4 research outputs found

    A Review of Video Triggers and Video Production in Higher Education and Continuing Education PBL Settings

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    Higher education faces the challenges of bridging education and authentic work. In addition, it needs to respond to the highly multimodal and participatory communication and content creation practices, preferences, and cultures of present and future students. The aim of our article is to discuss how the use of video triggers and video production in PBL can help to respond to these challenges. Based on a literature review, we present and discuss the uses and outcomes of video triggers and video production within PBL contexts and related higher education and continuing education contexts. The research evidence reviewed in this article clearly illustrates the advantages of video triggers and video production in PBL settings while at the same time pointing out several conditions of their effective use

    Mobile Collaborative Learning for Female Baby Boomer Students in Canadian Higher Education

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    Female baby boomer students (born 1946-1964) need to augment their skills in mobile collaborative learning because current knowledge of technologies is essential for making informed decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the need to promote technologies based on the experiences of female baby boomer students. Andragogy and constructivism provided the conceptual framework for this research. The research questions were devised to investigate female boomer students\u27 collaborative experiences using smart devices and barriers to their adoption of technology. This phenomenological study included 8 participants from a Canadian university recruited through purposeful sampling. Per the Modified Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method, data were simultaneously collected via interviews, analyzed by coding, and organized into themes until saturation. Age was the main deterrent for technology adoption, and obstacles included embracing a new process, feeling that information was secure, and resolving technical difficulties. Results indicated that female baby boomer students were not ready to lead in the use of mobile collaborative learning and could not maintain rapid technological changes. Mature students may need training in cloud computing; a 1-semester blended course was proposed to enable these students to learn mobile technologies and collaborative skills. This study identifies the technology learning needs of baby boomer students, which will help those looking for ways to teach students in this age range. When leaders in their field of study know how to use current technologies, they will be more productive in their communities

    Suhteessa maailmaan : ympäristöt oppimisen avaajina

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    Suhteessa maailmaan -teos aukaisee luokkahuoneen ovea moninaisiin oppimisympäristöihin ja tilanteisiin. Teos on laadittu edistämään eheyttävien opetus- ja oppimiskäytäntöjen vakiintumista koulujen arkeen eri oppiaineiden näkökulmasta sekä oppiaineita yhdistäen. Kirjassa edetään tilannesidonnaisen oppimisen lähtökohtien tutkimusperustasta käytännön sovelluksiin, jossa oppimisen painopiste on siirtynyt opettajan ja oppilaan välisestä suhteesta oppilaan ja ympäröivän maailman väliseen suhteeseen. Teoksen kolmessa luvussa tarkastellaan oppimisen tilanne- ja paikkasidonnaisuuksien merkityksiä erilaisten oppimisympäristöjen ja teknologian näkökulmasta. Lisäksi esitellään, miten oppiaineista siirrytään opetukseen, jossa tietoja ja taitoja opetellaan koulun oppiainerajoja ylittäen. Oppiminen kiinnittyy erilaisiin paikkoihin kuten museoon, metsään, saaristoon, koulupihoihin, kyliin ja kaupunginosiin. Kirjassa tarkastellaan niin leikkiä, pelillisyyttä ja teknologiaa kuin talvea ja kotoutumistakin aidossa tilanteessa ja ympäristössä. Aistisuus kokonaisvaltaisena oppimisena punoo useita näkökulmia yhteen. Kirjoittajat edustavat monialaista asiantuntijuutta varhaiskasvatuksesta korkeakoulupedagogiikkaan.publishedVersionVertaisarvioitu teo