8 research outputs found

    Dynamic Web Services on a Home Service Platform

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    The Home Network is a pervasive environment by nature. Its openness to dynamic distributed and heterogeneous devices brings great challenges in home application design. We present here an open architecture for home service development. Distribution and heterogeneity are managed by service-oriented drivers leveraging the “service platform ” concept. Our project provides an open source driver combining Web Services and OSGi standards to compose home services. Performance test results illustrate the service-oriented design

    self-configuration of Home Absraction Layer via sensors and actuators network

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    2nd international joint conference on Ambient IntelligenceInternational audienceWe propose a mechanism and system for the identi cation, self-con guration, monitoring and control of non-networked home devices through a shared backplane of networked sensors and actuators. The resulting generic home abstraction layer interfaces to all kinds of physical entities of the home through a software proxy, as if they were state-of-the-art networked devices. The matching of the entities being discovered in the home/building environment to known semi-generic models is performed by iterative approximation. The architecture and OSGi-based implementation of this system is described. Examples are provided for typical home appliances and other subsystems of the home/building that may be dealt with in a similar way

    Risk driven Smart Home resource management using cloud services

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    In order to fully exploit the concept of Smart Home, challenges associated with multiple device management in consumer facing applications have to be addressed. Specific to this is the management of resource usage in the home via the improved utilization of devices, this is achieved by integration with the wider environment they operate in. The traditional model of the isolated device no longer applies, the future home will be connected with services provided by third parties ranging from supermarkets to domestic appliance manufacturers. In order to achieve this risk based integrated device management and contextualization is explored in this paper based on the cloud computing model. We produce an architecture and evaluate risk models to assist in this management of devices from a security, privacy and resource management perspective. We later propose an expansion on the risk based approach to wider data sharing between the home and external services using the key indicators of TREC (Trust, Risk, Eco-efficiency and Cost). The paper contributes to Smart Home research by defining how Cloud service management principles of risk and contextualization for virtual machines can produce solutions to emerging challenges facing a new generation of Smart Home devices

    A framework for safe composition of heterogeneous SOA services in a pervasive computing environment with resource constraints

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    The Service Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm, defines services as software artifacts whose implementations are separated from their specifications. Application developers rely on services to simplify the design, reduce the development time and cost. Within the SOC paradigm, different Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) have been developed. These different SOAs provide platform independence, programming-language independence, defined standards, and network support. Even when different SOAs follow the same SOC principles, in practice it is difficult to compose services from heterogeneous architectures. Automatic the process of composition of services from heterogeneous SOAs is not a trivial task. Current composition tools usually focus on a single SOA, while others do not provide mechanisms for ensuring safety of composite services and their interactions. Given that some services might perform critical operations or manage sensitive data, defining safety for services and checking for compliance is crucial. This work proposes and workflow specification language for composite services that is SOA-independent. It also presents a framework for automatic composition of services of heterogeneous SOAs, supporting web services (WS) and OSGi services as an example. It integrates formal software analysis methods to ensure the safety of composite services and their interactions. Experiments are conducted to study the performance of the composite service generated automatically by the framework with composite services using current composition methods. We use as an example a smart home composite service for the management of medicines, deployed in a regular and in a resource-constrained network environment

    Engineering framework for service-oriented automation systems

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Resource efficient processing and communication in sensor/actuator environments

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    The future of computer systems will not be dominated by personal computer like hardware platforms but by embedded and cyber-physical systems assisting humans in a hidden but omnipresent manner. These pervasive computing devices can, for example, be utilized in the home automation sector to create sensor/ actuator networks supporting the inhabitants of a house in everyday life. The efficient usage of resources is an important topic at design time and operation time of mobile embedded and cyber-physical systems. Therefore, this thesis presents methods which allow an efficient use of energy and processing resources in sensor/actuator networks. These networks comprise different nodes cooperating for a “smart” joint control function. Sensor/actuator nodes are typical cyber-physical systems comprising sensors/actuators and processing and communication components. Processing components of today’s sensor nodes can comprise many-core chips. This thesis introduces new methods for optimizing the code and the application mapping of the aforementioned systems and presents novel results with regard to design space explorations for energy-efficient and embedded many-core systems. The considered many-core systems are graphics processing units. The application code for these graphics processing units is optimized for a particular platform variant with the objectives of minimal energy consumption and/or of minimal runtime. These two objectives are targeted with the utilization of multi-objective optimization techniques. The mapping optimizations are realized by means of multi-objective design space explorations. Furthermore, this thesis introduces new techniques and functions for a resource-efficient middleware design employing service-oriented architectures. Therefore, a service-oriented architecture based middleware framework is presented which comprises a lightweight service orchestration. In addition to that, a flexible resource management mechanism will be introduced. This resource management adapts resource utilization and services to an environmental context and provides methods to reduce the energy consumption of sensor nodes

    Serviceorientierte Infrastrukturen für vernetzte Dienste und eingebettete Geräte

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    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit universell einsetzbarer, domänenübergreifender Integrationssoftware, um Geräte und Dienste unterschiedlicher Anwendungsgebiete miteinander zu vernetzen. Dabei wird insbesondere das Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) sowie der eigene Ansatz, die Web-oriented Device Architecture (WODA), beleuchtet. Für die Geräte- und Dienstnutzung wird die eigene Pipes-Plattform vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe Prozesse und Anwendungen grafisch modelliert werden können