87 research outputs found

    Infrastructure-as-a-Service Usage Determinants in Enterprises

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    The thesis focuses on the research question, what the determinants of Infrastructure-as-a-Service usage of enterprises are. A wide range of IaaS determinants is collected for an IaaS adoption model of enterprises, which is evaluated in a Web survey. As the economical determinants are especially important, they are separately investigated using a cost-optimizing decision support model. This decision support model is then applied to a potential IaaS use case of a large automobile manufacturer

    A methodology for automated service level agreement compliance prediction

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    PhD ThesisService Level Agreement (SLA) specification languages express monitorable contracts between service providers and consumers. It is of interest to determine if predictive models can be derived for SLAs expressed in such languages, if possible in a fashion that is as automated as possible. Assuming that the service developer or user uses some SLA specification languages during the service development or deployment process,the Service level agreement Compliance Prediction(SlaCP) methodology is proposed as a general engineering methodology for predicting SLA compliance.This methodology helps contractual parties to assess the probability of SLA compliance,as automatically as is feasible,by mapping an existing SLA on a stochastic model of the service and using existing numerical solution algorithms or discrete event simulation to solve the model.The SlaCP methodology is generic, but the methodology is mostly described,in this thesis,assuming the use of the Web Service Level Agreement(WSLA)and the Stochastic Discrete Event Systems (SDES)formalism.The approach taken in this methodology is firstly to associate formal semantics with WSLA elements in order to be understood mathematically precise.Then,a five-step mapping process between the source and the target formalisms is conducted.These steps include:mapping into model primitives,reward metrics,expressions for functions of the semetrics,the time at which the prediction occurs,and the ultimate probability of SLA compliance.The proposed methodology is implemented in a software tool that automates most of its steps using Mobius and SPNP.The methodology is evaluated using a case study which shows the methodology’s feasibility and limitations in both theoretical and practical terms.Tishreen University, Ministry of Higher Education in Syri

    Development and validation of a conceptual framework for IT offshoring engagement success

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    “A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy”.The study presented in this thesis investigates Offshore Information Technology Outsourcing (IT offshoring) relationships from clients’ perspective. With more client companies outsourcing their IT operations offshore, issues associated with the establishment and management of IT offshoring relationships have become very important. With the growing volume of offshore outsourcing, the numbers of failures are also increasing. Therefore, both clients (service receivers) and suppliers (service providers) face increasing pressure to meet with the objectives of IT offshoring initiatives. Improving the quality of the relationship between client and supplier has frequently been suggested in the literature as probable solution area, however not much literature and empirical evidence is available in this respect. The aim of the study is to make a theoretical and practical contribution by studying the interplay between the critical factors influencing the relationship intensity level of the exchange partners and suggest measures that can potentially increase the success rate in IT offshoring engagements. The objectives of this study are: 1. To identify the relevant critical factors and explore its causes and effects (antecedents and consequences) on the relationship intensity significance level. 2. To develop an integrated conceptual framework combining the hypothetical relationship among these identified critical factors. 3. To empirically validate the conceptual framework. To accomplish the first objective and building the theoretical platform for the second objective, three research questions are identified and answered through empirical study backed by literature evidence. The second objective is addressed through an integrative conceptual framework by analysing the related studies across other disciplines, gaps in the existing theories and models in the outsourcing literature. Coupled with literature gap analysis, the researcher adopted some of the relevant features from across various disciplines of management and social sciences that are relevant to this study. After that, the third objective, the research hypotheses are validated with empirical examination conducted in Europe. Seven research hypotheses are developed based on literature analysis on the relationship of the key constructs in the conceptual framework. This study is explanatory and deductive in nature. It is underpinned mainly by a quantitative research design with structured questionnaire surveys conducted with stratified sampling of 136 client organisations in Europe. Individual client firm is the unit of analysis for this study. Data analysis was conducted using partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modelling techniques. In this research, empirical support was found for most of the research hypotheses and conclusions of the study is derived. An investigation into trust as a concept is used to denote relationship intensity, as the central construct of the framework. The validated conceptual framework and tested hypothesis results are the main contributions of this study. The results of this study will also be useful in terms of adopting the conceptual framework linked with hypotheses as a point of reference to begin with, in order to accomplish a healthy exchange relationship. However, a further deep dive and fine tuning the sub-units/composition characteristics of each critical factor may be needed for individual outsourcing initiative(s). This study is particularly relevant to the client-supplier firms already engaged in a relationship but can also be useful to those clients who are planning to begin their journey in IT offshoring in the near future, as a preparatory platform