178,869 research outputs found

    Management of e-Resources in R amp; D Centers: A Case Study of the Information Center at NAL13;

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    The developments in information technology and their applications to library and information services have given new dimension to the entire spectrum of information management. The information generated is usually stored in four physical media: paper, film, optical, and magnetic disks. The e-document be it a book, journal, technical report, conference proceedings is portable; has random access to its contents; and the document can also be a multimedia object, in that it may contain not only text, but also graphics, drawings, photographs or video. Now we have the emergence of publications over the electronic networks and the activity took off in a big way following the invention of the World Wide Web. The Open Access movement is becoming the order of the day. More than 3000 journals are free on net for anybody to access. A number of Institutional repositories and e-Prints archives have thrown challenge to the publishing industry. Consortium approach through different pricing, management and licensing models is enabling the libraries to provide access to thousands of e- journals, e-books and other kinds of e-documents. The Information center at NAL with its state-of-the-art library has progressed a good deal in this direction by acquiring different kind of documents especially e-form, cataloguing amp; processing them appropriately, storing and giving access to its patrons not only in library premises, but on to the desk tops spread in three different campuses through laboratory LAN and also extending selected services through Internet for the benefit of any body from any part of the world. 13; Created and maintained by ICAST the Portal x2018;AeroInfox2019; (www.aeroinfo.org.in) serves as one window information search facility for Web sources in aerospace science and technology. This virtual library facilitates multiple approach to information seekers as the web sources are indexed and organised using different schemes of classification including NASA subject categories. Care is taken to cover Indian aerospace sources exhaustively. The ICAST site (www.icast.org.in), apart from giving detailed information about library sources including books, journals, E-journals, databases and technical reports makes available different search tools for its users. Other details like working hours, library rules, staff details, contact persons, etc are provided. One can submit an online query and suggest documents for acquisition using online forms provided. The Library Database (OPAC) is probably is single largest in the country with more than 3.25 lakh bibliographic records of books, technical reports, patents, standards, journals, etc. ICAST users can search International databases like Aerospace Database, NTIS, J-Gate, Medline, etc through campus LAN. Users can access more than 2500 full text journals covering titles published by Elsevier (ScienceDirect), ASME, AIAA, Springer, John Wiley, OUP, CUP, AMS, World Scientific, few Annual Series, etc. Created by ICAST an e-journals gateway with browse and search (alphabetical and subject wise) facility for titles provides access to more than 700 journals available free on the net. The Centre provides a number of web/e-mail based innovative information services including Journal Contents Service, News Clipping Service, Monthly Documents Additions Lists covering both Books and Technical Reports, Web Alert Service and Union Catalogue of Journals -CSIR and Aerospace Libraries, etc

    Electronic Book of Network Security: Introduction to Network Security

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    Technology is now widely used in a variety of educational support situations to improve the quality of education. It can be used to redress the imbalances of the old system and help in developing new teaching and learning strategies. The basis of this project is to design and develop an electronic book (E-book) tutorial to teach the basics of network security. E-books are developed with the intentions of overcoming the limitations of paper books. They have the advantages over paper books in that they are dynamic, reactive and able to provide the same features as well as new features such as hyper-linking, multimedia technology, digital annotating, digital book-marking and searching function. This project will pay particular attention to features and functionality of the e-book rather that the contents of the book. This project will involve the development of software application that will combine multimedia elements such as high-quality sound, text, photo images, two and three-dimensional graphics and animation into learning environment. The E-book will be created using Macromedia Authorware. In order to add interactivity and enhance the user interfaces to the e-book, Macromedia F1ash MX and Adobe Photoshop will be used. Finally, there will also be a quiz section for the user after they read the e-book

    An Interactive, graphical typeface identification system

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    Most, if not all, published type identification books suffer from serious drawbacks which make them difficult to use by both typographic novices and professionals. Few effective computerized programs exist to simplify the identification of typefaces. The purpose of this project is to create an effective, visually attractive, interactive and easy-to-use model of a type identification system, which, if successful, will be fully developed. This is accomplished by combining the graphics and interactivity of the World Wide Web with the database management capabilities of modern database products. The user is given a series of questions regarding readily observable structural characteristics of the unknown typeface, such as whether the bar of the e slopes or is horizontal. The identification is based on the user\u27s answers. By using the World Wide Web, the prototype typeface identification system can be provided as a service to the design and desktop publishing community, relieving users from hours of frustration manually searching typeface identification books

    Book Review: Mastering Windows Network Forensics and Investigation, 2/E

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    The book is available as a paperback and e-book. The e-book versions allow you to preview several chapters at any of a number of online vendors. The e-book prices vary from the same as the soft cover version (59.99)toabout59.99) to about 38.99. Some of the vendor\u27s e-books retain the color illustrations found in the print version, but others produce them in grey scale, so you might want to look out for that. The book is divided into four parts (17 chapters) plus two appendices. I am compelled to give the book illustrations a highly unfavorable assessment regarding their readability qualities. Their content is otherwise fine and meaningful. Time and again the illustrations are so miniscule that even those of us with the best of vision will be seriously challenged. I hold out the recommendation to review your e-book options over the hardcopy edition. At least in an e-book you have the hope of doing a page-zoom. Review your e-book providers carefully; some I reviewed had fuzzy graphics. Notwithstanding the problem illustrations, I still recommend this book for its in-the-trenches information and the desktop reference it will become

    A visual analysis of the usage efficiency of library books

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    The monographic collections in academic libraries have undergone a period of tremendous growth in volume, in subject diversity, and in formats during the recent several decades. Readers may find it difficult to prioritize which book(s) should be borrowed for a specific purpose. The log data of book loan record may serve as a visible indicator for the more sought-after books by the readers. This paper describes our experimental efforts in works in a university library setting. The visual analysis is thought to provide an effective way to extract the book usage information, which may yield new insights into a host of other related technical as well as user behavior issues. Initial experiment has demonstrated that the proposed approach as articulated in this article can actually benefit end-users as well as library collection development personnel in their endeavor of book selections with effective measure.</p

    Clip art: Suggestions for use and a guide to sources

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    SCUdent Books: A University-Focused Bookselling Platform

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    As the beginning of each university semester or quarter commences, so does the rush to acquire books for classes. The search for school books is a busy and important task for many students. However, an entire slew of problems and frustrations emerge with this academic race to gather books. To begin, students have to deal with the traditional frustrations of expensive textbooks sold at the university bookstore which is especially troublesome for those on a tight budget. Additionally, required textbooks for classes may not be available at the bookstore or require restocking which can take an unknown amount of time. Because of this, students turn to cheaper, faster, and more efficient alternatives for acquiring school books including online retailers such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble. While the Internet makes book shopping appear easier, there exist issues that come with it. Students have to put in more effort ordering online, pay for extra shipping, and wait for their books to arrive. Also, online shopping for books is incredibly decentralized with no convenient platform to cater to students\u27 needs. Students must first spend time finding out which books are required for each class and then spend even more time comparing prices from multiple online retailers. In addition, once a student completes a class he or she may no longer need the book. As a result, the student has no convenient method of disposing the book and must now sell it, throw it away, or keep it. Overall, the process of acquiring books in university is disorganized, stressful, and inconvenient for students