483 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Model-Based Control for Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

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    Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a technology where skeletal muscles are externally stimulated by electrodes to help restore functionality to human limbs with motor neuron disorder. This dissertation is concerned with the model-based feedback control of the NMES quadriceps muscle group-knee joint dynamics. A class of nonlinear controllers is presented based on various levels of model structures and uncertainties. The two main control techniques used throughout this work are backstepping control and Lyapunov stability theory. In the first control strategy, we design a model-based nonlinear control law for the system with the exactly known passive mechanical that ensures asymptotical tracking. This first design is used as a stepping stone for the other control strategies in which we consider that uncertainties exist. In the next four control strategies, techniques for adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems are applied to handle the unknown physical constant parameters that appear nonlinearly in the model. By exploiting the Lipschitzian nature or the concavity/convexity of the nonlinearly parameterized functions in the model, we design two adaptive controllers and two robust adaptive controllers that ensure practical tracking. The next set of controllers are based on a NMES model that includes the uncertain muscle contractile mechanics. In this case, neural network-based controllers are designed to deal with this uncertainty. We consider here voltage inputs without and with saturation. For the latter, the Nussbaum gain is applied to handle the input saturation. The last two control strategies are based on a more refined NMES model that accounts for the muscle activation dynamics. The main challenge here is that the activation state is unmeasurable. In the first design, we design a model-based observer that directly estimates the unmeasured state for a certain activation model. The second design introduces a nonlinear filter with an adaptive control law to handle parametric uncertainty in the activation dynamics. Both the observer- and filter-based, partial-state feedback controllers ensure asymptotical tracking. Throughout this dissertation, the performance of the proposed control schemes are illustrated via computer simulations

    Adaptive fuzzy tracking control for a class of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems using disturbance observer

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    In this paper, the adaptive fuzzy tracking control is proposed for a class of multi-input and multioutput (MIMO) nonlinear systems in the presence of system uncertainties, unknown non-symmetric input saturation and external disturbances. Fuzzy logic systems (FLS) are used to approximate the system uncertainty of MIMO nonlinear systems. Then, the compound disturbance containing the approximation error and the time-varying external disturbance that cannot be directly measured are estimated via a disturbance observer. By appropriately choosing the gain matrix, the disturbance observer can approximate the compound disturbance well and the estimate error converges to a compact set. This control strategy is further extended to develop adaptive fuzzy tracking control for MIMO nonlinear systems by coping with practical issues in engineering applications, in particular unknown non-symmetric input saturation and control singularity. Within this setting, the disturbance observer technique is combined with the FLS approximation technique to compensate for the effects of unknown input saturation and control singularity. Lyapunov approach based analysis shows that semi-global uniform boundedness of the closed-loop signals is guaranteed under the proposed tracking control techniques. Numerical simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed tracking control schemes

    Adaptive neural control of nonlinear systems with hysteresis

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    Continuum Mechanical Models for Design and Characterization of Soft Robots

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    The emergence of ``soft'' robots, whose bodies are made from stretchable materials, has fundamentally changed the way we design and construct robotic systems. Demonstrations and research show that soft robotic systems can be useful in rehabilitation, medical devices, agriculture, manufacturing and home assistance. Increasing need for collaborative, safe robotic devices have combined with technological advances to create a compelling development landscape for soft robots. However, soft robots are not yet present in medical and rehabilitative devices, agriculture, our homes, and many other human-collaborative and human-interactive applications. This gap between promise and practical implementation exists because foundational theories and techniques that exist in rigid robotics have not yet been developed for soft robots. Theories in traditional robotics rely on rigid body displacements via discrete joints and discrete actuators, while in soft robots, kinematic and actuation functions are blended, leading to nonlinear, continuous deformations rather than rigid body motion. This dissertation addresses the need for foundational techniques using continuum mechanics. Three core questions regarding the use of continuum mechanical models in soft robotics are explored: (1) whether or not continuum mechanical models can describe existing soft actuators, (2) which physical phenomena need to be incorporated into continuum mechanical models for their use in a soft robotics context, and (3) how understanding on continuum mechanical phenomena may form bases for novel soft robot architectures. Theoretical modeling, experimentation, and design prototyping tools are used to explore Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Enclosures (FREEs), an often-used soft actuator, and to develop novel soft robot architectures based on auxetic behavior. This dissertation develops a continuum mechanical model for end loading on FREEs. This model connects a FREE’s actuation pressure and kinematic configuration to its end loads by considering stiffness of its elastomer and fiber reinforcement. The model is validated against a large experimental data set and compared to other FREE models used by roboticists. It is shown that the model can describe the FREE’s loading in a generalizable manner, but that it is bounded in its peak performance. Such a model can provide the novel function of evaluating the performance of FREE designs under high loading without the costs of building and testing prototypes. This dissertation further explores the influence viscoelasticity, an inherent property of soft polymers, on end loading of FREEs. The viscoelastic model developed can inform soft roboticists wishing to exploit or avoid hysteresis and force reversal. The final section of the dissertations explores two contrasting styles of auxetic metamaterials for their uses in soft robotic actuation. The first metamaterial architecture is composed of beams with distributed compliance, which are placed antagonistic configurations on a variety of surfaces, giving ride to shape morphing behavior. The second metamaterial architecture studied is a ``kirigami’’ sheet with an orthogonal cut pattern, utilizing lumped compliance and strain hardening to permanently deploy from a compact shape to a functional one. This dissertation lays the foundation for design of soft robots by robust physical models, reducing the need for physical prototypes and trial-and-error approaches. The work presented provides tools for systematic exploration of FREEs under loading in a wide range of configurations. The work further develops new concepts for soft actuators based on continuum mechanical modeling of auxetic metamaterials. The work presented expands the available tools for design and development of soft robotic systems, and the available architectures for soft robot actuation.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163236/1/asedal_1.pd

    A control-theoretical fault prognostics and accommodation framework for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems

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    Fault diagnostics and prognostics schemes (FDP) are necessary for complex industrial systems to prevent unscheduled downtime resulting from component failures. Existing schemes in continuous-time are useful for diagnosing complex industrial systems and no work has been done for prognostics. Therefore, in this dissertation, a systematic design methodology for model-based fault prognostics and accommodation is undertaken for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems. This design methodology, which does not require any failure data, is introduced in six papers. In Paper I, a fault detection and prediction (FDP) scheme is developed for a class of nonlinear system with state faults by assuming that all the states are measurable. A novel estimator is utilized for detecting a fault. Upon detection, an online approximator in discrete-time (OLAD) and a robust adaptive term are activated online in the estimator wherein the OLAD learns the unknown fault dynamics while the robust adaptive term ensures asymptotic performance guarantee. A novel update law is proposed for tuning the OLAD parameters. Additionally, by using the parameter update law, time to reach an a priori selected failure threshold is derived for prognostics. Subsequently, the FDP scheme is used to estimate the states and detect faults in nonlinear input-output systems in Paper II and to nonlinear discrete-time systems with both state and sensor faults in Paper III. Upon detection, a novel fault isolation estimator is used to identify the faults in Paper IV. It was shown that certain faults can be accommodated via controller reconfiguration in Paper V. Finally, the performance of the FDP framework is demonstrated via Lyapunov stability analysis and experimentally on the Caterpillar hydraulics test-bed in Paper VI by using an artificial immune system as an OLAD --Abstract, page iv

    Theory of biochemical information processing with transients

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    Cells in tissues and organisms operate in dynamic environments, continuously sensing and responding to time-varying chemical signals. In order to accurately interpret the complex information from their environment, biochemical networks in single cells actively process these extracellular signals in real-time. The current concept of biochemical computations places a strong focus on attractor based information processing in cells. Recent studies however have shown that cells generate completely opposite phenotypic responses depending upon frequency of the growth factor, independent of growth factor identity. This breaks down the steady-state description of biochemical information processing. Therefore, we propose to describe biochemical networks embedded in non-stationary environments as non-autonomous systems whose solutions are the dynamic input-dependent trajectories. We show that memory arising through metastable states will enable the system to integrate time-varying signals such that, inputs resulting in different phenotypic responses will be uniquely encoded in phase-space trajectories. The extracellular information of different phenotypes is spread throughout the large signaling networks and represented by characteristically different classes of phase-space trajectories. This encoded information will further be decoded downstream by early response genes (ERG) in real-time, where we show that the feed-forward structure of ERG is sufficient for this task

    Adaptive control of sinusoidal brushless DC motor actuators

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    Electrical Power Assisted Steering system (EPAS) will likely be used on future automotive power steering systems. The sinusoidal brushless DC (BLDC) motor has been identified as one of the most suitable actuators for the EPAS application. Motor characteristic variations, which can be indicated by variations of the motor parameters such as the coil resistance and the torque constant, directly impart inaccuracies in the control scheme based on the nominal values of parameters and thus the whole system performance suffers. The motor controller must address the time-varying motor characteristics problem and maintain the performance in its long service life. In this dissertation, four adaptive control algorithms for brushless DC (BLDC) motors are explored. The first algorithm engages a simplified inverse dq-coordinate dynamics controller and solves for the parameter errors with the q-axis current (iq) feedback from several past sampling steps. The controller parameter values are updated by slow integration of the parameter errors. Improvement such as dynamic approximation, speed approximation and Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization are discussed for better estimation performance. The second algorithm is proposed to use both the d-axis current (id) and the q-axis current (iq) feedback for parameter estimation since id always accompanies iq. Stochastic conditions for unbiased estimation are shown through Monte Carlo simulations. Study of the first two adaptive algorithms indicates that the parameter estimation performance can be achieved by using more history data. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), a representative recursive estimation algorithm, is then investigated for the BLDC motor application. Simulation results validated the superior estimation performance with the EKF. However, the computation complexity and stability may be barriers for practical implementation of the EKF. The fourth algorithm is a model reference adaptive control (MRAC) that utilizes the desired motor characteristics as a reference model. Its stability is guaranteed by Lyapunov’s direct method. Simulation shows superior performance in terms of the convergence speed and current tracking. These algorithms are compared in closed loop simulation with an EPAS model and a motor speed control application. The MRAC is identified as the most promising candidate controller because of its combination of superior performance and low computational complexity. A BLDC motor controller developed with the dq-coordinate model cannot be implemented without several supplemental functions such as the coordinate transformation and a DC-to-AC current encoding scheme. A quasi-physical BLDC motor model is developed to study the practical implementation issues of the dq-coordinate control strategy, such as the initialization and rotor angle transducer resolution. This model can also be beneficial during first stage development in automotive BLDC motor applications

    Echo state model of non-Markovian reinforcement learning, An

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    Department Head: Dale H. Grit.2008 Spring.Includes bibliographical references (pages 137-142).There exists a growing need for intelligent, autonomous control strategies that operate in real-world domains. Theoretically the state-action space must exhibit the Markov property in order for reinforcement learning to be applicable. Empirical evidence, however, suggests that reinforcement learning also applies to domains where the state-action space is approximately Markovian, a requirement for the overwhelming majority of real-world domains. These domains, termed non-Markovian reinforcement learning domains, raise a unique set of practical challenges. The reconstruction dimension required to approximate a Markovian state-space is unknown a priori and can potentially be large. Further, spatial complexity of local function approximation of the reinforcement learning domain grows exponentially with the reconstruction dimension. Parameterized dynamic systems alleviate both embedding length and state-space dimensionality concerns by reconstructing an approximate Markovian state-space via a compact, recurrent representation. Yet this representation extracts a cost; modeling reinforcement learning domains via adaptive, parameterized dynamic systems is characterized by instability, slow-convergence, and high computational or spatial training complexity. The objectives of this research are to demonstrate a stable, convergent, accurate, and scalable model of non-Markovian reinforcement learning domains. These objectives are fulfilled via fixed point analysis of the dynamics underlying the reinforcement learning domain and the Echo State Network, a class of parameterized dynamic system. Understanding models of non-Markovian reinforcement learning domains requires understanding the interactions between learning domains and their models. Fixed point analysis of the Mountain Car Problem reinforcement learning domain, for both local and nonlocal function approximations, suggests a close relationship between the locality of the approximation and the number and severity of bifurcations of the fixed point structure. This research suggests the likely cause of this relationship: reinforcement learning domains exist within a dynamic feature space in which trajectories are analogous to states. The fixed point structure maps dynamic space onto state-space. This explanation suggests two testable hypotheses. Reinforcement learning is sensitive to state-space locality because states cluster as trajectories in time rather than space. Second, models using trajectory-based features should exhibit good modeling performance and few changes in fixed point structure. Analysis of performance of lookup table, feedforward neural network, and Echo State Network (ESN) on the Mountain Car Problem reinforcement learning domain confirm these hypotheses. The ESN is a large, sparse, randomly-generated, unadapted recurrent neural network, which adapts a linear projection of the target domain onto the hidden layer. ESN modeling results on reinforcement learning domains show it achieves performance comparable to lookup table and neural network architectures on the Mountain Car Problem with minimal changes to fixed point structure. Also, the ESN achieves lookup table caliber performance when modeling Acrobot, a four-dimensional control problem, but is less successful modeling the lower dimensional Modified Mountain Car Problem. These performance discrepancies are attributed to the ESN’s excellent ability to represent complex short term dynamics, and its inability to consolidate long temporal dependencies into a static memory. Without memory consolidation, reinforcement learning domains exhibiting attractors with multiple dynamic scales are unlikely to be well-modeled via ESN. To mediate this problem, a simple ESN memory consolidation method is presented and tested for stationary dynamic systems. These results indicate the potential to improve modeling performance in reinforcement learning domains via memory consolidation