2,080 research outputs found

    Distance-two labelings of digraphs

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    For positive integers j≥kj\ge k, an L(j,k)L(j,k)-labeling of a digraph DD is a function ff from V(D)V(D) into the set of nonnegative integers such that ∣f(x)−f(y)∣≥j|f(x)-f(y)|\ge j if xx is adjacent to yy in DD and ∣f(x)−f(y)∣≥k|f(x)-f(y)|\ge k if xx is of distant two to yy in DD. Elements of the image of ff are called labels. The L(j,k)L(j,k)-labeling problem is to determine the λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}-number λ⃗j,k(D)\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}(D) of a digraph DD, which is the minimum of the maximum label used in an L(j,k)L(j,k)-labeling of DD. This paper studies λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}- numbers of digraphs. In particular, we determine λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}- numbers of digraphs whose longest dipath is of length at most 2, and λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}-numbers of ditrees having dipaths of length 4. We also give bounds for λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}-numbers of bipartite digraphs whose longest dipath is of length 3. Finally, we present a linear-time algorithm for determining λ⃗j,1\vec{\lambda}_{j,1}-numbers of ditrees whose longest dipath is of length 3.Comment: 12 pages; presented in SIAM Coference on Discrete Mathematics, June 13-16, 2004, Loews Vanderbilt Plaza Hotel, Nashville, TN, US

    Additive Edge Labelings

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    Let G=(V,E) be a graph and d a positive integer. We study the following problem: for which labelings f_E: E \to Z_d is there a labeling f_V:V \to Z_d such that f_E(i,j) = f_V(i) + f_V(j) (mod d), for every edge (i,j) in E? We also explore the connections of the equivalent multiplicative version to toric ideals. We derive a polynomial algorithm to answer these questions and to obtain all possible solutions.Comment: 14 page

    Automated searching for quantum subsystem codes

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    Quantum error correction allows for faulty quantum systems to behave in an effectively error free manner. One important class of techniques for quantum error correction is the class of quantum subsystem codes, which are relevant both to active quantum error correcting schemes as well as to the design of self-correcting quantum memories. Previous approaches for investigating these codes have focused on applying theoretical analysis to look for interesting codes and to investigate their properties. In this paper we present an alternative approach that uses computational analysis to accomplish the same goals. Specifically, we present an algorithm that computes the optimal quantum subsystem code that can be implemented given an arbitrary set of measurement operators that are tensor products of Pauli operators. We then demonstrate the utility of this algorithm by performing a systematic investigation of the quantum subsystem codes that exist in the setting where the interactions are limited to 2-body interactions between neighbors on lattices derived from the convex uniform tilings of the plane.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure, 10 tables. The algorithm described in this paper is available as both library and a command line program (including full source code) that can be downloaded from http://github.com/gcross/CodeQuest/downloads. The source code used to apply the algorithm to scan the lattices is available upon request. Please feel free to contact the authors with question
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