227,075 research outputs found

    Space Saving by Dynamic Algebraization

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    Dynamic programming is widely used for exact computations based on tree decompositions of graphs. However, the space complexity is usually exponential in the treewidth. We study the problem of designing efficient dynamic programming algorithm based on tree decompositions in polynomial space. We show how to construct a tree decomposition and extend the algebraic techniques of Lokshtanov and Nederlof such that the dynamic programming algorithm runs in time O∗(2h)O^*(2^h), where hh is the maximum number of vertices in the union of bags on the root to leaf paths on a given tree decomposition, which is a parameter closely related to the tree-depth of a graph. We apply our algorithm to the problem of counting perfect matchings on grids and show that it outperforms other polynomial-space solutions. We also apply the algorithm to other set covering and partitioning problems.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    On space efficiency of algorithms working on structural decompositions of graphs

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    Dynamic programming on path and tree decompositions of graphs is a technique that is ubiquitous in the field of parameterized and exponential-time algorithms. However, one of its drawbacks is that the space usage is exponential in the decomposition's width. Following the work of Allender et al. [Theory of Computing, '14], we investigate whether this space complexity explosion is unavoidable. Using the idea of reparameterization of Cai and Juedes [J. Comput. Syst. Sci., '03], we prove that the question is closely related to a conjecture that the Longest Common Subsequence problem parameterized by the number of input strings does not admit an algorithm that simultaneously uses XP time and FPT space. Moreover, we complete the complexity landscape sketched for pathwidth and treewidth by Allender et al. by considering the parameter tree-depth. We prove that computations on tree-depth decompositions correspond to a model of non-deterministic machines that work in polynomial time and logarithmic space, with access to an auxiliary stack of maximum height equal to the decomposition's depth. Together with the results of Allender et al., this describes a hierarchy of complexity classes for polynomial-time non-deterministic machines with different restrictions on the access to working space, which mirrors the classic relations between treewidth, pathwidth, and tree-depth.Comment: An extended abstract appeared in the proceedings of STACS'16. The new version is augmented with a space-efficient algorithm for Dominating Set using the Chinese remainder theore

    Less redundant codes for variable size dictionaries

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    We report on a family of variable-length codes with less redundancy than the flat code used in most of the variable size dictionary-based compression methods. The length of codes belonging to this family is still bounded above by [log_2/ |D|] where |D| denotes the dictionary size. We describe three of these codes, namely, the balanced code, the phase-in-binary code (PB), and the depth-span code (DS). As the name implies, the balanced code is constructed by a height balanced tree, so it has the shortest average codeword length. The corresponding coding tree for the PB code has an interesting property that it is made of full binary phases, and thus the code can be computed efficiently using simple binary shifting operations. The DS coding tree is maintained in such a way that the coder always finds the longest extendable codeword and extends it until it reaches the maximum length. It is optimal with respect to the code-length contrast. The PB and balanced codes have almost similar improvements, around 3% to 7% which is very close to the relative redundancy in flat code. The DS code is particularly good in dealing with files with a large amount of redundancy, such as a running sequence of one symbol. We also did some empirical study on the codeword distribution in the LZW dictionary and proposed a scheme called dynamic block shifting (DBS) to further improve the codes' performance. Experiments suggest that the DBS is helpful in compressing random sequences. From an application point of view, PB code with DBS is recommended for general practical usage

    On the Huffman and Alphabetic Tree Problem with General Cost Functions

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    We address generalized versions of the Huffman and Alphabetic Tree Problem where the cost caused by each individual leaf i, instead of being linear, depends on its depth in the tree by an arbitrary function. The objective is to minimize either the total cost or the maximum cost among all leaves. We review and extend the known results in this direction and devise a number of new algorithms and hardness proofs. It turns out that the Dynamic Programming approach for the Alphabetic Tree Problem can be extended to arbitrary cost functions, resulting in a time O(n (4)) optimal algorithm using space O(n (3)). We identify classes of cost functions where the well-known trick to reduce the runtime by a factor of n via a "monotonicity" property can be applied. For the generalized Huffman Tree Problem we show that even the k-ary version can be solved by a generalized version of the Coin Collector Algorithm of Larmore and Hirschberg (in Proc. SODA'90, pp. 310-318, 1990) when the cost functions are nondecreasing and convex. Furthermore, we give an O(n (2)logn) algorithm for the worst case minimization variants of both the Huffman and Alphabetic Tree Problem with nondecreasing cost functions. Investigating the limits of computational tractability, we show that the Huffman Tree Problem in its full generality is inapproximable unless P = NP, no matter if the objective function is the sum of leaf costs or their maximum. The alphabetic version becomes NP-hard when the leaf costs are interdependent.ArticleALGORITHMICA. 69(3): 582-604 (2014)journal articl

    Labeling Schemes with Queries

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    We study the question of ``how robust are the known lower bounds of labeling schemes when one increases the number of consulted labels''. Let ff be a function on pairs of vertices. An ff-labeling scheme for a family of graphs \cF labels the vertices of all graphs in \cF such that for every graph G\in\cF and every two vertices u,v∈Gu,v\in G, the value f(u,v)f(u,v) can be inferred by merely inspecting the labels of uu and vv. This paper introduces a natural generalization: the notion of ff-labeling schemes with queries, in which the value f(u,v)f(u,v) can be inferred by inspecting not only the labels of uu and vv but possibly the labels of some additional vertices. We show that inspecting the label of a single additional vertex (one {\em query}) enables us to reduce the label size of many labeling schemes significantly
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