customers, constructed using evolving transactional data thus need to effectively handle the inherent sparseness and skewness of evolving transactional data in order to be efficient and accurate. Using real-world transactional data, this thesis presents the findings and results from the investigation of data mining algorithms for analysing, describing, identifying and classifying customers with evolving needs. In particular, methods for handling the issues of scalability, uncertainty and adaptation whilst mining evolving transactional data are analysed and presented. A novel application of a new framework for integrating transactional data binning and classification techniques is presented alongside an effective prototype selection algorithm for efficient transactional data model building. A new change mining architecture for monitoring, detecting and visualizing the change in customer behaviour using transactional data is proposed and discussed as an effective means for analysing and understanding the change in customer buying behaviour over time. Finally, the challenging problem of discerning between the change in the customer profile (which may necessitate the effective change of the customer’s label) and the change in performance of the model(s) (which may necessitate changing or adapting the model(s)) is introduced and discussed by way of a novel flexible and efficient architecture for classifier model adaptation and customer profiles class relabeling

    Role based behavior analysis

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Nos nossos dias, o sucesso de uma empresa depende da sua agilidade e capacidade de se adaptar a condições que se alteram rapidamente. Dois requisitos para esse sucesso são trabalhadores proactivos e uma infra-estrutura ágil de Tecnologias de Informacão/Sistemas de Informação (TI/SI) que os consiga suportar. No entanto, isto nem sempre sucede. Os requisitos dos utilizadores ao nível da rede podem nao ser completamente conhecidos, o que causa atrasos nas mudanças de local e reorganizações. Além disso, se não houver um conhecimento preciso dos requisitos, a infraestrutura de TI/SI poderá ser utilizada de forma ineficiente, com excessos em algumas áreas e deficiências noutras. Finalmente, incentivar a proactividade não implica acesso completo e sem restrições, uma vez que pode deixar os sistemas vulneráveis a ameaças externas e internas. O objectivo do trabalho descrito nesta tese é desenvolver um sistema que consiga caracterizar o comportamento dos utilizadores do ponto de vista da rede. Propomos uma arquitectura de sistema modular para extrair informação de fluxos de rede etiquetados. O processo é iniciado com a criação de perfis de utilizador a partir da sua informação de fluxos de rede. Depois, perfis com características semelhantes são agrupados automaticamente, originando perfis de grupo. Finalmente, os perfis individuais são comprados com os perfis de grupo, e os que diferem significativamente são marcados como anomalias para análise detalhada posterior. Considerando esta arquitectura, propomos um modelo para descrever o comportamento de rede dos utilizadores e dos grupos. Propomos ainda métodos de visualização que permitem inspeccionar rapidamente toda a informação contida no modelo. O sistema e modelo foram avaliados utilizando um conjunto de dados reais obtidos de um operador de telecomunicações. Os resultados confirmam que os grupos projectam com precisão comportamento semelhante. Além disso, as anomalias foram as esperadas, considerando a população subjacente. Com a informação que este sistema consegue extrair dos dados em bruto, as necessidades de rede dos utilizadores podem sem supridas mais eficazmente, os utilizadores suspeitos são assinalados para posterior análise, conferindo uma vantagem competitiva a qualquer empresa que use este sistema.In our days, the success of a corporation hinges on its agility and ability to adapt to fast changing conditions. Proactive workers and an agile IT/IS infrastructure that can support them is a requirement for this success. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The user’s network requirements may not be fully understood, which slows down relocation and reorganization. Also, if there is no grasp on the real requirements, the IT/IS infrastructure may not be efficiently used, with waste in some areas and deficiencies in others. Finally, enabling proactivity does not mean full unrestricted access, since this may leave the systems vulnerable to outsider and insider threats. The purpose of the work described on this thesis is to develop a system that can characterize user network behavior. We propose a modular system architecture to extract information from tagged network flows. The system process begins by creating user profiles from their network flows’ information. Then, similar profiles are automatically grouped into clusters, creating role profiles. Finally, the individual profiles are compared against the roles, and the ones that differ significantly are flagged as anomalies for further inspection. Considering this architecture, we propose a model to describe user and role network behavior. We also propose visualization methods to quickly inspect all the information contained in the model. The system and model were evaluated using a real dataset from a large telecommunications operator. The results confirm that the roles accurately map similar behavior. The anomaly results were also expected, considering the underlying population. With the knowledge that the system can extract from the raw data, the users network needs can be better fulfilled, the anomalous users flagged for inspection, giving an edge in agility for any company that uses it

    Multilevel Weighted Support Vector Machine for Classification on Healthcare Data with Missing Values

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    This work is motivated by the needs of predictive analytics on healthcare data as represented by Electronic Medical Records. Such data is invariably problematic: noisy, with missing entries, with imbalance in classes of interests, leading to serious bias in predictive modeling. Since standard data mining methods often produce poor performance measures, we argue for development of specialized techniques of data-preprocessing and classification. In this paper, we propose a new method to simultaneously classify large datasets and reduce the effects of missing values. It is based on a multilevel framework of the cost-sensitive SVM and the expected maximization imputation method for missing values, which relies on iterated regression analyses. We compare classification results of multilevel SVM-based algorithms on public benchmark datasets with imbalanced classes and missing values as well as real data in health applications, and show that our multilevel SVM-based method produces fast, and more accurate and robust classification results.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1503.0625

    Executive Compensation: Facts

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    In this paper we describe the important features of executive compensation in the US from 1993 to 2006. Some confirm what has been found for earlier periods and some are novel. Notable facts are that: the compensation distribution is highly skewed; each year, a sizeable fraction of chief executives lose money; the use of security grants has increased over time; the income accruing to CEOs from the sale of stock increased; regardless of the measure we adopt, compensation responds strongly to innovations in shareholder wealth; measured as dollar changes in compensation, incentives have strengthened over time, measured as percentage changes in wealth, they have not changed in any appreciable way.CEO, Pay–Performance Sensitivity, Stock, Options

    Psychometrics in Practice at RCEC

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    A broad range of topics is dealt with in this volume: from combining the psychometric generalizability and item response theories to the ideas for an integrated formative use of data-driven decision making, assessment for learning and diagnostic testing. A number of chapters pay attention to computerized (adaptive) and classification testing. Other chapters treat the quality of testing in a general sense, but for topics like maintaining standards or the testing of writing ability, the quality of testing is dealt with more specifically.\ud All authors are connected to RCEC as researchers. They present one of their current research topics and provide some insight into the focus of RCEC. The selection of the topics and the editing intends that the book should be of special interest to educational researchers, psychometricians and practitioners in educational assessment