409 research outputs found

    Implementation 2D EKF-Based Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping for Mobile Robot

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    The main goal of this project is that the basic EKF-based SLAM operation can be implemented sufficiently for estimating the state of the UGV that is operated in this real environment involving dynamic objects. Several problems in practical implementation of SLAM operation such as processing measurement data, removing bias measurement, extracting landmarks from the measurement data, pre-filtering extracted landmarks and data association in the observed landmarks are observed during the operation of EKF-based SLAM system . In addition, the comparison of EKF-based SLAM operation with dead reckoning operation and Global Positioning System (GPS) are also performed to determine the effectiveness and performance of EKF-based SLAM operation in the real environment

    Invariant EKF Design for Scan Matching-aided Localization

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    Localization in indoor environments is a technique which estimates the robot's pose by fusing data from onboard motion sensors with readings of the environment, in our case obtained by scan matching point clouds captured by a low-cost Kinect depth camera. We develop both an Invariant Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF)-based and a Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter (MEKF)-based solution to this problem. The two designs are successfully validated in experiments and demonstrate the advantage of the IEKF design

    Timed trajectory generation combined with an Extended Kalman Filter for a vision-based autonomous mobile robot

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    Series : Advances in intelligent systems and computing, vol. 193, ISSN 2194-5357Planning collision-free trajectories requires the combination of generation and modulation techniques. This is especially important if temporal stabilization of the generated trajectories is considered. Temporal stabilization means to conform to the planned movement time, in spite of environmental conditions or perturbations. This timing problem has not been addressed in most current robotic systems, and it is critical in several robotic tasks such as sequentially structured actions or human-robot interaction. This work focuses on generating trajectories for a mobile robot, whose goal is to reach a target within a constant time, independently of the world complexity. Trajectories are generated by nonlinear dynamical systems. Herein, we extend our previous work by including an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to estimate the target location relative to the robot. A simulated hospital environment and a Pioneer 3-AT robot are used to demonstrate the robustness and reliability of the proposed approach in cluttered, dynamic and uncontrolled scenarios. Multiple experiments confirm that the inclusion of the EKF preserves the timing properties of the overall architecture.Work supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (grant PTDC/EEA-CRO/100655/2008), and by project FCT PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2011. Jorge B. Silva is supported by PhD Grant SFRH/BD/68805/2010, granted by the Portuguese Science Foundation

    A Robust Mobile Robot Navigation System using Neuro-Fuzzy Kalman Filtering and Optimal Fusion of Behavior-based Fuzzy Controllers

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    This study proposes a control system model for mobile robots navigating in unknown environments. The proposed model includes a neuro-fuzzy Extended Kalman Filter for localization task and a behaviorbased fuzzy multi-controller navigation module. The neuro-fuzzy EKF, used for estimating the robot’s position from sensor readings, is an enhanced EKF whose noise covariance matrix is progressively adjusted by a fuzzy neural network. The navigation module features a series of independently-executed fuzzy controllers, each deals with a specific navigation sub-task, or behavior, and a multi-objective optimizer to coordinate all behaviors. The membership functions of all fuzzy controllers play the roles of objective functions for the optimizer, which produces an overall Pareto-optimal control signal to drive the robot. A number of simulations and real-world experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of this model

    Towards autonomous mapping in agriculture: A review of supportive technologies for ground robotics

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    This paper surveys the supportive technologies currently available for ground mobile robots used for autonomous mapping in agriculture. Unlike previous reviews, we describe state-of-the-art approaches and technologies aimed at extracting information from agricultural environments, not only for navigation purposes but especially for mapping and monitoring. The state-of-the-art platforms and sensors, the modern localization techniques, the navigation and path planning approaches, as well as the potentialities of artificial intelligence towards autonomous mapping in agriculture are analyzed. According to the findings of this review, many examples of recent mobile robots provide full navigation and autonomous mapping capability. Significant resources are currently devoted to this research area, in order to further improve mobile robot capabilities in this complex and challenging field

    Mobile Robot Position Determination

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    Simple yet stable bearing-only navigation

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    This article describes a simple monocular navigation system for a mobile robot based on the map-and-replay technique. The presented method is robust and easy to implement and does not require sensor calibration or structured environment, and its computational complexity is independent of the environment size. The method can navigate a robot while sensing only one landmark at a time, making it more robust than other monocular approaches. The aforementioned properties of the method allow even low-cost robots to effectively act in large outdoor and indoor environments with natural landmarks only. The basic idea is to utilize a monocular vision to correct only the robot's heading, leaving distance measurements to the odometry. The heading correction itself can suppress the odometric error and prevent the overall position error from diverging. The influence of a map-based heading estimation and odometric errors on the overall position uncertainty is examined. A claim is stated that for closed polygonal trajectories, the position error of this type of navigation does not diverge. The claim is defended mathematically and experimentally. The method has been experimentally tested in a set of indoor and outdoor experiments, during which the average position errors have been lower than 0.3 m for paths more than 1 km long

    Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Localization using UWB and ArUco Markers

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    Uma das principais características para considerar um robô autónomo é o facto de este ser capaz de se localizar, em tempo real, no seu ambiente, ou seja saber a sua posição e orientação. Esta é uma área desafiante que tem sido estudada por diversos investigadores em todo o mundo. Para obter a localização de um robô é possível recorrer a diferentes metodologias. No entanto há metodologias que apresentam problemas em diferentes circunstâncias, como é o caso da odometria que sofre de acumulação de erros com a distância percorrida pelo robô. Outro problema existente em diversas metodologias é a incerteza na deteção do robô devido a ruído presente nos sensores. Com o intuito de obter uma localização mais robusta do robô e mais tolerante a falhas é possível combinar diversos sistemas de localização, combinando assim as vantagens de cada um deles. Neste trabalho, será utilizado o sistema Pozyx, uma solução de baixo custo que fornece informação de posicionamento com o auxílio da tecnologia Ultra-WideBand Time-of-Flight (UWB ToF). Também serão utilizados marcadores ArUco colocados no ambiente que através da sua identificação por uma câmara é também possível obter informação de posicionamento. Estas duas soluções irão ser estudadas e implementadas num robô móvel, através de um esquema de localização baseada em marcadores. Primeiramente, irá ser feita uma caracterização do erro de ambos os sistemas, uma vez que as medidas não são perfeitas, havendo sempre algum ruído nas medições. De seguida, as medidas fornecidas pelos sistemas irão ser filtradas e fundidas com os valores da odometria do robô através da implementação de um Filtro de Kalman Extendido (EKF). Assim, é possível obter a pose do robô (posição e orientação), pose esta que é comparada com a pose fornecida por um sistema de Ground-Truth igualmente desenvolvido para este trabalho com o auxílio da libraria ArUco, percebendo assim a precisão do algoritmo desenvolvido. O trabalho desenvolvido mostrou que com a utilização do sistema Pozyx e dos marcadores ArUco é possível melhorar a localização do robô, o que significa que é uma solução adequada e eficaz para este fim.One of the main characteristics to consider a robot truly autonomous is the fact that it is able to locate itself, in real time, in its environment, that is, to know its position and orientation. This is a challenging area that has been studied by several researchers around the world. To obtain the localization of a robot it is possible to use different methodologies. However, there are methodologies that present problems in different circumstances, as is the case of odometry that suffers from error accumulation with the distance traveled by the robot. Another problem existing in several methodologies is the uncertainty in the sensing of the robot due to noise present in the sensors. In order to obtain a more robust localization of the robot and more fault tolerant it is possible to combine several localization systems, thus combining the advantages of each one. In this work, the Pozyx system will be used, a low-cost solution that provides positioning information through Ultra-WideBand Time-of-Flight (UWB ToF) technology. It will also be used ArUco markers placed in the environment that through their identification by a camera it is also possible to obtain positioning information. These two solutions will be studied and implemented in a mobile robot, through a beacon-based localization scheme. First, an error characterization of both systems will be performed, since the measurements are not perfect, and there is always some noise in the measurements. Next, the measurements provided by the systems will be filtered and fused with the robot's odometry values by the implementation of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). In this way, it is possible to obtain the robot's pose, i.e position and orientation, which is compared with the pose provided by a Ground-Truth system also developed for this work with the aid of the ArUco library, thus realizing the accuracy of the developed algorithm. The developed work showed that with the use of the Pozyx system and ArUco markers it is possible to improve the robot localization, meaning that it is an adequate and effective solution for this purpose

    Maximum likelihood estimation-assisted ASVSF through state covariance-based 2D SLAM algorithm

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    The smooth variable structure filter (ASVSF) has been relatively considered as a new robust predictor-corrector method for estimating the state. In order to effectively utilize it, an SVSF requires the accurate system model, and exact prior knowledge includes both the process and measurement noise statistic. Unfortunately, the system model is always inaccurate because of some considerations avoided at the beginning. Moreover, the small addictive noises are partially known or even unknown. Of course, this limitation can degrade the performance of SVSF or also lead to divergence condition. For this reason, it is proposed through this paper an adaptive smooth variable structure filter (ASVSF) by conditioning the probability density function of a measurementto the unknown parameters at one iteration. This proposed method is assumed to accomplish the localization and direct point-based observation task of a wheeled mobile robot, TurtleBot2. Finally, by realistically simulating it and comparing to a conventional method, the proposed method has been showing a better accuracy and stability in term of root mean square error (RMSE) of the estimated map coordinate (EMC) and estimated path coordinate (EPC)

    Study on the development of an autonomous mobile robot

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de ComputadoresThis dissertation addresses the subject of Autonomous Mobile Robotics (AMR). It is aimed to evaluate the problems associated with the orientation of the independent vehicles and their technical solutions. There are numerous topics related to the AMR subject. Due to the vast number of topics important for the development of an AMR, it was necessary to dedicate different degrees of attention to each of the topics. The sensors applied in this research were several, e.g. Ultrasonic Sensor, Inertial Sensor, etc. All of them have been studied within the same environment. Employing the information provided by the sensors, a map is constructed, and based on this map a trajectory is planned. The Robot moves, considering the planned trajectory, commanded by a controller based on Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and a specially made model of the robot, through a Kalman Filter (KF). Some of the researched topics were implemented in a real robot in an unstructured environment, collecting measurement data. A final conclusion is indicating the future direction of development