27,708 research outputs found

    A bilateral schema for interval-valued image differentiation

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    Differentiation of interval-valued functions is an intricate problem, since it cannot be defined as a direct generalization of differentiation of scalar ones. Literature on interval arithmetic contains proposals and definitions for differentiation, but their semantic is unclear for the cases in which intervals represent the ambiguity due to hesitancy or lack of knowledge. In this work we analyze the needs, tools and goals for interval-valued differentiation, focusing on the case of interval-valued images. This leads to the formulation of a differentiation schema inspired by bilateral filters, which allows for the accommodation of most of the methods for scalar image differentiation, but also takes support from interval-valued arithmetic. This schema can produce area-, segment-and vector-valued gradients, according to the needs of the image processing task it is applied to. Our developments are put to the test in the context of edge detection

    Fuzzy techniques for noise removal in image sequences and interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology

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    Image sequences play an important role in today's world. They provide us a lot of information. Videos are for example used for traffic observations, surveillance systems, autonomous navigation and so on. Due to bad acquisition, transmission or recording, the sequences are however usually corrupted by noise, which hampers the functioning of many image processing techniques. A preprocessing module to filter the images often becomes necessary. After an introduction to fuzzy set theory and image processing, in the first main part of the thesis, several fuzzy logic based video filters are proposed: one filter for grayscale video sequences corrupted by additive Gaussian noise and two color extensions of it and two grayscale filters and one color filter for sequences affected by the random valued impulse noise type. In the second main part of the thesis, interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology is studied. Mathematical morphology is a theory intended for the analysis of spatial structures that has found application in e.g. edge detection, object recognition, pattern recognition, image segmentation, image magnification… In the thesis, an overview is given of the evolution from binary mathematical morphology over the different grayscale morphology theories to interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology and the interval-valued image model. Additionally, the basic properties of the interval-valued fuzzy morphological operators are investigated. Next, also the decomposition of the interval-valued fuzzy morphological operators is investigated. We investigate the relationship between the cut of the result of such operator applied on an interval-valued image and structuring element and the result of the corresponding binary operator applied on the cut of the image and structuring element. These results are first of all interesting because they provide a link between interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology and binary mathematical morphology, but such conversion into binary operators also reduces the computation. Finally, also the reverse problem is tackled, i.e., the construction of interval-valued morphological operators from the binary ones. Using the results from a more general study in which the construction of an interval-valued fuzzy set from a nested family of crisp sets is constructed, increasing binary operators (e.g. the binary dilation) are extended to interval-valued fuzzy operators

    Pitfall of the Detection Rate Optimized Bit Allocation within template protection and a remedy

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    One of the requirements of a biometric template protection system is that the protected template ideally should not leak any information about the biometric sample or its derivatives. In the literature, several proposed template protection techniques are based on binary vectors. Hence, they require the extraction of a binary representation from the real- valued biometric sample. In this work we focus on the Detection Rate Optimized Bit Allocation (DROBA) quantization scheme that extracts multiple bits per feature component while maximizing the overall detection rate. The allocation strategy has to be stored as auxiliary data for reuse in the verification phase and is considered as public. This implies that the auxiliary data should not leak any information about the extracted binary representation. Experiments in our work show that the original DROBA algorithm, as known in the literature, creates auxiliary data that leaks a significant amount of information. We show how an adversary is able to exploit this information and significantly increase its success rate on obtaining a false accept. Fortunately, the information leakage can be mitigated by restricting the allocation freedom of the DROBA algorithm. We propose a method based on population statistics and empirically illustrate its effectiveness. All the experiments are based on the MCYT fingerprint database using two different texture based feature extraction algorithms
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