3 research outputs found

    Measurement Based Reconfigurations in Optical Ring Metro Networks

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    Single-hop wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical ring networks operating in packet mode are one of themost promising architectures for the design of innovative metropolitan network (metro) architectures. They permit a cost-effective design, with a good combination of optical and electronic technologies, while supporting features like restoration and reconfiguration that are essential in any metro scenario. In this article, we address the tunability requirements that lead to an effective resource usage and permit reconfiguration in optical WDM metros.We introduce reconfiguration algorithms that, on the basis of traffic measurements, adapt the network configuration to traffic demands to optimize performance. Using a specific network architecture as a reference case, the paper aims at the broader goal of showing which are the advantages fostered by innovative network designs exploiting the features of optical technologies

    Effect Of Reconfiguration On Ip Packet Traffic In Wdm Networks

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Günümüzde iletişim ağlarına erişen insan sayısı ve iletişim uygulamalarının ihtiyaç duyduğu band genişliği ihtiyacı hızla artmaya devam etmektedir. Artan trafik istekleri daha geniş band genişliği kullanımına olanak verebilen optik iletişim ağlarının tasarımını tetiklemektedir. Bir veya daha fazla sayıda optik fiberi kapsayabilen bir ışıkyolu alt katmanda yer alan optik altyapının üzerinde iletişim kanalları sağlamaktadır. Sanal topoloji tasarımı, verilen bir trafik matrisine göre bir grup ışık yolunun kurulması olarak tanımlanabilir. Trafikte meydana gelecek bir değişiklik yeniden konfigürasyon kararının alınmasına neden olabilir. Sanal topoloji yeniden konfigürasyonu, hem yeni sanal topolojinin belirlenmesini hem de bu yeni topolojiye geçişi içermektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında IP/WDM ağlarda sanal topoloji yeniden konfigürasyonunun IP paket trafiği üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında, çeşitli yeniden kofigürasyon algoritmaları gerçeklenmiş ve Fishnet tabanlı bir IP simülatörü üzerinde test edilmiştir. Gerçeklenen sanal topoloji tasarım algoritmalarına ait paket gecikmeleri/kayıpları incelenmiş ve algoritmaların başarımları karşılaştırılmıştır.Today, both the amount of people accessing communication networks and new communication applications which require high data transfer rates are exponentially increasing. Growing traffic demands triggered the design of optical communication networks which will be able to provide larger bandwidth utilization. A lightpath, which can span multiple fiber links, provides communication channels over the underlying optical communication infrastructure. Virtual Topology Design (VTD) means establishment of a set of lightpaths under a given traffic pattern. A change in traffic pattern may trigger reconfiguration decision. Virtual Topology Reconfiguration (VTR) contains determination of a new virtual topology and migration between the old and new virtual topologies. In this thesis, the effects of virtual topology reconfiguration on Internet Protocol (IP) packet traffic on IP over WDM networks were studied. Various reconfiguration algorithms were implemented and tested on a Fishnet based IP simulator. Packet delays/losses are investigated during reconfiguration procedure for performance comparison of implemented reconfiguration algorithms.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Dynamic wavelength allocation in IP/WDM metro access networks

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 132-139.Increasing demand for bandwidth and proliferation of packet based traffic have been causing architectural changes in the communications infrastructure. In this evolution, metro networks face both the capacity and dynamic adaptability constraints. The increase in the access and backbone speeds result in high bandwidth requirements, whereas the popularity of wireless access and limited number of customers in metro area necessitates traffic adaptability. Traditional architecture which has been optimized for carrying circuit-switched connections, is far from meeting these requirements. Recently, several architectures have been proposed for future metro access networks. Nearly all of these solutions support dynamic allocation of bandwidth to follow fluctuations in the traffic demand. However, reconfiguration policies that can be used in this process have not been fully explored yet. In this thesis, dynamic wavelength allocation (DWA) policies for IP/WDM metro access networks with reconfiguration delays are considered. Reconfiguration actions incur a cost since a portion of the capacity becomes idle in the reconfiguration period due to the signalling latencies and tuning times of optical transceivers. Exact formulation of the DWA problem is developed as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and a new cost function is proposed to attain both throughput efficiency and fairness. For larger problems, a heuristic approach based on first passage probabilities is developed. The performance of the method is evaluated under both stationary and non-stationary traffic conditions. The effects of relevant network and traffic parameters, such as delay and flow size are also discussed. Finally, performance bounds for the DWA methods are derived.Yetginer, EmrePh.D