6 research outputs found

    A Graph based approach for Co-scheduling jobs on Multi-core computers

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    In a multicore processor system, running multiple applications on different cores in the same chip could cause resource contention, which leads to performance degradation. Recent studies have shown that job co-scheduling can effectively reduce the contention. However, most existing co-schedulers do not aim to find the optimal co-scheduling solution. It is very useful to know the optimal co-scheduling performance so that the system and scheduler designers can know how much room there is for further performance improvement. Moreover, most co-schedulers only consider serial jobs, and do not take parallel jobs into account. This paper aims to tackle the above issues. In this paper, we first present a new approach to modelling the problem of co-scheduling both parallel and serial jobs. Further, a method is developed to find the optimal co-scheduling solutions. The simulation results show that compare to the method that only considers serial jobs, our developed method to co-schedule parallel jobs can improve the performance by 31% on average

    Developing graph-based co-scheduling algorithms on multicore computers

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    It is common that multiple cores reside on the same chip and share the on-chip cache. As a result, resource sharing can cause performance degradation of co-running jobs.Job co-scheduling is a technique that can effectively alleviate this contention and many co-schedulers have been reported in related literature. Most solutions however do not aim to find the optimal co-scheduling solution. Being able to determine the optimal solution is critical for evaluating co-scheduling systems. Moreover, most co-schedulers only consider serial jobs, and there often exist both parallel and serial jobs in real-world systems. In this paper a graph-based method is developed to find the optimal co-scheduling solution for serial jobs; the method is then extended to incorporate parallel jobs, including multi-process, and multithreaded parallel jobs. A number of optimization measures are also developed to accelerate the solving process. Moreover, a flexible approximation technique is proposed to strike a balance between the solving speed and the solution quality. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed co-scheduling algorithms. The results show that the proposed algorithms can find the optimal co-scheduling solution for both serial and parallel jobs. The proposed approximation technique is also shown to be flexible in the sense that we can control the solving speed by setting the requirement for the solution quality

    Using differential execution analysis to identify thread interference

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    International audienceUnderstanding the performance of a multi-threaded application is difficult. The threads interfere when they access the same shared resource, which slows down their execution. Unfortunately, current profiling tools report the hardware components or the synchronization primitives that saturate, but they cannot tell if the saturation is the cause of a performance bottleneck. In this paper, we propose a holistic metric able to pinpoint the blocks of code that suffer interference the most, regardless of the interference cause. Our metric uses performance variation as a universal indicator of interference problems. With an evaluation of 27 applications we show that our metric can identify interference problems caused by 6 different kinds of interference in 9 applications. We are able to easily remove 7 of the bottlenecks, which leads to a performance improvement of up to 9 time

    Developing Graph-Based Co-Scheduling Algorithms on Multicore Computers

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    Modeling Data Center Co-Tenancy Performance Interference

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    A multi-core machine allows executing several applications simultaneously. Those jobs are scheduled on different cores and compete for shared resources such as the last level cache and memory bandwidth. Such competitions might cause performance degradation. Data centers often utilize virtualization to provide a certain level of performance isolation. However, some of the shared resources cannot be divided, even in a virtualized system, to ensure complete isolation. If the performance degradation of co-tenancy is not known to the cloud administrator, a data center often has to dedicate a whole machine for a latency-sensitive application to guarantee its quality of service. Co-run scheduling attempts to make good utilization of resources by scheduling compatible jobs into one machine while maintaining their service level agreements. An ideal co-run scheduling scheme requires accurate contention modeling. Recent studies for co-run modeling and scheduling have made steady progress to predict performance for two co-run applications sharing a specific system. This thesis advances co-tenancy modeling in three aspects. First, with an accurate co-run modeling for one system at hand, we propose a regression model to transfer the knowledge and create a model for a new system with different hardware configuration. Second, by examining those programs that yield high prediction errors, we further leverage clustering techniques to create a model for each group of applications that show similar behavior. Clustering helps improve the prediction accuracy of those pathological cases. Third, existing research is typically focused on modeling two application co-run cases. We extend a two-core model to a three- and four-core model by introducing a light-weight micro-kernel that emulates a complicated benchmark through program instrumentation. Our experimental evaluation shows that our cross-architecture model achieves an average prediction error less than 2% for pairwise co-runs across the SPECCPU2006 benchmark suite. For more than two application co-tenancy modeling, we show that our model is more scalable and can achieve an average prediction error of 2-3%

    Dynamic cache contention detection in multi-threaded applications

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    10.1145/2007477.1952688ACM SIGPLAN Notices46727-3