267 research outputs found


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    行政機関における各種業務システムは,法令に基づいた業務を処理することから,法令の内容をシステムに反映させる必要がある.一方,新規に成立が予定されている法案や大幅な法改正が行われる場合,行政機関は法令の施行に間に合うように短期間で業務システムの開発・改修に関する仕様書を作成し,ベンダーに発注する必要がある.また,その際には後工程での手戻りを防止するため,機能要求を正しく網羅的に抽出する必要がある.一方で,法令の規定は自然言語で記述され,関連する規定が膨大なことから,システムに求められる機能を正確にかつ網羅的に短期間で抽出することは困難である.法令からの要求獲得においてはオントロジー[1]や述語論理[2]を用いた手法が提案されているが,オントロジー構築や述語論理式への変換等,法改正が頻繁に生じる法令においては維持コストが必要である上に,仕様書の作成を行う行政機関の担当者がそれらの手法に習熟しているケースは少ないなど,実用面での課題がある.そのため,本研究では,法令に基づく業務システムに必要な機能要求を正確にかつ網羅的に短期間で抽出することを目的として,その機能要求を半自動的に抽出する手法を提案する.具体的には,機能要求を表現する記述を予め定義したテンプレートを用いた機能要求の抽出手法を構築し,その抽出を支援するため,主に次の2つの機能を持つ支援ツールを実装した:(1) 複雑で長文となりがちな条文をシンプルに記述するため,形態素解析した条文からアクターとユースケースに着目し条文を自動的に要約する機能,(2) 手作業で構築した辞書に基づき機能要求を含む条文を示唆する機能.また,要求抽出実験を通じて提案手法の有用性に関する評価を行い,その結果,本手法を用いることで要求工学や法令に関する専門知識が無い者でも高い精度で法令の規定から機能要求を抽出できることが確認できた.電気通信大学201


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    Com uma maior disponibilidade de informações e o uso de tecnologias em favor dos pacientes, notadamente ocorre uma verdadeira transformação na área da saúde nos últimos anos. As organizações de saúde precisam trabalhar com flexibilidade em suas operações para sustentar a excelência em práticas clínicas e de negócios. Técnicas e ferramentas que otimizem os processos de assistência médica e terapêutica e os administrativos, podem aumentar a efetividade do cuidado e a segurança paciente. A utilização de ontologias juntamente com processos de negócio tem por objetivo manter e representar uma linguagem comum, de forma que todos possam entender, padronizar e participar de maneira efetiva da modelagem dos processos. Apesar dos benefícios do uso de ontologias, sua utilização é limitada nas organizações em geral. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os resultados de uma revisão sistemática, cujo intuito foi identificar e conhecer as propostas de utilização de ontologias juntamente com Business Process Management (BPM) na área da saúde. Os resultados apontam que apesar do uso de ontologias ser realidade na área da saúde, poucas são as propostas de alinhamento com as práticas de BPM, apesar dos promissores benefícios para organizações, profissionais e pacientes

    JISC Preservation of Web Resources (PoWR) Handbook

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    Handbook of Web Preservation produced by the JISC-PoWR project which ran from April to November 2008. The handbook specifically addresses digital preservation issues that are relevant to the UK HE/FE web management community”. The project was undertaken jointly by UKOLN at the University of Bath and ULCC Digital Archives department

    A Rule of Persons, Not Machines: The Limits of Legal Automation

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    Handbook for New Actors in Space

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    Driven by Cold War tensions between the US and the Soviet Union, the space race began almost 60 years ago. Each power was racing to accomplish new feats in space and demonstrate its superiority. In 2017, while much remains the same, much has changed. Space actors comprise a wide variety of national and non-governmental entities comprising diverse rationales, goals, and activities. More than 70 states, commercial companies, and international organizations currently operate more than 1,500 satellites in Earth orbit. Driven largely by the commoditization of space technology and the lowering of barriers to participation, the number of space actors is growing. This broadening of space has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it is leading to greatly increased technological innovations, lower costs, and greater access to the beneficial capabilities and services offered by satellites. However, the accelerated growth in space activities and the influx of new actors has the potential to exacerbate many of the current threats to the long-term sustainable use of space. These threats include on-orbit crowding, radio-frequency interference, and the chances of an incident in space sparking or escalating geopolitical tensions on Earth. Michael K. Simpson, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Secure World Foundatio

    Vol. 68, no. 3: Full Issue

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    Handbook for New Actors in Space

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    Driven by Cold War tensions between the US and the Soviet Union, the space race began almost 60 years ago. Each power was racing to accomplish new feats in space and demonstrate its superiority. In 2017, while much remains the same, much has changed. Space actors comprise a wide variety of national and non-governmental entities comprising diverse rationales, goals, and activities. More than 70 states, commercial companies, and international organizations currently operate more than 1,500 satellites in Earth orbit. Driven largely by the commoditization of space technology and the lowering of barriers to participation, the number of space actors is growing. This broadening of space has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it is leading to greatly increased technological innovations, lower costs, and greater access to the beneficial capabilities and services offered by satellites. However, the accelerated growth in space activities and the influx of new actors has the potential to exacerbate many of the current threats to the long-term sustainable use of space. These threats include on-orbit crowding, radio-frequency interference, and the chances of an incident in space sparking or escalating geopolitical tensions on Earth. Michael K. Simpson, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Secure World Foundatio

    HHS action plan to prevent healthcare-associated infections

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    "The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) "Action Plan to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections" represents a culmination of several months of research, deliberation, and public comment to identify the key actions needed to achieve and sustain progress in protecting patients from the transmission of serious, and in some cases, deadly infections. In response to the increasing threat of HAIs and national and international concern, the Department has composed a Steering Committee of senior-level representatives from the Offices and Operating Divisions of HHS and conducted a number of in-person meetings and conferences with Federal experts. The Department's Action Plan toward the prevention and elimination of HAIs includes goals toward which the healthcare and public health communities have been moving over the past several years." p 1-2Executive summary -- Introduction -- Prevention: metrics and targets -- Prevention: prioritized recommendations -- Research -- Information systems and technology -- Incentives and oversight -- Outreach and messaging -- Coordination, evaluation, and conclusion -- AppendicesAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Office of Public Health and Science."06222009."Title from title screen (viewed on March 17, 2011)