604,052 research outputs found

    International co-ordination of e-commerce

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    Despite the world-wide stock market breakdown of the internet economy in the year 2001, the new information and communication technologies will enable firms to integrate world-wide e-commerce in their business. This will facilitate the entry of firms in every connected country into international markets and perhaps value up their market position. Therefore, the world-wide use of information and communications technology, in particular e-commerce is fostered. To attain this, there are lot of attempts to regulate the e-economy on an international level as there are uncertainties in legal certainty, data protection or the digital divide between industrialised and development countries. The paper addresses this topic and shows which playing fields of co-ordination in e-commerce are relevant in general and how they are recently implemented in international co-ordination activities by various organisations and states e.g., the European Union, the United States or the WTO.e-commerce; internatioal coordination

    E-business Environment in the Global Information Society

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    In today´s digital 21st century, almost all businesses face intense competition from competitors all around the globe. There are no borders and business area for the all companies is almost unlimited. As the main supports of mentioned fact are globalization and ICT´s development. Influences such as globalization, increased popularity of outsourcing and offshoring have recently combined to produce an environment where ICT graduates need to have up-to-date and industry-relevant knowledge and skills, so that they can be successful in this highly competitive environment. Development of e-business and e-commerce make possible the companies to enter to the global markets. Fundamental prerequisite of the successful company in the global market is well-made corporate strategy and correct source information. Of high account condition of an entry to global markets is an adjustment of the information system to global information and business system management standards. The statistics gained from the Czech market shows, that in spite of enormous Internet proliferation the ratio of e-sales is lower than the ratio of e-purchases. Some possible reasons for these phenomena are discussed at the end of this paper.E-business, e-commerce, global information society, information and communication technology, IT security, IT standards, business strategy, enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management.


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    E-insurance is a vital topic for research as in the market of Latvia the given type of service has appeared rather recently - in September, 2006. The paper studies prospects of E-commerce development of insurance market in Latvia. Value of an information technology in the insurance market, growth profile of E-commerce, advantages of this E-channel use in insurance sales are considered.Insurance, e-commerce, insurance policy, insurance company., Financial Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, G22,

    Informational trends for organizations in information society

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    Companies have always been very carefully managed money, raw materials, machines and human resources. Today, they recognize the growing importance of the fifth big resource: information. They have finally understood that the within the global market with increased competition, using modern methods for planning, coordination and control, a company can-not function without acknowledging information and communications technology progress.Information and communication technology, information society, e-commerce, telework

    The Intellectual Core Of Electronic Commerce Research From 2006 To 2010

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the intellectual core of electronic commerce (e-commerce) research. Data was collected from the top six e-commerce journals (Lowry, Romans, & Curtis, 2004), the International Journal of Electronic Commerce, MIS Quarterly, Electronic Market, Journal of MIS, Information Systems Research, Management Sciences from 2006-2010. A total of 1056 electronic commerce related articles and 33036 references were identified. There were 47 high value research articles identified using a citation and co-citation analysis. Using factor analysis we identified five research areas: trust, technology acceptance and technology application, e-commerce task-related application, e-markets, and information systems success. The findings of this study provide core knowledge and directions for researchers and practitioners interested in the electronic commerce field

    Cross-border e-commerce package deliveries between Northern Finland and Russia

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    Abstract. The Russian e-commerce market has been growing rapidly during the past years and this growth has only accelerated since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Russia is Europe’s largest internet market and thus presents opportunities for companies which hope to grow their e-commerce sales. Russian consumers trust and value Finnish brands and products and are likely to purchase them using cross-border e-commerce, especially now that the border is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though Finnish companies have successfully incorporated e-commerce into their businesses with their domestic customers, only a very small percentage of them practice cross-border e-commerce. This is why it is important to recognize the barriers companies face regarding the Russian e-commerce market and the cross-border e-commerce package deliveries. The purpose of the thesis is to overcome the barriers by finding ways to develop cross-border e-commerce package delivery between Northern Finland and Russia. The regions of Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and the Republic of Karelia were chosen to be the main focus of the study as they all neighbor the Finnish-Russian border and each other. In order to identify possible ways to develop the delivery process between the regions, the knowledge that the companies have about the Russian e-commerce market, and the barriers they face regarding the market and the cross-border e-commerce package deliveries of the market need to be identified first. The research follows an abductive process where the existing literature is studied first, and the empirical analysis is done based on the formed theoretical framework. The research is conducted as a qualitative multiple-case study and the empirical data is gathered via four semi-structured interviews with company representatives. The interviewees consist of company representatives from the Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu regions who practice cross-border e-commerce to Russia and a logistics service provider specializing in cross-border e-commerce package deliveries to Russia. Based on the data, companies in the regions do not recognize the opportunities of the Russian e-commerce market very strongly. The majority of companies do not see Russia as a strategically important country despite its great growth potential. The main barriers that companies face regarding the e-commerce market in Russia are lack of knowledge and language barrier. As for the issues in the cross-border e-commerce package delivery to Russia, the unclear procedure regarding returns and exchanges of delivered products and issues with overly strict customs procedures were discovered. The cross-border e-commerce package delivery between the regions can be developed by sharing information about the Russian e-commerce market and practicalities relating to it, making the delivery process as customer friendly as possible, and creating a more flexible customs protocol


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    The use of electronic commerce for quality control and cost cutting efficiencies by the food and agricultural industries in the United States is the focus of this paper. The food industry engages in e-commerce through 1.) Internet shopping for consumers called business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce 2.) Business-to-business (B2B) Internet market discovery exchanges used by food suppliers at any point in the supply chain, and 3.) Business-to-business (B2B) relationships that reduce costs and increase efficiencies in the procurement, storage and delivery of food to retail stores or distribution centers. This third use of e-commerce is the most highly developed and widely adopted. It allows retailers to share information about consumers' purchases and preferences with food manufacturers and farmers and for tracking food products' characteristics, source, and movement from production to consumer. This circle of information allows high quality and consistent products to be consumed at lower prices. This paper is about the development of e-commerce in the food industry, the economic concepts and goals that it meets, and the changes it brings to the industry. E-commerce both fosters and demands vertical coordination. It favors consolidation of firms. It changes the business culture from one of adversarial relationships to one of cooperation and trust. It changes the historical supply chain into a supply/demand loop while it lowers the cost of food. Policy issues arise around monopoly power, privacy, a diminution of variety, and the demise of small, undercapitalized firms.Industrial Organization, Marketing,

    Е-комерција наспроти е-банкарството – сличности и разлики

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    E-commerce consists of buying and selling of information, products and services over computer networks such as the Internet and electronic data interchange(EDI).E-Banking is one form of e – commerce with certain differences and peculiarities that are characteristic only in ebanking. For companies e-commerce brings: variety and low barriers to entry,significant opportunities for cost cutting, capacity for rapid creation of business processes, and great opportunities to sell across the border. Each of these potential benefits contributes to increased competition and the ability to take market leadership from proven market players. On the other hand,in its simplest form, e-banking basically includes the delivery of information about the bank and its services through the home page of the Internet. More sophisticated Internet-based service supplies customers with access to their accounts, the ability to transfer money between different accounts, on-line payments or apply for loans and other financial products. Keywords: technological development, market penetration, transfer of informatio