14 research outputs found

    PortisHEad: portfolios in successful Higher Education admissions

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    The PortisHEad project developed tools to support applications to UK higher education through learner-owned e-portfolios; including the ability to target unique e-portfolios to different institutions. The original demonstration tool helped address the recommendations of the Schwartz report for fairer admissions to higher education. However, despite good learner feedback and a strong sectoral imperative, the tool was not implemented by UCAS, the application service. Despite the withdrawal of UCAS from the project the remaining partners developed a generic application toolkit which allows any e-portfolio user to auto-complete educational or employment-related ‘application-type’ forms using learner-owned data from their e-portfolio. The toolkit is consistent with the ‘thin e-portfolio model’ propounded by the JISC-funded e-Portfolio Reference Model project. It uses an ‘open standard’ web-service which is easily implementable by ‘form-owners’; access to data is managed by the learners and remains secure. The toolkit is easy to deploy and has already generated significant interest not only from admissions tutors but also for its utility to teachers and staff developers. This paper points to how learner-controlled technologies, and learner-owned data, can be meaningfully utilized to engage with intra- and extra-institutional systems using open standards and web services. It also illustrates that technological difficulties are less critical than organisational ones

    Developing an E-Portfolio Model for Malaysian Skills Certification

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    The rapid development of ICT nowadays demands that the vocational education system in Malaysia needs to change for improvement in the quality of technology-based learning systems. The Malaysia Skills Certification (MSC) E-portfolio model was developed in this study to improve the existing portfolio used for MSC purposes. This study was conducted to verify the MSC E-portfolio measurement model. Respondents involved in this study were 350 MSC instructors from Institute of Public Skills Training in Malaysia, where 200 respondents were selected from institution under the Ministry of Human Resources and 150 respondents were under the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Malaysia. The total size of the respondent is based on the sample size formula of Krejcie and Morgan and the sample was determined using a stratified random sampling method. A questionnaire was used to obtain the research data. Rasch measurement model approach using Winsteps software was used to carry out questionnaire checks in terms of reliability and the validity of the instrument. Verification of content validity and reliability is done by 7 experts through a modified Delphi method. All 38 indicators that measure the MSC E-portfolio elements have high reliability and validity based on internal consistency analysis, indicator reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. This shows that a combination of all these four elements can produce an E - portfolio system that is more systematic and multi-purpose, as the concept of e-portfolios are still least applied in the education system. Overall, it can be concluded that the E-portfolio MSC constructs influenced by four major factors which are, operating systems, assessment of competence, Recognition of Prior Achievement (RPA) and virtual learning space. This study also directly gives a new dimension to the MSC system from the aspect of student competency assessment, interactive learning, safety safer storage of learning materials and provide a more systematic knowledge management space

    E-portfolios in lifelong learning

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    Brouns, F., Vogten, H., Janssen, J., & Finders, A. (2013). E-portfolios in lifelong learning. In F. J. García-Peñalvo (Ed.). Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, TEEM2013 (pp. 535-540). November, 14-15, 2013, Salamanca, Spain. "© [Brouns] [2013]. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality Conference Proceedings, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2536536.2536618."The current knowledge society requires its citizens to continuously maintain and update existing knowledge and competences and thus engage in lifelong learning. Acquiring key competences, such as digital, intercultural and communicative competences is crucial to keep up with the fast changing ways of society. As people need to combine their competence development with work and family life, they need flexibility in content and logistics. Consequently, informal learning and social learning in networks play an important role in this. However, it might be difficult to get their informally acquired competences recognized. In this paper we describe how an e-portfolio could assists learners in gathering, maintaining and organizing their informal learning and competences in order to show and share this with others and present how this is implemented in the TRAILER e-portfolio.Tagging, Recognition and Acknowledgment of Informal Learning ExpeRiences project (TRAILER) that is funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme. Ref. 519141-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-KA3-KA3MP [http:// trailerproject.eu]. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein


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    This research was aimed at examining the use of e-portfolio in learning process for Arabic as a foreign language in Malaysia and explaining the steps in using the e-portfolio designed as a teaching media in modern era. this research was also intended to know the extent to which the interests of Arabic language students on the use of e-portfolio at International Islamic University Selangor Malaysia. The questionnaire was used for the instrument given to 30 students as the samples. The value of cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was (0.913) for the statements set in the questionnaire. The research found some findings, yet the most important one was that students’ interest on using e-portfolio was high valued as (4.39). This research concluded that e-portfolio is a help for students’ learning process on Arabic language either for intermediate or beginner level.DOI: 10.15408/a.v3i2.357

    E-portfolios in lifelong learning

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    Retour d’expérience(s) sur un dispositif visant à réduire l’échec en premier cycle universitaire : le Cycle d’Orientation et de Consolidation

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    La lutte contre le décrochage des étudiants de premier cycle à l’université est aujourd’hui inscrite dans les politiques des pouvoirs publics. Si les causes multifactorielles de l’échec à l’université sont bien identifiées, les outils de remédiation visant à « raccrocher » les étudiants sont encore souvent à l’état d’expérimentation dans les universités françaises. Ainsi, un cycle d’orientation et de consolidation (COC) a été mis en place à l’Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS) en 2001 dans le but d’identifier et d’accompagner les étudiants potentiellement décrocheurs du premier semestre universitaire. Cette étude, à travers une enquête et des entretiens, vise à dresser un bilan de ce dispositif.Tackling the issue of first-year undergraduate withdrawal from university studies is today part of French public policies. Although the multifactorial causes of university withdrawal have been identified, the remediation tools for student retention are still often experimental in French universities. Thus, a study program for personal and vocational guidance called Cycle d’orientation et de consolidation (C.O.C.) was set up at the Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS) in 2001 to identify and guide potential first-semester university drop-out students. This study, through a survey and interviews, aims at assessing the program