11 research outputs found


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    Magnitude Squared Coherence is a signal processing tool that indicates how well two time domain signals match one with the other by tracking linear dependencies in their spectral decomposition. This paper introduces different ways of using the Magnitude Squared Coherence for Side Channel Analysis. This distinguisher has several advantages over well-known distinguishers

    Side-Channel Analysis of Weierstrass and Koblitz Curve ECDSA on Android Smartphones

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    In this paper, we study the side-channel resistance of the implementation of the ECDSA signature scheme in Android\u27s standard cryptographic library. We show that, for elliptic curves over prime fields, one can recover the secret key very efficiently on smartphones using electromagnetic side-channel and well-known lattice reduction techniques. We experimentally show that elliptic curve operations (doublings and additions) can be distinguished in a multi-core CPU clocking over the giga-hertz. We then extend the standard lattice attack on ECDSA over prime fields to binary Koblitz curves. This is the first time that such an attack is described on Koblitz curves. These curves, which are also available in Bouncy Castle, allow very efficient implementations using the Frobenius operation. This leads to signal processing challenges since the number of available points are reduced. We investigate practical side-channel, showing the concrete vulnerability of such implementations. In comparison to previous works targeting smartphones, the attacks presented in the paper benefits from discernible architectural features, like specific instructions computations or memory accesses

    EM Side Channel Analysis on Complex SoC architectures

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    The EM side channel analysis is a very effective technique to attack cryptographic systems due to its non invasive nature and capability to launch an attack even with limited resources. The EM leakage from devices can give information about computations on the processor, which can in turn reveal the internal state of the algorithm. For security sensitive algorithms, these EM radiations can be exploited by the adversary to extract secret key dependent operations hence EM side channel must be studied for evaluating the security of these algorithms. Modern embedded devices composed of System-on-Chip architectures are considered hard targets for EM side channel analysis mainly due to their complex architecture. This thesis explores the viability of EM side channel attacks on such targets. There is a comprehensive literature overview of EM side channel analysis followed by a practical side channel attack on a SoC device using well know cryptographic library OpenSSL. The attack successfully extracts the secret key dependent operation which can be used to retrieve the private key in security protocols such as TLS and SSH. The thesis concludes, with practical single trace attacks, that cryptographic implementations can still be broken using EM side channel analysis, and a complex nature of the device have no significant effect when combined with signal processing methods for extracting side channel information, hence the cryptographic software implementations must address these issues

    Isolating Electromagnetic Leakage for Side Channel Analysis

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    Electromagnetic (EM) side-channel analysis (SCA) is a procedure used to find weaknesses in the implementation of cryptographic devices allowing a user to extract secret data. An EM scan of a device is performed in specific areas of a cryptographic device, more precisely where the cryptographic operations are executed. EM SCA techniques are powerful procedures in terms of effectiveness and non-invasive functions for the Internet of Things devices, these attacks do not require any physical modification of the target system. This work describes the assembly of an automated measurement EM SCA platform, assembled with components that are possible to purchase on the web. The measurement bench allows to perform precise EM SCA analysis to define points of interest using the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or test vector leakage assessment (TVLA) to define the acquired EM SCA traces without the need of an expert in signal processing and radiofrequency. This work also presents a measuring algorithm developed in MATLAB to automatically locate high leakage points defining an area of attack. When the area containing the hot spots that release a high level of EM emissions is defined, a further analysis is performed to collect the EM traces and study the Hamming weight applying Differential EM Analysis (DEMA), Correlation EM Analysis (CEMA), and Differential Frequency-based Analysis (DFA) by the knowledge of the Hamming weight collected. The contribution of this work explores the tampering needed to capture EM traces from a cryptographic algorithm. The proposed system allows automation of the process of localizing, recording, and analyzing the EM leakages emitted by the execution of a cryptographic algorithm through a heatmap that defines a region of attack

    RAKSHA:Reliable and Aggressive frameworK for System design using High-integrity Approaches

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    Advances in the fabrication technology have been a major driving force in the unprecedented increase in computing capabilities over the last several decades. Despite huge reductions in the switching energy of the transistors, two major issues have emerged with decreasing fabrication technology scales. They are: 1) increased impact of process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variation on transistor performance, and 2) increased susceptibility of transistors to soft errors induced by high energy particles. In presence of PVT variation, as transistor sizes continue to decrease, the design margins used to guarantee correct operation in the presence of worst-case scenarios have been increasing. Systems run at a clock frequency, which is determined by accounting the worst-case timing paths, operating conditions, and process variations. Timing speculation based reliable and aggressive clocking advocates going beyond worst-case limits to achieve best performance while not avoiding, but detecting and correcting a modest number of timing errors. Such design methodology exploits the fact that timing critical paths are rarely exercised in a design, and typical execution happens much faster than the timing requirements dictated by worst-case scenarios. Better-than-worst-case design methodology is advocated by several recent research pursuits, which propose to exploit in-built fault tolerance mechanisms to enhance computer system performance. Recent works have also shown that the performance lose due to over provisioning base on worst-case design margins is upward of 20\% in terms operating frequency and upward of 50\% in terms of power efficiency. The threat of soft error induced system failure in computing systems has become more prominent as we adopt ultra-deep submicron process technologies. With respect to soft error susceptibility, decreasing transistor geometries lower the energy threshold needed by high-energy particles to induce errors. As this trend continues, the need for fault tolerance mechanisms to counteract this effect has moved from a nice to have, to be a requirement in current and future systems. In this dissertation, RAKSHA (meaning to protect and save in Sanskrit), we take a multidimensional look at the challenges of system design built with scaled-technologies using high integrity techniques. In RAKSHA, to mitigate soft errors, we propose lightweight high-integrity mechanisms as basic system building blocks which allow system to offer performance levels comparable to a non-fault tolerant system. In addition, we also propose to effectively exploit and use the availability of fault tolerant mechanisms to allow and tolerate data-dependent failures, thus setting systems to operate at typical case circuit delays and enhance system performance. We also propose the use of novel high-integrity cells for increasing system energy efficiency and also potentially increasing system security by combating power-analysis-based side channel attacks. Such an approach allows balancing of performance, power, and security with no further overhead over the resources needed to incorporate fault tolerance. Using our framework, instead of designing circuits to meet worst-case requirements, circuits can be designed to meet typical-case requirements. In RAKSHA, we propose two efficient soft error mitigation schemes, namely Soft Error Mitigation (SEM) and Soft and Timing Error Mitigation (STEM), using the approach of multiple clocking of data for protecting combinational logic blocks from soft errors. Our first technique, SEM, based on distributed and temporal voting of three registers, unloads the soft error detection overhead from the critical path of the systems. SEM is also capable of ignoring false errors and recovers from soft errors using in-situ fast recovery avoiding recomputation. Our second technique, STEM, while tolerating soft errors, adds timing error detection capability to guarantee reliable execution in aggressively clocked designs that enhance system performance by operating beyond worst-case clock frequency. We also present a specialized low overhead clock phase management scheme that ably supports our proposed techniques. Timing annotated gate level simulations, using 45nm libraries, of a pipelined adder-multiplier and DLX processor show that both our techniques achieve near 100% fault coverage. For DLX processor, even under severe fault injection campaigns, SEM achieves an average performance improvement of 26.58% over a conventional triple modular redundancy voter based soft error mitigation scheme, while STEM outperforms SEM by 27.42%. We refer to systems built with SEM and STEM cells as reliable and aggressive systems. Energy consumption minimization in computing systems has attracted a great deal of attention and has also become critical due to battery life considerations and environmental concerns. To address this problem, many task scheduling algorithms are developed using dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). Majority of these algorithms involve two passes: schedule generation and slack reclamation. Using this approach, linear combination of frequencies has been proposed to achieve near optimal energy for systems operating with discrete and traditional voltage frequency pairs. In RAKSHA, we propose a new slack reclamation algorithm, aggressive dynamic and voltage scaling (ADVFS), using reliable and aggressive systems. ADVFS exploits the enhanced voltage frequency spectrum offered by reliable and aggressive designs for improving energy efficiency. Formal proofs are provided to show that optimal energy for reliable and aggressive designs is either achieved by using single frequency or by linear combination of frequencies. ADVFS has been evaluated using random task graphs and our results show 18% reduction in energy when compared with continuous DVFS and over more than 33% when compared with scheme using linear combination of traditional voltage frequency pairs. Recent events have indicated that attackers are banking on side-channel attacks, such as differential power analysis (DPA) and correlation power analysis (CPA), to exploit information leaks from physical devices. Random dynamic voltage frequency scaling (RDVFS) has been proposed to prevent such attacks and has very little area, power, and performance overheads. But due to the one-to-one mapping present between voltage and frequency of DVFS voltage-frequency pairs, RDVFS cannot prevent power attacks. In RAKSHA, we propose a novel countermeasure that uses reliable and aggressive designs to break this one-to-one mapping. Our experiments show that our technique significantly reduces the correlation for the actual key and also reduces the risk of power attacks by increasing the probability for incorrect keys to exhibit maximum correlation. Moreover, our scheme also enables systems to operate beyond the worst-case estimates to offer improved power and performance benefits. For the experiments conducted on AES S-box implemented using 45nm CMOS technology, our approach has increased performance by 22% over the worst-case estimates. Also, it has decreased the correlation for the correct key by an order and has increased the probability by almost 3.5X times for wrong keys when compared with the original key to exhibit maximum correlation. Overall, RAKSHA offers a new way to balance the intricate interplay between various design constraints for the systems designed using small scaled-technologies

    Research on performance enhancement for electromagnetic analysis and power analysis in cryptographic LSI

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3785号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/11/19 ; 早大学位記番号:新6161Waseda Universit

    Advances in SCA and RF-DNA Fingerprinting Through Enhanced Linear Regression Attacks and Application of Random Forest Classifiers

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    Radio Frequency (RF) emissions from electronic devices expose security vulnerabilities that can be used by an attacker to extract otherwise unobtainable information. Two realms of study were investigated here, including the exploitation of 1) unintentional RF emissions in the field of Side Channel Analysis (SCA), and 2) intentional RF emissions from physical devices in the field of RF-Distinct Native Attribute (RF-DNA) fingerprinting. Statistical analysis on the linear model fit to measured SCA data in Linear Regression Attacks (LRA) improved performance, achieving 98% success rate for AES key-byte identification from unintentional emissions. However, the presence of non-Gaussian noise required the use of a non-parametric classifier to further improve key guessing attacks. RndF based profiling attacks were successful in very high dimensional data sets, correctly guessing all 16 bytes of the AES key with a 50,000 variable dataset. With variable reduction, Random Forest still outperformed Template Attack for this data set, requiring fewer traces and achieving higher success rates with lower misclassification rate. Finally, the use of a RndF classifier is examined for intentional RF emissions from ZigBee devices to enhance security using RF-DNA fingerprinting. RndF outperformed parametric MDA/ML and non-parametric GRLVQI classifiers, providing up to GS =18.0 dB improvement (reduction in required SNR). Network penetration, measured using rogue ZigBee devices, show that the RndF method improved rogue rejection in noisier environments - gains of up to GS =18.0 dB are realized over previous methods

    Side Channel Analysis of a Java-­based Contactless Smart Card

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    Smart cards are widely used in different areas of modern life including identification, banking, and transportation cards. Some types of cards are able to store data and process information as well. A number of them can run cryptographic algorithms to enhance the security of their transactions and it is usually believed that the information and values stored in them are completely safe. However, this is generally not the case due to the threat of the side channel. Side channel analysis is the process of obtaining additional information from the internal activity of a physical device beyond that allowed by its specifications. There exist different techniques to attempt to obtain information from a cryptosystem using other ways than the normally permitted. This thesis presents a series of experiments intended to study the side channel from a particular type of smart card, known as Java Cards. This investigation uses the well known technique, Correlation Analysis, and a new type of side channel attack called fast correlation in the frequency domain to study the side channel of Java Cards. This research presents a giant magnetoresistor (GMR) probe and for the first time, this type of sensor is used to investigate the side channel. A novel setup designed for studying the side channel of smart cards is described and two metrics used to evaluate the analysis results are presented. After testing the GMR probe and methodology on electronic devices executing the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), such as 8 bit microcontrollers and 128 bit AES implementations on FPGAs, these techniques were applied to analyse two different models of Java Cards working in the contactless mode. The results show that successful attacks on a software implementation of AES running on both models of Java Cards are possible

    Enhancing Electromagnetic Side-Channel Analysis in an Operational Environment

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    Side-channel attacks exploit the unintentional emissions from cryptographic devices to determine the secret encryption key. This research identifies methods to make attacks demonstrated in an academic environment more operationally relevant. Algebraic cryptanalysis is used to reconcile redundant information extracted from side-channel attacks on the AES key schedule. A novel thresholding technique is used to select key byte guesses for a satisfiability solver resulting in a 97.5% success rate despite failing for 100% of attacks using standard methods. Two techniques are developed to compensate for differences in emissions from training and test devices dramatically improving the effectiveness of cross device template attacks. Mean and variance normalization improves same part number attack success rates from 65.1% to 100%, and increases the number of locations an attack can be performed by 226%. When normalization is combined with a novel technique to identify and filter signals in collected traces not related to the encryption operation, the number of traces required to perform a successful attack is reduced by 85.8% on average. Finally, software-defined radios are shown to be an effective low-cost method for collecting side-channel emissions in real-time, eliminating the need to modify or profile the target encryption device to gain precise timing information