7 research outputs found

    Ultra-Portable Field Transfer Radiometer for Vicarious Calibration of Earth Imaging Sensors

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    A small portable transfer radiometer has been developed as part of an effort to ensure the quality of upwelling radiance from test sites used for vicarious calibration in the solar reflective. The test sites are used to predict top-of-atmosphere reflectance relying on ground-based measurements of the atmosphere and surface. The portable transfer radiometer is designed for one-person operation for on-site field calibration of instrumentation used to determine ground-leaving radiance. The current work describes the detector-and source-based radiometric calibration of the transfer radiometer highlighting the expected accuracy and SI-traceability. The results indicate differences between the detector-based and source-based results greater than the combined uncertainties of the approaches. Results from recent field deployments of the transfer radiometer using a solar radiation based calibration agree with the source-based laboratory calibration within the combined uncertainties of the methods. The detector-based results show a significant difference to the solar-based calibration. The source-based calibration is used as the basis for a radiance-based calibration of the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager that agrees with the OLI calibration to within the uncertainties of the methods

    Vicarious calibration of the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) short-wave infrared (SWIR) module over the Railroad Valley Playa

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    The short-wave infrared (SWIR) module of the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the ESA's Sentinel-5 precursor (S5p) satellite has been very stable during its 5 years in orbit. Calibration was performed on the ground, complemented by measurements during in-flight instrument commissioning. The radiometric response and general performance of the SWIR module are monitored by on-board calibration sources. We show that after 5 years in orbit, TROPOMI-SWIR has continued to show excellent performance with degradation of at most 0.1 % in transmission and having lost less than 0.3 % of the detector pixels. Independent validation of the instrument calibration, via vicarious calibration, can be done through comparisons with ground-based reflectance data. In this work, ground measurements at the Railroad Valley Playa, a valley in central Nevada that is often used as a reference for satellite measurements, are used to perform vicarious calibration of the TROPOMI-SWIR measurements. This is done using dedicated measurement campaigns as well as automated reflectance measurements within the RADCALNET programme. As such, TROPOMI-SWIR is an excellent test case to explore the methodology of vicarious calibration applied to infrared spectroscopy. Using methodology developed for the vicarious calibration of the OCO-2 and GOSAT missions, the absolute radiometry of TROPOMI-SWIR performance is independently verified to be stable down to ∼ 6 %–10 % using the Railroad Valley when both the absolute and relative radiometric calibrations are applied. Differences with the on-board calibration originate from the bidirectional reflection distribution function (BRDF) effects of the desert surface, the large variety in viewing angles, and the different sizes of footprints of the TROPOMI pixels. Vicarious calibration is shown to be an additional valuable tool in validating radiance-level performances of infrared instruments such as TROPOMI-SWIR in the field of atmospheric composition. It remains clear that for instruments of similar design and resolution to TROPOMI-SWIR, on-board calibration sources will continue to provide superior results due to the limitations of the vicarious calibration method.</p

    Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments

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    Intercalibration of satellite instruments is critical for detection and quantification of changes in the Earth’s environment, weather forecasting, understanding climate processes, and monitoring climate and land cover change. These applications use data from many satellites; for the data to be interoperable, the instruments must be cross-calibrated. To meet the stringent needs of such applications, instruments must provide reliable, accurate, and consistent measurements over time. Robust techniques are required to ensure that observations from different instruments can be normalized to a common scale that the community agrees on. The long-term reliability of this process needs to be sustained in accordance with established reference standards and best practices. Furthermore, establishing physical meaning to the information through robust Système International d’unités traceable calibration and validation (Cal/Val) is essential to fully understand the parameters under observation. The processes of calibration, correction, stabilitymonitoring, and quality assurance need to be underpinned and evidenced by comparison with “peer instruments” and, ideally, highly calibrated in-orbit reference instruments. Intercalibration between instruments is a central pillar of the Cal/Val strategies of many national and international satellite remote sensing organizations. Intercalibration techniques as outlined in this paper not only provide a practical means of identifying and correcting relative biases in radiometric calibration between instruments but also enable potential data gaps between measurement records in a critical time series to be bridged. Use of a robust set of internationally agreed upon and coordinated intercalibration techniques will lead to significant improvement in the consistency between satellite instruments and facilitate accurate monitoring of the Earth’s climate at uncertainty levels needed to detect and attribute the mechanisms of change. This paper summarizes the state-of-the-art of postlaunch radiometric calibration of remote sensing satellite instruments through intercalibration

    Improved Mapping Accuracy of Planetary Surfaces Using Super-Resolution of Thermal Infrared Data

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    Super-Resolution is the process of obtaining a spatial resolution greater than that of the original resolution of a data source. This can be done through the fusion of original data with an additional source that has the desired resolution. These approaches can either be qualitative for visual appeal, quantitative for data accuracy, or some combination of both. The super-resolution approach offers an alternative to traditional sub-pixel deconvolution identification and provides higher resolution TIR data for Earth and Mars.The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) has provided the highest spatial resolution (100 meter / pixel) thermal infrared (TIR) data of the Mars surface to date. These data have enabled the discovery of small-scale compositional units and helped to constrain surface processes operating at these scales. Higher resolution visible instruments have revealed smaller-scale differences, creating a need to detect compositional variability using TIR data at scales below 100 meters. Putative chloride deposits identified on Mars are one such area. These deposits have a unique spectral signature in the TIR and are present within topographic lows. The super-resolution algorithm helped constrain the local mineral assemblages and stratigraphic order. This data reveals that associated phyllosilicate-rich units may be part of a common lithostratigraphic unit with a phyllosilicate-poor ST-2 material.Lunar Lake playa, located ~100 km northeast of Tonopah, Nevada, has been used as an analog site for multiple planetary surfaces and as a vicarious calibration site for Earth-orbiting satellites. As such, the ability to obtain higher resolution data through super-resolution has the potential to improve Earth data and give to insight into the formation of similar environments on other planetary surfaces. Super resolved data show Lunar Lake playa to be more compositionally heterogeneous than previously thought. A gradation of mineralogy exists within the playa, seen in both super-resolved data and in samples collected during fieldwork. The composition of the playa is influenced by the immediate surroundings, with variation existing between the western side of the playa, bounded by basaltic units, and the eastern, bounded by rhyolitic tuff. As the surrounding material weather, different clasts are transported onto the playa, and weather into different mineral assemblies