527 research outputs found

    Edge Routing with Ordered Bundles

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    Edge bundling reduces the visual clutter in a drawing of a graph by uniting the edges into bundles. We propose a method of edge bundling drawing each edge of a bundle separately as in metro-maps and call our method ordered bundles. To produce aesthetically looking edge routes it minimizes a cost function on the edges. The cost function depends on the ink, required to draw the edges, the edge lengths, widths and separations. The cost also penalizes for too many edges passing through narrow channels by using the constrained Delaunay triangulation. The method avoids unnecessary edge-node and edge-edge crossings. To draw edges with the minimal number of crossings and separately within the same bundle we develop an efficient algorithm solving a variant of the metro-line crossing minimization problem. In general, the method creates clear and smooth edge routes giving an overview of the global graph structure, while still drawing each edge separately and thus enabling local analysis

    GraphMaps: Browsing Large Graphs as Interactive Maps

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    Algorithms for laying out large graphs have seen significant progress in the past decade. However, browsing large graphs remains a challenge. Rendering thousands of graphical elements at once often results in a cluttered image, and navigating these elements naively can cause disorientation. To address this challenge we propose a method called GraphMaps, mimicking the browsing experience of online geographic maps. GraphMaps creates a sequence of layers, where each layer refines the previous one. During graph browsing, GraphMaps chooses the layer corresponding to the zoom level, and renders only those entities of the layer that intersect the current viewport. The result is that, regardless of the graph size, the number of entities rendered at each view does not exceed a predefined threshold, yet all graph elements can be explored by the standard zoom and pan operations. GraphMaps preprocesses a graph in such a way that during browsing, the geometry of the entities is stable, and the viewer is responsive. Our case studies indicate that GraphMaps is useful in gaining an overview of a large graph, and also in exploring a graph on a finer level of detail.Comment: submitted to GD 201

    Efficient Generation of Geographically Accurate Transit Maps

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    We present LOOM (Line-Ordering Optimized Maps), a fully automatic generator of geographically accurate transit maps. The input to LOOM is data about the lines of a given transit network, namely for each line, the sequence of stations it serves and the geographical course the vehicles of this line take. We parse this data from GTFS, the prevailing standard for public transit data. LOOM proceeds in three stages: (1) construct a so-called line graph, where edges correspond to segments of the network with the same set of lines following the same course; (2) construct an ILP that yields a line ordering for each edge which minimizes the total number of line crossings and line separations; (3) based on the line graph and the ILP solution, draw the map. As a naive ILP formulation is too demanding, we derive a new custom-tailored formulation which requires significantly fewer constraints. Furthermore, we present engineering techniques which use structural properties of the line graph to further reduce the ILP size. For the subway network of New York, we can reduce the number of constraints from 229,000 in the naive ILP formulation to about 4,500 with our techniques, enabling solution times of less than a second. Since our maps respect the geography of the transit network, they can be used for tiles and overlays in typical map services. Previous research work either did not take the geographical course of the lines into account, or was concerned with schematic maps without optimizing line crossings or line separations.Comment: 7 page

    Effects of Curved Lines on Force-Directed Graphs.

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    The most common methods for simplifying force-directed graphs are edge-bundling and edge routing. Both of these methods can be done with curved, rather than straight, lines which some researchers have argued. Curved lines have been offered as a solution for clarifying edge resolution. Curved lines were originally thought to be more aesthetically pleasing. 32 computer science students were surveyed and asked questions about straight and curved line graphs. Research conducted by Xu et al. and this study suggests that curved lines make a graph more difficult to understand and slower to read. Research also suggests that curved lines are no more aesthetically pleasing than straight lines. Situations may exist where curved lines are beneficial to a graph’s readability, but it is unclear due to uncontrolled variables in this study. Further study could reveal circumstances when curved lines would be beneficial

    Smooth Bundling of Large Streaming and Sequence Graphs

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    Edge-Path Bundling: A Less Ambiguous Edge Bundling Approach

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    Edge bundling techniques cluster edges with similar attributes (i.e. similarity in direction and proximity) together to reduce the visual clutter. All edge bundling techniques to date implicitly or explicitly cluster groups of individual edges, or parts of them, together based on these attributes. These clusters can result in ambiguous connections that do not exist in the data. Confluent drawings of networks do not have these ambiguities, but require the layout to be computed as part of the bundling process. We devise a new bundling method, Edge-Path bundling, to simplify edge clutter while greatly reducing ambiguities compared to previous bundling techniques. Edge-Path bundling takes a layout as input and clusters each edge along a weighted, shortest path to limit its deviation from a straight line. Edge-Path bundling does not incur independent edge ambiguities typically seen in all edge bundling methods, and the level of bundling can be tuned through shortest path distances, Euclidean distances, and combinations of the two. Also, directed edge bundling naturally emerges from the model. Through metric evaluations, we demonstrate the advantages of Edge-Path bundling over other techniques