44 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy for the Crossover Operator for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms: An Experimental Study

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    The main real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) research effort has been spent on developing efficient crossover operators. This study presents a taxonomy for this operator that groups its instances in different categories according to the way they generate the genes of the offspring from the genes of the parents. The empirical study of representative crossovers of all the categories reveals concrete features that allow the crossover operator to have a positive influence on RCGA performance. They may be useful to design more effective crossover models

    NMPC and genetic algorithm based approach for trajectory tracking and collision avoidance of UAVs

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    Research on unmanned aircraft is improving constantly the autonomous flight capabilities of these vehicles in order to provide performance needed to employ them in even more complex tasks. UAV Path Planning (PP) system plans the best path to per- form the mission and then it uploads this path on the Flight Management System (FMS) providing reference to the aircraft navigation. Tracking the path is the way to link kine- matic references related to the desired aircraft positions with its dynamic behaviours, to generate the right command sequence. This paper presents a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) system that tracks the reference path provided by PP and exploits a spherical camera model to avoid unpredicted obstacles along the path. The control sys- tem solves on-line (i.e., at each sampling time) a finite horizon (state horizon) open loop optimal control problem with a Genetic Algorithm. This algorithm finds the command sequence that minimises the tracking error with respect to the reference path, driving the aircraft far from sensed obstacles and towards the desired trajectory

    A proposal on reasoning methods in fuzzy rule-based classification systems

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    Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems have been succesfully applied to pattern classification problems. In this type of classification systems, the classical Fuzzy Reasoning Method (FRM) classifies a new example with the consequent of the rule with the greatest degree of association. By using this reasoning method, we lose the information provided by the other rules with different linguistic labels which also represent this value in the pattern attribute, although probably to a lesser degree. The aim of this paper is to present new FRMs which allow us to improve the system performance, maintaining its interpretability. The common aspect of the proposals is the participation, in the classification of the new pattern, of the rules that have been fired by such pattern. We formally describe the behaviour of a general reasoning method, analyze six proposals for this general model, and present a method to learn the parameters of these FRMs by means of Genetic Algorithms, adapting the inference mechanism to the set of rules. Finally, to show the increase of the system generalization capability provided by the proposed FRMs, we point out some results obtained by their integration in a fuzzy rule generation process.CICYT TIC96-077

    A proposal on reasoning methods in fuzzy rule-based classification systems

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    AbstractFuzzy Rule-Based Systems have been succesfully applied to pattern classification problems. In this type of classification systems, the classical Fuzzy Reasoning Method (FRM) classifies a new example with the consequent of the rule with the greatest degree of association. By using this reasoning method, we lose the information provided by the other rules with different linguistic labels which also represent this value in the pattern attribute, although probably to a lesser degree. The aim of this paper is to present new FRMs which allow us to improve the system performance, maintaining its interpretability. The common aspect of the proposals is the participation, in the classification of the new pattern, of the rules that have been fired by such pattern. We formally describe the behaviour of a general reasoning method, analyze six proposals for this general model, and present a method to learn the parameters of these FRMs by means of Genetic Algorithms, adapting the inference mechanism to the set of rules. Finally, to show the increase of the system generalization capability provided by the proposed FRMs, we point out some results obtained by their integration in a fuzzy rule generation process

    Explainable Strategic Optimisation of Grand Scale Problems

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    Explainable Strategic Optimisation of grand scale problems aims to identify solutions that provide long term planning advantages to problems that cannot undergo traditional optimisation techniques due to their level of complexity. Usually, optimisation tasks focus on improving a limited number of objectives in the pursuit of obviously immediate target. However, this methodology, when applied to grand scale problems is found to be insufficient; a major reason for this is the inherent complexities typical of problems such as utility optimisation and massive logistical operations. One approach to these problems is Generational Expansion Planning that typically addresses long-term planning of country/county-wide utility problems. This thesis draws influence from the Generational Expansion Planning field; a significant field in relation to this work as it typically focuses on large scale optimisation problems. Problems such as the improvement and maintenance of national utility operations. However, this thesis takes a novel approach that places empathises on an abstract strategic planning method that concerns itself with the extraction of design insights that can guide an experts understanding of an unrelentingly complex problem. The proposed system was developed with data from British Telecom (BT) and was developed within their organisation in which its deployment is being planned. The techniques behind the proposed systems presented in this thesis are shown to improve the popular many-objective Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II in a series of experiments in which the improved Type-2 dominance method outperformed the traditional dominance method by 59%. Several component parts are brought together within this thesis so that the unique optimisation of varied regions that exist inside the United Kingdom’s Access Network can be explored. The proposed system places great import on the interpretability of the system and the solutions that it produces. As such, an Explainable Artificial Intelligent (XAI) system has been implemented in the hope that with greater interpretability, AI systems will be able to provide solutions with greater context, nuance, and confidence, particularly when the decision of an AI model has a direct impact on a person or business. This thesis will explore the related material and will explore the proposed framework; which brings together a multitude of technologies, such as, novel fuzzy many-objective optimisation, fuzzy explainable artificial intelligence, and strategic analysis. These technologies have been approached and combined in order to develop a novel system capable of dealing with complex grand scale problems, which traditionally are tackled as piecemeal optimisation problems. The proposed systems were shown to improve the optimisation of focused scenarios; in these experiments the proposed system was able to provide solutions for the optimisation of telecommunication networks that outperformed the current methodology for the planning/upgrading of the access network. The proposed systems were tested on rural, mixed, and urban regions of a simulated United Kingdom; it was observed that when the proposed systems were used the network solutions produced were 51.99% cheaper for rural regions, in which a combination of technologies were used as opposed to only FTTP. It was also observed that solutions produced by the proposed system in mixed regions were 54.16% cheaper while still providing the customer broadband requirements. These results identify how an expansive system such as the novel system proposed in this thesis is able to provide sound business solutions to complex real-world problems that consists of an ever growing number of variables, constraints, and objectives. Additionally, the proposed systems are capable of producing greater understanding of design principles/choices in network solutions, which in turn provides BT and users with a greater level of trust in the solutions and the system. This is a major obstacle that must be overcome when the problem domain that is being considered is incredible vast, uncertain, and extremely vital to the success of a company. The results of this thesis identify how the proposed systems can be developed and implemented to provide an insight into the planning and execution of an access network not required for decades to come. This is a significant change from the current reactive approach to a proactive approach that provides insight into the ever changing variables and needs of the network. The proposed systems are able to instil the confidence that allow a more thoughtful approach to be taken that is beneficial to both company and customer

    Simultaneous Plant/Controller Optimization of Traction Control for Electric Vehicle

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    Development of electric vehicles is motivated by global concerns over the need for environmental protection. In addition to its zero-emission characteristics, an electric propulsion system enables high performance torque control that may be used to maximize vehicle performance obtained from energy-efficient, low rolling resistance tires typically associated with degraded road-holding ability. A simultaneous plant/controller optimization is performed on an electric vehicle traction control system with respect to conflicting energy use and performance objectives. Due to system nonlinearities, an iterative simulation-based optimization approach is proposed using a system model and a genetic algorithm (GA) to guide search space exploration. The system model consists of: a drive cycle with a constant driver torque request and a step change in coefficient of friction, a single-wheel longitudinal vehicle model, a tire model described using the Magic Formula and a constant rolling resistance, and an adhesion gradient fuzzy logic traction controller. Optimization is defined in terms of the all at once variable selection of: either a performance oriented or low rolling resistance tire, the shape of a fuzzy logic controller membership function, and a set of fuzzy logic controller rule base conclusions. A mixed encoding, multi-chromosomal GA is implemented to represent the variables, respectively, as a binary string, a real-valued number, and a novel rule base encoding based on the definition of a partially ordered set (poset) by delta inclusion. Simultaneous optimization results indicate that, under straight-line acceleration and unless energy concerns are completely neglected, low rolling resistance tires should be incorporated in a traction control system design since the energy saving benefits outweigh the associated degradation in road-holding ability. The results also indicate that the proposed novel encoding enables the efficient representation of a fix-sized fuzzy logic rule base within a GA

    Temporal Information in Data Science: An Integrated Framework and its Applications

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    Data science is a well-known buzzword, that is in fact composed of two distinct keywords, i.e., data and science. Data itself is of great importance: each analysis task begins from a set of examples. Based on such a consideration, the present work starts with the analysis of a real case scenario, by considering the development of a data warehouse-based decision support system for an Italian contact center company. Then, relying on the information collected in the developed system, a set of machine learning-based analysis tasks have been developed to answer specific business questions, such as employee work anomaly detection and automatic call classification. Although such initial applications rely on already available algorithms, as we shall see, some clever analysis workflows had also to be developed. Afterwards, continuously driven by real data and real world applications, we turned ourselves to the question of how to handle temporal information within classical decision tree models. Our research brought us the development of J48SS, a decision tree induction algorithm based on Quinlan's C4.5 learner, which is capable of dealing with temporal (e.g., sequential and time series) as well as atemporal (such as numerical and categorical) data during the same execution cycle. The decision tree has been applied into some real world analysis tasks, proving its worthiness. A key characteristic of J48SS is its interpretability, an aspect that we specifically addressed through the study of an evolutionary-based decision tree pruning technique. Next, since a lot of work concerning the management of temporal information has already been done in automated reasoning and formal verification fields, a natural direction in which to proceed was that of investigating how such solutions may be combined with machine learning, following two main tracks. First, we show, through the development of an enriched decision tree capable of encoding temporal information by means of interval temporal logic formulas, how a machine learning algorithm can successfully exploit temporal logic to perform data analysis. Then, we focus on the opposite direction, i.e., that of employing machine learning techniques to generate temporal logic formulas, considering a natural language processing scenario. Finally, as a conclusive development, the architecture of a system is proposed, in which formal methods and machine learning techniques are seamlessly combined to perform anomaly detection and predictive maintenance tasks. Such an integration represents an original, thrilling research direction that may open up new ways of dealing with complex, real-world problems.Data science is a well-known buzzword, that is in fact composed of two distinct keywords, i.e., data and science. Data itself is of great importance: each analysis task begins from a set of examples. Based on such a consideration, the present work starts with the analysis of a real case scenario, by considering the development of a data warehouse-based decision support system for an Italian contact center company. Then, relying on the information collected in the developed system, a set of machine learning-based analysis tasks have been developed to answer specific business questions, such as employee work anomaly detection and automatic call classification. Although such initial applications rely on already available algorithms, as we shall see, some clever analysis workflows had also to be developed. Afterwards, continuously driven by real data and real world applications, we turned ourselves to the question of how to handle temporal information within classical decision tree models. Our research brought us the development of J48SS, a decision tree induction algorithm based on Quinlan's C4.5 learner, which is capable of dealing with temporal (e.g., sequential and time series) as well as atemporal (such as numerical and categorical) data during the same execution cycle. The decision tree has been applied into some real world analysis tasks, proving its worthiness. A key characteristic of J48SS is its interpretability, an aspect that we specifically addressed through the study of an evolutionary-based decision tree pruning technique. Next, since a lot of work concerning the management of temporal information has already been done in automated reasoning and formal verification fields, a natural direction in which to proceed was that of investigating how such solutions may be combined with machine learning, following two main tracks. First, we show, through the development of an enriched decision tree capable of encoding temporal information by means of interval temporal logic formulas, how a machine learning algorithm can successfully exploit temporal logic to perform data analysis. Then, we focus on the opposite direction, i.e., that of employing machine learning techniques to generate temporal logic formulas, considering a natural language processing scenario. Finally, as a conclusive development, the architecture of a system is proposed, in which formal methods and machine learning techniques are seamlessly combined to perform anomaly detection and predictive maintenance tasks. Such an integration represents an original, thrilling research direction that may open up new ways of dealing with complex, real-world problems