2,881 research outputs found

    mPart: Miss Ratio Curve Guided Partitioning in Key-Value Stores

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    Web applications employ key-value stores to cache the data that is most commonly accessed. The cache improves an web applicationā€™s performance by serving its requests from memory, avoiding fetching them from the backend database. Since the memory space is limited, maximizing the memory utilization is a key to delivering the best performance possible. This has lead to the use of multi-tenant systems, allowing applications to share cache space. In addition, application data access patterns change over time, so the system should be adaptive in its memory allocation. In this thesis, we address both multi-tenancy (where a single cache is used for mul- tiple applications) and dynamic workloads (changing access patterns) using a model that relates the cache size to the application miss ratio, known as a miss ratio curve. Intuitively, the larger the cache, the less likely the system will need to fetch the data from the database. Our efficient, online construction of the miss ratio curve allows us to determine a near optimal memory allocation given the available system memory, while adapting to changing data access patterns. We show that our model outper- forms an existing state-of-the-art sharing model, Memshare, in terms of cache hit ratio and does so at a lower time cost. We show that average hit ratio is consistently 1 percentage point greater and 99.9th percentile latency is reduced by as much as 2.9% under standard web application workloads containing millions of requests

    Memory resource balancing for virtualized computing

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    Virtualization has become a common abstraction layer in modern data centers. By multiplexing hardware resources into multiple virtual machines (VMs) and thus enabling several operating systems to run on the same physical platform simultaneously, it can effectively reduce power consumption and building size or improve security by isolating VMs. In a virtualized system, memory resource management plays a critical role in achieving high resource utilization and performance. Insufficient memory allocation to a VM will degrade its performance dramatically. On the contrary, over-allocation causes waste of memory resources. Meanwhile, a VMā€™s memory demand may vary significantly. As a result, effective memory resource management calls for a dynamic memory balancer, which, ideally, can adjust memory allocation in a timely manner for each VM based on their current memory demand and thus achieve the best memory utilization and the optimal overall performance. In order to estimate the memory demand of each VM and to arbitrate possible memory resource contention, a widely proposed approach is to construct an LRU-based miss ratio curve (MRC), which provides not only the current working set size (WSS) but also the correlation between performance and the target memory allocation size. Unfortunately, the cost of constructing an MRC is nontrivial. In this dissertation, we first present a low overhead LRU-based memory demand tracking scheme, which includes three orthogonal optimizations: AVL-based LRU organization, dynamic hot set sizing and intermittent memory tracking. Our evaluation results show that, for the whole SPEC CPU 2006 benchmark suite, after applying the three optimizing techniques, the mean overhead of MRC construction is lowered from 173% to only 2%. Based on current WSS, we then predict its trend in the near future and take different strategies for different prediction results. When there is a sufficient amount of physical memory on the host, it locally balances its memory resource for the VMs. Once the local memory resource is insufficient and the memory pressure is predicted to sustain for a sufficiently long time, a relatively expensive solution, VM live migration, is used to move one or more VMs from the hot host to other host(s). Finally, for transient memory pressure, a remote cache is used to alleviate the temporary performance penalty. Our experimental results show that this design achieves 49% center-wide speedup

    Cache-Aware Memory Manager for Optimistic Simulations

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    Parallel Discrete Event Simulation is a well known technique for executing complex general-purpose simulations where models are described as objects the interaction of which is expressed through the generation of impulsive events. In particular, Optimistic Simulation allows full exploitation of the available computational power, avoiding the need to compute safety properties for the events to be executed. Optimistic Simulation platforms internally rely on several data structures, which are meant to support operations aimed at ensuring correctness, inter-kernel communication and/or event scheduling. These housekeeping and management operations access them according to complex patterns, commonly suļ¬€ering from misuse of memory caching architectures. In particular, operations like log/restore access data structures on a periodic basis, producing the replacement of in-cache buļ¬€ers related to the actual working set of the application logic, producing a non-negligible performance drop. In this work we propose generally-applicable design principles for a new memory management subsystem targeted at Optimistic Simulation platforms which can face this issue by wisely allocating memory buļ¬€ers depending on their actual future access patterns, in order to enhance event-execution memory locality. Additionally, an application-transparent implementation within ROOT-Sim, an open-source generalpurpose optimistic simulation platform, is presented along with experimental results testing our proposal

    BAG : Managing GPU as buffer cache in operating systems

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    This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of BAG, a system that manages GPU as the buffer cache in operating systems. Unlike previous uses of GPUs, which have focused on the computational capabilities of GPUs, BAG is designed to explore a new dimension in managing GPUs in heterogeneous systems where the GPU memory is an exploitable but always ignored resource. With the carefully designed data structures and algorithms, such as concurrent hashtable, log-structured data store for the management of GPU memory, and highly-parallel GPU kernels for garbage collection, BAG achieves good performance under various workloads. In addition, leveraging the existing abstraction of the operating system not only makes the implementation of BAG non-intrusive, but also facilitates the system deployment

    Improving I/O Performance using Cache as a Service on Cloud

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    Caching is gaining popularity in Cloud world. It is one of the key technologies which plays a major role in bridging the performance gap between memory hierarchies through spatial or temporal localities. In cloud systems, heavy I/O activities are associated with different applications. Due to heavy I/O activities, performance is degrading. If caching is implemented, these applications would be benefited the most. The use of a Cache as a Service (CaaS) model as a cost efficient cache solution to the disk I/O problem. We have built the remote-memory based cache that is pluggable and file system independent to support various configurations. The cloud Server process introduce, pricing model together with the elastic cache system. This will increase the disk I/O performance of the IaaS, and it will reduce the usage of the physical machines. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150516

    Applicability of buffered main memory to SYMBOL-IIR like computing structures

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