463 research outputs found

    Resource-aware scheduling for 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems

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    This dissertation addresses the complexities of 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems, focusing on two key areas: enhancing timing predictability in real-time multi-core processors and optimizing performance within thermal constraints. The integration of an increasing number of transistors into compact chip designs, while boosting computational capacity, presents challenges in resource contention and thermal management. The first part of the thesis improves timing predictability. We enhance shared cache interference analysis for set-associative caches, advancing the calculation of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). This development enables accurate assessment of cache interference and the effectiveness of partitioned schedulers in real-world scenarios. We introduce TCPS, a novel task and cache-aware partitioned scheduler that optimizes cache partitioning based on task-specific WCET sensitivity, leading to improved schedulability and predictability. Our research explores various cache and scheduling configurations, providing insights into their performance trade-offs. The second part focuses on thermal management in 2D/3D many-core systems. Recognizing the limitations of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) in S-NUCA many-core processors, we propose synchronous thread migrations as a thermal management strategy. This approach culminates in the HotPotato scheduler, which balances performance and thermal safety. We also introduce 3D-TTP, a transient temperature-aware power budgeting strategy for 3D-stacked systems, reducing the need for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) activation. Finally, we present 3QUTM, a novel method for 3D-stacked systems that combines core DVFS and memory bank Low Power Modes with a learning algorithm, optimizing response times within thermal limits. This research contributes significantly to enhancing performance and thermal management in advanced processor-memory systems

    A Survey of Prediction and Classification Techniques in Multicore Processor Systems

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    In multicore processor systems, being able to accurately predict the future provides new optimization opportunities, which otherwise could not be exploited. For example, an oracle able to predict a certain application\u27s behavior running on a smart phone could direct the power manager to switch to appropriate dynamic voltage and frequency scaling modes that would guarantee minimum levels of desired performance while saving energy consumption and thereby prolonging battery life. Using predictions enables systems to become proactive rather than continue to operate in a reactive manner. This prediction-based proactive approach has become increasingly popular in the design and optimization of integrated circuits and of multicore processor systems. Prediction transforms from simple forecasting to sophisticated machine learning based prediction and classification that learns from existing data, employs data mining, and predicts future behavior. This can be exploited by novel optimization techniques that can span across all layers of the computing stack. In this survey paper, we present a discussion of the most popular techniques on prediction and classification in the general context of computing systems with emphasis on multicore processors. The paper is far from comprehensive, but, it will help the reader interested in employing prediction in optimization of multicore processor systems

    Memory-Aware Scheduling for Fixed Priority Hard Real-Time Computing Systems

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    As a major component of a computing system, memory has been a key performance and power consumption bottleneck in computer system design. While processor speeds have been kept rising dramatically, the overall computing performance improvement of the entire system is limited by how fast the memory can feed instructions/data to processing units (i.e. so-called memory wall problem). The increasing transistor density and surging access demands from a rapidly growing number of processing cores also significantly elevated the power consumption of the memory system. In addition, the interference of memory access from different applications and processing cores significantly degrade the computation predictability, which is essential to ensure timing specifications in real-time system design. The recent IC technologies (such as 3D-IC technology) and emerging data-intensive real-time applications (such as Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things) further amplify these challenges. We believe that it is not simply desirable but necessary to adopt a joint CPU/Memory resource management framework to deal with these grave challenges. In this dissertation, we focus on studying how to schedule fixed-priority hard real-time tasks with memory impacts taken into considerations. We target on the fixed-priority real-time scheduling scheme since this is one of the most commonly used strategies for practical real-time applications. Specifically, we first develop an approach that takes into consideration not only the execution time variations with cache allocations but also the task period relationship, showing a significant improvement in the feasibility of the system. We further study the problem of how to guarantee timing constraints for hard real-time systems under CPU and memory thermal constraints. We first study the problem under an architecture model with a single core and its main memory individually packaged. We develop a thermal model that can capture the thermal interaction between the processor and memory, and incorporate the periodic resource sever model into our scheduling framework to guarantee both the timing and thermal constraints. We further extend our research to the multi-core architectures with processing cores and memory devices integrated into a single 3D platform. To our best knowledge, this is the first research that can guarantee hard deadline constraints for real-time tasks under temperature constraints for both processing cores and memory devices. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that our proposed scheduling can improve significantly the feasibility of hard real-time systems under thermal constraints

    Reliability-oriented resource management for High-Performance Computing

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    Reliability is an increasingly pressing issue for High-Performance Computing systems, as failures are a threat to large-scale applications, for which an even single run may incur significant energy and billing costs. Currently, application developers need to address reliability explicitly, by integrating application-specific checkpoint/restore mechanisms. However, the application alone cannot exploit system knowledge, which is not the case for system-wide resource management systems. In this paper, we propose a reliability-oriented policy that can increase significantly component reliability by combining checkpoint/restore mechanisms exploitation and proactive resource management policies

    Exploiting heterogeneity in Chip-Multiprocessor Design

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    In the past decade, semiconductor manufacturers are persistent in building faster and smaller transistors in order to boost the processor performance as projected by Moore’s Law. Recently, as we enter the deep submicron regime, continuing the same processor development pace becomes an increasingly difficult issue due to constraints on power, temperature, and the scalability of transistors. To overcome these challenges, researchers propose several innovations at both architecture and device levels that are able to partially solve the problems. These diversities in processor architecture and manufacturing materials provide solutions to continuing Moore’s Law by effectively exploiting the heterogeneity, however, they also introduce a set of unprecedented challenges that have been rarely addressed in prior works. In this dissertation, we present a series of in-depth studies to comprehensively investigate the design and optimization of future multi-core and many-core platforms through exploiting heteroge-neities. First, we explore a large design space of heterogeneous chip multiprocessors by exploiting the architectural- and device-level heterogeneities, aiming to identify the optimal design patterns leading to attractive energy- and cost-efficiencies in the pre-silicon stage. After this high-level study, we pay specific attention to the architectural asymmetry, aiming at developing a heterogeneity-aware task scheduler to optimize the energy-efficiency on a given single-ISA heterogeneous multi-processor. An advanced statistical tool is employed to facilitate the algorithm development. In the third study, we shift our concentration to the device-level heterogeneity and propose to effectively leverage the advantages provided by different materials to solve the increasingly important reliability issue for future processors


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    With continuous IC(Integrated Circuit) technology size scaling, more and more transistors are integrated in a tiny area of the processor. Microprocessors experience unprecedented high power and high temperatures on chip, which can easily violate the thermal constraint. High temperature on the chip, if not controlled, can damage or even burn the chip. There are also emerging technologies which can exacerbate the thermal condition on modern processors. For example, 3D stacking is an IC technology that stacks several die layers together, in order to shorten the communication path between the dies to improve the chip performance. This technology unfortunately increases the power density per unit volumn, and the heat from each layer needs to dissipate vertically through the same heat sink. Another example is chip multi-processor. A chip multi-processor(CMP) integrates two or more independent actual processors (called “cores”), onto a single integrated circuit die. As IC technology nodes continually scale down to 45nm and below, there is significant within-die process variation(PV) in the current and near-future CMPs. Process variation makes the cores in the chip differ in their maximum operable frequency, and the amount of leakage power they consume. This can result in the immense spatial variation of the temperatures of the cores on the same chip, which means the temperatures of some cores can be much higher than other cores. One of the most commonly used methods to constrain a CPU from overheating is hardware dynamic thermal management(HW DTM), due to the high cost and inefficiency of current mechanical cooling techniques. Dynamic voltage/frequency scaling(DVFS) is such a broad-spectrum dynamic thermal management technique that can be applied to all types of processors, so we adopt DVFS as the HW DTM method in this thesis to simplify problem discussion. DVFS lowers the CPU power consumption by reducing CPU frequency or voltage when temperature overshoots, which constrains the temperature at the price of performance loss, in terms of reduced CPU throughput, or longer execution time of the programs. This thesis mainly addresses this problem, with the goal of eliminating unnecessary hardware-level DVFS and improving chip performance. The methodology of the experiments in this thesis are based on the accurate estimation of power and temperature on the processor. The CPU power usage of different benchmarks are estimated by reading the performance counters on a real P4 chip, and measuring the activities of different CPU functional units. The jobs are then categorized into powerintensive(hot) ones and power non-intensive(cool) ones. Many combinations of the jobs with mixed power(thermal) characteristics are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithms we propose. When the experiments are conducted on a single-core processor, a compact dynamic thermal model embedded in Linux kernel is used to calculate the CPU temperature. When the experiments are conducted on the CMP with 3D stacked dies, or the CMP affected by significant process variation, a thermal simulation tool well recognized in academia is used. The contribution of the thesis is that it proposes new software-level task scheduling algorithms to avoid unnecessary hardware-level DVFS. New task scheduling algorithms are proposed not only for the single-core processor, but aslo for the CMP with 3D stacked dies, and the CMP under process variation. Compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms proposed by other researchers, the new algorithms we propose all show significant performance improvement. To improve the performance of the single-core processors, which is harmed by the thermal overshoots and the HW DTMs, we propose a heuristic algorithm named ThreshHot, which judiciously schedules hot jobs before cool jobs, to make the future temperature lower. Furthermore, it always makes the temperature stay as close to the threshold as possible while not overshooting. In the CMPs with 3D stacked dies, three heuristics are proposed and combined as one algorithm. First, the vertically stacked cores are treated as a core stack. The power of jobs is balanced among the core stacks instead of the individual cores. Second, the hot jobs are moved close to the heat sink to expedite heat dissipation. Third, when the thermal emergencies happen, the most power-intensive job in a core stack is penalized in order to lower the temperature quickly. When CMPs are under significant process variation, each core on the CMP has distinct maximum frequency and leakage power. Maximizing the overall CPU throughput on all the cores is in conflict with satisfying on-chip thermal constraints imposed on each core. A maximum bipartite matching algorithm is used to solve this dilemma, to exploit the maximum performance of the chip

    A survey on scheduling and mapping techniques in 3D Network-on-chip

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    Network-on-Chips (NoCs) have been widely employed in the design of multiprocessor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) as a scalable communication solution. NoCs enable communications between on-chip Intellectual Property (IP) cores and allow those cores to achieve higher performance by outsourcing their communication tasks. Mapping and Scheduling methodologies are key elements in assigning application tasks, allocating the tasks to the IPs, and organising communication among them to achieve some specified objectives. The goal of this paper is to present a detailed state-of-the-art of research in the field of mapping and scheduling of applications on 3D NoC, classifying the works based on several dimensions and giving some potential research directions

    Building Efficient and Reliable Emerging Technology Systems

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    The semiconductor industry has been reaping the benefits of Moore’s law powered by Dennard’s voltage scaling for the past fifty years. However, with the end of Dennard scaling, silicon chip manufacturers are facing a widespread plateau in performance improvements. While the architecture community has focused its effort on exploring parallelism, such as with multi-core, many-core and accelerator-based systems, chip manufacturers have been forced to explore beyond-Moore technologies to improve performance while maintaining power density. Examples of such technologies include monolithic 3D integration, carbon nanotube transistors, tunneling-based transistors, spintronics and quantum computing. However, the infancy of the manufacturing process of these new technologies impedes their usage in commercial products. The goal of this dissertation is to combine both architectural and device-level efforts to provide solutions across the computing stack that can overcome the reliability concerns of emerging technologies. This allows for beyond-Moore systems to compete with highly optimized silicon-based processors, thus, enabling faster commercialization of such systems. This dissertation proposes the following key steps: (i) Multifaceted understanding and modeling of variation and yield issues that occur in emerging technologies, such as carbon nanotube transistors (CNFETs). (ii) Design of systems using suitable logic families such as pass transistor logic that provide high performance. (iii) Design of a multi-granular fault-tolerant reconfigurable architecture that enhances yield and performance. (iv) Design of a multi-technology, multi-accelerator heterogeneous system (v) Development of real-time constrained efficient workload scheduling mechanism for heterogeneous systems. This dissertation first presents the use of pass transistor logic family as an alternate to the CMOS logic family for CNFETs to improve performance. It explores various architectural design choices for CNFETs using pass transistor logic (PTL) to create an energy-efficient RISC-V processor. Our results show that while a CNFET RISC-V processor using CMOS logic achieves a 2.9x energy-delay product (EDP) improvement over a silicon design, using PTL along the critical path components of the processor can boost EDP improvement by 5x as well as reduce area by 17% over 16 nm silicon CMOS. This document further builds on providing fault-tolerant and yield enhancing solutions for emerging 3D integration compatible technologies in the context of CNFETs. The proposed framework can efficiently support high-variation technologies by providing protection against manufacturing defects at multiple granularities: module and pipeline-stage levels. Based on the variation observed in a synthesized design, a reliable CNFET-based 3D multi-granular reconfigurable architecture, 3DTUBE, is presented to overcome the manufacturing difficulties. For 0.4-0.7 V, 3DTUBE provides up to 6.0x higher throughput and 3.1x lower EDP compared to a silicon-based multi-core design evaluated at 1 part per billion transistor failure rate, which is 10,000x lower in comparison to CNFET’s failure rate. This dissertation then ventures into building multi-accelerator heterogeneous systems and real-time schedulers that cater to the requirements of the applications while taking advantage of the underlying heterogeneous system. We introduce optimizations like task pruning, hierarchical hetero-ranking and rank update built upon two scheduler policies (MS-static and MS-dynamic), that result in a performance improvement of 3.5x (average) for real-world autonomous vehicle applications, when compared against state-of-the-art schedulers. Adopting insights from the above work, this thesis presents a multi-accelerator, multi-technology heterogeneous system powered by a multi-constrained scheduler that optimizes for varying task requirements to achieve up to 6.1x better energy over a baseline silicon-based system.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169699/1/aporvaa_1.pd
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