639 research outputs found

    Early Turn-taking Prediction with Spiking Neural Networks for Human Robot Collaboration

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    Turn-taking is essential to the structure of human teamwork. Humans are typically aware of team members' intention to keep or relinquish their turn before a turn switch, where the responsibility of working on a shared task is shifted. Future co-robots are also expected to provide such competence. To that end, this paper proposes the Cognitive Turn-taking Model (CTTM), which leverages cognitive models (i.e., Spiking Neural Network) to achieve early turn-taking prediction. The CTTM framework can process multimodal human communication cues (both implicit and explicit) and predict human turn-taking intentions in an early stage. The proposed framework is tested on a simulated surgical procedure, where a robotic scrub nurse predicts the surgeon's turn-taking intention. It was found that the proposed CTTM framework outperforms the state-of-the-art turn-taking prediction algorithms by a large margin. It also outperforms humans when presented with partial observations of communication cues (i.e., less than 40% of full actions). This early prediction capability enables robots to initiate turn-taking actions at an early stage, which facilitates collaboration and increases overall efficiency.Comment: Submitted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Proceedings of Abstracts Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference 2019

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    © 2019 The Author(s). This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For further details please see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Note: Keynote: Fluorescence visualisation to evaluate effectiveness of personal protective equipment for infection control is © 2019 Crown copyright and so is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Under this licence users are permitted to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application. Where you do any of the above you must acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/This book is the record of abstracts submitted and accepted for presentation at the Inaugural Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference held 17th April 2019 at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. This conference is a local event aiming at bringing together the research students, staff and eminent external guests to celebrate Engineering and Computer Science Research at the University of Hertfordshire. The ECS Research Conference aims to showcase the broad landscape of research taking place in the School of Engineering and Computer Science. The 2019 conference was articulated around three topical cross-disciplinary themes: Make and Preserve the Future; Connect the People and Cities; and Protect and Care

    Synaptic Learning for Neuromorphic Vision - Processing Address Events with Spiking Neural Networks

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    Das Gehirn übertrifft herkömmliche Computerarchitekturen in Bezug auf Energieeffizienz, Robustheit und Anpassungsfähigkeit. Diese Aspekte sind auch für neue Technologien wichtig. Es lohnt sich daher, zu untersuchen, welche biologischen Prozesse das Gehirn zu Berechnungen befähigen und wie sie in Silizium umgesetzt werden können. Um sich davon inspirieren zu lassen, wie das Gehirn Berechnungen durchführt, ist ein Paradigmenwechsel im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Computerarchitekturen erforderlich. Tatsächlich besteht das Gehirn aus Nervenzellen, Neuronen genannt, die über Synapsen miteinander verbunden sind und selbstorganisierte Netzwerke bilden. Neuronen und Synapsen sind komplexe dynamische Systeme, die durch biochemische und elektrische Reaktionen gesteuert werden. Infolgedessen können sie ihre Berechnungen nur auf lokale Informationen stützen. Zusätzlich kommunizieren Neuronen untereinander mit kurzen elektrischen Impulsen, den so genannten Spikes, die sich über Synapsen bewegen. Computational Neuroscientists versuchen, diese Berechnungen mit spikenden neuronalen Netzen zu modellieren. Wenn sie auf dedizierter neuromorpher Hardware implementiert werden, können spikende neuronale Netze wie das Gehirn schnelle, energieeffiziente Berechnungen durchführen. Bis vor kurzem waren die Vorteile dieser Technologie aufgrund des Mangels an funktionellen Methoden zur Programmierung von spikenden neuronalen Netzen begrenzt. Lernen ist ein Paradigma für die Programmierung von spikenden neuronalen Netzen, bei dem sich Neuronen selbst zu funktionalen Netzen organisieren. Wie im Gehirn basiert das Lernen in neuromorpher Hardware auf synaptischer Plastizität. Synaptische Plastizitätsregeln charakterisieren Gewichtsaktualisierungen im Hinblick auf Informationen, die lokal an der Synapse anliegen. Das Lernen geschieht also kontinuierlich und online, während sensorischer Input in das Netzwerk gestreamt wird. Herkömmliche tiefe neuronale Netze werden üblicherweise durch Gradientenabstieg trainiert. Die durch die biologische Lerndynamik auferlegten Einschränkungen verhindern jedoch die Verwendung der konventionellen Backpropagation zur Berechnung der Gradienten. Beispielsweise behindern kontinuierliche Aktualisierungen den synchronen Wechsel zwischen Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsphasen. Darüber hinaus verhindern Gedächtnisbeschränkungen, dass die Geschichte der neuronalen Aktivität im Neuron gespeichert wird, so dass Verfahren wie Backpropagation-Through-Time nicht möglich sind. Neuartige Lösungen für diese Probleme wurden von Computational Neuroscientists innerhalb des Zeitrahmens dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagen. In dieser Arbeit werden spikende neuronaler Netzwerke entwickelt, um Aufgaben der visuomotorischen Neurorobotik zu lösen. In der Tat entwickelten sich biologische neuronale Netze ursprünglich zur Steuerung des Körpers. Die Robotik stellt also den künstlichen Körper für das künstliche Gehirn zur Verfügung. Auf der einen Seite trägt diese Arbeit zu den gegenwärtigen Bemühungen um das Verständnis des Gehirns bei, indem sie schwierige Closed-Loop-Benchmarks liefert, ähnlich dem, was dem biologischen Gehirn widerfährt. Auf der anderen Seite werden neue Wege zur Lösung traditioneller Robotik Probleme vorgestellt, die auf vom Gehirn inspirierten Paradigmen basieren. Die Forschung wird in zwei Schritten durchgeführt. Zunächst werden vielversprechende synaptische Plastizitätsregeln identifiziert und mit ereignisbasierten Vision-Benchmarks aus der realen Welt verglichen. Zweitens werden neuartige Methoden zur Abbildung visueller Repräsentationen auf motorische Befehle vorgestellt. Neuromorphe visuelle Sensoren stellen einen wichtigen Schritt auf dem Weg zu hirninspirierten Paradigmen dar. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Kameras senden diese Sensoren Adressereignisse aus, die lokalen Änderungen der Lichtintensität entsprechen. Das ereignisbasierte Paradigma ermöglicht eine energieeffiziente und schnelle Bildverarbeitung, erfordert aber die Ableitung neuer asynchroner Algorithmen. Spikende neuronale Netze stellen eine Untergruppe von asynchronen Algorithmen dar, die vom Gehirn inspiriert und für neuromorphe Hardwaretechnologie geeignet sind. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Computational Neuroscientists werden erfolgreiche Methoden zum Erlernen räumlich-zeitlicher Abstraktionen aus der Adressereignisdarstellung berichtet. Es wird gezeigt, dass Top-Down-Regeln der synaptischen Plastizität, die zur Optimierung einer objektiven Funktion abgeleitet wurden, die Bottom-Up-Regeln übertreffen, die allein auf Beobachtungen im Gehirn basieren. Mit dieser Einsicht wird eine neue synaptische Plastizitätsregel namens "Deep Continuous Local Learning" eingeführt, die derzeit den neuesten Stand der Technik bei ereignisbasierten Vision-Benchmarks erreicht. Diese Regel wurde während eines Aufenthalts an der Universität von Kalifornien, Irvine, gemeinsam abgeleitet, implementiert und evaluiert. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird der visuomotorische Kreis geschlossen, indem die gelernten visuellen Repräsentationen auf motorische Befehle abgebildet werden. Drei Ansätze werden diskutiert, um ein visuomotorisches Mapping zu erhalten: manuelle Kopplung, Belohnungs-Kopplung und Minimierung des Vorhersagefehlers. Es wird gezeigt, wie diese Ansätze, welche als synaptische Plastizitätsregeln implementiert sind, verwendet werden können, um einfache Strategien und Bewegungen zu lernen. Diese Arbeit ebnet den Weg zur Integration von hirninspirierten Berechnungsparadigmen in das Gebiet der Robotik. Es wird sogar prognostiziert, dass Fortschritte in den neuromorphen Technologien und bei den Plastizitätsregeln die Entwicklung von Hochleistungs-Lernrobotern mit geringem Energieverbrauch ermöglicht

    Behavioral Learning in a Cognitive Neuromorphic Robot: An Integrative Approach

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    We present here a learning system using the iCub humanoid robot and the SpiNNaker neuromorphic chip to solve the real-world task of object-specific attention. Integrating spiking neural networks with robots introduces considerable complexity for questionable benefit if the objective is simply task performance. But, we suggest, in a cognitive robotics context, where the goal is understanding how to compute, such an approach may yield useful insights to neural architecture as well as learned behavior, especially if dedicated neural hardware is available. Recent advances in cognitive robotics and neuromorphic processing now make such systems possible. Using a scalable, structured, modular approach, we build a spiking neural network where the effects and impact of learning can be predicted and tested, and the network can be scaled or extended to new tasks automatically. We introduce several enhancements to a basic network and show how they can be used to direct performance toward behaviorally relevant goals. Results show that using a simple classical spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) rule on selected connections, we can get the robot (and network) to progress from poor task-specific performance to good performance. Behaviorally relevant STDP appears to contribute strongly to positive learning: “do this” but less to negative learning: “don't do that.” In addition, we observe that the effect of structural enhancements tends to be cumulative. The overall system suggests that it is by being able to exploit combinations of effects, rather than any one effect or property in isolation, that spiking networks can achieve compelling, task-relevant behavior

    Trajectory Prediction with Event-Based Cameras for Robotics Applications

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    This thesis presents the study, analysis, and implementation of a framework to perform trajectory prediction using an event-based camera for robotics applications. Event-based perception represents a novel computation paradigm based on unconventional sensing technology that holds promise for data acquisition, transmission, and processing at very low latency and power consumption, crucial in the future of robotics. An event-based camera, in particular, is a sensor that responds to light changes in the scene, producing an asynchronous and sparse output over a wide illumination dynamic range. They only capture relevant spatio-temporal information - mostly driven by motion - at high rate, avoiding the inherent redundancy in static areas of the field of view. For such reasons, this device represents a potential key tool for robots that must function in highly dynamic and/or rapidly changing scenarios, or where the optimisation of the resources is fundamental, like robots with on-board systems. Prediction skills are something humans rely on daily - even unconsciously - for instance when driving, playing sports, or collaborating with other people. In the same way, predicting the trajectory or the end-point of a moving target allows a robot to plan for appropriate actions and their timing in advance, interacting with it in many different manners. Moreover, prediction is also helpful for compensating robot internal delays in the perception-action chain, due for instance to limited sensors and/or actuators. The question I addressed in this work is whether event-based cameras are advantageous or not in trajectory prediction for robotics. In particular, if classical deep learning architecture used for this task can accommodate for event-based data, working asynchronously, and which benefit they can bring with respect to standard cameras. The a priori hypothesis is that being the sampling of the scene driven by motion, such a device would allow for more meaningful information acquisition, improving the prediction accuracy and processing data only when needed - without any information loss or redundant acquisition. To test the hypothesis, experiments are mostly carried out using the neuromorphic iCub, a custom version of the iCub humanoid platform that mounts two event-based cameras in the eyeballs, along with standard RGB cameras. To further motivate the work on iCub, a preliminary step is the evaluation of the robot's internal delays, a value that should be compensated by the prediction to interact in real-time with the object perceived. The first part of this thesis sees the implementation of the event-based framework for prediction, to answer the question if Long Short-Term Memory neural networks, the architecture used in this work, can be combined with event-based cameras. The task considered is the handover Human-Robot Interaction, during which the trajectory of the object in the human's hand must be inferred. Results show that the proposed pipeline can predict both spatial and temporal coordinates of the incoming trajectory with higher accuracy than model-based regression methods. Moreover, fast recovery from failure cases and adaptive prediction horizon behavior are exhibited. Successively, I questioned how much the event-based sampling approach can be convenient with respect to the classical fixed-rate approach. The test case used is the trajectory prediction of a bouncing ball, implemented with the pipeline previously introduced. A comparison between the two sampling methods is analysed in terms of error for different working rates, showing how the spatial sampling of the event-based approach allows to achieve lower error and also to adapt the computational load dynamically, depending on the motion in the scene. Results from both works prove that the merging of event-based data and Long Short-Term Memory networks looks promising for spatio-temporal features prediction in highly dynamic tasks, and paves the way to further studies about the temporal aspect and to a wide range of applications, not only robotics-related. Ongoing work is now focusing on the robot control side, finding the best way to exploit the spatio-temporal information provided by the predictor and defining the optimal robot behavior. Future work will see the shift of the full pipeline - prediction and robot control - to a spiking implementation. First steps in this direction have been already made thanks to a collaboration with a group from the University of Zurich, with which I propose a closed-loop motor controller implemented on a mixed-signal analog/digital neuromorphic processor, emulating a classical PID controller by means of spiking neural networks

    Neuromorphic Computing for Interactive Robotics: A Systematic Review

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    Modelling functionalities of the brain in human-robot interaction contexts requires a real-time understanding of how each part of a robot (motors, sensors, emotions, etc.) works and how they interact all together to accomplish complex behavioural tasks while interacting with the environment. Human brains are very efficient as they process the information using event-based impulses also known as spikes, which make living creatures very efficient and able to outperform current mainstream robotic systems in almost every task that requires real-time interaction. In recent years, combined efforts by neuroscientists, biologists, computer scientists and engineers make it possible to design biologically realistic hardware and models that can endow the robots with the required human-like processing capability based on neuromorphic computing and Spiking Neural Network (SNN). However, while some attempts have been made, a comprehensive combination of neuromorphic computing and robotics is still missing. In this article, we present a systematic review of neuromorphic computing applications for socially interactive robotics.We first introduce the basic principles, models and architectures of neuromorphic computation. The remaining articles are classified according to the applications they focus on. Finally, we identify the potential research topics for fully integrated socially interactive neuromorphic robots

    Connecting Artificial Brains to Robots in a Comprehensive Simulation Framework: The Neurorobotics Platform

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    Combined efforts in the fields of neuroscience, computer science, and biology allowed to design biologically realistic models of the brain based on spiking neural networks. For a proper validation of these models, an embodiment in a dynamic and rich sensory environment, where the model is exposed to a realistic sensory-motor task, is needed. Due to the complexity of these brain models that, at the current stage, cannot deal with real-time constraints, it is not possible to embed them into a real-world task. Rather, the embodiment has to be simulated as well. While adequate tools exist to simulate either complex neural networks or robots and their environments, there is so far no tool that allows to easily establish a communication between brain and body models. The Neurorobotics Platform is a new web-based environment that aims to fill this gap by offering scientists and technology developers a software infrastructure allowing them to connect brain models to detailed simulations of robot bodies and environments and to use the resulting neurorobotic systems for in silico experimentation. In order to simplify the workflow and reduce the level of the required programming skills, the platform provides editors for the specification of experimental sequences and conditions, environments, robots, and brain–body connectors. In addition to that, a variety of existing robots and environments are provided. This work presents the architecture of the first release of the Neurorobotics Platform developed in subproject 10 “Neurorobotics” of the Human Brain Project (HBP).1 At the current state, the Neurorobotics Platform allows researchers to design and run basic experiments in neurorobotics using simulated robots and simulated environments linked to simplified versions of brain models. We illustrate the capabilities of the platform with three example experiments: a Braitenberg task implemented on a mobile robot, a sensory-motor learning task based on a robotic controller, and a visual tracking embedding a retina model on the iCub humanoid robot. These use-cases allow to assess the applicability of the Neurorobotics Platform for robotic tasks as well as in neuroscientific experiments.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 604102 (Human Brain Project) and from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 720270 (HBP SGA1)

    Emergence of Functional Hierarchy in a Multiple Timescale Neural Network Model: A Humanoid Robot Experiment

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    It is generally thought that skilled behavior in human beings results from a functional hierarchy of the motor control system, within which reusable motor primitives are flexibly integrated into various sensori-motor sequence patterns. The underlying neural mechanisms governing the way in which continuous sensori-motor flows are segmented into primitives and the way in which series of primitives are integrated into various behavior sequences have, however, not yet been clarified. In earlier studies, this functional hierarchy has been realized through the use of explicit hierarchical structure, with local modules representing motor primitives in the lower level and a higher module representing sequences of primitives switched via additional mechanisms such as gate-selecting. When sequences contain similarities and overlap, however, a conflict arises in such earlier models between generalization and segmentation, induced by this separated modular structure. To address this issue, we propose a different type of neural network model. The current model neither makes use of separate local modules to represent primitives nor introduces explicit hierarchical structure. Rather than forcing architectural hierarchy onto the system, functional hierarchy emerges through a form of self-organization that is based on two distinct types of neurons, each with different time properties (“multiple timescales”). Through the introduction of multiple timescales, continuous sequences of behavior are segmented into reusable primitives, and the primitives, in turn, are flexibly integrated into novel sequences. In experiments, the proposed network model, coordinating the physical body of a humanoid robot through high-dimensional sensori-motor control, also successfully situated itself within a physical environment. Our results suggest that it is not only the spatial connections between neurons but also the timescales of neural activity that act as important mechanisms leading to functional hierarchy in neural systems