3 research outputs found

    On realistic target coverage by autonomous drones

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    Low-cost mini-drones with advanced sensing and maneuverability enable a new class of intelligent sensing systems. To achieve the full potential of such drones, it is necessary to develop new enhanced formulations of both common and emerging sensing scenarios. Namely, several fundamental challenges in visual sensing are yet to be solved including (1) fitting sizable targets in camera frames; (2) positioning cameras at effective viewpoints matching target poses; and (3) accounting for occlusion by elements in the environment, including other targets. In this article, we introduce Argus, an autonomous system that utilizes drones to collect target information incrementally through a two-tier architecture. To tackle the stated challenges, Argus employs a novel geometric model that captures both target shapes and coverage constraints. Recognizing drones as the scarcest resource, Argus aims to minimize the number of drones required to cover a set of targets. We prove this problem is NP-hard, and even hard to approximate, before deriving a best-possible approximation algorithm along with a competitive sampling heuristic which runs up to 100× faster according to large-scale simulations. To test Argus in action, we demonstrate and analyze its performance on a prototype implementation. Finally, we present a number of extensions to accommodate more application requirements and highlight some open problems

    Information-theoretic Reasoning in Distributed and Autonomous Systems

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    The increasing prevalence of distributed and autonomous systems is transforming decision making in industries as diverse as agriculture, environmental monitoring, and healthcare. Despite significant efforts, challenges remain in robustly planning under uncertainty. In this thesis, we present a number of information-theoretic decision rules for improving the analysis and control of complex adaptive systems. We begin with the problem of quantifying the data storage (memory) and transfer (communication) within information processing systems. We develop an information-theoretic framework to study nonlinear interactions within cooperative and adversarial scenarios, solely from observations of each agent's dynamics. This framework is applied to simulations of robotic soccer games, where the measures reveal insights into team performance, including correlations of the information dynamics to the scoreline. We then study the communication between processes with latent nonlinear dynamics that are observed only through a filter. By using methods from differential topology, we show that the information-theoretic measures commonly used to infer communication in observed systems can also be used in certain partially observed systems. For robotic environmental monitoring, the quality of data depends on the placement of sensors. These locations can be improved by either better estimating the quality of future viewpoints or by a team of robots operating concurrently. By robustly handling the uncertainty of sensor model measurements, we are able to present the first end-to-end robotic system for autonomously tracking small dynamic animals, with a performance comparable to human trackers. We then solve the issue of coordinating multi-robot systems through distributed optimisation techniques. These allow us to develop non-myopic robot trajectories for these tasks and, importantly, show that these algorithms provide guarantees for convergence rates to the optimal payoff sequence

    Planning Algorithms for Multi-Robot Active Perception

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    A fundamental task of robotic systems is to use on-board sensors and perception algorithms to understand high-level semantic properties of an environment. These semantic properties may include a map of the environment, the presence of objects, or the parameters of a dynamic field. Observations are highly viewpoint dependent and, thus, the performance of perception algorithms can be improved by planning the motion of the robots to obtain high-value observations. This motivates the problem of active perception, where the goal is to plan the motion of robots to improve perception performance. This fundamental problem is central to many robotics applications, including environmental monitoring, planetary exploration, and precision agriculture. The core contribution of this thesis is a suite of planning algorithms for multi-robot active perception. These algorithms are designed to improve system-level performance on many fronts: online and anytime planning, addressing uncertainty, optimising over a long time horizon, decentralised coordination, robustness to unreliable communication, predicting plans of other agents, and exploiting characteristics of perception models. We first propose the decentralised Monte Carlo tree search algorithm as a generally-applicable, decentralised algorithm for multi-robot planning. We then present a self-organising map algorithm designed to find paths that maximally observe points of interest. Finally, we consider the problem of mission monitoring, where a team of robots monitor the progress of a robotic mission. A spatiotemporal optimal stopping algorithm is proposed and a generalisation for decentralised monitoring. Experimental results are presented for a range of scenarios, such as marine operations and object recognition. Our analytical and empirical results demonstrate theoretically-interesting and practically-relevant properties that support the use of the approaches in practice