9,498 research outputs found

    Vertex-Coloring 2-Edge-Weighting of Graphs

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    A kk-{\it edge-weighting} ww of a graph GG is an assignment of an integer weight, w(e){1,,k}w(e)\in \{1,\dots, k\}, to each edge ee. An edge weighting naturally induces a vertex coloring cc by defining c(u)=uew(e)c(u)=\sum_{u\sim e} w(e) for every uV(G)u \in V(G). A kk-edge-weighting of a graph GG is \emph{vertex-coloring} if the induced coloring cc is proper, i.e., c(u)c(v)c(u) \neq c(v) for any edge uvE(G)uv \in E(G). Given a graph GG and a vertex coloring c0c_0, does there exist an edge-weighting such that the induced vertex coloring is c0c_0? We investigate this problem by considering edge-weightings defined on an abelian group. It was proved that every 3-colorable graph admits a vertex-coloring 33-edge-weighting \cite{KLT}. Does every 2-colorable graph (i.e., bipartite graphs) admit a vertex-coloring 2-edge-weighting? We obtain several simple sufficient conditions for graphs to be vertex-coloring 2-edge-weighting. In particular, we show that 3-connected bipartite graphs admit vertex-coloring 2-edge-weighting

    Interval non-edge-colorable bipartite graphs and multigraphs

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    An edge-coloring of a graph GG with colors 1,...,t1,...,t is called an interval tt-coloring if all colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to any vertex of GG are distinct and form an interval of integers. In 1991 Erd\H{o}s constructed a bipartite graph with 27 vertices and maximum degree 13 which has no interval coloring. Erd\H{o}s's counterexample is the smallest (in a sense of maximum degree) known bipartite graph which is not interval colorable. On the other hand, in 1992 Hansen showed that all bipartite graphs with maximum degree at most 3 have an interval coloring. In this paper we give some methods for constructing of interval non-edge-colorable bipartite graphs. In particular, by these methods, we construct three bipartite graphs which have no interval coloring, contain 20,19,21 vertices and have maximum degree 11,12,13, respectively. This partially answers a question that arose in [T.R. Jensen, B. Toft, Graph coloring problems, Wiley Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization, 1995, p. 204]. We also consider similar problems for bipartite multigraphs.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Vertex-Coloring Edge-Weighting of Bipartite Graphs with Two Edge Weights

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    Let GG be a graph and S\mathcal {S} be a subset of ZZ. A vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting of GG is an assignment of weight ss by the elements of S\mathcal {S} to each edge of GG so that adjacent vertices have different sums of incident edges weights. It was proved that every 3-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring {1,2}\{1,2\}-edge-weighting (Lu, Yu and Zhang, (2011) \cite{LYZ}). In this paper, we show that the following result: if a 3-edge-connected bipartite graph GG with minimum degree δ\delta contains a vertex uV(G)u\in V(G) such that dG(u)=δd_G(u)=\delta and GuG-u is connected, then GG admits a vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting for S{{0,1},{1,2}}\mathcal {S}\in \{\{0,1\},\{1,2\}\}. In particular, we show that every 2-connected and 3-edge-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting for S{{0,1},{1,2}}\mathcal {S}\in \{\{0,1\},\{1,2\}\}. The bound is sharp, since there exists a family of infinite bipartite graphs which are 2-connected and do not admit vertex-coloring {1,2}\{1,2\}-edge-weightings or vertex-coloring {0,1}\{0,1\}-edge-weightings.Comment: In this paper, we show that every 2-connected and 3-edge-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring S-edge-weighting for S\in {{0,1},{1,2}

    Interval Edge Coloring of Bipartite Graphs with Small Vertex Degrees

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    An edge coloring of a graph G is called interval edge coloring if for each v ? V(G) the set of colors on edges incident to v forms an interval of integers. A graph G is interval colorable if there is an interval coloring of G. For an interval colorable graph G, by the interval chromatic index of G, denoted by ?\u27_i(G), we mean the smallest number k such that G is interval colorable with k colors. A bipartite graph G is called (?,?)-biregular if each vertex in one part has degree ? and each vertex in the other part has degree ?. A graph G is called (?*,?*)-bipartite if G is a subgraph of an (?,?)-biregular graph and the maximum degree in one part is ? and the maximum degree in the other part is ?. In the paper we study the problem of interval edge colorings of (k*,2*)-bipartite graphs, for k ? {3,4,5}, and of (5*,3*)-bipartite graphs. We prove that every (5*,2*)-bipartite graph admits an interval edge coloring using at most 6 colors, which can be found in O(n^{3/2}) time, and we prove that an interval edge 5-coloring of a (5*,2*)-bipartite graph can be found in O(n^{3/2}) time, if it exists. We show that every (4^*,2^*)-bipartite graph admits an interval edge 4-coloring, which can be found in O(n) time. The two following problems of interval edge coloring are known to be NP-complete: 6-coloring of (6,3)-biregular graphs (Asratian and Casselgren (2006)) and 5-coloring of (5*,5*)-bipartite graphs (Giaro (1997)). In the paper we prove NP-completeness of 5-coloring of (5*,3*)-bipartite graphs

    Bounded Max-Colorings of Graphs

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    In a bounded max-coloring of a vertex/edge weighted graph, each color class is of cardinality at most bb and of weight equal to the weight of the heaviest vertex/edge in this class. The bounded max-vertex/edge-coloring problems ask for such a coloring minimizing the sum of all color classes' weights. In this paper we present complexity results and approximation algorithms for those problems on general graphs, bipartite graphs and trees. We first show that both problems are polynomial for trees, when the number of colors is fixed, and HbH_b approximable for general graphs, when the bound bb is fixed. For the bounded max-vertex-coloring problem, we show a 17/11-approximation algorithm for bipartite graphs, a PTAS for trees as well as for bipartite graphs when bb is fixed. For unit weights, we show that the known 4/3 lower bound for bipartite graphs is tight by providing a simple 4/3 approximation algorithm. For the bounded max-edge-coloring problem, we prove approximation factors of 32/2b3-2/\sqrt{2b}, for general graphs, min{e,32/b}\min\{e, 3-2/\sqrt{b}\}, for bipartite graphs, and 2, for trees. Furthermore, we show that this problem is NP-complete even for trees. This is the first complexity result for max-coloring problems on trees.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure


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    An edge-coloring of a graph G with consecutive integers c1,…,ct is called an interval t-coloring, if all colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to any vertex of G are distinct and form an interval of integers. A graph G is interval colorable if it has an interval t-coloring for some positive integer t. In this paper, we consider the case where there are restrictions on the edges, and the edge-coloring should satisfy these restrictions. We show that the problem is NP-complete for complete and complete bipartite graphs. We also provide a polynomial solution for a subclass of complete bipartite graphs when the restrictions are on the vertices.An edge-coloring of a graph G with consecutive integers c1,…,ct is called an interval t-coloring, if all colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to any vertex of G are distinct and form an interval of integers. A graph G is interval colorable if it has an interval t-coloring for some positive integer t. In this paper, we consider the case where there are restrictions on the edges, and the edge-coloring should satisfy these restrictions. We show that the problem is NP-complete for complete and complete bipartite graphs. We also provide a polynomial solution for a subclass of complete bipartite graphs when the restrictions are on the vertices