7 research outputs found

    An Effective Dynamic Handoff Support for Mobile Media Network

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    Mobility is the most important feature of a wireless cellular communication system. Usually, continuous service is achieved by supporting handoff (or handover) from one cell to another. Handoff is the process of changing the channel associated with the current connection while a call is in progress. It is often initiated either by crossing a cell boundary or by deterioration in quality of the signal in the current channel. In this thesis, the different types of handoff controlled mechanisms are proposed and analyzed by passing the parameters offset address, Header information associated with the file, bit rate and bit resolution. The objective is to have an effective algorithm which provides a seamlessly migrate the session so that it stays close to the client, thus providing high quality video to the user. The implementation provides all the different types of hanoff techniques possible and a exclusive performance study has been done on all these techniques providing the benefit and the drawbacks of each approach

    An Effective Dynamic Handoff Support for Mobile Media Network

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    Mobility is the most important feature of a wireless cellular communication system. Usually, continuous service is achieved by supporting handoff (or handover) from one cell to another. Handoff is the process of changing the channel associated with the current connection while a call is in progress. It is often initiated either by crossing a cell boundary or by deterioration in quality of the signal in the current channel. In this thesis, the different types of handoff controlled mechanisms are proposed and analyzed by passing the parameters offset address, Header information associated with the file, bit rate and bit resolution. The objective is to have an effective algorithm which provides a seamlessly migrate the session so that it stays close to the client, thus providing high quality video to the user. The implementation provides all the different types of hanoff techniques possible and a exclusive performance study has been done on all these techniques providing the benefit and the drawbacks of each approach

    Scalable Multiple Description Coding and Distributed Video Streaming over 3G Mobile Networks

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    In this thesis, a novel Scalable Multiple Description Coding (SMDC) framework is proposed. To address the bandwidth fluctuation, packet loss and heterogeneity problems in the wireless networks and further enhance the error resilience tools in Moving Pictures Experts Group 4 (MPEG-4), the joint design of layered coding (LC) and multiple description coding (MDC) is explored. It leverages a proposed distributed multimedia delivery mobile network (D-MDMN) to provide path diversity to combat streaming video outage due to handoff in Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). The corresponding intra-RAN (Radio Access Network) handoff and inter-RAN handoff procedures in D-MDMN are studied in details, which employ the principle of video stream re-establishing to replace the principle of data forwarding in UMTS. Furthermore, a new IP (Internet Protocol) Differentiated Services (DiffServ) video marking algorithm is proposed to support the unequal error protection (UEP) of LC components of SMDC. Performance evaluation is carried through simulation using OPNET Modeler 9. 0. Simulation results show that the proposed handoff procedures in D-MDMN have better performance in terms of handoff latency, end-to-end delay and handoff scalability than that in UMTS. Performance evaluation of our proposed IP DiffServ video marking algorithm is also undertaken, which shows that it is more suitable for video streaming in IP mobile networks compared with the previously proposed DiffServ video marking algorithm (DVMA)

    Transport Layer Optimizations for Heterogeneous Wireless Multimedia Networks

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    The explosive growth of the Internet during the last few years, has been propelled by the TCP/IP protocol suite and the best effort packet forwarding service. However, quality of service (QoS) is far from being a reality especially for multimedia services like video streaming and video conferencing. In the case of wireless and mobile networks, the problem becomes even worse due to the physics of the medium, resulting into further deterioration of the system performance. Goal of this dissertation is the systematic development of comprehensive models that jointly characterize the performance of transport protocols and media delivery in heterogeneous wireless networks. At the core of our novel methodology, is the use of analytical models for driving the design of media transport algorithms, so that the delivery of conversational and non-interactive multimedia data is enhanced in terms of throughput, delay, and jitter. More speciffically, we develop analytical models that characterize the throughput and goodput of the transmission control protocol (TCP) and the transmission friendly rate control (TFRC) protocol, when CBR and VBR multimedia workloads are considered. Subsequently, we enhance the transport protocol models with new parameters that capture the playback buffer performance and the expected video distortion at the receiver. In this way a complete end-to-end model for media streaming is obtained. This model is used as a basis for a new algorithm for rate-distortion optimized mode selection in video streaming appli- cations. As a next step, we extend the developed models for the aforementioned protocols, so that heterogeneous wireless networks can be accommodated. Subsequently, new algorithms are proposed in order to enhance the developed media streaming algorithms when heterogeneous wireless networks are also included. Finally, the aforementioned models and algorithms are extended for the case of concurrent multipath media transport over several hybrid wired/wireless links.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Vijay Madisetti; Committee Member: Raghupathy Sivakumar; Committee Member: Sudhakar Yalamanchili; Committee Member: Umakishore Ramachandran; Committee Member: Yucel Altunbasa

    Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware, Services, and Applications

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    Today, there is a strong trend towards networked multimedia devices. However, common multimedia software architectures are restricted to perform all processing on a single system. Available software infrastructures for distributed computing — commonly referred to as middleware — only partly provide the facilities needed for supporting multimedia in distributed and dynamic environments. Approaches from the research community only focus on specific aspects and do not achieve the coverage needed for a full-featured multimedia middleware solution. The Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware (NMM) presented in this thesis considers the network as an integral part. Despite the inherent heterogeneity of present networking and device technologies, the architecture allows to extend control and cooperation to the network and enables the development of distributed multimedia applications that transparently use local and remote components in combination. The base architecture of this middleware is augmented by several middleware services that especially aim at providing additional support for developing complex applications that involve mobile users and devices. To this end, previously not available services and corresponding abstractions are proposed, realized, and evaluated. The performance and applicability of the developed middleware and its additional services are demonstrated by describing different realized application scenarios.Eine wachsende Anzahl von Multimedia-Geraeten verfuegt heute bereits ueber Netzwerkschnittstellen. Verfueugbare Multimedia Software-Architekturen beschraeanken jedoch die gesamte Datenverarbeitung auf ein einzelnes System. Verbreitete Software-Infrastrukturen fuer Verteilte Systeme — ueblicherweise Middleware genannt — bieten nur teilweise die Eigenschaften, die fuer die Multimedia-Datenverarbeitung in vernetzten und dynamischen Umgebungen benoetigt werden. Ansaetze aus der Forschung behandeln nur spezielle Teilaspekte und erreichen deshalb nicht den Funktionsumfang einer vollwertigen Middleware fuer Multimedia. Die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Netzwerk-Integrierte Multimedia Middleware (NMM) betrachtet das Netzwerk als integralen Bestandteil. Die Architektur erlaubt trotz der inhaerenten Heterogenitaet der vorhandenen Netzwerk- und Geraetetechnologie die Kontrolle und das Zusammenspiel von Systemen auf das Netzwerk auszuweiten. Dies ermoeglicht die Entwicklung verteilter Multimedia-Anwendungen, die transparent lokale und entfernte Komponenten zusammen einsetzen. Die Kernarchitektur dieser Middleware wird durch verschiedene Dienste erweitert, die speziell die Realisierung komplexer Anwendungsszenarien mitmobilen Geraeten und Benutzern unterstuetzt. Insbesondere werden neue, bisher nicht vorhandene Middleware-Dienste und zugehoerige Abstraktionen vorgeschlagen, realisiert und evaluiert. Anhand verschiedener Anwendungsszenarien wird die Leistungfaehigkeit, die Effizienz und die praktische Relevanz der entwickelten Middleware und der ergaenzenden Dienste demonstriert

    Dynamic Handoff of Multimedia Streams

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    Abstract — Multimedia applications can perform a handoff to switch from an old, low performance connection to a new one. During such a handoff, the player should be fed with a constant data stream. This paper investigates two important factors that influence the application-perceived quality: the correct setup of the new connection, i.e. the first packet to be sent, and how long the old connection is allowed to send after the handoff initiation. Four methods for the first problem are developed and evaluated with an MPEG application. I