389 research outputs found

    Dynamic cache reconfiguration based techniques for improving cache energy efficiency

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    Modern multicore processors are employing large last-level caches, for example Intel's E7-8800 processor uses 24MB L3 cache. Further, with each CMOS technology generation, leakage energy has been dramatically increasing and hence, leakage energy is expected to become a major source of energy dissipation, especially in last-level caches (LLCs). The conventional schemes of cache energy saving either aim at saving dynamic energy or are based on properties specific to first-level caches, and thus these schemes have limited utility for last-level caches. Further, several other techniques require offline profiling or per-application tuning and hence are not suitable for product systems. In this research, we propose novel cache leakage energy saving schemes for single-core and multicore systems; desktop, QoS, real-time and server systems. We propose software-controlled, hardware-assisted techniques which use dynamic cache reconfiguration to configure the cache to the most energy efficient configuration while keeping the performance loss bounded. To profile and test a large number of potential configurations, we utilize low-overhead, micro-architecture components, which can be easily integrated into modern processor chips. We adopt a system-wide approach to save energy to ensure that cache reconfiguration does not increase energy consumption of other components of the processor. We have compared our techniques with the state-of-art techniques and have found that our techniques outperform them in their energy efficiency. This research has important applications in improving energy-efficiency of higher-end embedded, desktop, server processors and multitasking systems. We have also proposed performance estimation approach for efficient design space exploration and have implemented time-sampling based simulation acceleration approach for full-system architectural simulators.Comment: PhD thesis, dynamic cache reconfiguratio

    RIM: Reconfigurable Instruction Memory Hierarchy for Embedded Systems

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    Virtual Runtime Application Partitions for Resource Management in Massively Parallel Architectures

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    This thesis presents a novel design paradigm, called Virtual Runtime Application Partitions (VRAP), to judiciously utilize the on-chip resources. As the dark silicon era approaches, where the power considerations will allow only a fraction chip to be powered on, judicious resource management will become a key consideration in future designs. Most of the works on resource management treat only the physical components (i.e. computation, communication, and memory blocks) as resources and manipulate the component to application mapping to optimize various parameters (e.g. energy efficiency). To further enhance the optimization potential, in addition to the physical resources we propose to manipulate abstract resources (i.e. voltage/frequency operating point, the fault-tolerance strength, the degree of parallelism, and the configuration architecture). The proposed framework (i.e. VRAP) encapsulates methods, algorithms, and hardware blocks to provide each application with the abstract resources tailored to its needs. To test the efficacy of this concept, we have developed three distinct self adaptive environments: (i) Private Operating Environment (POE), (ii) Private Reliability Environment (PRE), and (iii) Private Configuration Environment (PCE) that collectively ensure that each application meets its deadlines using minimal platform resources. In this work several novel architectural enhancements, algorithms and policies are presented to realize the virtual runtime application partitions efficiently. Considering the future design trends, we have chosen Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) and Network on Chips (NoCs) to test the feasibility of our approach. Specifically, we have chosen Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Array (DRRA) and McNoC as the representative CGRA and NoC platforms. The proposed techniques are compared and evaluated using a variety of quantitative experiments. Synthesis and simulation results demonstrate VRAP significantly enhances the energy and power efficiency compared to state of the art.Siirretty Doriast

    FDSOI Design using Automated Standard-Cell-Grained Body Biasing

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    With the introduction of FDSOI processes at competitive technology nodes, body biasing on an unprecedented scale was made possible. Body biasing influences one of the central transistor characteristics, the threshold voltage. By being able to heighten or lower threshold voltage by more than 100mV, the very physics of transistor switching can be manipulated at run time. Furthermore, as body biasing does not lead to different signal levels, it can be applied much more fine-grained than, e.g., DVFS. With the state of the art mainly focused on combinations of body biasing with DVFS, it has thus ignored granularities unfeasible for DVFS. This thesis fills this gap by proposing body bias domain partitioning techniques and for body bias domain partitionings thereby generated, algorithms that search for body bias assignments. Several different granularities ranging from entire cores to small groups of standard cells were examined using two principal approaches: Designer aided pre-partitioning based determination of body bias domains and a first-time, fully automatized, netlist based approach called domain candidate exploration. Both approaches operate along the lines of activation and timing of standard cell groups. These approaches were evaluated using the example of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor (DRP), a highly efficient category of reconfigurable architectures which consists of an array of processing elements and thus offers many opportunities for generalization towards many-core architectures. Finally, the proposed methods were validated by manufacturing a test-chip. Extensive simulation runs as well as the test-chip evaluation showed the validity of the proposed methods and indicated substantial improvements in energy efficiency compared to the state of the art. These improvements were accomplished by the fine-grained partitioning of the DRP design. This method allowed reducing dynamic power through supply voltage levels yielding higher clock frequencies using forward body biasing, while simultaneously reducing static power consumption in unused parts.Die Einführung von FDSOI Prozessen in gegenwärtigen Prozessgrößen ermöglichte die Nutzung von Substratvorspannung in nie zuvor dagewesenem Umfang. Substratvorspannung beeinflusst unter anderem eine zentrale Eigenschaft von Transistoren, die Schwellspannung. Mittels Substratvorspannung kann diese um mehr als 100mV erhöht oder gesenkt werden, was es ermöglicht, die schiere Physik des Schaltvorgangs zu manipulieren. Da weiterhin hiervon der Signalpegel der digitalen Signale unberührt bleibt, kann diese Technik auch in feineren Granularitäten angewendet werden, als z.B. Dynamische Spannungs- und Frequenz Anpassung (Engl. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, Abk. DVFS). Da jedoch der Stand der Technik Substratvorspannung hauptsächlich in Kombinationen mit DVFS anwendet, werden feinere Granularitäten, welche für DVFS nicht mehr wirtschaftlich realisierbar sind, nicht berücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt diese Lücke, indem sie Partitionierungsalgorithmen zur Unterteilung eines Entwurfs in Substratvorspannungsdomänen vorschlägt und für diese hierdurch unterteilten Domänen entsprechende Substratvorspannungen berechnet. Hierzu wurden verschiedene Granularitäten berücksichtigt, von ganzen Prozessorkernen bis hin zu kleinen Gruppen von Standardzellen. Diese Entwürfe wurden dann mit zwei verschiedenen Herangehensweisen unterteilt: Chipdesigner unterstützte, vorpartitionierungsbasierte Bestimmung von Substratvorspannungsdomänen, sowie ein erstmals vollautomatisierter, Netzlisten basierter Ansatz, in dieser Arbeit Domänen Kandidaten Exploration genannt. Beide Ansätze funktionieren nach dem Prinzip der Aktivierung, d.h. zu welchem Zeitpunkt welcher Teil des Entwurfs aktiv ist, sowie der Signallaufzeit durch die entsprechenden Entwurfsteile. Diese Ansätze wurden anhand des Beispiels Dynamisch Rekonfigurierbarer Prozessoren (DRP) evaluiert. DRPs stellen eine Klasse hocheffizienter rekonfigurierbarer Architekturen dar, welche hauptsächlich aus einem Feld von Rechenelementen besteht und dadurch auch zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur Verallgemeinerung hinsichtlich Many-Core Architekturen zulässt. Schließlich wurden die vorgeschlagenen Methoden in einem Testchip validiert. Alle ermittelten Ergebnisse zeigen im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik drastische Verbesserungen der Energieeffizienz, welche durch die feingranulare Unterteilung in Substratvorspannungsdomänen erzielt wurde. Hierdurch konnten durch die Anwendung von Substratvorspannung höhere Taktfrequenzen bei gleicher Versorgungsspannung erzielt werden, während zeitgleich in zeitlich unkritischen oder ungenutzten Entwurfsteilen die statische Leistungsaufnahme minimiert wurde

    Baseband analog front-end and digital back-end for reconfigurable multi-standard terminals

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    Multimedia applications are driving wireless network operators to add high-speed data services such as Edge (E-GPRS), WCDMA (UMTS) and WLAN (IEEE 802.11a,b,g) to the existing GSM network. This creates the need for multi-mode cellular handsets that support a wide range of communication standards, each with a different RF frequency, signal bandwidth, modulation scheme etc. This in turn generates several design challenges for the analog and digital building blocks of the physical layer. In addition to the above-mentioned protocols, mobile devices often include Bluetooth, GPS, FM-radio and TV services that can work concurrently with data and voice communication. Multi-mode, multi-band, and multi-standard mobile terminals must satisfy all these different requirements. Sharing and/or switching transceiver building blocks in these handsets is mandatory in order to extend battery life and/or reduce cost. Only adaptive circuits that are able to reconfigure themselves within the handover time can meet the design requirements of a single receiver or transmitter covering all the different standards while ensuring seamless inter-interoperability. This paper presents analog and digital base-band circuits that are able to support GSM (with Edge), WCDMA (UMTS), WLAN and Bluetooth using reconfigurable building blocks. The blocks can trade off power consumption for performance on the fly, depending on the standard to be supported and the required QoS (Quality of Service) leve

    Multiprocessor System-on-Chips based Wireless Sensor Network Energy Optimization

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an integrated part of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) used to monitor the physical or environmental conditions without human intervention. In WSN one of the major challenges is energy consumption reduction both at the sensor nodes and network levels. High energy consumption not only causes an increased carbon footprint but also limits the lifetime (LT) of the network. Network-on-Chip (NoC) based Multiprocessor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) are becoming the de-facto computing platform for computationally extensive real-time applications in IoT due to their high performance and exceptional quality-of-service. In this thesis a task scheduling problem is investigated using MPSoCs architecture for tasks with precedence and deadline constraints in order to minimize the processing energy consumption while guaranteeing the timing constraints. Moreover, energy-aware nodes clustering is also performed to reduce the transmission energy consumption of the sensor nodes. Three distinct problems for energy optimization are investigated given as follows: First, a contention-aware energy-efficient static scheduling using NoC based heterogeneous MPSoC is performed for real-time tasks with an individual deadline and precedence constraints. An offline meta-heuristic based contention-aware energy-efficient task scheduling is developed that performs task ordering, mapping, and voltage assignment in an integrated manner. Compared to state-of-the-art scheduling our proposed algorithm significantly improves the energy-efficiency. Second, an energy-aware scheduling is investigated for a set of tasks with precedence constraints deploying Voltage Frequency Island (VFI) based heterogeneous NoC-MPSoCs. A novel population based algorithm called ARSH-FATI is developed that can dynamically switch between explorative and exploitative search modes at run-time. ARSH-FATI performance is superior to the existing task schedulers developed for homogeneous VFI-NoC-MPSoCs. Third, the transmission energy consumption of the sensor nodes in WSN is reduced by developing ARSH-FATI based Cluster Head Selection (ARSH-FATI-CHS) algorithm integrated with a heuristic called Novel Ranked Based Clustering (NRC). In cluster formation parameters such as residual energy, distance parameters, and workload on CHs are considered to improve LT of the network. The results prove that ARSH-FATI-CHS outperforms other state-of-the-art clustering algorithms in terms of LT.University of Derby, Derby, U

    Dynamic Power Management for Neuromorphic Many-Core Systems

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    This work presents a dynamic power management architecture for neuromorphic many core systems such as SpiNNaker. A fast dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique is presented which allows the processing elements (PE) to change their supply voltage and clock frequency individually and autonomously within less than 100 ns. This is employed by the neuromorphic simulation software flow, which defines the performance level (PL) of the PE based on the actual workload within each simulation cycle. A test chip in 28 nm SLP CMOS technology has been implemented. It includes 4 PEs which can be scaled from 0.7 V to 1.0 V with frequencies from 125 MHz to 500 MHz at three distinct PLs. By measurement of three neuromorphic benchmarks it is shown that the total PE power consumption can be reduced by 75%, with 80% baseline power reduction and a 50% reduction of energy per neuron and synapse computation, all while maintaining temporary peak system performance to achieve biological real-time operation of the system. A numerical model of this power management model is derived which allows DVFS architecture exploration for neuromorphics. The proposed technique is to be used for the second generation SpiNNaker neuromorphic many core system

    Low-power instruction-caches design for embedded microprocessors

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    Low power digital signal processing

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