69,602 research outputs found

    Edit Distance with Block Operations

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    We consider the problem of edit distance in which block operations are allowed, i.e. we ask for the minimal number of (block) operations that are needed to transform a string s to t. We give O(log n) approximation algorithms, where n is the total length of the input strings, for the variants of the problem which allow the following sets of operations: block move; block move and block delete; block move and block copy; block move, block copy, and block uncopy. The results still hold if we additionally allow any of the following operations: character insert, character delete, block reversal, or block involution (involution is a generalisation of the reversal). Previously, algorithms only for the first and last variant were known, and they had approximation ratios O(log n log^*n) and O(log n (log^*n)^2), respectively. The edit distance with block moves is equivalent, up to a constant factor, to the common string partition problem, in which we are given two strings s, t and the goal is to partition s into minimal number of parts such that they can be permuted in order to obtain t. Thus we also obtain an O(log n) approximation for this problem (compared to the previous O(log n log^* n)). The results use a simplification of the previously used technique of locally consistent parsing, which groups short substrings of a string into phrases so that similar substrings are guaranteed to be grouped in a similar way. Instead of a sophisticated parsing technique relying on a deterministic coin tossing, we use a simple one based on a partition of the alphabet into two subalphabets. In particular, this lowers the running time from O(n log^* n) to O(n). The new algorithms (for block copy or block delete) use a similar algorithm, but the analysis is based on a specially tuned combinatorial function on sets of numbers

    Fast and Compact Regular Expression Matching

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    We study 4 problems in string matching, namely, regular expression matching, approximate regular expression matching, string edit distance, and subsequence indexing, on a standard word RAM model of computation that allows logarithmic-sized words to be manipulated in constant time. We show how to improve the space and/or remove a dependency on the alphabet size for each problem using either an improved tabulation technique of an existing algorithm or by combining known algorithms in a new way

    Searching by approximate personal-name matching

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    We discuss the design, building and evaluation of a method to access theinformation of a person, using his name as a search key, even if it has deformations. We present a similarity function, the DEA function, based on the probabilities of the edit operations accordingly to the involved letters and their position, and using a variable threshold. The efficacy of DEA is quantitatively evaluated, without human relevance judgments, very superior to the efficacy of known methods. A very efficient approximate search technique for the DEA function is also presented based on a compacted trie-tree structure.Postprint (published version

    Using edit distance to analyse errors in a natural language to logic translation corpus

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    We have assembled a large corpus of student submissions to an automatic grading system, where the subject matter involves the translation of natural language sentences into propositional logic. Of the 2.3 million translation instances in the corpus, 286,000 (approximately 12%) are categorized as being in error. We want to understand the nature of the errors that students make, so that we can develop tools and supporting infrastructure that help students with the problems that these errors represent. With this aim in mind, this paper describes an analysis of a significant proportion of the data, using edit distance between incorrect answers and their corresponding correct solutions, and the associated edit sequences, as a means of organising the data and detecting categories of errors. We demonstrate that a large proportion of errors can be accounted for by means of a small number of relatively simple error types, and that the method draws attention to interesting phenomena in the data set

    siEDM: an efficient string index and search algorithm for edit distance with moves

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    Although several self-indexes for highly repetitive text collections exist, developing an index and search algorithm with editing operations remains a challenge. Edit distance with moves (EDM) is a string-to-string distance measure that includes substring moves in addition to ordinal editing operations to turn one string into another. Although the problem of computing EDM is intractable, it has a wide range of potential applications, especially in approximate string retrieval. Despite the importance of computing EDM, there has been no efficient method for indexing and searching large text collections based on the EDM measure. We propose the first algorithm, named string index for edit distance with moves (siEDM), for indexing and searching strings with EDM. The siEDM algorithm builds an index structure by leveraging the idea behind the edit sensitive parsing (ESP), an efficient algorithm enabling approximately computing EDM with guarantees of upper and lower bounds for the exact EDM. siEDM efficiently prunes the space for searching query strings by the proposed method, which enables fast query searches with the same guarantee as ESP. We experimentally tested the ability of siEDM to index and search strings on benchmark datasets, and we showed siEDM's efficiency.Comment: 23 page

    Compressing DNA sequence databases with coil

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    Background: Publicly available DNA sequence databases such as GenBank are large, and are growing at an exponential rate. The sheer volume of data being dealt with presents serious storage and data communications problems. Currently, sequence data is usually kept in large "flat files," which are then compressed using standard Lempel-Ziv (gzip) compression – an approach which rarely achieves good compression ratios. While much research has been done on compressing individual DNA sequences, surprisingly little has focused on the compression of entire databases of such sequences. In this study we introduce the sequence database compression software coil. Results: We have designed and implemented a portable software package, coil, for compressing and decompressing DNA sequence databases based on the idea of edit-tree coding. coil is geared towards achieving high compression ratios at the expense of execution time and memory usage during compression – the compression time represents a "one-off investment" whose cost is quickly amortised if the resulting compressed file is transmitted many times. Decompression requires little memory and is extremely fast. We demonstrate a 5% improvement in compression ratio over state-of-the-art general-purpose compression tools for a large GenBank database file containing Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) data. Finally, coil can efficiently encode incremental additions to a sequence database. Conclusion: coil presents a compelling alternative to conventional compression of flat files for the storage and distribution of DNA sequence databases having a narrow distribution of sequence lengths, such as EST data. Increasing compression levels for databases having a wide distribution of sequence lengths is a direction for future work

    Online Pattern Matching for String Edit Distance with Moves

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    Edit distance with moves (EDM) is a string-to-string distance measure that includes substring moves in addition to ordinal editing operations to turn one string to the other. Although optimizing EDM is intractable, it has many applications especially in error detections. Edit sensitive parsing (ESP) is an efficient parsing algorithm that guarantees an upper bound of parsing discrepancies between different appearances of the same substrings in a string. ESP can be used for computing an approximate EDM as the L1 distance between characteristic vectors built by node labels in parsing trees. However, ESP is not applicable to a streaming text data where a whole text is unknown in advance. We present an online ESP (OESP) that enables an online pattern matching for EDM. OESP builds a parse tree for a streaming text and computes the L1 distance between characteristic vectors in an online manner. For the space-efficient computation of EDM, OESP directly encodes the parse tree into a succinct representation by leveraging the idea behind recent results of a dynamic succinct tree. We experimentally test OESP on the ability to compute EDM in an online manner on benchmark datasets, and we show OESP's efficiency.Comment: This paper has been accepted to the 21st edition of the International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE2014
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