8 research outputs found

    Speedup stacks: identifying scaling Bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications

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    Multi-threaded workloads typically show sublinear speedup on multi-core hardware, i.e., the achieved speedup is not proportional to the number of cores and threads. Sublinear scaling may have multiple causes, such as poorly scalable synchronization leading to spinning and/or yielding, and interference in shared resources such as the lastlevel cache (LLC) as well as the main memory subsystem. It is vital for programmers and processor designers to understand scaling bottlenecks in existing and emerging workloads in order to optimize application performance and design future hardware. In this paper, we propose the speedup stack, which quantifies the impact of the various scaling delimiters on multithreaded application speedup in a single stack. We describe a mechanism for computing speedup stacks on a multi-core processor, and we find speedup stacks to be accurate within 5.1% on average for sixteen-threaded applications. We present several use cases: we discuss how speedup stacks can be used to identify scaling bottlenecks, classify benchmarks, optimize performance, and understand LLC performance

    Dynamically detecting and tolerating IF-Condition Data Races

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    An IF-Condition Invariance Violation (ICIV) occurs when, after a thread has computed the control expression of an IF statement and while it is executing the THEN or ELSE clauses, another thread updates variables in the IF’s control expression. An ICIV can be easily detected, and is likely to be a sign of a concurrency bug in the code. Typically, the ICIV is caused by a data race, which we call IF-Condition Data Race (ICR). In this paper, we analyze the data races reported in the bug databases of popular software systems and show that ICRs occur relatively often. Then, we present two techniques to handle ICRs dynamically. They rely on simple code transformations and, in one case, additional hardware help. One of them (SW-IF) detects the races, while the other (HW-IF) detects and prevents them. We evaluate SW-IF and HW-IF using a variety of applica-tions. We show that these new techniques are effective at finding new data race bugs and run with low overhead. Specifically, HW-IF finds 5 new (unreported) race bugs and SW-IF finds 3 of them. In addition, 8-threaded executions of SPLASH-2 codes show that, on average, SW-IF adds 2 % execution overhead, while HW-IF adds less than 1%. 1

    Data Races vs. Data Race Bugs: Telling the Difference with Portend

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    Even though most data races are harmless, the harmful ones are at the heart of some of the worst concurrency bugs. Alas, spotting just the harmful data races in programs is like finding a needle in a haystack: 76%-90% of the true data races reported by state-of-the- art race detectors turn out to be harmless [45]. We present Portend, a tool that not only detects races but also automatically classifies them based on their potential con- sequences: Could they lead to crashes or hangs? Could their effects be visible outside the program? Are they harmless? Our proposed technique achieves high accuracy by efficiently analyzing multiple paths and multiple thread schedules in combination, and by performing symbolic comparison between program outputs. We ran Portend on 7 real-world applications: it detected 93 true data races and correctly classified 92 of them, with no human effort. 6 of them are harmful races. Portend’s classification accuracy is up to 88% higher than that of existing tools, and it produces easy- to-understand evidence of the consequences of harmful races, thus both proving their harmfulness and making debugging easier. We envision Portend being used for testing and debugging, as well as for automatically triaging bug reports

    Accurately Classifying Data Races with Portend

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    Even though most data races are harmless, the harmful ones are at the heart of some of the worst concurrency bugs. Eliminating all data races from programs is impractical (e.g., system performance could suffer severely), yet spotting just the harmful ones is like finding a needle in a haystack: state-of-the-art data race detectors and classifiers suffer from high false positive rates of 37%–84%. We present Portend, a technique and system for automatically triaging suspect data races based on their potential consequences: Could they lead to crashes or hangs? Alter system state? Could their effects be externalized? Or are they harmless? Our proposed technique achieves very high accuracy by efficiently analyzing multiple paths and multiple thread schedules in combination, and by performing symbolic comparison between program states. We ran Portend on several dozen data races from real-world applications, and it correctly classified all of them, with no human effort. It also produced easy-to-understand evidence of the consequences of harmful races, thus proving their harmfulness and making debugging easier. We envision using Portend for testing and debugging, as well as for automatically triaging bug reports

    Execution Synthesis: A Technique for Automating the Debugging of Software

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    Debugging real systems is hard, requires deep knowledge of the target code, and is time-consuming. Bug reports rarely provide sufficient information for debugging, thus forcing developers to turn into detectives searching for an explanation of how the program could have arrived at the reported failure state. This thesis introduces execution synthesis, a technique for automating this detective work: given a program and a bug report, execution synthesis automatically produces an execution of the program that leads to the reported bug symptoms. Using a combination of static analysis and symbolic execution, the technique “synthesizes” a thread schedule and various required program inputs that cause the bug to manifest. The synthesized execution can be played back deterministically in a regular debugger, like gdb. This is particularly useful in debugging concurrency bugs, because it transforms otherwise non-deterministic bugs into bugs that can be deterministically observed in a debugger. Execution synthesis requires no runtime recording, and no program or hardware modifications, thus incurring no runtime overhead. This makes it practical for use in production systems. This thesis includes a theoretical analysis of execution synthesis as well as empirical evidence that execution synthesis is successful in starting from mere bug reports and reproducing on its own concurrency and memory safety bugs in real systems, taking on the order of minutes. This thesis also introduces reverse execution synthesis, an automated debugging technique that takes a coredump obtained after a failure and automatically computes the suffix of an execution that leads to that coredump. Reverse execution synthesis generates the necessary information to then play back this suffix in a debugger deterministically as many times as needed to complete the debugging process. Since it synthesizes an execution suffix instead of the entire execution, reverse execution is particularly well suited for arbitrarily long executions in which the failure and its root cause occur within a short time span, so developers can use a short execution suffix to debug the problem. The thesis also shows how execution synthesis can be combined with recording techniques in order to automatically classify data races and to efficiently debug deadlock bugs

    Dynamic recognition of synchronization operations for improved data race detection

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    Debugging multithreaded programs, which involves detection and identification of the cause of data races, has proved to be a hard problem. Although there has been significan

    Techniques for Detection, Root Cause Diagnosis, and Classification of In-Production Concurrency Bugs

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    Concurrency bugs are at the heart of some of the worst bugs that plague software. Concurrency bugs slow down software development because it can take weeks or even months before developers can identify and fix them. In-production detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs is challenging. This is because these activities require heavyweight analyses such as exploring program paths and determining failing program inputs and schedules, all of which are not suited for software running in production. This dissertation develops practical techniques for the detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs for inproduction software. Furthermore, we develop ways for developers to better reason about concurrent programs. This dissertation builds upon the following principles: — The approach in this dissertation spans multiple layers of the system stack, because concurrency spans many layers of the system stack. — It performs most of the heavyweight analyses in-house and resorts to minimal in-production analysis in order to move the heavy lifting to where it is least disruptive. — It eschews custom hardware solutions that may be infeasible to implement in the real world. Relying on the aforementioned principles, this dissertation introduces: 1. Techniques to automatically detect concurrency bugs (data races and atomicity violations) in-production by combining in-house static analysis and in-production dynamic analysis. 2. A technique to automatically identify the root causes of in-production failures, with a particular emphasis on failures caused by concurrency bugs. 3. A technique that given a data race, automatically classifies it based on its potential consequence, allowing developers to answer questions such as “can the data race cause a crash or a hang?”, or “does the data race have any observable effect?”. We build a toolchain that implements all the aforementioned techniques. We show that the tools we develop in this dissertation are effective, incur low runtime performance overhead, and have high accuracy and precision