69 research outputs found

    Dynamic Knobs for Responsive Power-Aware Computing

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    We present PowerDial, a system for dynamically adapting application behavior to execute successfully in the face of load and power fluctuations. PowerDial transforms static configuration parameters into dynamic knobs that the PowerDial control system can manipulate to dynamically trade off the accuracy of the computation in return for reductions in the computational resources that the application requires to produce its results. These reductions translate directly into performance improvements and power savings. Our experimental results show that PowerDial can enable our benchmark applications to execute responsively in the face of power caps that would otherwise significantly impair responsiveness. They also show that PowerDial can significantly reduce the number of machines required to service intermittent load spikes, enabling reductions in power and capital costs.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant Number 0937060)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant number FA8750-06-2-0189

    Machine Learning for Run-Time Energy Optimisation in Many-Core Systems

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    In recent years, the focus of computing has moved away from performance-centric serial computation to energy-efficient parallel computation. This necessitates run-time optimisation techniques to address the dynamic resource requirements of different applications on many-core architectures. In this paper, we report on intelligent run-time algorithms which have been experimentally validated for managing energy and application performance in many-core embedded system. The algorithms are underpinned by a cross-layer system approach where the hardware, system software and application layers work together to optimise the energy-performance trade-off. Algorithm development is motivated by the biological process of how a human brain (acting as an agent) interacts with the external environment (system) changing their respective states over time. This leads to a pay-off for the action taken, and the agent eventually learns to take the optimal/best decisions in future. In particular, our online approach uses a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm that suitably selects the appropriate voltage-frequency scaling based on workload prediction to meet the applications’ performance requirements and achieve energy savings of up to 16% in comparison to state-of-the-art-techniques, when tested on four ARM A15 cores of an ODROID-XU3 platform

    Warp: A Hardware Platform for Efficient Multi- Modal Sensing with Adaptive Approximation

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    We present Warp, the first open hardware platform designed explicitly to support research in approximate computing. Warp incorporates 21 sensors, computation, and circuit-level facilities designed explicitly to enable approximate computing research, in a 3.6 cm×3.3 cm×0.5 cm area. Warp uses these facilities to support a wide range of precision and accuracy versus power and performance tradeoffs

    Intelligent Management of Mobile Systems through Computational Self-Awareness

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    Runtime resource management for many-core systems is increasingly complex. The complexity can be due to diverse workload characteristics with conflicting demands, or limited shared resources such as memory bandwidth and power. Resource management strategies for many-core systems must distribute shared resource(s) appropriately across workloads, while coordinating the high-level system goals at runtime in a scalable and robust manner. To address the complexity of dynamic resource management in many-core systems, state-of-the-art techniques that use heuristics have been proposed. These methods lack the formalism in providing robustness against unexpected runtime behavior. One of the common solutions for this problem is to deploy classical control approaches with bounds and formal guarantees. Traditional control theoretic methods lack the ability to adapt to (1) changing goals at runtime (i.e., self-adaptivity), and (2) changing dynamics of the modeled system (i.e., self-optimization). In this chapter, we explore adaptive resource management techniques that provide self-optimization and self-adaptivity by employing principles of computational self-awareness, specifically reflection. By supporting these self-awareness properties, the system can reason about the actions it takes by considering the significance of competing objectives, user requirements, and operating conditions while executing unpredictable workloads

    Self-aware Computing in the Angstrom Processor

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    Addressing the challenges of extreme scale computing requires holistic design of new programming models and systems that support those models. This paper discusses the Angstrom processor, which is designed to support a new Self-aware Computing (SEEC) model. In SEEC, applications explicitly state goals, while other systems components provide actions that the SEEC runtime system can use to meet those goals. Angstrom supports this model by exposing sensors and adaptations that traditionally would be managed independently by hardware. This exposure allows SEEC to coordinate hardware actions with actions specified by other parts of the system, and allows the SEEC runtime system to meet application goals while reducing costs (e.g., power consumption).United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The Ubiquitous High Performance Computing Progra
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