10 research outputs found

    A Novel RFID Sensing System Using Enhanced Surface Wave Technology for Battery Exchange Stations

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    This paper presents a novel radio-frequency identification (RFID) sensing system using enhanced surface wave technology for battery exchange stations (BESs) of electric motorcycles. Ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID technology is utilized to automatically track and manage battery and user information without manual operation. The system includes readers, enhanced surface wave leaky cable antennas (ESWLCAs), coupling cable lines (CCLs), and small radiation patches (SRPs). The RFID sensing system overcomes the electromagnetic interference in the metallic environment of a BES cabinet. The developed RFID sensing system can effectively increase the efficiency of BES operation and promote the development of electric vehicles which solve the problem of air pollution as well as protect the environment of the Earth

    Mobile Bookstore (m-Bookstore)

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    Mobile technologies and computing are evolving and expanding each day, demanding and creating a much more ubiquitous computing environment. This research project proposes the development and implementation of the Mobile Bookstore - a mobile solution for bookstore businesses. This report presents the final research and study of the development of the Mobile Bookstore as a solution to the problem statements stated in the project proposal as well as in this report, which is considered as the main objective of the study. The Mobile Bookstore will address to the four problem statements, which are the geographical problems, the advancing mobile technologies, ubiquitous demands in computing and large bookstore information requests. These objectives help in answering the question to why this research is done and why would we need a mobile bookstore? With the mobile bookstore, companies can reach out to more customers, anywhere and everywhere using mobile devices. This concept allows for a more ubiquitous business and computing. Major bookstores need to compete and to be on top, implementing the latest technologies to serve its customers, and the mobile technology is one that should be taken advantage of. Browsing the large database of a bookstore can be time-consuming and difficult using expensive kiosks that come in limited numbers. A wireless environment can create wireless networks allowing those with mobile devices to browse through the bookstore database with ease. With this report, the basis for the research of this project will be underlined in detail, including the technologies, means, methods and study of recent researches related to the study. The result of this research project will be the software solution, a system (the Mobile Bookstore), which consists of two modules: the outdoor WAPbased module and the indoor Wireless Network module

    Survey on Lightweight Primitives and Protocols for RFID in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies is becoming widespread in all kind of wireless network-based applications. As expected, applications based on sensor networks, ad-hoc or mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) can be highly benefited from the adoption of RFID solutions. There is a strong need to employ lightweight cryptographic primitives for many security applications because of the tight cost and constrained resource requirement of sensor based networks. This paper mainly focuses on the security analysis of lightweight protocols and algorithms proposed for the security of RFID systems. A large number of research solutions have been proposed to implement lightweight cryptographic primitives and protocols in sensor and RFID integration based resource constraint networks. In this work, an overview of the currently discussed lightweight primitives and their attributes has been done. These primitives and protocols have been compared based on gate equivalents (GEs), power, technology, strengths, weaknesses and attacks. Further, an integration of primitives and protocols is compared with the possibilities of their applications in practical scenarios

    Radio Frequency Identification: Adversary Model and Attacks on Existing Protocols

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems aim to identify objects in open environments with neither physical nor visual contact. They consist of transponders inserted into objects, of readers, and usually of a database which contains information about the objects. The key point is that authorised readers must be able to identify tags without an adversary being able to trace them. Traceability is often underestimated by advocates of the technology and sometimes exaggerated by its detractors. Whatever the true picture, this problem is a reality when it blocks the deployment of this technology and some companies, faced with being boycotted, have already abandoned its use. Using cryptographic primitives to thwart the traceability issues is an approach which has been explored for several years. However, the research carried out up to now has not provided satisfactory results as no universal formalism has been defined. In this paper, we propose an adversary model suitable for RFID environments. We define the notions of existential and universal untraceability and we model the access to the communication channels from a set of oracles. We show that our formalisation fits the problem being considered and allows a formal analysis of the protocols in terms of traceability. We use our model on several well-known RFID protocols and we show that most of them have weaknesses and are vulnerable to traceability

    Mobile Bookstore (m-Bookstore)

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    Mobile technologies and computing are evolving and expanding each day, demanding and creating a much more ubiquitous computing environment. This research project proposes the development and implementation of the Mobile Bookstore - a mobile solution for bookstore businesses. This report presents the final research and study of the development of the Mobile Bookstore as a solution to the problem statements stated in the project proposal as well as in this report, which is considered as the main objective of the study. The Mobile Bookstore will address to the four problem statements, which are the geographical problems, the advancing mobile technologies, ubiquitous demands in computing and large bookstore information requests. These objectives help in answering the question to why this research is done and why would we need a mobile bookstore? With the mobile bookstore, companies can reach out to more customers, anywhere and everywhere using mobile devices. This concept allows for a more ubiquitous business and computing. Major bookstores need to compete and to be on top, implementing the latest technologies to serve its customers, and the mobile technology is one that should be taken advantage of. Browsing the large database of a bookstore can be time-consuming and difficult using expensive kiosks that come in limited numbers. A wireless environment can create wireless networks allowing those with mobile devices to browse through the bookstore database with ease. With this report, the basis for the research of this project will be underlined in detail, including the technologies, means, methods and study of recent researches related to the study. The result of this research project will be the software solution, a system (the Mobile Bookstore), which consists of two modules: the outdoor WAPbased module and the indoor Wireless Network module

    Malicious attacks on ad hoc network routing protocols

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    The main purpose of an ad hoc network routing protocol is to enable the transport of data packets from one point to another. This paper examines the potential attacks on this transport service which arise from the realisation of threats from internal malicious nodes. The prerequisite of a routing service is a distributed mechanism for the discovery and maintenance of routes; network integrity and availability are required to ensure the correct operation of an ad hoc network. This paper also provides a qualitative analysis of how proactive and reactive protocols cope with malicious internal attacks, and whether one type of protocol offers inherently better resistance to the various attacks than the other

    Melhorando o Suporte a Unidades de Monitoramento de Desempenho no EPOS

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia Mecatrônica.O EPOS é um sistema operacional de tempo real voltado ao desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados. Sistemas embarcados fazem parte de nosso dia a dia e podem ser definidos como quaisquer sistemas computacionais dedicados ao monitoramento ou controle de aplicações específicas. Muitas vezes, os requisitos de desempenho em um sistema embarcado incluem restrições de tempo real. Independente de sua carga total de execução ou da ocorrência de falhas, todo sistema de tempo real deve cumprir seus requisitos de tempo. Para garantir o cumprimento de tais prazos, previsibilidade é uma característica ainda mais importante do que velocidade de processamento de dados e isto torna essencial o uso de sistemas operacionais de tempo real (RTOS). Em aplicações modernas, RTOSs são utilizados no processamento de elevadas cargas de dados, como no processamento de imagens, aplicações multimídia, entre outros. Neste cenário, processadores multinúcleos representam uma ótima alternativa à redução de custos em determinados projetos. No entanto, o uso de multiprocessadores traz consigo uma série de fatores inconvenientes. Processadores e periféricos são conectados à hierarquia de memória, barramentos, buffers e diversos outros recursos complexos. O compartilhamento destes recursos permite que operações desenvolvidas por uma unidade de processamento possam ocasionar contenções e gerar atrasos imprevisíveis na execução de tarefas num outro processador. Neste contexto, sabe-se que a hierarquia de memória utilizada atualmente é um dos principais fatores de incerteza num processador multinúcleo e, por esta razão, atualmente existem diversos estudos voltados à melhoria de sua previsibilidade. Entre eles, o uso de unidades de monitoramento de desempenho (PMU) se mostra como um recurso capaz de auxiliar na tomada de decisões em processos de escalonamento de tarefas e auxiliar na tarefa de tornar mais previsível as operações sobre a hierarquia de memória de sistemas multiprocessados. Sendo assim, este trabalho busca aprimorar o suporte do sistema operacional EPOS a unidades de monitoramento de desempenho. Como parte desta proposta, um mecanismo capaz de auxiliar no processo de escalonamento de tarefas conforme as informações fornecidas pelo monitoramento do sistema é implementado. O impacto de tal recurso na execução de tarefas de tempo real é avaliado ao longo deste trabalho, demonstrando sua capacidade de auxiliar o sistema no cumprimento de requisitos de tempo real.EPOS is a real-time operating system aimed to the development of embedded systems. Embedded systems are part of our everyday life and can be defined as any computer systems dedicated to the monitoring or control of specific applications. Often, performance requirements in an embedded system include real-time constraints. Regardless of the total workload or the occurrence of failures, every real-time system must meet it's time requirements. To ensure compliance with such deadlines, predictability is an even more important feature than processing speed and this makes the usage of real-time operating systems (RTOS) essential. In modern applications, RTOSs are used to process memory intensive workloads, such as in image processing, multimedia applications, among others. In this scenario, multi-core processors represent a great alternative for reducing costs in certain projects. However, the use of multiprocessors brings with it a number of inconvenient factors. Processors and peripherals are connected to the memory hierarchy, buses, buffers, and various other complex resources. Sharing these features allows operations performed by one processing unit to cause contention and generate unpredictable delays in performing tasks on another processor. In this context, it is known that the memory hierarchy currently used is one of the main factors of uncertainty in a multicore processor and, for this reason, there are currently several studies aimed at improving its predictability. Among them, the use of performance monitoring units (PMU) is shown as a resource capable of assisting decision making in task scheduling processes and assisting in the task of making operations on the memory hierarchy of multiprocessed systems more predictable. Therefore, this work improves the EPOS operating system support to performance monitoring units. As part of this proposal, a mechanism capable of assisting in task scheduling processes according to the information provided by the performance monitoring units is implemented. The impact of such a resource in the execution of real-time tasks is evaluated throughout this thesis, demonstrating its ability to assist the system in complying with real-time requirements

    Security and Privacy of Radio Frequency Identification

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    Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor]Crispo, B. [Copromotor

    An Engineering Method for Adaptive, Context-aware Web Applications

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    Users of Web-based software encounter growing complexity of the software resulting from the increasing amount of information and service offering. As a consequence, the likelihood that users employ the software in a manner compatible with the provider's interest decreases. Depending on the purpose of the Web application, a provider's goal can be to guide and influence user choices in information and service selection, or to assure user productivity. An approach at addressing these goals is to adapt the software's behavior during operation to the context in which it is being used. The term context-awareness originates in mobile computing, where research projects have studied context recognition and adaptation in specific scenarios. Context-awareness is now being studied in a variety of systems, including Web applications. However, how to account for context in a Web Engineering process is not yet established, nor is a generic means of using context in a Web software architecture. This dissertation addresses the question of how context-awareness can be applied in a general-purpose, systematic process for Web application development: that is, in a Web Engineering process. A model for representing an application's context factors in ontologies is presented. A general-purpose methodology for Web Engineering is extended to account for context, by putting in relation context ontologies with elements of the application domain. The application model is extended with adaptation specifications, defining at which places in the application adaptation to context is to occur, and according to what strategy. Application and context models are system interpretable, in order to support automatic adaptation of a system's behavior during its operation, that is, consequently to user requests. Requirements for a corresponding Web software architecture for context are established first at the conceptual level, then specifically in a content-based architecture based on an XML stack. The CATWALK software framework, an implementation of an architecture enabling adaptation to context is described. The framework provides mechanisms for interpreting application and context models to generate an adaptive application, meaning to generate responses to user requests, where the generation process makes decisions based on context information. For this purpose, the framework contains default implementations for context recognition and adaptation mechanisms. The approach presented supports a model-based development of Web applications which adapt to context. The CATWALK framework is an mplementation for model interpretation in a run-time system and thus simplifies the development of Web applications which adapt to context. As the framework is component-based and follows a strict separation of concerns, the default mechanisms can be extended or replaced, allowing to reduce the amount of custom code required to implement specific context-aware Web applications or to study alternative context inference or adaptation strategies. The use of the framework is illustrated in a case study, in which models are defined for a prototypical application, and this application is generated by the framework. The purpose of the case study is to illustrate effects of adaptation to context, based on context description and adaptation specifications in the application model