850 research outputs found

    New Issues for New Methods: Ethical and Editorial Challenges for an Experimental Philosophy

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    This paper examines a constellation of ethical and editorial issues that have arisen since philosophers started to conduct, submit and publish empirical research. These issues encompass concerns over responsible authorship, fair treatment of human subjects, ethicality of experimental procedures, availability of data, unselective reporting and publishability of research findings. This study aims to assess whether the philosophical community has as yet successfully addressed such issues. To do so, the instructions for authors, submission process and published research papers of 29 main journals in philosophy have been considered and analyzed. In light of the evidence reported here, it is argued that the philosophical community has as yet failed to properly tackle such issues. The paper also delivers some recommendations for authors, reviewers and editors in the field

    Charities as journalists: distorting international reporting?

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    As an advocate of public participation in the journalism I welcome the increased use of news communication methods by international non-governmental organisations such as Oxfam, Christian Aid or MSF. But it raises all kinds of ethical and editorial issues for both the media and the charities

    OA@MPS - a colourful view

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    The open access agenda of the Max Planck Society, initiator of the Berlin Declaration, envisions the support of both the green way and the golden way to open access. For the implementation of the green way the Max Planck Society through its newly established unit (Max Planck Digital Library) follows the idea of providing a centralized technical platform for publications and a local support for editorial issues. With regard to the golden way, the Max Planck Society fosters the development of open access publication models and experiments new publishing concepts like the Living Reviews journals


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    The open access agenda of the Max Planck Society, initiator of the Berlin Declaration, envisions the support of both the green way and the golden way to open access. For the implementation of the green way the Max Planck Society through its newly established unit (Max Planck Digital Library) follows the idea of providing a centralized technical platform for publications and a local support for editorial issues. With regard to the golden way, the Max Planck Society fosters the development of open access publication models and experiments new publishing concepts like the Living Reviews journals

    Data sharing: A new editorial initiative of the international committee of medical journal editors. Implications for the editors´ network

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    The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides recommendations to improve the editorial standards and scientific quality of biomedical journals. These recommendations range from uniform technical requirements to more complex and elusive editorial issues including ethical aspects of the scientific process. Recently, registration of clinical trials, conflicts of interest disclosure, and new criteria for authorship -emphasizing the importance of responsibility and accountability-, have been proposed. Last year, a new editorial initiative to foster sharing of clinical trial data was launched. This review discusses this novel initiative with the aim of increasing awareness among readers, investigators, authors and editors belonging to the Editors´ Network of the European Society of Cardiolog

    Data sharing: A new editorial initiative from the international committee of medical journal editors. Implications for the editorś network

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    The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides recommendations to improve the editorial standards and scientific quality of biomedical journals. These recommendations range from uniform technical requirements to more complex and elusive editorial issues including ethical aspects of the scientific process. Recently, registration of clinical trials, conflicts of interest disclosure, and new criteria for authorship -emphasizing the importance of responsibility and accountability-, have been proposed. This year a new editorial initiative to foster sharing of clinical trial data has been launched. This review discusses this novel initiative with the aim of increasing awareness among readers, investigators, authors and Editors of the Editorś Network of the European Society of Cardiology

    Data sharing: A new editorial initiative of the international committee of medical journal editors. Implications for the editors´ network

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    The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides recommendations to improve the editorial standards and scientific quality of biomedical journals. These recommendations range from uniform technical requirements to more complex and elusive editorial issues including ethical aspects of the scientific process. Recently, registration of clinical trials, conflicts of interest disclosure, and new criteria for authorship -emphasizing the importance of responsibility and accountability-, have been proposed. Last year, a new editorial initiative to foster sharing of clinical trial data was launched. This review discusses this novel initiative with the aim of increasing awareness among readers, investigators, authors and editors belonging to the Editors´ Network of the European Society of Cardiolog

    Journalists' collective representation and editorial content in British newspapers- never the twain shall meet?

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    This article examines the propensity for journalists to contest the determination of the editorial content of the newspapers they work for and write for. It finds that such instances are relatively infrequent and suggests that not only is stronger workplace union organisation required to provide for the capability for journalists to do so but that a heightened level of trade union consciousness and abnormal occurrences in management practice are also required

    Household Words, Volume II; September 28, 1850 – March 22, 1851

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    Third in a series of articles that double as synoptic introductions to the bi-annual volumes of the phenomenally successful mid-century periodicals edited by Charles Dickens during the year of his artistc maturity, 1850-1870. These complement the new accessibility of the contents of the journals in online open access format, courtesy of the website 'Dickens Journals Online' (www.djo.org.uk). The article covers in a depth not before attempted the background to the editing of the volume in terms of Dickens's personal and professional commitments 1850-51, and dedicates sub-sections to consideration of Leading Articles, Short Fiction, Poetry, Current Affairs (social & cultural; domestic politics), Science and Medicine, and a summary of the Editorial Issues encountered by Dickens and his sub-editor, William Henry Wills
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