15 research outputs found

    Dynamic Measures of Individual Deprivation

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    We introduce a one-parameter class of individual deprivation measures. Motivated by a suggestion of Runciman, we modify Yitzhaki’s index by multiplying it by a function that is interpreted as measuring the part of deprivation generated by an agent’s observation that others in his reference group move on to a higher level of income than himself. The parameter reflects the relative weight given to these dynamic considerations, and the standard Yitzhaki index is obtained as a special case. In addition, we characterize more general classes of measures that pay attention to this important dynamic aspect of deprivationDeprivation, Equity, Individual Well-Being.

    Dynamic Measures of Individual Deprivation

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    We introduce and axiomatize a one-parameter class of individual deprivation measures. Motivated by a suggestion of Runciman, we modify Yitzhaki’s index by multiplying it by a function that is interpreted as measuring the part of deprivation generated by an agent’s observation that others in its reference group move on to a higher level of income than itself. The parameter reflects the relative weight given to these dynamic considerations, and the standard Yitzhaki index is obtained as a special case. In addition, we characterize more general classes of measures that pay attention to this important dynamic aspect of deprivation

    Estimating multidimensional poverty in a developing country. The case of the “Observatoire de GuinĂ©e Maritime » Project (In French)

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    The aim of this contribution is to present the several steps needed in order to evaluate multidimensional poverty. Based on the capability approach and more precisely on its informational basis, a list of achieved functionings, one offers a measure of multidimensional well-being and evaluates the incidence of the multidimensional poverty, based on data collected within the “Observatoires de la GuinĂ©e Maritime” Project..poverty, capabilities, functionings, fuzzy sets theory, Maritime Guinea, observatories

    Comparing indices of relative deprivation using behavioural evidence

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    What measure of relative deprivation best predicts health? While numerous indices of relative deprivation exist, few studies have compared how well different measures account for empirical data. Hounkpatin et al. (2016) demonstrated that the relative ranked position of an individual i's income within a comparison group (their relative rank) was a better predictor of i's health than i's relative deprivation as assessed by the widely-used Yitzhaki index. In their commentary, Stark and Jakubek (2020) argue that both relative rank and relative deprivation may matter, and they develop a composite index. Here we identify some issues with their composite index, develop an alternative based on behavioural evidence, and test the various indices against data. Although almost all existing indices assume that the significance of an income y to an individual with income y (y >y ) will be some increasing function of the difference between y and y , we find that the influence of j's income on i's health is actually a reducing function of (y -y ). This finding - that less significance is assigned to distant higher incomes than to near higher incomes - is consistent with the well-established idea that we compare ourselves primarily to similar others. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    A class of proximity-sensitive measures of relative deprivation

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    We introduce a new class of generalized measures of relative deprivation. The class takes the form of a power mean of order p. A characteristic of the class is that depending on the value of the proximity-sensitive parameter p, the class is capable of accommodating both a decreasing weight (the case of p > 1), and an increasing weight (the case of p ∈ (0,1)) accorded to given changes in the incomes of the individuals who are wealthier than the reference individual, depending on their proximity in the income distribution to the reference individual

    VĂĄros Ă©s VidĂ©ke. TelepĂŒlĂ©sszociolĂłgiai tanulmĂĄnyok 2. : A vĂĄros

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    A VĂĄros Ă©s VidĂ©ke sorozat a szegedi szociolĂłgus kĂ©pzĂ©s telepĂŒlĂ©skutatĂł szakirĂĄnyĂĄn vĂ©gzett kutatĂĄsok eredmĂĄnyeit foglalja kötetbe. A sorozat 2. kötete a vĂĄrosrĂłl, nevezetesen SzegedrƑl szĂłl, amelyben a vĂĄros tĂĄrsadalmĂĄnak kĂ©t kĂŒlönbözƑ nĂ©zƑpontbĂłl valĂł bemutatĂĄsĂĄt tƱztĂŒk ki cĂ©lul. Az egyik nĂ©zƑpont egy-egy ĂĄltalunk Ă©rdekesebbnbek vĂ©lt tĂ©makör (politikai pĂĄrtvĂĄlasztĂĄs, szegregĂĄciĂł, identitĂĄs, tĂĄrsadalmi tĂĄvolsĂĄgtartĂĄs)statisztikai adatok alapjĂĄn törtĂ©nƑ elemzĂ©se, a mĂĄsodoik pedig a vĂĄroslakĂłk fejĂ©ben Ă©lƑ Szeged megrajzolĂĄsa volt a szociolĂłgiĂĄban is egyre nĂ©pszerƱbbĂ© vĂĄlĂł mentĂĄlis tĂ©rkĂ©pezĂ©s mĂłdszerĂ©vel