7 research outputs found

    Rapid Polymer Prototyping for Low Cost and Robust Microrobots

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    The Rapid Microrobot Prototyping (RaMP) Process uses Loctite(R) photo-patternable polymer products and photolithography to rapidly fabricate robust, inexpensive, and compliant robots. The process is developed and examined on two size scales. On the size scale of several centimeters, two functional robots and a small gripper have been designed and demonstrated with shape memory alloy (SMA) used for actuation. The gripper is 1.2g and costs 3.21whiletheinchwormrobotis7.4gandcosts3.21 while the inchworm robot is 7.4g and costs 7.76 in small numbers. The second robot costs $14.93 in small numbers. On the sub-centimeter scale, designs and considerations for a walking microrobot fabricated with the process and its control are fully described. The design and kinematics of a thermally actuated, one degree of freedom leg for the microrobot are developed and simulated. Several of these units could be combined to rapidly build a 30 mg functional and simple walking microrobot with the ability to lift several grams


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    This dissertation presents work done in the design, modeling, and fabrication of magnetically actuated microrobot legs. Novel fabrication processes for manufacturing multi-material compliant mechanisms have been used to fabricate effective legged robots at both the meso and micro scales, where the meso scale refers to the transition between macro and micro scales. This work discusses the development of a novel mesoscale manufacturing process, Laser Cut Elastomer Refill (LaCER), for prototyping millimeter-scale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges. Additionally discussed is an extension of previous work on the development of a microscale manufacturing process for fabricating micrometer-sale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges, with the added contribution of a method for incorporating magnetic materials for mechanism actuation using externally applied fields. As both of the fabrication processes outlined make significant use of highly compliant elastomer hinges, a fast, accurate modeling method for these hinges was desired for mechanism characterization and design. An analytical model was developed for this purpose, making use of the pseudo rigid-body (PRB) model and extending its utility to hinges with significant stretch component, such as those fabricated from elastomer materials. This model includes 3 springs with stiffnesses relating to material stiffness and hinge geometry, with additional correction factors for aspects particular to common multi-material hinge geometry. This model has been verified against a finite element analysis model (FEA), which in turn was matched to experimental data on mesoscale hinges manufactured using LaCER. These modeling methods have additionally been verified against experimental data from microscale hinges manufactured using the Si/elastomer/magnetics MEMS process. The development of several mechanisms is also discussed: including a mesoscale LaCER-fabricated hexapedal millirobot capable of walking at 2.4 body lengths per second; prototyped mesoscale LaCER-fabricated underactuated legs with asymmetrical features for improved performance; 1 centimeter cubed LaCER-fabricated magnetically-actuated hexapods which use the best-performing underactuated leg design to locomote at up to 10.6 body lengths per second; five microfabricated magnetically actuated single-hinge mechanisms; a 14-hinge, 11-link microfabricated gripper mechanism; a microfabricated robot leg mechansim demonstrated clearing a step height of 100 micrometers; and a 4 mm x 4 mm x 5 mm, 25 mg microfabricated magnetically-actuated hexapod, demonstrated walking at up to 2.25 body lengths per second

    Microrobots for wafer scale microfactory: design fabrication integration and control.

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    Future assembly technologies will involve higher automation levels, in order to satisfy increased micro scale or nano scale precision requirements. Traditionally, assembly using a top-down robotic approach has been well-studied and applied to micro-electronics and MEMS industries, but less so in nanotechnology. With the bloom of nanotechnology ever since the 1990s, newly designed products with new materials, coatings and nanoparticles are gradually entering everyone’s life, while the industry has grown into a billion-dollar volume worldwide. Traditionally, nanotechnology products are assembled using bottom-up methods, such as self-assembly, rather than with top-down robotic assembly. This is due to considerations of volume handling of large quantities of components, and the high cost associated to top-down manipulation with the required precision. However, the bottom-up manufacturing methods have certain limitations, such as components need to have pre-define shapes and surface coatings, and the number of assembly components is limited to very few. For example, in the case of self-assembly of nano-cubes with origami design, post-assembly manipulation of cubes in large quantities and cost-efficiency is still challenging. In this thesis, we envision a new paradigm for nano scale assembly, realized with the help of a wafer-scale microfactory containing large numbers of MEMS microrobots. These robots will work together to enhance the throughput of the factory, while their cost will be reduced when compared to conventional nano positioners. To fulfill the microfactory vision, numerous challenges related to design, power, control and nanoscale task completion by these microrobots must be overcome. In this work, we study three types of microrobots for the microfactory: a world’s first laser-driven micrometer-size locomotor called ChevBot,a stationary millimeter-size robotic arm, called Solid Articulated Four Axes Microrobot (sAFAM), and a light-powered centimeter-size crawler microrobot called SolarPede. The ChevBot can perform autonomous navigation and positioning on a dry surface with the guidance of a laser beam. The sAFAM has been designed to perform nano positioning in four degrees of freedom, and nanoscale tasks such as indentation, and manipulation. And the SolarPede serves as a mobile workspace or transporter in the microfactory environment

    Mikrofertigungstechnologien und ihre Anwendungen – ein theoretischer und praktischer Leitfaden

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    Dieses Buch beinhaltet Beiträge aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Mikrofertigungstechnologie und -ingenieurwesen und wurde im Rahmen des EU-Projektes MIMAN-T (Micro-manufacturing training for SMEs) verfasst. Dieses Buch richtet sich vorrangig an Techniker und zukünftige Fachkräfte, aber auch Studenten, die in diesem Gebiet tätig werden. Es soll als effektives Werkzeug dienen, dass dazu führt, dass wissenschaftliche Entwicklungen in konkrete industrielle Vorteile umgesetzt werden können

    Functional Soft Robotic Actuators Based on Dielectric Elastomers

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    Dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) are a promising soft actuator technology for robotics. Adding robotic functionalities--folding, variable stiffness, and adhesion--into their actuator design is a novel method to create functionalized robots with simplified actuator configurations. We first propose a foldable actuator that has a simple antagonistic DEA configuration allowing bidirectional actuation and passive folding. To prove the concept, a foldable elevon actuator with outline size of 70 mm × 130 mm is developed with a performance specification matched to a 400 mm wingspan micro air vehicle (MAV) of mass 130 g. The developed actuator exhibits actuation angles up to ± 26 ° and a torque of 2720 mN·mm in good agreement with a prediction model. During a flight, two of these integrated elevon actuators well controlled the MAV, as proven by a strong correlation of 0.7 between the control signal and the MAV motion. We next propose a variable stiffness actuator consisting of a pre-stretched DEA bonded on a low-melting-point alloy (LMPA) embedded silicone substrate. The phase of the LMPA changes between liquid and solid enabling variable stiffness of the structure, between soft and rigid states, while the DEA generates a bending actuation. A proof-of-concept actuator with dimension 40 mm length × 10mm width × 1mm thickness and a mass of 1 g is fabricated and characterized. Actuation is observed up to 47.5 ° angle and yielding up to 2.4 mN of force in the soft state. The stiffness in the rigid state is ~90 × larger than an actuator without LMPA. We develop a two-finger gripper in which the actuators act as the fingers. The rigid state allows picking up an object mass of 11 g (108 mN), to be picked up even though the actuated grasping force is only 2.4 mN. We finally propose an electroadhesion actuator that has a DEA design simultaneously maximizing electroadhesion and electrostatic actuation, while allowing self-sensing by employing an interdigitated electrode geometry. The concept is validated through development of a two-finger soft gripper, and experimental samples are characterized to address an optimal design. We observe that the proposed DEA design generates 10 × larger electroadhesion force compared to a conventional DEA design, equating to a gripper with a high holding force (3.5 N shear force for 1 cm^2) yet a low grasping force (1 mN). These features make the developed simple gripper to handle a wide range of challenging objects such as highly-deformable water balloons (35.6 g), flat paper (0.8 g), and a raw chicken egg (60.9 g), with its lightweight (1.5 g) and fast movement (100 ms to close fingers). The results in this thesis address the creation of the functionalized robots and expanding the use of DEAs in robotics

    EUSPEN : proceedings of the 3rd international conference, May 26-30, 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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