53 research outputs found

    Computer integrated documentation

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    The main technical issues of the Computer Integrated Documentation (CID) project are presented. The problem of automation of documents management and maintenance is analyzed both from an artificial intelligence viewpoint and from a human factors viewpoint. Possible technologies for CID are reviewed: conventional approaches to indexing and information retrieval; hypertext; and knowledge based systems. A particular effort was made to provide an appropriate representation for contextual knowledge. This representation is used to generate context on hypertext links. Thus, indexing in CID is context sensitive. The implementation of the current version of CID is described. It includes a hypertext data base, a knowledge based management and maintenance system, and a user interface. A series is also presented of theoretical considerations as navigation in hyperspace, acquisition of indexing knowledge, generation and maintenance of a large documentation, and relation to other work

    Conferentie informatiewetenschap 1999 : Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 12 november 1999 : proceedings

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    Conferentie informatiewetenschap 1999 : Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 12 november 1999 : proceedings

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    Ontology-based methodology for error detection in software design

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    Improving the quality of a software design with the goal of producing a high quality software product continues to grow in importance due to the costs that result from poorly designed software. It is commonly accepted that multiple design views are required in order to clearly specify the required functionality of software. There is universal agreement as to the importance of identifying inconsistencies early in the software design process, but the challenge is how to reconcile the representations of the diverse views to ensure consistency. To address the problem of inconsistencies that occur across multiple design views, this research introduces the Methodology for Objects to Agents (MOA). MOA utilizes a new ontology, the Ontology for Software Specification and Design (OSSD), as a common information model to integrate specification knowledge and design knowledge in order to facilitate the interoperability of formal requirements modeling tools and design tools, with the end goal of detecting inconsistency errors in a design. The methodology, which transforms designs represented using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) into representations written in formal agent-oriented modeling languages, integrates object-oriented concepts and agent-oriented concepts in order to take advantage of the benefits that both approaches can provide. The OSSD model is a hierarchical decomposition of software development concepts, including ontological constructs of objects, attributes, behavior, relations, states, transitions, goals, constraints, and plans. The methodology includes a consistency checking process that defines a consistency framework and an Inter-View Inconsistency Detection technique. MOA enhances software design quality by integrating multiple software design views, integrating object-oriented and agent-oriented concepts, and defining an error detection method that associates rules with ontological properties

    Conjunctive programming: An interactive approach to software system synthesis

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    This report introduces a technique of software documentation called conjunctive programming and discusses its role in the development and maintenance of software systems. The report also describes the conjoin tool, an adjunct to assist practitioners. Aimed at supporting software reuse while conforming with conventional development practices, conjunctive programming is defined as the extraction, integration, and embellishment of pertinent information obtained directly from an existing database of software artifacts, such as specifications, source code, configuration data, link-edit scripts, utility files, and other relevant information, into a product that achieves desired levels of detail, content, and production quality. Conjunctive programs typically include automatically generated tables of contents, indexes, cross references, bibliographic citations, tables, and figures (including graphics and illustrations). This report presents an example of conjunctive programming by documenting the use and implementation of the conjoin program

    Applied and Computational Linguistics

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    Розглядається сучасний стан прикладної та комп’ютерної лінгвістики, проаналізовано лінгвістичні теорії 20-го – початку 21-го століть під кутом розмежування різних аспектів мови з метою формалізованого опису у електронних лінгвістичних ресурсах. Запропоновано критичний огляд таких актуальних проблем прикладної (комп’ютерної) лінгвістики як укладання комп’ютерних лексиконів та електронних текстових корпусів, автоматична обробка природної мови, автоматичний синтез та розпізнавання мовлення, машинний переклад, створення інтелектуальних роботів, здатних сприймати інформацію природною мовою. Для студентів та аспірантів гуманітарного профілю, науково-педагогічних працівників вищих навчальних закладів України