10 research outputs found

    Generating Meta-Model-Based Freehand Editors

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    Most visual languages as of today (e.g., UML) are specified using a model in a meta-model-based approach. Editors for such languages have supported structured editing as the only editing mode so far. Free-hand editing that leaves the user more freedom during editing was not supported by any editor or editor framework since parsing has not yet been considered for meta-model-based specifications. This paper describes the diagram editor generator framework DiaMeta that makes use of meta-model-based language specifications and supports free-hand as well as structured editing. For analyzing freely drawn diagrams, DiaMeta parses a graph representation of the diagram by solving a constraint satisfaction problem

    Editing tree structures

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    Database services

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    Developing Collaborative XML Editing Systems

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    In many areas the eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML) is becoming the standard exchange and data format. More and more applications not only support XML as an exchange format but also use it as their data model or default file format for graphic, text and database (such as spreadsheet) applications. Computer Supported Cooperative Work is an interdisciplinary field of research dealing with group work, cooperation and their supporting information and communication technologies. One part of it is Real-Time Collaborative Editing, which investigates the design of systems which allow several persons to work simultaneously in real-time on the same document, without the risk of inconsistencies. Existing collaborative editing research applications specialize in one or at best, only a small number of document types; for example graphic, text or spreadsheet documents. This research investigates the development of a software framework which allows collaborative editing of any XML document type in real-time. This presents a more versatile solution to the problems of real-time collaborative editing. This research contributes a new software framework model which will assist software engineers in the development of new collaborative XML editing applications. The devised framework is flexible in the sense that it is easily adaptable to different workflow requirements covering concurrency control, awareness mechanisms and optional locking of document parts. Additionally this thesis contributes a new framework integration strategy that enables enhancements of existing single-user editing applications with real-time collaborative editing features without changing their source code

    Correspondence of three-dimensional objects

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    First many thanks go to Prof. Hans du Buf, for his supervision based on his experience, for providing a stimulating and cheerful research environment in his laboratory, for letting me participate in the projects that produced results for papers, thus made me more aware of the state of the art in Computer Vision, especially in the area of 3D recognition. Also for his encouraging support and his way to always nd time for discussions, and last but not the least for the cooking recipes... Many thanks go also to my laboratory fellows, to Jo~ao Rodrigues, who invited me to participate in FCT and QREN projects, Jaime Carvalho Martins and Miguel Farrajota, for discussing scienti c and technical problems, but also almost all problems in the world. To all persons, that worked in, or visited the Vision Laboratory, especially those with whom I have worked with, almost on a daily basis. A special thanks to the Instituto Superior de Engenharia at UAlg and my colleagues at the Department of Electrical Engineering, for allowing me to suspend lectures in order to be present at conferences. To my family, my wife and my kids

    Editing data structures

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    Editing Data Structures

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