157 research outputs found

    Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Wideband Speech Quality

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    Traditional landline and cellular communications use a bandwidth of 300 - 3400 Hz for transmitting speech. This narrow bandwidth impacts quality, intelligibility and naturalness of transmitted speech. There is an impending change within the telecommunication industry towards using wider bandwidth speech, but the enlarged bandwidth also introduces a few challenges in speech processing. Echo and noise are two challenging issues in wideband telephony, due to increased perceptual sensitivity by users. Subjective and/or objective measurements of speech quality are important in benchmarking speech processing algorithms and evaluating the effect of parameters like noise, echo, and delay in wideband telephony. Subjective measures include ratings of speech quality by listeners, whereas objective measures compute a metric based on the reference and degraded speech samples. While subjective quality ratings are the gold - standard\u27\u27, they are also time- and resource- consuming. An objective metric that correlates highly with subjective data is attractive, as it can act as a substitute for subjective quality scores in gauging the performance of different algorithms and devices. This thesis reports results from a series of experiments on subjective and objective speech quality evaluation for wideband telephony applications. First, a custom wideband noise reduction database was created that contained speech samples corrupted by different background noises at different signal to noise ratios (SNRs) and processed by six different noise reduction algorithms. Comprehensive subjective evaluation of this database revealed an interaction between the algorithm performance, noise type and SNR. Several auditory-based objective metrics such as the Loudness Pattern Distortion (LPD) measure based on the Moore - Glasberg auditory model were evaluated in predicting the subjective scores. In addition, the performance of Bayesian Multivariate Regression Splines(BMLS) was also evaluated in terms of mapping the scores calculated by the objective metrics to the true quality scores. The combination of LPD and BMLS resulted in high correlation with the subjective scores and was used as a substitution for fine - tuning the noise reduction algorithms. Second, the effect of echo and delay on the wideband speech was evaluated in both listening and conversational context, through both subjective and objective measures. A database containing speech samples corrupted by echo with different delay and frequency response characteristics was created, and was later used to collect subjective quality ratings. The LPD - BMLS objective metric was then validated using the subjective scores. Third, to evaluate the effect of echo and delay in conversational context, a realtime simulator was developed. Pairs of subjects conversed over the simulated system and rated the quality of their conversations which were degraded by different amount of echo and delay. The quality scores were analysed and LPD+BMLS combination was found to be effective in predicting subjective impressions of quality for condition-averaged data

    Residual feedback suppression with extended model-based postfilters

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    When designing closed-loop electro-acoustic systems, which can commonly be found in hearing aids or public address systems, the most challenging task is canceling and/or suppressing the feedback caused by the acoustic coupling of the transducers of such systems. In many applications, feedback cancelation based on adaptive filters is used for this purpose. However, due to computational complexity such a feedback canceler is often limited in the length of the filter’s impulse response. Consequently, a residual feedback, which is still audible and may lead to system instability, remains in most cases. In this work, we present enhancements for model-based postfilters based on a priori knowledge of the feedback path which can be used cooperatively with the adaptive filter-based feedback cancelation system to suppress residual feedback and improve the overall feedback reduction capability. For this, we adapted an existing reverberation model such that our model additionally considers the presence and the performance of the adaptive filter. We tested the effectiveness of our approach by means of both objective and subjective evaluations

    Beiträge zu breitbandigen Freisprechsystemen und ihrer Evaluation

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    This work deals with the advancement of wideband hands-free systems (HFS’s) for mono- and stereophonic cases of application. Furthermore, innovative contributions to the corr. field of quality evaluation are made. The proposed HFS approaches are based on frequency-domain adaptive filtering for system identification, making use of Kalman theory and state-space modeling. Functional enhancement modules are developed in this work, which improve one or more of key quality aspects, aiming at not to harm others. In so doing, these modules can be combined in a flexible way, dependent on the needs at hand. The enhanced monophonic HFS is evaluated according to automotive ITU-T recommendations, to prove its customized efficacy. Furthermore, a novel methodology and techn. framework are introduced in this work to improve the prototyping and evaluation process of automotive HF and in-car-communication (ICC) systems. The monophonic HFS in several configurations hereby acts as device under test (DUT) and is thoroughly investigated, which will show the DUT’s satisfying performance, as well as the advantages of the proposed development process. As current methods for the evaluation of HFS’s in dynamic conditions oftentimes still lack flexibility, reproducibility, and accuracy, this work introduces “Car in a Box” (CiaB) as a novel, improved system for this demanding task. It is able to enhance the development process by performing high-resolution system identification of dynamic electro-acoustical systems. The extracted dyn. impulse response trajectories are then applicable to arbitrary input signals in a synthesis operation. A realistic dynamic automotive auralization of a car cabin interior is available for HFS evaluation. It is shown that this system improves evaluation flexibility at guaranteed reproducibility. In addition, the accuracy of evaluation methods can be increased by having access to exact, realistic imp. resp. trajectories acting as a so-called “ground truth” reference. If CiaB is included into an automotive evaluation setup, there is no need for an acoustical car interior prototype to be present at this stage of development. Hency, CiaB may ease the HFS development process. Dynamic acoustic replicas may be provided including an arbitrary number of acoustic car cabin interiors for multiple developers simultaneously. With CiaB, speech enh. system developers therefore have an evaluation environment at hand, which can adequately replace the real environment.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Weiterentwicklung breitbandiger Freisprechsysteme für mono-/stereophone Anwendungsfälle und liefert innovative Beiträge zu deren Qualitätsmessung. Die vorgestellten Verfahren basieren auf im Frequenzbereich adaptierenden Algorithmen zur Systemidentifikation gemäß Kalman-Theorie in einer Zustandsraumdarstellung. Es werden funktionale Erweiterungsmodule dahingehend entwickelt, dass mindestens eine Qualitätsanforderung verbessert wird, ohne andere eklatant zu verletzen. Diese nach Anforderung flexibel kombinierbaren algorithmischen Erweiterungen werden gemäß Empfehlungen der ITU-T (Rec. P.1110/P.1130) in vorwiegend automotiven Testszenarien getestet und somit deren zielgerichtete Wirksamkeit bestätigt. Es wird eine Methodensammlung und ein technisches System zur verbesserten Prototypentwicklung/Evaluation von automotiven Freisprech- und Innenraumkommunikationssystemen vorgestellt und beispielhaft mit dem monophonen Freisprechsystem in diversen Ausbaustufen zur Anwendung gebracht. Daraus entstehende Vorteile im Entwicklungs- und Testprozess von Sprachverbesserungssystem werden dargelegt und messtechnisch verifiziert. Bestehende Messverfahren zum Verhalten von Freisprechsystemen in zeitvarianten Umgebungen zeigten bisher oft nur ein unzureichendes Maß an Flexibilität, Reproduzierbarkeit und Genauigkeit. Daher wird hier das „Car in a Box“-Verfahren (CiaB) entwickelt und vorgestellt, mit dem zeitvariante elektro-akustische Systeme technisch identifiziert werden können. So gewonnene dynamische Impulsantworten können im Labor in einer Syntheseoperation auf beliebige Eingangsignale angewandt werden, um realistische Testsignale unter dyn. Bedingungen zu erzeugen. Bei diesem Vorgehen wird ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität bei garantierter Reproduzierbarkeit erlangt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Genauigkeit von darauf basierenden Evaluationsverfahren zudem gesteigert werden kann, da mit dem Vorliegen von exakten, realen Impulsantworten zu jedem Zeitpunkt der Messung eine sogenannte „ground truth“ als Referenz zur Verfügung steht. Bei der Einbindung von CiaB in einen Messaufbau für automotive Freisprechsysteme ist es bedeutsam, dass zu diesem Zeitpunkt das eigentliche Fahrzeug nicht mehr benötigt wird. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine dyn. Fahrzeugakustikumgebung, wie sie im Entwicklungsprozess von automotiven Sprachverbesserungsalgorithmen benötigt wird, in beliebiger Anzahl vollständig und mind. gleichwertig durch CiaB ersetzt werden kann

    System Identification with Applications in Speech Enhancement

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    As the increasing popularity of integrating hands-free telephony on mobile portable devices and the rapid development of voice over internet protocol, identification of acoustic systems has become desirable for compensating distortions introduced to speech signals during transmission, and hence enhancing the speech quality. The objective of this research is to develop system identification algorithms for speech enhancement applications including network echo cancellation and speech dereverberation. A supervised adaptive algorithm for sparse system identification is developed for network echo cancellation. Based on the framework of selective-tap updating scheme on the normalized least mean squares algorithm, the MMax and sparse partial update tap-selection strategies are exploited in the frequency domain to achieve fast convergence performance with low computational complexity. Through demonstrating how the sparseness of the network impulse response varies in the transformed domain, the multidelay filtering structure is incorporated to reduce the algorithmic delay. Blind identification of SIMO acoustic systems for speech dereverberation in the presence of common zeros is then investigated. First, the problem of common zeros is defined and extended to include the presence of near-common zeros. Two clustering algorithms are developed to quantify the number of these zeros so as to facilitate the study of their effect on blind system identification and speech dereverberation. To mitigate such effect, two algorithms are developed where the two-stage algorithm based on channel decomposition identifies common and non-common zeros sequentially; and the forced spectral diversity approach combines spectral shaping filters and channel undermodelling for deriving a modified system that leads to an improved dereverberation performance. Additionally, a solution to the scale factor ambiguity problem in subband-based blind system identification is developed, which motivates further research on subbandbased dereverberation techniques. Comprehensive simulations and discussions demonstrate the effectiveness of the aforementioned algorithms. A discussion on possible directions of prospective research on system identification techniques concludes this thesis

    Wireless microphone communication system telephonics P/N 484D000-1

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    The wireless microphone is a lightweight, portable, wireless voice communications device for use by the crew of the space shuttle orbiter. The wireless microphone allows the crew to have normal hands-free voice communication while they are performing various mission activities. The unit is designed to transmit at 455 or 500 kilohertz and employs narrow band FM modulation. Two orthogonally placed antennas are used to insure good reception at the receiver

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression


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    ABSTRACT Recently, an unsupervised, data clustering algorithm based on maximum margin, i.e. support vector machine (SVM) was reported. The maximum margin clustering (MMC) algorithm was later applied to the problem of voice activity detection, however, the application did not allow for real-time detection which is important in speech processing applications. In this paper, we propose a voice activity detector (VAD) based on a sliding window, MMC algorithm which allows for real-time detection. Our system requires a separate initialization stage which imposes an initial detection delay, however, once initialized the system can operate in real-time. Using TIMIT speech under several NOISEX-92 noise backgrounds at various SNRs, we show that our average speech and non-speech hit rates are better than state-of-the-art VADs

    Quality of experience in telemeetings and videoconferencing: a comprehensive survey

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    Telemeetings such as audiovisual conferences or virtual meetings play an increasingly important role in our professional and private lives. For that reason, system developers and service providers will strive for an optimal experience for the user, while at the same time optimizing technical and financial resources. This leads to the discipline of Quality of Experience (QoE), an active field originating from the telecommunication and multimedia engineering domains, that strives for understanding, measuring, and designing the quality experience with multimedia technology. This paper provides the reader with an entry point to the large and still growing field of QoE of telemeetings, by taking a holistic perspective, considering both technical and non-technical aspects, and by focusing on current and near-future services. Addressing both researchers and practitioners, the paper first provides a comprehensive survey of factors and processes that contribute to the QoE of telemeetings, followed by an overview of relevant state-of-the-art methods for QoE assessment. To embed this knowledge into recent technology developments, the paper continues with an overview of current trends, focusing on the field of eXtended Reality (XR) applications for communication purposes. Given the complexity of telemeeting QoE and the current trends, new challenges for a QoE assessment of telemeetings are identified. To overcome these challenges, the paper presents a novel Profile Template for characterizing telemeetings from the holistic perspective endorsed in this paper
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