360 research outputs found

    A Survey of Techniques For Improving Energy Efficiency in Embedded Computing Systems

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    Recent technological advances have greatly improved the performance and features of embedded systems. With the number of just mobile devices now reaching nearly equal to the population of earth, embedded systems have truly become ubiquitous. These trends, however, have also made the task of managing their power consumption extremely challenging. In recent years, several techniques have been proposed to address this issue. In this paper, we survey the techniques for managing power consumption of embedded systems. We discuss the need of power management and provide a classification of the techniques on several important parameters to highlight their similarities and differences. This paper is intended to help the researchers and application-developers in gaining insights into the working of power management techniques and designing even more efficient high-performance embedded systems of tomorrow

    Feedback scheduling of real-time control systems with resource constraints

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    This thesis observes the emerging trend of convergence of control with computing and communication. By exploiting control and scheduling codesign, we study some practical and open problems in RTCSs from a unique viewpoint of dynamic resource management. Considering constraints on three representative kinds of resources, i.e. CPU time, energy, and network bandwidth, we present a set of feedback scheduling methods that exploit a unified technological framework. They provide enabling technologies for closed-loop dynamic resource scheduling, and tackle some essential problems in the emerging field of feedback scheduling. Meanwhile, this thesis holistically addresses the problem of dynamic allocation of bottleneck resources within RTCSs, thus providing flexible QoC management mechanisms and achieving overall performance optimization under dynamic environmentsFacultad de Informátic

    An Energy-Efficient Semi-Partitioned Approach for Hard Real-Time Systems with Voltage and Frequency Islands

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    The shift from uniprocessor to multi-core architectures has made it difficult to design predictable hard real-time systems (HRTS) since guaranteeing deadlines while achieving high processor utilization remains a major challenge. In addition, due to increasing demands, energy efficiency has become an important design metric in HRTS. To obtain energy savings, most multi-core systems use dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) to reduce dynamic power consumption when the system is underloaded. However, in many multi-core systems, DVFS is implemented using voltage and frequency islands (VFI), implying that individual cores cannot independently select their voltage and frequency (v/f) pairs, thus resulting in less energy savings when existing energy-aware task assignment and scheduling techniques are used. In this thesis, we present an analysis of the increase in energy consumption in the presence of VFI. Further, we propose a semi-partitioned approach called EDF-hv to reduce the energy consumption of HRTS on multi-core systems with VFI. Simulation results revealed that when workload imbalance among the cores is sufficiently high, EDF-hv can reduce system energy consumption by 15.9% on average

    Design and Analysis of an Adaptive Asynchronous System Architecture for Energy Efficiency

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    Power has become a critical design parameter for digital CMOS integrated circuits. With performance still garnering much concern, a central idea has emerged: minimizing power consumption while maintaining performance. The use of dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) with parallelism has shown to be an effective way of saving power while maintaining performance. However, the potency of DVS and parallelism in traditional, clocked synchronous systems is limited because of the strict timing requirements such systems must comply with. Delay-insensitive (DI) asynchronous systems have the potential to benefit more from these techniques due to their flexible timing requirements and high modularity. This dissertation presents the design and analysis of a real-time adaptive DVS architecture for paralleled Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL) systems. Results show that energy-efficient systems with low area overhead can be created using this approach

    Feedback scheduling of real-time control systems with resource constraints

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    This thesis observes the emerging trend of convergence of control with computing and communication. By exploiting control and scheduling codesign, we study some practical and open problems in RTCSs from a unique viewpoint of dynamic resource management. Considering constraints on three representative kinds of resources, i.e. CPU time, energy, and network bandwidth, we present a set of feedback scheduling methods that exploit a unified technological framework. They provide enabling technologies for closed-loop dynamic resource scheduling, and tackle some essential problems in the emerging field of feedback scheduling. Meanwhile, this thesis holistically addresses the problem of dynamic allocation of bottleneck resources within RTCSs, thus providing flexible QoC management mechanisms and achieving overall performance optimization under dynamic environmentsFacultad de Informátic

    Software parametrization of feasible reconfigurable real-time systems under energy and dependency constraints

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    Enforcing temporal constraints is necessary to maintain the correctness of a realtime system. However, a real-time system may be enclosed by many factors and constraints that lead to different challenges to overcome. In other words, to achieve the real-time aspects, these systems face various challenges particularly in terms of architecture, reconfiguration property, energy consumption, and dependency constraints. Unfortunately, the characterization of real-time task deadlines is a relatively unexplored problem in the real-time community. Most of the literature seems to consider that the deadlines are somehow provided as hard assumptions, this can generate high costs relative to the development time if these deadlines are violated at runtime. In this context, the main aim of this thesis is to determine the effective temporal properties that will certainly be met at runtime under well-defined constraints. We went to overcome these challenges in a step-wise manner. Each time, we elected a well-defined subset of challenges to be solved. This thesis deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core and multi-core architectures. First, we propose a new scheduling strategy based on configuring feasible scheduling of software tasks of various types (periodic, sporadic, and aperiodic) and constraints (hard and soft) mono-core architecture. Then, the second contribution deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core under energy and resource sharing constraints. Finally, the main objective of the multi-core architecture is achieved in a third contribution.Das Erzwingen zeitlicher Beschränkungen ist notwendig,um die Korrektheit eines Echtzeitsystems aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein Echtzeitsystem kann jedoch von vielen Faktoren und Beschränkungen umgeben sein, die zu unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen führen, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Mit anderen Worten, um die zeitlichen Aspekte zu erreichen, können diese Systeme verschiedenen Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen, einschliesslich Architektur, Rekonfigurationseigenschaft, Energie und Abhängigkeitsbeschränkungen. Leider ist die Charakterisierung von Echtzeit-Aufgabenterminen ein relativ unerforschtes Problem in der Echtzeit-Community. Der grösste Teil der Literatur geht davon aus, dass die Fristen (Deadlines) irgendwie als harte Annahmen bereitgestellt werden, was im Verhältnis zur Entwicklungszeit hohe Kosten verursachen kann, wenn diese Fristen zur Laufzeit verletzt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit, die effektiven zeitlichen Eigenschaften zu bestimmen, die zur Laufzeit unter wohldefinierten Randbedingungen mit Sicherheit erfüllt werden. Wir haben diese Herausforderungen schrittweise gemeistert. Jedes Mal haben wir eine wohldefinierte Teilmenge von Herausforderungen ausgewählt, die es zu lösen gilt. Zunächst schlagen wir eine neue Scheduling-Strategie vor, die auf der Konfiguration eines durchführbaren Scheduling von Software-Tasks verschiedener Typen (periodisch, sporadisch und aperiodisch) und Beschränkungen (hart und weich) einer Mono-Core-Architektur basiert. Der zweite Beitrag befasst sich dann mit rekonfigurierbaren Echtzeitsystemen in Mono-Core unter Energie und Ressourcenteilungsbeschränkungen. Abschliessend wird in einem dritten Beitrag das Verfahren auf Multi-Core-Architekturen erweitert