56 research outputs found

    EDZL Scheduling for Large-Scale Cyber Service on Real-Time Cloud

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    [[sponsorship]]IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Business Informatics Systems[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20111212~20111214[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Irvine, US

    Real Time Event Management and Coordinating System

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    Analysis and prediction of real time event managing is very important and interesting as this helps experts in managing events , making decisions and working more efficiently . This thesis Event Managing And Coordinating system (RT-EMaCS) model is initially considered for proper managing of time and task, and resulted in funtioning in both system field as well as practical world. A EMaCS model can fit into any Java based platform such as laptops, desktops and any mobile device supporting Java, specially like android phones or tablets. The link between them can be done via Wi-Fi. In this thesis, the event organizers and the event coordinators communcate with better facilities in event management. It provides an easy, simple and better means of communication among one another. It prevents loss of time

    Optimizing the Resource Requirements of Hierarchical Scheduling Systems

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    Compositional reasoning on hierarchical scheduling systems is a well-founded formal method that can construct schedulable and optimal system configurations in a compositional way. However, a compositional framework formulates the resource requirement of a component, called an interface, by assuming that a resource is always supplied by the parent components in the most pessimistic way. For this reason, the component interface demands more resources than the amount of resources that are really sufficient to satisfy sub-components. We provide two new supply bound functions which provides tighter bounds on the resource requirements of individual components. The tighter bounds are calculated by using more information about the scheduling system. We evaluate our new tighter bounds by using a model-based schedulability framework for hierarchical scheduling systems realized as Uppaal models. The timed models are checked using model checking tools Uppaal and Uppaal SMC, and we compare our results with the state of the art tool CARTS

    Laxity dynamics and LLF schedulability analysis on multiprocessor platforms

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    LLF (Least Laxity First) scheduling, which assigns a higher priority to a task with a smaller laxity, has been known as an optimal preemptive scheduling algorithm on a single processor platform. However, little work has been made to illuminate its characteristics upon multiprocessor platforms. In this paper, we identify the dynamics of laxity from the system’s viewpoint and translate the dynamics into LLF multiprocessor schedulability analysis. More specifically, we first characterize laxity properties under LLF scheduling, focusing on laxity dynamics associated with a deadline miss. These laxity dynamics describe a lower bound, which leads to the deadline miss, on the number of tasks of certain laxity values at certain time instants. This lower bound is significant because it represents invariants for highly dynamic system parameters (laxity values). Since the laxity of a task is dependent of the amount of interference of higher-priority tasks, we can then derive a set of conditions to check whether a given task system can go into the laxity dynamics towards a deadline miss. This way, to the author’s best knowledge, we propose the first LLF multiprocessor schedulability test based on its own laxity properties. We also develop an improved schedulability test that exploits slack values. We mathematically prove that the proposed LLF tests dominate the state-of-the-art EDZL tests. We also present simulation results to evaluate schedulability performance of both the original and improved LLF tests in a quantitative manner

    Predictability of Fixed-Job Priority Schedulers on Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems

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    The multiprocessor Fixed-Job Priority (FJP) scheduling of real-time systems is studied. An important property for the schedulability analysis, the predictability (regardless to the execution times), is studied for heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms. Our main contribution is to show that any FJP schedulers are predictable on unrelated platforms. A convenient consequence is the fact that any FJP schedulers are predictable on uniform multiprocessors

    Schedulability analysis of global scheduling algorithms on multiprocessor platforms

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    This paper addresses the schedulability problem of periodic and sporadic real-time task sets with constrained deadlines preemptively scheduled on a multiprocessor platform composed by identical processors. We assume that a global work-conserving scheduler is used and migration from one processor to another is allowed during a task lifetime. First, a general method to derive schedulability conditions for multiprocessor real-time systems will be presented. The analysis will be applied to two typical scheduling algorithms: earliest deadline first (EDF) and fixed priority (FP). Then, the derived schedulability conditions will be tightened, refining the analysis with a simple and effective technique that significantly improves the percentage of accepted task sets. The effectiveness of the proposed test is shown through an extensive set of synthetic experiments

    Generalized tardiness bounds for global multiprocessor scheduling

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    We consider the issue of deadline tardiness under global multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. We present a general tardiness-bound derivation that is applicable to a wide variety of such algorithms (including some whose tardiness behavior has not been analyzed before). Our derivation is very general: job priorities may change rather arbitrarily at runtime, capacity restrictions may exist on certain processors, and, under certain conditions, non-preemptive regions are allowed. Our results show that, with the exception of static-priority algorithms, most global algorithms considered previously have bounded tardiness. In addition, our results provide a simple means for checking whether tardiness is bounded under newly-developed algorithms

    Compositional Analysis Techniques For Multiprocessor Soft Real-Time Scheduling

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    The design of systems in which timing constraints must be met (real-time systems) is being affected by three trends in hardware and software development. First, in the past few years, multiprocessor and multicore platforms have become standard in desktop and server systems and continue to expand in the domain of embedded systems. Second, real-time concepts are being applied in the design of general-purpose operating systems (like Linux) and attempts are being made to tailor these systems to support tasks with timing constraints. Third, in many embedded systems, it is now more economical to use a single multiprocessor instead of several uniprocessor elements; this motivates the need to share the increasing processing capacity of multiprocessor platforms among several applications supplied by different vendors and each having different timing constraints in a manner that ensures that these constraints were met. These trends suggest the need for mechanisms that enable real-time tasks to be bundled into multiple components and integrated in larger settings. There is a substantial body of prior work on the multiprocessor schedulability analysis of real-time systems modeled as periodic and sporadic task systems. Unfortunately, these standard task models can be pessimistic if long chains of dependent tasks are being analyzed. In work that introduces less pessimistic and more sophisticated workload models, only partitioned scheduling is assumed so that each task is statically assigned to some processor. This results in pessimism in the amount of needed processing resources. In this dissertation, we extend prior work on multiprocessor soft real-time scheduling and construct new analysis tools that can be used to design component-based soft real-time systems. These tools allow multiprocessor real-time systems to be designed and analyzed for which standard workload and platform models are inapplicable and for which state-of-the-art uniprocessor and multiprocessor analysis techniques give results that are too pessimistic