1,995 research outputs found

    Scheduling a multi class queue with many exponential servers: asymptotic optimality in heavy traffic

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    We consider the problem of scheduling a queueing system in which many statistically identical servers cater to several classes of impatient customers. Service times and impatience clocks are exponential while arrival processes are renewal. Our cost is an expected cumulative discounted function, linear or nonlinear, of appropriately normalized performance measures. As a special case, the cost per unit time can be a function of the number of customers waiting to be served in each class, the number actually being served, the abandonment rate, the delay experienced by customers, the number of idling servers, as well as certain combinations thereof. We study the system in an asymptotic heavy-traffic regime where the number of servers n and the offered load r are simultaneously scaled up and carefully balanced: n\approx r+\beta \sqrtr for some scalar \beta. This yields an operation that enjoys the benefits of both heavy traffic (high server utilization) and light traffic (high service levels.

    Multiclass multiserver queueing system in the Halfin-Whitt heavy traffic regime. Asymptotics of the stationary distribution

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    We consider a heterogeneous queueing system consisting of one large pool of O(r)O(r) identical servers, where rr\to\infty is the scaling parameter. The arriving customers belong to one of several classes which determines the service times in the distributional sense. The system is heavily loaded in the Halfin-Whitt sense, namely the nominal utilization is 1a/r1-a/\sqrt{r} where a>0a>0 is the spare capacity parameter. Our goal is to obtain bounds on the steady state performance metrics such as the number of customers waiting in the queue Qr()Q^r(\infty). While there is a rich literature on deriving process level (transient) scaling limits for such systems, the results for steady state are primarily limited to the single class case. This paper is the first one to address the case of heterogeneity in the steady state regime. Moreover, our results hold for any service policy which does not admit server idling when there are customers waiting in the queue. We assume that the interarrival and service times have exponential distribution, and that customers of each class may abandon while waiting in the queue at a certain rate (which may be zero). We obtain upper bounds of the form O(r)O(\sqrt{r}) on both Qr()Q^r(\infty) and the number of idle servers. The bounds are uniform w.r.t. parameter rr and the service policy. In particular, we show that lim suprEexp(θr1/2Qr())<\limsup_r E \exp(\theta r^{-1/2}Q^r(\infty))<\infty. Therefore, the sequence r1/2Qr()r^{-1/2}Q^r(\infty) is tight and has a uniform exponential tail bound. We further consider the system with strictly positive abandonment rates, and show that in this case every weak limit Q^()\hat{Q}(\infty) of r1/2Qr()r^{-1/2}Q^r(\infty) has a sub-Gaussian tail. Namely E[exp(θ(Q^())2)]0E[\exp(\theta (\hat{Q}(\infty))^2)]0.Comment: 21 page

    Heavy-traffic analysis of a multiple-phase network with discriminatory processor sharing

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    We analyze a generalization of the Discriminatory Processor Sharing (DPS) queue in a heavy-traffic setting. Customers present in the system are served simultaneously at rates controlled by a vector of weights. We assume that customers have phase-type distributed service requirements and allow that customers have different weights in various phases of their service. In our main result we establish a state-space collapse for the queue length vector in heavy traffic. The result shows that in the limit, the queue length vector is the product of an exponentially distributed random variable and a deterministic vector. This generalizes a previous result by Rege and Sengupta (1996) who considered a DPS queue with exponentially distributed service requirements. Their analysis was based on obtaining all moments of the queue length distributions by solving systems of linear equations. We undertake a more direct approach by showing that the probability generating function satisfies a partial differential equation that allows a closed-form solution after passing to the heavy-traffic limit. Making use of the state-space collapse result, we derive interesting properties in heavy traffic: (i) For the DPS queue we obtain that, conditioned on the number of customers in the system, the residual service requirements are asymptotically i.i.d. according to the forward recurrence times. (ii) We then investigate how the choice for the weights influences the asymptotic performance of the system. In particular, for the DPS queue we show that the scaled holding cost reduces as classes with a higher value for d_k/E(B_k^fwd) obtain a larger share of the capacity, where d_k is the cost associated to class k, and E(B_k^fwd) is the forward recurrence time of the class-k service requirement. The applicability of this result for a moderately loaded system is investigated by numerical experiments

    Heavy-traffic analysis of a multiple-phase network with discriminatory processor sharing

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    We analyze a generalization of the Discriminatory Processor Sharing (DPS) queue in a heavy-traffic setting. Customers present in the system are served simultaneously at rates controlled by a vector of weights. We assume that customers have phase-type distributed service requirements and allow that customers have different weights in various phases of their service. In our main result we establish a state-space collapse for the queue length vector in heavy traffic. The result shows that in the limit, the queue length vector is the product of an exponentially distributed random variable and a deterministic vector. This generalizes a previous result by Rege and Sengupta (1996) who considered a DPS queue with exponentially distributed service requirements. Their analysis was based on obtaining all moments of the queue length distributions by solving systems of linear equations. We undertake a more direct approach by showing that the probability generating function satisfies a partial differential equation that allows a closed-form solution after passing to the heavy-traffic limit. Making use of the state-space collapse result, we derive interesting properties in heavy traffic: (i) For the DPS queue we obtain that, conditioned on the number of customers in the system, the residual service requirements are asymptotically i.i.d. according to the forward recurrence times. (ii) We then investigate how the choice for the weights influences the asymptotic performance of the system. In particular, for the DPS queue we show that the scaled holding cost reduces as classes with a higher value for d_k/E(B_k^fwd) obtain a larger share of the capacity, where d_k is the cost associated to class k, and E(B_k^fwd) is the forward recurrence time of the class-k service requirement. The applicability of this result for a moderately loaded system is investigated by numerical experiments

    SRPT Scheduling Discipline in Many-Server Queues with Impatient Customers

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    The shortest-remaining-processing-time (SRPT) scheduling policy has been extensively studied, for more than 50 years, in single-server queues with infinitely patient jobs. Yet, much less is known about its performance in multiserver queues. In this paper, we present the first theoretical analysis of SRPT in multiserver queues with abandonment. In particular, we consider the M/GI/s+GI queue and demonstrate that, in the many-sever overloaded regime, performance in the SRPT queue is equivalent, asymptotically in steady state, to a preemptive two-class priority queue where customers with short service times (below a threshold) are served without wait, and customers with long service times (above a threshold) eventually abandon without service. We prove that the SRPT discipline maximizes, asymptotically, the system throughput, among all scheduling disciplines. We also compare the performance of the SRPT policy to blind policies and study the effects of the patience-time and service-time distributions

    Coping with production time variability via dynamic lead-time quotation

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    In this paper, we propose two dynamic lead-time quotation policies in an M/GI/1 type make-to-stock queueing system serving lead-time sensitive customers with a single type of product. Incorporating non-exponential service times in an exact method for make-to-stock queues is usually deemed difficult. Our analysis of the proposed policies is exact and requires the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform of the sojourn time of an order to be placed. The first policy assures that the long-run probability of delivering the product within the quoted lead-time is the same for all backlogged customers. The second policy is a refinement of the first which improves the profitability if customers are oversensitive to even short delays in delivery. Numerical results show that both policies perform close to the optimal policy that was characterized only for exponential service times. The new insight gained is that the worsening impact of the production time variability, which is felt significantly in systems accepting all customers by quoting zero lead times, decreases when dynamic lead-time quotation policies are employed