4,311 research outputs found

    E-Readiness assessment of microfinance institutions in Kenya

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    The financial industry has in recent years embraced the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as e-banking for transactions, m-banking for payment channels development and e-business for logistics. Digital financial service delivery channels and methodologies face a number of challenges mainly the e-readiness assessment of Microfinance institutions. This paper presents the results of a study on the level of e-Readiness in Microfinance Institutions in Kenya and an Integrated Framework for Assessing (IFA) the e-Readiness levels of Microfinance Institutions. We deployed the proposed framework on selected microfinance institutions in Kenya to evaluate its performance and the case study shows our method can achieve a satisfactory results. Keywords: Microfinance Institutions, e-Readiness, e-Readiness assessment frameworks, financial services, Kenya

    A Proposed e-Readiness Assessment Model for University Libraries in Nigeria

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) deployment has been prompted by the desire to increase effective services and have a favorable impact on organizational development. The development in the creation of e-readiness frameworks in many organizations, including libraries, is as a result of this demand. While the e-readiness study is widely used in libraries developed nations, it has not yet expanded into many libraries in underdeveloped nations. This study’s objective is to close this knowledge gap by outlining a model for e-readiness in Nigeria, with a focus on university libraries. The study has an e-readiness framework with eight (8) variables that is guided by the Network Readiness Framework, the Digital Media Readiness, the Digital Opportunity index, and the e-Readiness Ranking. The suggested model will use the eight variables, internet literacy, human resources, ICT policy, affordability, access, education, and usage, as measures and measurements. The proposed approach is intended to provide as a springboard for empirical investigation into the evaluation of e-readiness in Nigerian University libraries


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    In this study, the e-readiness levels of university students studying in the field of health sciences were examined in terms of different variables. In this context, whether the level of e-readiness differs according to gender, department, class level, type of education, device ownership, working status and economic level has been examined. In addition, the relationship between e-readiness level and academic success was investigated. The research sample consists of 923 health science students studying in different departments. The results of the research show that gender, learning type, device type and income level are important factors on the e-readiness level. In addition, the e-readiness levels of the nursing department students, normal (daytime) teaching, 1st year students were found to be low in the study.  As the difficulty level of the courses increased, the level of e-readiness was found to be an important factor on academic achievement. The results obtained from this research provide important clues for academicians as well as institutions and organizations providing services in the field of health sciences who want to switch to distance education. In addition, some suggestions were made in the light of this research results. Keywords: E-readiness levels, university students, health science university

    How E-Ready is E-Sri Lanka?

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    First, this paper assesses e-readiness of Sri Lanka using a measuring tool that utilizes 52 socio-economic indicators. Second, based on the assessment, this paper suggests methods for improving e-readiness of Sri Lanka. The uniqueness of this paper lies in the quantitative analysis of the e-readiness of Sri Lanka, whereas many other works engage in qualitative exposure

    E-readiness and Entrepreneurship: A Cross Country Study of the Link between Technological Infrastructure and Entrepreneurial Activity

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    This current study focuses on the relationship between a country’s e-readiness environment and entrepreneurial activities. Many government policies assume there is a direct causal relationship between e-readiness and entrepreneurial activity and some past studies have reported evidence supporting such a link. In this paper, a cross country panel data analysis using three different measures of entrepreneurial activity and different measures of e-readiness examines this relationship. The results of this study provide only weak support for the hypothesized relationship. Furthermore, the results appear to be very sensitive to the choice of proxy variables chosen to represent entrepreneurial activity and the different measures of e-readiness

    Organizational e-readiness web: a model for evaluating e-readiness of Iranian commercial banks in order to develop e-banking

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    E-banking through mutual benefits for customers and banks has become a necessity in the banking industry nowadays. In spite of this, e-banking has not spread in Iran as it is appropriate.In a general categorization it can be said that E-readiness of banks and environmental e-readiness are two effective factors on development of e-banking which have been referred in different studies some models have been proposed in this regard in macro industries and others. However, no specific model has been proposed for the banks. This paper focuses on the first factor of "organizational e-readiness". Therefore, the main question of this study is that according to which model and toolthe state banks' readiness are evaluated in the field of development of e-banking in the state banks and how much is the current state of e-readiness of banks in this area? Accordingly, a model is presented as an organizational e-readiness web in this research, reviewing the organizational e-readiness evaluation models, and carried out research to identify organizational barriers and motivators of business/ e-banking development. According to the introduced dimensions, the banks enjoy relative readiness for the development of e-banking

    Global e-Readiness - For What? Readiness for e-Banking (JITD)

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    With the rapid diffusion of the Internet worldwide, there has been considerable interest in the e-potentials of developing countries giving rise to a 1st generation of e-Readiness studies. Moreover, e-Readiness means different things to different people, in different contexts, and for different purposes. Despite strong merits, this first generation of e-Readiness studies assumed a fixed, one-size-fits-all set of requirements, regardless of the characteristics of individual countries, the investment context, or the demands of specific applications. This feature obscures critical information for investors or policy analysts seeking to reduce uncertainties and/or make more educated decisions. But there is very little known about e-Readiness for e-Banking. In particular, based on lessons learnt to date and their implications for emerging realities of the 21st century, we designed and executed a research project with theoretical as well as practical dimensions to answer the question of e-Readiness for What, focusing specifically on e-Banking, based on the very assumption that one size can seldom, if ever, fit all. We propose and develop a conceptual framework for the "next generation" ereadiness - focusing on different e-Business applications in different economic contexts with potentially different pathways - as well as a data model - to explore e-Readiness for e-Banking in ten countries

    Digital Transformation : Peran Digital Skill Dan E-Readiness Pada UMKM

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    Perkembangan ra digital di Indonesia menuntut berbagai sektor untuk menerapkan digitalisasi dalam setiap aktivitasnya. Tidak terkecuali dengan Usaha Kecil, Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM). Penerapan digitalisasi pada UMKM memiliki peran penting bagi keberlangsungan UMKM tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan faktor pendukung agar UMKM mampu menjaga keberlanjutannya, antara lain dengan bertransformasi digital, kemampuan digital, dan e-readiness. Perubahan digital ini sangat dibutuhkan UMKM dalam meningkatkan kesiapan menghadapi era digital saat ini akibat persaingan yang semakin ketat. Peningkatan transformasi digital pada UMKM perlu didukung oleh digital skill dan e-readiness dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi digital melalui internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada UMKM bidang makanan minuman dan mendapatkan 108 responden untuk diuji. Analisis dan pengolahan data penelitian didukung oleh software SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan digital dan e-readiness berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap transformasi digital. Selanjutnya, keterampilan digital memiliki dampak positif dan signifikan terhadap transformasi digital melalui e-readiness. Penerapan digital skill dan e-readiness pada UMKM mampu menjadikan UMKM bertransformasi ke digitalisasi, sehingga kedepannya UMKM dapat mencapai keunggulan kompetitif dan menjaga keberlangsungannya
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