808 research outputs found

    Cost Optimization Modeling of Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grid Using SCADA

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    In recent times, renewable energy production from renewable energy sources is an alternative way to fulfill the increased energy demands. However, the increasing energy demand rate places more pressure, leading to the termination of conventional energy resources. On the other hand, the depletion of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc., is creating an adverse effect on the environment. However, the cost of power generation from coal-fired plants is higher than the power generation\u27s price from renewable energy sources. Therefore, it has become a stumbling block balancing this increased energy demand using existing resources and new renewable resources that optimize the total power generation and the cost of power generation. However, power generation from the combined renewable energy sources confronts few complications, such as unstable power generated from the wind generator, the higher operational cost of the hydropower plant, etc. This experiment is focused on cost optimization during power generation through the pumped storage power plant and wind power plant. The entire modeling of cost optimization has been conducted in two parts. The mathematical modeling was done using MATLAB simulation while the hydro and wind power plant\u27s emulation was performed using SCADA designer implementation. The experiment was conducted using ranges of generated power from both power sources. The optimum combination of output power and cost from both generators is determined via MATLAB simulation within the assumed generated output power range. Secondly, the hydro-generator and wind generator\u27s emulation were executed individually through synchronizing the grid to determine each generator\u27s specification using SCADA designer, which provided the optimum power generation from both generators with the specific speed, aligning with results generated through MATLAB. Finally, the operational power cost (with no losses consideration) from MATLAB was compared with the local energy provider to determine the cost-efficiency. This experiment has provided the operational cost optimization of the hydro-wind combined power system with stable wind power generation using SCADA, which will ultimately assist in operations of large-scale power systems, remotely minimizing multi-area dynamic issues while maximizing the system efficiency

    Monitoring and control requirement definition study for Dispersed Storage and Generation (DSG). Volume 2, appendix A: Selected DSG technologies and their general control requirements

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    A consistent approach was sought for both hardware and software which will handle the monitoring and control necessary to integrate a number of different DSG technologies into a common distribution dispatch network. It appears that the control of each of the DSG technologies is compatible with a supervisory control method of operation that lends itself to remote control from a distribution dispatch center

    A multiple system level modeling approach to coupled energy markets: Incentives for combined heat and power generation at the plant, city and regional energy system levels

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    The energy system can be subdivided into interconnected structural levels with differing boundary conditions and objectives. For heat and power generation, these levels may be the: electricity price area (regional); heat price area (city); and production site (power plant). This work presents a multi-system modeling approach for the analysis of investments and operation of combined heat and power (CHP) plants, as optimized on a regional, city, or production site energy system level. The modeling framework, comprising three energy system optimization models at the respective levels, is applied to a case study of Sweden, electricity price area SE3. The modeling levels are optimized separately but linked through electricity and heat prices. The results show that optimized CHP plant investments and operation on the three levels can both align and differ, depending on conditions. With a low biomass price and moderate congestion in transmission capacity into the city, the results from the three levels generally align. Differences arise if the biomass price is increased, which impacts the competitiveness of CHP plants in the region, while city-level CHP investments are mainly determined by the local heat demand and less-sensitive to external changes. The differences indicate a risk for diverging expectations between system levels

    "Tool to assess the cost of hydrogen considering its supply chain"

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    Hydrogen is envisioned to become a fundamental energy vector within the decarbonization of the energy systems. Despite already being employed in several industries, its production comes almost completely from processes based on fossil fuels. The upcoming challenge towards a hydrogen economy includes the development of low- and zero-carbon processes, the creation of an adequate infrastructure, and the diffusion of new, hydrogen-based applications. Two key factors that will define the success of hydrogen are its sustainability and competitiveness with alternative solutions, e.g., electrification. This study therefore aims at assessing the economic feasibility of hydrogen supply chains, with a focus on their final use in Germany, Spain, and France. The different production methods for each stage (production, transmission and distribution, storage) are discussed and evaluated. Consequently, the entire supply chains are analyzed, comparing domestic production with hydrogen imports from favorable locations. The economic assessment is based on an indicator, the levelized cost of hydrogen, the LCOH. The study results in an Excel-based tool calculating the LCOH for different supply chains. Different scenarios are developed for each end-use country. In Germany, domestic production is compared with imports, also addressing the need for adequate storage. Blue hydrogen imports from close locations present the lowest LCOH, with values as low as 2.1 €/kg in 2030. This requires pipeline transmission and a monthly storage in depleted natural gas or oil reservoirs. Longer storage durations increase the supply security but also the related costs. In Spain, local, small-scale supply chains are evaluated in opposition to central, larger-scale alternatives. Both configurations are competitive with costs around 3.6 €/kg, suggesting that both supply pathways are feasible. This can spark competition between different players towards a hydrogen economy. In France, domestic hydrogen production via electrolysis is studied, considering different electricity sources, such as the power grid, electricity from nuclear plants and from renewable energy sources. Despite the high interest of France in pink hydrogen, renewables produce the cheapest product, at an LCOH of 4.4 €/kg for onshore wind. If this result is compared to the other two countries, French hydrogen is not competitive. However, the focus on solid oxide electrolysis and novel nuclear technologies might determine a decline in hydrogen costs.Vätgas är tänkt att bli en grundläggande energivektor i samband med avkolning av energisystemen. Trots att vätgas redan används i flera industrier kommer produktionen av vätgas nästan helt och hållet från processer som bygger på fossila bränslen. Den kommande utmaningen mot en vätgasekonomi inbegriper utveckling av processer med låga eller inga koldioxidutsläpp, skapande av en lämplig infrastruktur och spridning av nya vätgasbaserade tillämpningar. Två nyckelfaktorer som kommer att avgöra vätgasens framgång är dess hållbarhet och konkurrenskraft i förhållande till alternativa lösningar, t.ex. elektrifiering. Denna studie syftar därför till att bedöma den ekonomiska genomförbarheten av vätgasförsörjningskedjor, med fokus på slutanvändning i Tyskland, Spanien och Frankrike. De olika produktionsmetoderna för varje steg (produktion, överföring och distribution, lagring) diskuteras och utvärderas. Följaktligen analyseras hela försörjningskedjorna genom att jämföra inhemsk produktion med import av vätgas från gynnsamma platser. Den ekonomiska bedömningen baseras på en indikator, den genomsnittliga nuvärdesberäknade kostnaden för vätgas, LCOH. Studien resulterar i ett Excel-verktyg som beräknar LCOH för olika försörjningskedjor. Olika scenarier utvecklas för varje slutanvändarland: i Tyskland jämförs inhemsk produktion med import, där man också tar hänsyn till behovet av lämplig lagring. Import av blå väte från närliggande platser ger de lägsta LCOH-värdena, med värden så låga som 2.1 €/kg år 2030. Detta kräver överföring via rörledningar och en månatlig lagring i uttömda naturgas- eller oljereserver. Längre lagringstider ökar försörjningstryggheten men också de relaterade kostnaderna. I Spanien utvärderas lokala, småskaliga försörjningskedjor i motsats till centrala, storskaliga alternativ. Båda konfigurationer är konkurrenskraftiga med kostnader på omkring 3.6 €/kg, vilket tyder på att båda försörjningsvägarna är genomförbara. Detta kan utlösa konkurrens mellan olika aktörer i riktning mot en vätgasekonomi. I Frankrike studeras inhemsk vätgasproduktion via elektrolys med hänsyn till olika elkällor, t.ex. elnätet, el från kärnkraftverk och förnybara energikällor. Trots Frankrikes stora intresse för rosa vätgas är det förnybara energikällor som producerar den billigaste produkten, med en LCOH på 4.4 €/kg för landbaserad vindkraft. Om detta resultat jämförs med de andra två länderna är fransk vätgas inte konkurrenskraftig. Fokuseringen på SOEC-teknik och ny kärnkraftsteknik kan dock leda till att vätgaskostnaderna sjunke

    Space Structures: Issues in Dynamics and Control

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    A selective technical overview is presented on the vibration and control of large space structures, the analysis, design, and construction of which will require major technical contributions from the civil/structural, mechanical, and extended engineering communities. The immediacy of the U.S. space station makes the particular emphasis placed on large space structures and their control appropriate. The space station is but one part of the space program, and includes the lunar base, which the space station is to service. This paper attempts to summarize some of the key technical issues and hence provide a starting point for further involvement. The first half of this paper provides an introduction and overview of large space structures and their dynamics; the latter half discusses structural control, including control‐system design and nonlinearities. A crucial aspect of the large space structures problem is that dynamics and control must be considered simultaneously; the problems cannot be addressed individually and coupled as an afterthought

    Operational simulation and an economical modelling study on utilizing waste heat energy in a desalination plant and an absorption chiller

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    PhD ThesisIt is well established that a large proportion of the global emission of greenhouse gases are produced by electricity power stations and that a power plant typically emits about two thirds of its input energy as waste heat into the atmosphere. As such there is a lot of potential for additional applications that utilize this waste heat energy. Utilizing this waste heat energy in a desalination plant to produce low-cost potable water is the key to overcoming three problems at once, namely the water shortage in and and semi-arid areas, the continuing increase in oil prices by being more efficient and global warming. In all waste heat recovery or alternative energy systems based on natural phenomena (solar or wind) a major difficulty is decoupling supply from demand as thermal storage is neither efficient nor practical in many cases. A significant difficulty of gas turbine based power generation systems is the derating caused by high ambient temperatures; typically a 1% change in ambient temperature produces a similar reduction in efficiency. Therefore, by also utilizing this waste heat energy in an absorption chiller to pre-cool the gas turbine's compressor inlet-air, the effect of ambient temperature fluctuations on the gas turbine's performance would be eliminated. The combined cycle described in this study was designed in an attempt to address these issues. A gas turbine based combined heat and power plant was combined further with an absorption refrigeration unit and an MED desalination plant. The absorption unit stabilizes the operation of the gas turbine, reducing the sensitivity to changes in ambient temperature and the desalination plant acts as an energy utilization device that produces a usable product (40,000m3/day of potable water) that is easily stored and distributed as required. The simulation was performed using IPSEpro on the basis of real data obtained from an existing power plant and commercially available plants. The performance of the sub-plants was investigated using energy and exergy analyses, in design and off-design conditions using real weather data obtained from the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment in Saudi Arabia. Two different desalination technologies and two different coupling techniques were examined in four proposed plants. An optimal plant design was chosen from a comparison between all proposed plants' energy and exergy analysis results. The chosen plant was then optimized and simulated in design and off-design conditions. The initial results indicated that the simulated combined power plant's carbon footprint was reduced by 36.8% and its energy utilization factor was improved by 30.97%. This approach also stabilized the effect of ambient temperature fluctuations on the gas turbine's performance. After optimization, the carbon footprint was further reduced by 31.17% and the energy utilization factor was further improved by 6.11%. The energy destroyed through the exhaust stack was reduced by 78% and the proposed plant's overall exergetic efficiency was improved to 49.64%. Furthermore, the desalination plant's concentration factor was reduced by 0.45 and an additional product of a hot water stream at a temperature of 75°C was gained. An economic study was performed that indicated that the optimized plant is economically viable. As part of this analysis, a number of sensitivity studies defined the minimum selling prices of the plant's products and indicated the influence of fuel price, interest rates, capacity factors and project lifetime on the viability of the plant. The results also indicated that the proposed plant is a good investment, offering competitive energy and potable water prices, in regard to the location indicated by this study

    The Energy Trilogy: An Integrated Sustainability Model To Bridge Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy And Emissions Gaps

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    ABSTRACT An estimated 4% of national energy consumption is used for drinking water and wastewater services. Despite the awareness and optimization initiatives for energy conservation, energy consumption is on the rise owing to population and urbanization expansion and to commercial and industrial business advancement. The principal concern is since energy consumption grows, the higher will be the energy production demand, leading to an increase in CO2 footprints and the contribution to global warming potential. This research is in the area of energy-water nexus, focusing on wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) energy trilogy - the group of three related entities, which includes processes: (1) consuming energy, (2) producing energy, and (3) the resulting - CO2 equivalents. Detailed and measurable energy information is not readily obtained for wastewater facilities, specifically during facility preliminary design phases. These limitations call for data-intensive research approach on GHG emissions quantification, plant efficiencies and source reduction techniques. To achieve these goals, this research introduced a model integrating all plant processes and their pertinent energy sources. In a comprehensive and Energy Source-to-Effluent Discharge pattern, this model is capable of bridging the gaps of WWTP energy, facilitating plant designers\u27 decision-making for meeting energy assessment, sustainability and the environmental regulatory compliance. Protocols for estimating common emissions sources are available such as for fuels, whereas, site-specific emissions for other sources have to be developed and are captured in this research. The dissertation objectives were met through an extensive study of the relevant literature, models and tools, originating comprehensive lists of processes and energy sources for WWTPs, locating estimation formulas for each source, identifying site specific emissions factors, and linking the sources in a mathematical model for site specific CO2 e determination. The model was verified and showed a good agreement with billed and measured data from a base case study. In a next phase, a supplemental computational tool can be created for conducting plant energy design comparisons and plant energy and emissions parameters assessments. The main conclusions drawn from this research is that current approaches are severely limited, not covering plant\u27s design phase and not fully considering the balance of energy consumed (EC), energy produced (EP) and the resulting CO2 e emission integration. Finally their results are not representative. This makes reported governmental and institutional national energy consumption figures incomplete and/or misleading, since they are mainly considering energy consumptions from electricity and some fuels or certain processes only. The distinction of the energy trilogy model over existing approaches is based on the following: (1) the ET energy model is unprecedented, prepared to fit WWTP energy assessment during the design and rehabilitation phases, (2) links the energy trilogy eliminating the need for using several models or tools, (3) removes the need for on-site expensive energy measurements or audits, (4) offers alternatives for energy optimization during plant\u27s life-cycle, and (5) ensures reliable GHG emissions inventory reporting for permitting and regulatory compliance

    Analysis of novel, above-ground thermal energy storage concept utilizing low-cost, solid medium

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 26).Clean energy power plants cannot effectively match peak demands without utilizing energy storage technologies. Currently, several solutions address short term demand cycles, but little work has been done to address seasonal cycles of energy demand. This paper explores the concept of creating a large-scale, above-ground thermal energy storage system that uses inexpensive rock as the storage medium. A thermodynamic model was created to verify the technical feasibility of the proposed system, and economic factors were considered. Granite, limestone, sandstone, and slate were determined to be practical mediums. Further research is necessary to understand specific conditions and processes within the system, along with more thorough economic analysis. However, the model supports the technical and economic feasibility of the proposed thermal storage system.by Mark Michael Barineau.S.B

    The economics of windmills for large electricity grids

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