11,867 research outputs found

    Estimating Time-Varying Effective Connectivity in High-Dimensional fMRI Data Using Regime-Switching Factor Models

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    Recent studies on analyzing dynamic brain connectivity rely on sliding-window analysis or time-varying coefficient models which are unable to capture both smooth and abrupt changes simultaneously. Emerging evidence suggests state-related changes in brain connectivity where dependence structure alternates between a finite number of latent states or regimes. Another challenge is inference of full-brain networks with large number of nodes. We employ a Markov-switching dynamic factor model in which the state-driven time-varying connectivity regimes of high-dimensional fMRI data are characterized by lower-dimensional common latent factors, following a regime-switching process. It enables a reliable, data-adaptive estimation of change-points of connectivity regimes and the massive dependencies associated with each regime. We consider the switching VAR to quantity the dynamic effective connectivity. We propose a three-step estimation procedure: (1) extracting the factors using principal component analysis (PCA) and (2) identifying dynamic connectivity states using the factor-based switching vector autoregressive (VAR) models in a state-space formulation using Kalman filter and expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, and (3) constructing the high-dimensional connectivity metrics for each state based on subspace estimates. Simulation results show that our proposed estimator outperforms the K-means clustering of time-windowed coefficients, providing more accurate estimation of regime dynamics and connectivity metrics in high-dimensional settings. Applications to analyzing resting-state fMRI data identify dynamic changes in brain states during rest, and reveal distinct directed connectivity patterns and modular organization in resting-state networks across different states.Comment: 21 page

    Dynamic effective connectivity in resting state fMRI

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    Context-sensitive and activity-dependent fluctuations in connectivity underlie functional integration in the brain and have been studied widely in terms of synaptic plasticity, learning and condition-specific (e.g., attentional) modulations of synaptic efficacy. This dynamic aspect of brain connectivity has recently attracted a lot of attention in the resting state fMRI community. To explain dynamic functional connectivity in terms of directed effective connectivity among brain regions, we introduce a novel method to identify dynamic effective connectivity using spectral dynamic causal modelling (spDCM). We used parametric empirical Bayes (PEB) to model fluctuations in directed coupling over consecutive windows of resting state fMRI time series. Hierarchical PEB can model random effects on connectivity parameters at the second (between-window) level given connectivity estimates from the first (within-window) level. In this work, we used a discrete cosine transform basis set or eigenvariates (i.e., expression of principal components) to model fluctuations in effective connectivity over windows. We evaluated the ensuing dynamic effective connectivity in terms of the consistency of baseline connectivity within default mode network (DMN), using the resting state fMRI from Human Connectome Project (HCP). To model group-level baseline and dynamic effective connectivity for DMN, we extended the PEB approach by conducting a multilevel PEB analysis of between-session and between-subject group effects. Model comparison clearly spoke to dynamic fluctuations in effective connectivity - and the dynamic functional connectivity these changes explain. Furthermore, baseline effective connectivity was consistent across independent sessions - and notably more consistent than estimates based upon conventional models. This work illustrates the advantage of hierarchical modelling with spDCM, in characterizing the dynamics of effective connectivity.ope

    An information-theoretic analysis of resting-state versus task fMRI

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    Resting-state fMRI is an increasingly popular alternative to task-based fMRI. However, a formal quantification of the amount of information provided by resting-state fMRI as opposed to active task conditions about neural responses is lacking. We conducted a systematic comparison of the quality of inferences derived from a resting-state and a task fMRI paradigm by means of Bayesian Data Comparison. In this framework, data quality is formally quantified in information-theoretic terms as the precision and amount of information provided by the data on the parameters of interest. Parameters of effective connectivity, estimated from the cross-spectral densities of resting-state- and task time series by means of dynamic causal modelling (DCM), were subjected to the analysis. Data from 50 individuals undergoing resting-state and a Theory-of-Mind task were compared, both datasets provided by the Human Connectome Project. A threshold of very strong evidence was reached in favour of the Theory-of-Mind task (>10 bits or natural units) regarding information gain, which could be attributed to the active task condition eliciting stronger effective connectivity. Extending these analyses to other tasks and cognitive systems will reveal whether the superior informative value of task-based fMRI observed here is case specific or a more general trend

    The effect of global signal regression on DCM estimates of noise and effective connectivity from resting state fMRI

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    The influence of global BOLD fluctuations on resting state functional connectivity in fMRI data remains a topic of debate, with little consensus. In this study, we assessed the effects of global signal regression (GSR) on effective connectivity within and between resting state networks (RSNs) - as estimated with dynamic causal modelling (DCM) for resting state fMRI (rsfMRI). DCM incorporates a forward (generative) model that quantifies the contribution of different types of noise (including global measurement noise), effective connectivity, and (neuro)vascular processes to functional connectivity measurements. DCM analyses were applied to two different designs; namely, longitudinal and cross-sectional designs. In the modelling of longitudinal designs, we considered four extensive longitudinal resting state fMRI datasets with a total number of 20 subjects. In the analysis of cross-sectional designs, we used rsfMRI data from 361 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. We hypothesized that (1) GSR would have no discernible impact on effective connectivity estimated with DCM, and (2) GSR would be reflected in the parameters representing global measurement noise. Additionally, we performed comparative analyses of information gain with and without GSR. Our results showed negligible to small effects of GSR on effective connectivity within small (separately estimated) RSNs. However, although the effect sizes were small, there was substantial to conclusive evidence for an effect of GSR on connectivity parameters. For between-network connectivity, we found two important effects: the effect of GSR on between-network effective connectivity (averaged over all connections) was negligible to small, while the effect of GSR on individual connections was non-negligible. In the cross-sectional (but not in the longitudinal) data, some connections showed substantial to conclusive evidence for an effect of GSR. Contrary to our expectations, we found either no effect (in the longitudinal designs) or a non-specific (cross-sectional design) effect of GSR on parameters characterising (global) measurement noise. Data without GSR were found to be more informative than data with GSR; however, in small resting state networks the precision of posterior estimates was greater after GSR. In conclusion, GSR is a minor concern in DCM studies; however, quantitative interpretation of between-network connections (as opposed to average between-network connectivity) and noise parameters should be treated with some caution. The Kullback-Leibler divergence of the posterior from the prior (i.e., information gain) - together with the precision of posterior estimates - might offer a useful measure to assess the appropriateness of GSR in resting state fMRI

    Variability and reliability of effective connectivity within the core default mode network : a multi-site longitudinal spectral DCM study

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    Dynamic causal modelling (DCM) for resting state fMRI - namely spectral DCM - is a recently developed and widely adopted method for inferring effective connectivity in intrinsic brain networks. Most applications of spectral DCM have focused on group-averaged connectivity within large-scale intrinsic brain networks; however, the consistency of subject- and session-specific estimates of effective connectivity has not been evaluated. Establishing reliability (within subjects) is crucial for its clinical use; e.g., as a neurophysiological phenotype of disease progression. Effective connectivity during rest is likely to vary due to changes in cognitive, and physiological states. Quantifying these variations may help understand functional brain architectures - and inform clinical applications. In the present study, we investigated the consistency of effective connectivity within and between subjects, as well as potential sources of variability (e.g., hemispheric asymmetry). We also addressed the effects on consistency of standard data processing procedures. DCM analyses were applied to four longitudinal resting state fMRI datasets. Our sample comprised 17 subjects with 589 resting state fMRI sessions in total. These data allowed us to quantify the robustness of connectivity estimates for each subject, and to generalise our conclusions beyond specific data features. We found that subjects showed systematic and reliable patterns of hemispheric asymmetry. When asymmetry was taken into account, subjects showed very similar connectivity patterns. We also found that various processing procedures (e.g. global signal regression and ROI size) had little effect on inference and the reliability of connectivity estimates for the majority of subjects. Finally, Bayesian model reduction significantly increased the consistency of connectivity patterns

    Hierarchical dynamic causal modeling of resting-state fMRI reveals longitudinal changes in effective connectivity in the motor system after thalamotomy for essential tremor

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    Thalamotomy at the ventralis intermedius nucleus for essential tremor is known to cause changes in motor circuitry, but how a focal lesion leads to progressive changes in connectivity is not clear. To understand the mechanisms by which thalamotomy exerts enduring effects on motor circuitry, a quantitative analysis of directed or effective connectivity among motor-related areas is required. We characterized changes in effective connectivity of the motor system following thalamotomy using (spectral) dynamic causal modeling (spDCM) for resting-state fMRI. To differentiate long-lasting treatment effects from transient effects, and to identify symptom-related changes in effective connectivity, we subject longitudinal resting-state fMRI data to spDCM, acquired 1 day prior to, and 1 day, 7 days, and 3 months after thalamotomy using a non-cranium-opening MRI-guided focused ultrasound ablation technique. For the group-level (between subject) analysis of longitudinal (between-session) effects, we introduce a multilevel parametric empirical Bayes (PEB) analysis for spDCM. We found remarkably selective and consistent changes in effective connectivity from the ventrolateral nuclei and the supplementary motor area to the contralateral dentate nucleus after thalamotomy, which may be mediated via a polysynaptic thalamic-cortical-cerebellar motor loop. Crucially, changes in effective connectivity predicted changes in clinical motor-symptom scores after thalamotomy. This study speaks to the efficacy of thalamotomy in regulating the dentate nucleus in the context of treating essential tremor. Furthermore, it illustrates the utility of PEB for group-level analysis of dynamic causal modeling in quantifying longitudinal changes in effective connectivity; i.e., measuring long-term plasticity in human subjects non-invasively

    Frontal-to-Parietal Top-Down Causal Streams along the Dorsal Attention Network Exclusively Mediate Voluntary Orienting of Attention

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    Previous effective connectivity analyses of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have revealed dynamic causal streams along the dorsal attention network (DAN) during voluntary attentional control in the human brain. During resting state, however, fMRI has shown that the DAN is also intrinsically configured by functional connectivity, even in the absence of explicit task demands, and that may conflict with effective connectivity studies. To resolve this contradiction, we performed an effective connectivity analysis based on partial Granger causality (pGC) on event-related fMRI data during Posner's cueing paradigm while optimizing experimental and imaging parameters for pGC analysis. Analysis by pGC can factor out exogenous or latent influences due to unmeasured variables. Typical regions along the DAN with greater activation during orienting than withholding of attention were selected as regions of interest (ROIs). pGC analysis on fMRI data from the ROIs showed that frontal-to-parietal top-down causal streams along the DAN appeared during (voluntary) orienting, but not during other, less-attentive and/or resting-like conditions. These results demonstrate that these causal streams along the DAN exclusively mediate voluntary covert orienting. These findings suggest that neural representations of attention in frontal regions are at the top of the hierarchy of the DAN for embodying voluntary attentional control

    Variability and reliability of effective connectivity within the core default mode network: A multi-site longitudinal spectral DCM study

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    Dynamic causal modelling (DCM) for resting state fMRI - namely spectral DCM - is a recently developed and widely adopted method for inferring effective connectivity in intrinsic brain networks. Most applications of spectral DCM have focused on group-averaged connectivity within large-scale intrinsic brain networks; however, the consistency of subject- and session-specific estimates of effective connectivity has not been evaluated. Establishing reliability (within subjects) is crucial for its clinical use; e.g., as a neurophysiological phenotype of disease progression. Effective connectivity during rest is likely to vary due to changes in cognitive, and physiological states. Quantifying these variations may help understand functional brain architectures - and inform clinical applications. In the present study, we investigated the consistency of effective connectivity within and between subjects, as well as potential sources of variability (e.g., hemispheric asymmetry). We also addressed the effects on consistency of standard data processing procedures. DCM analyses were applied to four longitudinal resting state fMRI datasets. Our sample comprised 17 subjects with 589 resting state fMRI sessions in total. These data allowed us to quantify the robustness of connectivity estimates for each subject, and to generalise our conclusions beyond specific data features. We found that subjects showed systematic and reliable patterns of hemispheric asymmetry. When asymmetry was taken into account, subjects showed very similar connectivity patterns. We also found that various processing procedures (e.g. global signal regression and ROI size) had little effect on inference and the reliability of connectivity estimates for the majority of subjects. Finally, Bayesian model reduction significantly increased the consistency of connectivity patterns

    Estimating effective connectivity in linear brain network models

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    Contemporary neuroscience has embraced network science to study the complex and self-organized structure of the human brain; one of the main outstanding issues is that of inferring from measure data, chiefly functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), the so-called effective connectivity in brain networks, that is the existing interactions among neuronal populations. This inverse problem is complicated by the fact that the BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) signal measured by fMRI represent a dynamic and nonlinear transformation (the hemodynamic response) of neuronal activity. In this paper, we consider resting state (rs) fMRI data; building upon a linear population model of the BOLD signal and a stochastic linear DCM model, the model parameters are estimated through an EM-type iterative procedure, which alternately estimates the neuronal activity by means of the Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoother, updates the connections among neuronal states and refines the parameters of the hemodynamic model; sparsity in the interconnection structure is favoured using an iteratively reweighting scheme. Experimental results using rs-fMRI data are shown demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach and comparison with state of the art routines (SPM12 toolbox) is provided