23 research outputs found

    Edit Distance with Block Operations

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    We consider the problem of edit distance in which block operations are allowed, i.e. we ask for the minimal number of (block) operations that are needed to transform a string s to t. We give O(log n) approximation algorithms, where n is the total length of the input strings, for the variants of the problem which allow the following sets of operations: block move; block move and block delete; block move and block copy; block move, block copy, and block uncopy. The results still hold if we additionally allow any of the following operations: character insert, character delete, block reversal, or block involution (involution is a generalisation of the reversal). Previously, algorithms only for the first and last variant were known, and they had approximation ratios O(log n log^*n) and O(log n (log^*n)^2), respectively. The edit distance with block moves is equivalent, up to a constant factor, to the common string partition problem, in which we are given two strings s, t and the goal is to partition s into minimal number of parts such that they can be permuted in order to obtain t. Thus we also obtain an O(log n) approximation for this problem (compared to the previous O(log n log^* n)). The results use a simplification of the previously used technique of locally consistent parsing, which groups short substrings of a string into phrases so that similar substrings are guaranteed to be grouped in a similar way. Instead of a sophisticated parsing technique relying on a deterministic coin tossing, we use a simple one based on a partition of the alphabet into two subalphabets. In particular, this lowers the running time from O(n log^* n) to O(n). The new algorithms (for block copy or block delete) use a similar algorithm, but the analysis is based on a specially tuned combinatorial function on sets of numbers

    Online Pattern Matching for String Edit Distance with Moves

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    Edit distance with moves (EDM) is a string-to-string distance measure that includes substring moves in addition to ordinal editing operations to turn one string to the other. Although optimizing EDM is intractable, it has many applications especially in error detections. Edit sensitive parsing (ESP) is an efficient parsing algorithm that guarantees an upper bound of parsing discrepancies between different appearances of the same substrings in a string. ESP can be used for computing an approximate EDM as the L1 distance between characteristic vectors built by node labels in parsing trees. However, ESP is not applicable to a streaming text data where a whole text is unknown in advance. We present an online ESP (OESP) that enables an online pattern matching for EDM. OESP builds a parse tree for a streaming text and computes the L1 distance between characteristic vectors in an online manner. For the space-efficient computation of EDM, OESP directly encodes the parse tree into a succinct representation by leveraging the idea behind recent results of a dynamic succinct tree. We experimentally test OESP on the ability to compute EDM in an online manner on benchmark datasets, and we show OESP's efficiency.Comment: This paper has been accepted to the 21st edition of the International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE2014

    Computational Performance Evaluation of Two Integer Linear Programming Models for the Minimum Common String Partition Problem

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    In the minimum common string partition (MCSP) problem two related input strings are given. "Related" refers to the property that both strings consist of the same set of letters appearing the same number of times in each of the two strings. The MCSP seeks a minimum cardinality partitioning of one string into non-overlapping substrings that is also a valid partitioning for the second string. This problem has applications in bioinformatics e.g. in analyzing related DNA or protein sequences. For strings with lengths less than about 1000 letters, a previously published integer linear programming (ILP) formulation yields, when solved with a state-of-the-art solver such as CPLEX, satisfactory results. In this work, we propose a new, alternative ILP model that is compared to the former one. While a polyhedral study shows the linear programming relaxations of the two models to be equally strong, a comprehensive experimental comparison using real-world as well as artificially created benchmark instances indicates substantial computational advantages of the new formulation.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1405.5646 This paper version replaces the one submitted on January 10, 2015, due to detected error in the calculation of the variables involved in the ILP model

    Space-efficient Feature Maps for String Alignment Kernels

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    String kernels are attractive data analysis tools for analyzing string data. Among them, alignment kernels are known for their high prediction accuracies in string classifications when tested in combination with SVM in various applications. However, alignment kernels have a crucial drawback in that they scale poorly due to their quadratic computation complexity in the number of input strings, which limits large-scale applications in practice. We address this need by presenting the first approximation for string alignment kernels, which we call space-efficient feature maps for edit distance with moves (SFMEDM), by leveraging a metric embedding named edit sensitive parsing (ESP) and feature maps (FMs) of random Fourier features (RFFs) for large-scale string analyses. The original FMs for RFFs consume a huge amount of memory proportional to the dimension d of input vectors and the dimension D of output vectors, which prohibits its large-scale applications. We present novel space-efficient feature maps (SFMs) of RFFs for a space reduction from O(dD) of the original FMs to O(d) of SFMs with a theoretical guarantee with respect to concentration bounds. We experimentally test SFMEDM on its ability to learn SVM for large-scale string classifications with various massive string data, and we demonstrate the superior performance of SFMEDM with respect to prediction accuracy, scalability and computation efficiency.Comment: Full version for ICDM'19 pape

    siEDM: an efficient string index and search algorithm for edit distance with moves

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    Although several self-indexes for highly repetitive text collections exist, developing an index and search algorithm with editing operations remains a challenge. Edit distance with moves (EDM) is a string-to-string distance measure that includes substring moves in addition to ordinal editing operations to turn one string into another. Although the problem of computing EDM is intractable, it has a wide range of potential applications, especially in approximate string retrieval. Despite the importance of computing EDM, there has been no efficient method for indexing and searching large text collections based on the EDM measure. We propose the first algorithm, named string index for edit distance with moves (siEDM), for indexing and searching strings with EDM. The siEDM algorithm builds an index structure by leveraging the idea behind the edit sensitive parsing (ESP), an efficient algorithm enabling approximately computing EDM with guarantees of upper and lower bounds for the exact EDM. siEDM efficiently prunes the space for searching query strings by the proposed method, which enables fast query searches with the same guarantee as ESP. We experimentally tested the ability of siEDM to index and search strings on benchmark datasets, and we showed siEDM's efficiency.Comment: 23 page

    Pairwise sequence alignment with block and character edit operations

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    Pairwise sequence comparison is one of the most fundamental problems in string processing. The most common metric to quantify the similarity between sequences S and T is edit distance, d(S,T), which corresponds to the number of characters that need to be substituted, deleted from, or inserted into S to generate T. However, fewer edit operations may be sufficient for some string pairs to transform one string to the other if larger rearrangements are permitted. Block edit distance refers to such changes in substring level (i.e., blocks) that "penalizes" entire block removals, insertions, copies, and reversals with the same cost as single-character edits (Lopresti & Tomkins, 1997). Most studies to calculate block edit distance to date aimed only to characterize the distance itself for applications in sequence nearest neighbor search without reporting the full alignment details. Although a few tools try to solve block edit distance for genomic sequences, such as GR-Aligner, they have limited functionality and are no longer maintained. Here, we present SABER, an algorithm to solve block edit distance that supports block deletions, block moves, and block reversals in addition to the classical single-character edit operations. Our algorithm runs in O(m^2.n.l_range) time for |S|=m, |T|=n and the permitted block size range of l_range; and can report all breakpoints for the block operations. We also provide an implementation of SABER currently optimized for genomic sequences (i.e., generated by the DNA alphabet), although the algorithm can theoretically be used for any alphabet. SABER is available at http://github.com/BilkentCompGen/sabe

    On the k-Hamming and k-Edit Distances

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    In this paper we consider the weighted k-Hamming and k-Edit distances, that are natural generalizations of the classical Hamming and Edit distances. As main results of this paper we prove that for any k ≥ 2 the DECIS-k-Hamming problem is P-SPACE-complete and the DECIS-k-Edit problem is NEXPTIMEcomplete. In our formulation, weights are included in the instance description and the cost is not uniform

    Alignments with non-overlapping moves, inversions and tandem duplications in O ( n 4) time

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    Sequence alignment is a central problem in bioinformatics. The classical dynamic programming algorithm aligns two sequences by optimizing over possible insertions, deletions and substitutions. However, other evolutionary events can be observed, such as inversions, tandem duplications or moves (transpositions). It has been established that the extension of the problem to move operations is NP-complete. Previous work has shown that an extension restricted to non-overlapping inversions can be solved in O(n 3) with a restricted scoring scheme. In this paper, we show that the alignment problem extended to non-overlapping moves can be solved in O(n 5) for general scoring schemes, O(n 4log n) for concave scoring schemes and O(n 4) for restricted scoring schemes. Furthermore, we show that the alignment problem extended to non-overlapping moves, inversions and tandem duplications can be solved with the same time complexities. Finally, an example of an alignment with non-overlapping moves is provide

    Approximating reversal distance for strings with bounded number of duplicates

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    AbstractFor a string A=a1…an, a reversal ρ(i,j), 1⩽i⩽j⩽n, transforms the string A into a string A′=a1…ai-1ajaj-1…aiaj+1… an, that is, the reversal ρ(i,j) reverses the order of symbols in the substring ai…aj of A. In the case of signed strings, where each symbol is given a sign + or -, the reversal operation also flips the sign of each symbol in the reversed substring. Given two strings, A and B, signed or unsigned, sorting by reversals (SBR) is the problem of finding the minimum number of reversals that transform the string A into the string B.Traditionally, the problem was studied for permutations, that is, for strings in which every symbol appears exactly once. We consider a generalization of the problem, k-SBR, and allow each symbol to appear at most k times in each string, for some k⩾1. The main result of the paper is an O(k2)-approximation algorithm running in time O(n). For instances with 3<k⩽O(lognlog*n), this is the best known approximation algorithm for k-SBRand, moreover, it is faster than the previous best approximation algorithm