130 research outputs found

    Understanding flaky tests: the developer’s perspective

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    Flaky tests are software tests that exhibit a seemingly random outcome (pass or fail) despite exercising unchanged code. In this work, we examine the perceptions of software developers about the nature, relevance, and challenges of flaky tests. We asked 21 professional developers to classify 200 flaky tests they previously fixed, in terms of the nature and the origin of the flakiness, as well as of the fixing effort. We also examined developers' fixing strategies. Subsequently, we conducted an online survey with 121 developers with a median industrial programming experience of five years. Our research shows that: The flakiness is due to several different causes, four of which have never been reported before, despite being the most costly to fix; flakiness is perceived as significant by the vast majority of developers, regardless of their team's size and project's domain, and it can have effects on resource allocation, scheduling, and the perceived reliability of the test suite; and the challenges developers report to face regard mostly the reproduction of the flaky behavior and the identification of the cause for the flakiness. Public preprint [http://arxiv.org/abs/1907.01466], data and materials [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3265785]

    Model Checking a C++ Software Framework, a Case Study

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    This paper presents a case study on applying two model checkers, SPIN and DIVINE, to verify key properties of a C++ software framework, known as ADAPRO, originally developed at CERN. SPIN was used for verifying properties on the design level. DIVINE was used for verifying simple test applications that interacted with the implementation. Both model checkers were found to have their own respective sets of pros and cons, but the overall experience was positive. Because both model checkers were used in a complementary manner, they provided valuable new insights into the framework, which would arguably have been hard to gain by traditional testing and analysis tools only. Translating the C++ source code into the modeling language of the SPIN model checker helped to find flaws in the original design. With DIVINE, defects were found in parts of the code base that had already been subject to hundreds of hours of unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests. Most importantly, model checking was found to be easy to integrate into the workflow of the software project and bring added value, not only as verification, but also validation methodology. Therefore, using model checking for developing library-level code seems realistic and worth the effort.Comment: In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '19), August 26-30, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 page

    SAR: Learning Cross-Language API Mappings with Little Knowledge

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    To save effort, developers often translate programs from one programming language to another, instead of implementing it from scratch. Translating application program interfaces (APIs) used in one language to functionally equivalent ones available in another language is an important aspect of program translation. Existing approaches facilitate the translation by automatically identifying the API mappings across programming languages. However, these approaches still require a large number of parallel corpora, ranging from pairs of APIs or code fragments that are functionally equivalent, to similar code comments. To minimize the need for parallel corpora, this paper aims at an automated approach that can map APIs across languages with much less a priori knowledge than other approaches. Our approach is based on a realization of the notion of domain adaption, combined with code embedding, to better align two vector spaces. Taking as input large sets of programs, our approach first generates numeric vector representations of the programs (including the APIs used in each language), and it adapts generative adversarial networks (GAN) to align the vectors in different spaces of two languages. For better alignment, we initialize the GAN with parameters derived from API mapping seeds that can be identified accurately with a simple automatic signature-based matching heuristic. Then the cross-language API mappings can be identified via nearest-neighbors queries in the aligned vector spaces. We have implemented the approach (SAR, named after three main technical components, Seeding, Adversarial training, and Refinement) in a prototype for mapping APIs across Java and C# programs. Our evaluation on about 2 million Java files and 1 million C# files shows that the approach can achieve 48% and 78% mapping accuracy in its top-1 and top-10 API mapping results respectively, with only 174 automatically identified seeds, which is more accurate than other approaches using the same or much more mapping seeds

    The role of limitations and SLAs in the API industry

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    As software architecture design is evolving to a microservice paradigm, RESTful APIs are being established as the preferred choice to build applications. In such a scenario, there is a shift towards a growing market of APIs where providers offer different service levels with tailored limitations typically based on the cost. In this context, while there are well established standards to describe the functional elements of APIs (such as the OpenAPI Specification), having a standard model for Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for APIs may boost an open ecosystem of tools that would represent an improvement for the industry by automating certain tasks during the development such as: SLA-aware scaffolding, SLA-aware testing, or SLA-aware requesters. Unfortunately, despite there have been several proposals to describe SLAs for software in general and web services in particular during the past decades, there is an actual lack of a widely used standard due to the complex landscape of concepts surrounding the notion of SLAs and the multiple perspectives that can be addressed. In this paper, we aim to analyze the landscape for SLAs for APIs in two different directions: i) Clarifying the SLA-driven API development lifecycle: its activities and participants; 2) Developing a catalog of relevant concepts and an ulterior prioritization based on different perspectives from both Industry and Academia. As a main result, we present a scored list of concepts that paves the way to establish a concrete road-map for a standard industry-aligned specification to describe SLAs in APIs.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-101204-B-C21Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU15/0298

    Going Big: A Large-Scale Study on What Big Data Developers Ask

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    Software developers are increasingly required to write big data code. However, they find big data software development challenging. To help these developers it is necessary to understand big data topics that they are interested in and the difficulty of finding answers for questions in these topics. In this work, we conduct a large-scale study on Stackoverflow to understand the interest and difficulties of big data developers. To conduct the study, we develop a set of big data tags to extract big data posts from Stackoverflow; use topic modeling to group these posts into big data topics; group similar topics into categories to construct a topic hierarchy; analyze popularity and difficulty of topics and their correlations; and discuss implications of our findings for practice, research and education of big data software development and investigate their coincidence with the findings of previous work